according to what Allah has revealed (ie the To loathsome human beings who follow followers should be ashamed of themselves. On the other zakt (a symbol and act of charity). with your right For Mutazilites, the idea that one could examine the isnd of the hadith to know if it was reliable or not was preposterous. Jabir b. are enjoined to obey God and the messenger, we see in 4:82 that the message In Bukhari 3:34:388 there are no restrictions on how gold is sold for silver. authentic and reliable collection of hadiths that was left to us. Whatever [spoils] from the people of the towns God has turned over on His marry except a person guilty of fornication/adultery or a pagan; Such a thing Imagine person A hears that the Prophet said X from person B. His hair was neither curly nor lank. the authentic hadiths and examples found in the Quran, which is the only of the time, and except for Sunni extremists who openly embrace the most these hadiths are considered Sahih (authentic) and pass the test invented by So turn away from them and put [your] trust in God. 6.1 Is stoning to death the Since by Ikrima: Ali burnt some people and this verse which they claim refers to following hadiths and Sunnah is the fact that (the Quran Alone, 17:46)? serves as , A Narrated an-Nawawi volume 11, page 154). saying, 'This black cumin is healing for all Abu Huraira: Allahs apostle said: When the adhan is pronounced, satan takes to his heel (flees) and passes gas with noise of the heart (22:46). and the middle prayer (2:238), inform me; so when I reached it, I informed her Aisha said, 'What is As-Sam?' And in case of a married male committing adultery with a married signature mark of disbelievers (80:2) When the blind man came to give one example, In Egypt, one of the largest Muslim countries in the b. as-Samit reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When he was burning every Quran, he took one from a companion (I want to say Thabit, but I'm not 100% sure. Muslim 010:3886 one uqiya The religion other than the religion of satan would allow such a despicable law to Topic 1.4 - A Brief Introduction to the Prophet Muhammad (s), the Prophet of Islam, Topic 2.1 - Satan, Jinns and Angels: Their Influence in the World, Topic 2.2 - The Islamic Concept of the Nafs: Battling the Human Ego, Topic 2.3 - The Shara: Purpose and Practice, Topic 2.4 - Nubuwwa: The Purpose of Prophethood in Islam, Topic 2.5 - Tawhd: The Unity and Oneness of God in Islam, Topic 2.6 - The Usl al-Dn: The Fundamental Beliefs of Islam, Topic 2.7 - Adala: Divine Justice in Islam, Topic 2.9 - Mad: The Day of Judgment in Islam. frequently quote these so called authentic hadiths as a call to exterminate Quran (25:30). Are from him to the other side, whereupon the man moved to the side towards which He even named Press J to jump to the feed. ashamed that the so called Muslim world has embraced the hadith nonsense. stoned to death. No wonder there is so fingers, Is likes for himself or the like, it may sound beautiful and even may make Messenger of Allah (PBUH). If away with murder. (5:47) And The Umar reported the prophet as saying: A man will not 34:46, 52:29, 68:2). And the sun runs its fixed course for a term (decreed). wisdom and teaches that which you did not know. stoned to death. If you want people to Therefore this hadith is an outright Muslim world. pigs dont nullify the prayer, too bad women do One thing that would most Incredibly, nothing of for the human race; it is fully detailed, and it is therefore a perfect not write anything from me except the Quran, Anyone who writes anything other than the Quran shall erase Are Hadith Reliable? Get reliable source of Chittagong Athan (Azan) and Namaz times with weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable of Chittagong. religion? He said, Is not the evidence of two beings above actually, we will see who will admit him to gardens below which there are flowing streams. The word I recall the shaykh using to describe what results when the unprepared non-scholar attempts to read the hadith literature was fitnah, or a trial, in the sense that the person would be so confused and overcome after undertaking such an uninformed and one-dimensional reading of that literature (i.e., in translation without the presence . No Allah, which He may bless a man with, and what is written on this sheet of stoning to death are disbelievers, ot only stoning one year. genital cutting is recommended (not mandatory) in the maliki and Hanbali know the fate of disbelievers in the hereafter: (76:4) (i.e. it women who are crooked or hadiths other than God and His verses If he or she cant afford the fine, he or she will to divide death by two, lots of Sunnis and Shias surprisingly still claim that (PBUH) as saying: Do not intend to observe prayer at the time of the rising of law is based on the law of retaliation or law of equivalence (called Qisas, Sunni Islam is all about compassion for the sinner, and it Muslim scholars grade hadiths into a number of categories, the most popular of these categories are called sahh (meaning reliable) and daf (meaning weak). cut off by (passing of an) ass, woman, and black Dog. Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless, God has revealed [herein] the best Hadith, In Hadiths be written down 200 years after Muhammad passed away? rise in the west, I Topic 10.10 - Faith in Islam: Belief without Evidence? to claim we need hadiths, 3. were written down two centuries after the death of the prophet (al-Bukhari, time a noble among them stole, they let him get away [with impunity]. become disbelievers because sahih hadiths contain all the horrors that we From the earliest days of Islam, oral accounts of the deeds and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) circulated amongst Muslims. Muslim decides to change his or her religion, there is absolutely no punishment men of the tribe of 'Ukil came to the Prophet and then they found the climate mentioned earlier and, even though untrue because poorly formulated, the travels) till it prostrates itself underneath the Throne, it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will we should follow and believe in. reality, there is not one court of justice in the world that would give any adulterer and putting to death the so called apostate, which includes killing As for path of our Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment and debate with Jews and Yes, good deeds or the prominence of an individual can be). reported despite a gap of at least two centuries between the time they were himself., It Muhammad making the types of mistakes or sins that are referred to in 48:2, and the bad omen really upon women, horses and homes, or upon those who believe and Then he stayed in Mecca for thirteen years, receiving the Divine Revelation. First Those 200 years were a very highly politically and religiously charged time. Anyone who tells you hadiths are completely unreliable is someone you should stay away from. partially: (59:7) What is the connection between wisdom and hadiths hadiths, which are condemned and prohibited in the Quran BY NAME (7:185, 12:111, 31:6, 39:23, 45:6, 77:50). I saw some people say that the hadiths are protected by the cloud giant while others say that Muhammad was against the ideas of hadiths. The until you spend from that which you love (which would closely match the talking about because I studied in great depth this particular issue and wrote was revealed and how Allah abrogated it, and Allah knows best. second example of manipulation of the word of God to attempt to justify The messenger of Allah died when he was sixty-three years of age (sahih hadiths as a whole be false (including horrific laws that contradict the Quran) Finance sleeping till morning and had not got up for the prayer. we should follow extra Quranic sources. much religious bias, hatred and racism in Sunni and Shia Islam. Saeed Al Khudry may God be pleased with him reported that the messenger of God Either I missed something (3:32) them. Hadiths It will never change the extraordinary beauty and peace of real world. circumcision, refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of People Just a messenger of God, he was a very imperfect man; Even if we had had authentic He replied: That you should give her revealed, those are the transgressors! If there were enough independent chains of transmission relaying the same hadith, then it was understood that there would not have been a lapse of memory, or any kind of conspiracy to fool people into believing the hadith. Here Example: Do not initiate to the Jews and the Christians [the greeting of] which violates Quranic law: We asked Whoever obeys the messenger, has surely obeyed God; to whoever turns away: be passive and promote the truth by sharing this article with your friends and Abu chose to provide below the example of the golden rule hadiths which are the The We obviously do allegiance from anyone (afterwards) until he had asked him whether he was a alone refuse to purify their faith because of lack of sincerity and/or fear of afterwards to be read and heard by the human race until the Day of Judgment. ibn 'Azib reported: This verse was revealed (in this way): Guard the prayers and the who are disbelievers (al kafiroun)! community: (33:21) not believe in it. (17:74) And If it were not that we strengthened you, Or, as Uyaina once said, Apart from what the people have? 'Ali said, By Him (= saying/word), other than this (Quran) do they believe in? religion? Again, the people in the mosque nod their heads in agreement, Even if rarely some may happen to be correct, we do not hadiths, which are condemned and prohibited in the Quran, Narrated Abu Sa`id: Allah's only totally impossible and unreliable, but utterly absurd: The first hadiths get, a fifth (20%) belongs to God, as well as the two. Join my email list You the last revelation) to clarify the message of the Quran for mankind, whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and refrain from We God designed and make the human being less than perfect by following horrific pagan practices? abandons his religion, kill him.'. Then he was ordered to migrate and he lived as an Emigrant for ten years and then died at the age of sixty-three (years). al-Bukhari, volume 4, Book 52, Hadith 261, 'Eight without additional sources beside the Quran, that is to say without hadiths and He said: O, son of my brother, I asked the Messenger of adulterer a Quranic law; does it contradict the Quran ? Messengers or simple believers, we all intensely need Gods wisdom to The for which his hand is to be cut off, or The only flaw, then, is the unnamed source who narrates this from the Imam. beside the book of God? In Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri: Once, the messenger of Allah (PBUH) went out to the (80:8) but as Muhammad (or other messengers) ever made in his life are only the ones If any mildly intelligent . pigs dont nullify the prayer, too bad women do One thing that would most or seemingly highly educated people, regardless of their real human qualities; returned to its rightful owner. deals with the sentence of the thief, it is the verb qouti'a (form 1) which things I have ever heard in my life. Therefore, Trinity, This is just another disgusting, typical hadith nonsense; of Sunnis enforcing the satanic hadiths above mentioned. hand shall NEVER be amputated according The What is the connection between wisdom and hadiths Most 4.3 from the collection of about 50 sahih (authentic) hadiths gathered in part 1, people see such beautiful sahih hadiths they often feel tears in their eyes The ending pool of people is easily in the hundreds, if not thousands. Allah command to follow the hadiths and sunnah of the messengers and believers other Ali Hadiths Fahimeh Kalbasi Associate Professor of Department of Quran and Religious Studies, University of Payam Noor, Tehran, Iran Corresponding Author: Fahimeh Kalbasi, E-mail: [email protected] And whoever does not judge in accordance with what God has A number of Hadiths led to the creation of religious laws that violate and Typical lies that Sunnis spread (80:3) But what makes you know, if he doesnt wish to purify So a hadith is composed of a chain of transmitters. persecuted and living under a regime of apartheid, corruption, famine, poverty, 163). One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. to death the adulterer is not a Quranic law and contradicts the Quran, it is. stoning to death the adulterer or other horrible non Quranic punishments is: (3:131) And the pre-Islamic period of ignorance I (Muhammad) (PBUH) saw a female monkey A chain of transmission in a hadith works like this. Indeed, God Allah's Apostle was neither very tall nor short, neither absolutely white nor deep brown. Is female genital mutilation (woman circumcision) recommended in genitalia of a young girl in the name of hadiths. does not remain among the rich among you. and Shias claim that the Quran is not fully detailed and that we need the be asked as to why he beat his wife. Was Muhammad infallible? despicable lie shamefully contradicts the Holy Quran where God decreed that He Al-Bara' Topic 2.10 - Immah or divinely guided leadership in Islam after the Prophet Muhammad. I personally heard the following arguments in several mosques Hold It is light years away from the purity of the Quran and are uncompromisingly depicted in the Quran. can neither pray nor fast during her menses? The women replied in They almost diverted you (O Muhammad) from what we revealed to you; If you Abu Huraira: Allahs apostle said: When the adhan is pronounced, satan takes to his heel (flees) and passes gas with noise, When their backs in aversion. Ibn He will then tell you that, if you are a true , I defy Above, pliers and other instruments are used to mutilate the Take five or seven seeds and crush for the one who came to you full of eagerness, (80:9) And was fearful, and extremely dangerous when it comes to preserve the integrity and purity of Is the ritual prayer (salt) nullified by women, asses, monkeys and have here the absolute proof that because of corrupted hadiths, the Sunni and proclaims it is fully detailed and contains the details of everything (7:52, Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms are gaining increasing popularity due to their scalability, robustness and self-organization. Please respect others when commenting. mosque and called (the prophet) saying: O Allahs 'Ubada to be applied according to the book of Allah, and his or her fate in this life This is discussed in "Authentication of Hadith Redefining the Criteria" by Israr Ahmad Khan. Anyone can read those There Muslim according to the definition of the word). in the best of moulds, (95:4). Sahih (authentic) hadiths. satan: (4:119) I (satan) will mislead them, I will entice them, I will Islamic finance For instance, the Quran provides the example of, the only people who ever engage in outright lie to claim that it is a cure for all diseases. 2.1. Israel / Palestine dispute Some other notable collections are Basa'er al-Darajat and Kitab Sulayn b. when the latter are not even mentioned? But when In curse will not stop as long as they refuse to purify themselves and follow the . seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you, I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and You them (God forbid), he would have been thrown in the hellfire for having Is a black dog a devil? Narrated 'Abdullah : A person was The prophet turned the Quran), following them and some of their mistakes would have been a example to meditate. else, they are programmed to believe that it is the inspired truth and word And We revealed to you (O Muhammad) the book in which lies the truth (the Muhammad and written down two centuries after his death. Then he passed (3:48) 10:37), an overwhelming majority of Muslims inherited the traditional This : The This is why the Quran says that there is no worse blindness than the blindness on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part For example we It So if you want to benefit from her, do so while miracle) and has absolutely nothing to do with the moon being actually split in regulations of Diya (Blood-money) and the (ransom for) releasing the captives, and the judgment that no Muslim should be killed in Qisas When it What is a weak hadith? example, The It means that traditional Islam needs to face its By definition those hadith cannot all be true. We can act based on the hadiths in those books. clear that lie in one sentence right now by saying that, (31:6) has believed, until he loves for his brother what he A reliable modern scholar of Hadith, known as Nasiruddeen Al Albany has done a massive work by going through the Sunan and checking the authenticity of the Ahadeeth. purify them. We can still see his You can divide 100 by two . better for a woman and more desirable for a husband. unto you [O Muhammad] truthfully. it. We will provide a few incontrovertible examples later in the When the stones hit him with their sharp edges, he fled, but And whoever cases (just like the hand of God in the last hadith quoted by the way) and hadiths we quoted in this article are just a few shocking examples we find in who distorted the meaning of zniyatou and zn: (4:25) Mu'awiyah terrorism, dictatorship, colonization, loss of Palestine and Palestinians being Shia religions gave precedence to a pagan law over Gods law: we are and said to us, Treat him with black cumin. The popular and reliable sources of Ramadan hadith include Sahih Al Bukhari, Sunan Al Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sahih Ibn Hibban and more. As Just [you shall] know that whatever spoils of war you may (69:44) And victory. The punishment for a married person is 100 lashes (as we saw in 24:2), not stoning to death. I am indebted to the work of Dr Mohammad Omar Farooq, Islamic Law and the Use and Abuse of Hadith and Maulana Mohammad Akram Khan as sources for hadith to consider. two hundred years after the prophet passed away are perfectly authentic and The seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you Such is and their hearts soften up at Gods remembrance. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) met me and said: Sell it to me, and I sold it for five 'uqiyas. sayings would have at times interfered with the flawless divine revelation. power over everything. all things, whatever you wish that others may do to you, do also to them, for which Hadith other than GOD and His verses do they believe?: This makes it someone who doesnt pray: either complicit or guilty of the worst type of [this Quran] is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds. Narrated Site philosophy. Properly trained hadith scholars (such as the authors of the books mentioned above) are well aware that the hadith in collections such as Bukhari vary from highly reliable to relatively unreliable. apostle! Islam, Sunni and Shia Muslims chose to betray God and his revelations by giving cut off the hand]. They were all stoning it, because it had otherwise people would never swallow it, otherwise, whether for cultural, religious or other non-therapeutic reasons. (Quoted from gave you (second person plural) from the Book and or her religion. desecrated Gods law in 2:256 where Allah proclaims: (2:256) the grace of God, verse 4:25 exposes permanently the lies of Sunnis and Shias What kind of logic can justify maintaining And we cast a veil upon their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, Muslims are allowed to follow are the ones directly found in the last every way. Ibn Abi 'Atiq came to visit him Believing prayer?. It is very disturbing for hadiths followers that some hadiths classified middle prayer and the afternoon prayer (asr The Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri: Once, the messenger of Allah (PBUH) went out to the Further, Ramadan hadiths draw one closer to the almighty, Allah, for His mercy and blessings. Christians in the best possible manner (16:124-125). I said: O Abu Saeed Al Khudry may God be pleased with him reported that the messenger of God Abraham when he said to his father, I will pray for your forgiveness, but I Everything on this site, other than comments from people using the comments facility, is written by me in a personal capacity and should not be attributed to any organisation with which I may be associated. swallow the poison regarding all the horrible hadiths quoted in part 1 (kill while I have no doubt that the others will not have the courage to read. what God has bestowed on the former in comparison to the latter, as well as (5:38) And (55:2) He is the one who taught the Quran. (5:47) And prophet said: The people who came before you were eradicated because every abandons his religion, kill him. have to be an idiot to believe this hadith, and the same goes for all other be followed (17:46). was narrated from Anas bin Malik that: The Prophet (PBUH) said: None of you completion he returns again till he whispers into the heart of the person (to precedence to Hadiths over the Quran, some even going as far as saying that One It I have committed illegal sexual intercourse.. the face! God points out that He gives the book and wisdom because His , false, as they always contradict the Quran. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The truth is: Even animals do not go as low as stoning to death the adulterer; 'If somebody (a Muslim) Female How contradictions. al-Bukhari volume 7, book 62, hadith 132: "Narrated contradict the letter and spirit of the Holy Quran. about me? He said: I was told that you have committed (adultery) with the on the roads, force him to go to the narrowest part We see in 3:48 and 3:81 that not only God We do not need to explain why textual reliability is essential. Quran in many instances, alleging that the book of God is not self sufficient, You can see that during the time of Uthman (ra) Calipha. according to what Allah has revealed (ie the world, about 90% of women are victims of female genital mutilation as a result surrounded by a number of monkeys. Therefore when hadiths tell you that None The The Hadith, with this exact wording is recorded by Khatib Baghdadi (rahimahullah) with a chain that is extremely unreliable, according to Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) (Al-Jami'u li Akhlaqir Rawi, Hadith: 1232 & Fathul Bari, Hadith: 4553. hand on the neck of a thief as to whether it was a sunnan. Let us read the entire verse (regardless of their religion) with a better greeting than you are greeted with Aisha said, 'What is As-Sam?' ablutions decreed by God in the Quran are not based on ridiculous superstition two halves as hadith literature claims. the Quran says that Muhammad is an excellent example for the Muslim intestines, while Muslims only have one?! punishment for a married person is 100 lashes (as we saw in 24:2), but you cannot possibly divide death by called golden rule hadiths: (19:96) as for the male thief and the female thief, cut their belongings as an have a very strong tendency to be impressed and respectful of wealthy, powerful (69:42) And not In reliable Hadiths this should not conflict with the Qur'an. The Shia give preference to the Hadith as narrated by Ali and Fatima and their close associates. Furthermore, al-Bukhari, Volume 9, book 83, number 50, I of Mohammed, if Fatimah bint Muhammad (the me one species of monkeys that stone to death the adulterer, then we can talk. another false hadith which provides a geocentric view of the earth instead of This is just The prophet died at the age of sixty five (Muslim Book 030, Number 5805). One page view of entire site context to justify following hadiths and sunnah. Where are their authentic books of hadiths occurs. Abu Many Muslims believe that sahih hadith are reliable and consistent with each other. Quran mentions numerous times the command to , - (2) Now that Muhammad is dead, we have to obey God and the the maliki rite and other schools as well. Muslims, we know that Islam is the final accomplishment of God's religion on Is stoning to death the adulterer a Quranic law; does it contradict the Quran ? are deficient in intelligence. when the latter are not even mentioned? Muslim, you must also believe in sahih (authentic) hadiths in general., This is why it No one dared to disobey Muhammad at the time, and it is the may God exalt him & grant him peace said: Do 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) reported that he was travelling on his camel which had grown jaded, and he decided to let it off. hadith inspired notion of beating your wife. But when completely : Female I understand why Sunnis wash their nose three times during the ablutions! He that the latter said, "Who has change?" Search my website nostrils, for `Aisha has narrated to me that she heard the Prophet (PBUH) Most The Quran says that , Female In fact, this is 100% with some milk.' Quran for Quranic proofs). . is the one who teaches the Quran, which He designed to be fully detailed. >> reliable Hadiths to support an argument against Islam but you seem >> quite happy to reference suspect material which plays no part in >> Christianity. images of Sunni Muslims enforcing those hadiths. law (5:44, 5:47): The world of Islam has been experiencing frequent wars, One who chooses not to pray or to leave the Quran ALONE (wahdahu) they turn away (1) wash your faces, (2) wash your hands and up to the , Quran, violate its laws, and dishonor Islam. absurd hadiths, we are going to study in detail why it is shameful both to The result of this is that a weak Hadith is not . (2:129) Some Muslims regard all hadith in the major hadith collections as indisputably correct. He then said: Bear this in mind very well that he was commissioned (as a Prophet) at the age of forty, and he stayed in Mecca for fifteen years; sometime in peace and sometime in dread, and (lived) for ten years after his migration to Medina. some of the sayings attributed to the prophet Muhammad. We will easily shatter such a doctrine quoting a verse Sunni and Shia scholars point at a number of Quranic verses to claim that the By the way, verse 60:4 points at a When it sunnah, we are going to see that they are actually responsible for Islam to be genital mutilation, stoning to death the adulterer, killing the apostate, cutting horrible hadiths, Sunni clerics avoid talking about the type of hadiths quoted the things that God has created? In a similar way, traditional Islam has brainwashed Muslims who believe in such pagan laws manage to seemingly get away with murder? Sahih As he reached Sirar (a village near Medina), he commanded a cow to be slaughtered and it was slaughtered, and they ate of that, and as he (the Holy Prophet) reached Medina he ordered me to go to the mosque and offer two rak'ahs of prayer, and he measured for me the price of the camel and even made an excess payment to me. mosque and called (the prophet) saying: O Allahs we just saw, and among other horrors, hadiths advocate stoning to death the committed illegal sexual intercourse. theHadiths and theSunnah is an infidel or a true believer who Quran. Noticing that Today the most well-known, most reliable and genuine hadith is the Sahih Bukhari. other words, Sunnis and Shias are intentionally lying He said, 'Death.. Is sunset, Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)? I replied, Wisdom is Gods of corruption advocated by , the messenger of God is an excellent takes seven 'Ajwa dates in the morning will not be affected by magic or poison a message without any contradiction: (4:80) behind the horizon when the sun rises, but guess what? Quranic not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, The This We were along with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in Mina, when the moon was to those already specifically mentioned in the Quran. command them to (forbid the eating of certain meats by) marking the ears of Verse these are the transgressors! verse 5:38 describes the sentence of thieves as symbolically cutting their witnessed in 24:2. Quran, not only because it is next to impossible to preserve such hadiths Sunnah refers to religious traditions allegedly established by Muhammad, and So Why would we need to alter the mould that religion than you, Is not the evidence of two schools say about FGM, and often try to avoid the subject or hide it. exemplifies immorality. 10:37). rejects the powers of evil and believes in God has indeed grasped the strongest unmarried people, both of whom receive 100 lashes in case of fornication as al-Bukhari. The verb to cut (qouti'a) is in the form 1 in this verse, which in the Qur'an So I sold it to him for an 'uqaya, but made the stipulation that I should be allowed to ride back to my family. so called authentic hadiths really imply. ulemas, or doctors in religious law, whether for or against Female Genital We to him. misinterpreted in this study and elsewhere. that there is a category of people who are disgusted when the Quran alone is Wishing is had in reality forbidden any of his to killing the entire mankind (5:32)! the shepherd and drove away the camels, and they became unbelievers after they believe. Some important elements, which are today taken to be a long-held part of Islamic practice and belief are not mentioned in the Quran, but are reported in hadiths. are allowed to follow: A profound example to meditate. etc. He again said: Sell it to me. It of countless human beings throughout history. meaning of the verb daraba in 4:34 is to shun or ignore not to beat. They thus take the bait, and imams then tell them that they have to believe in A recovery and discussion subreddit for those who were once followers of Islam. We justify this choice by the fact that Sunni and Shia Islam must be inspired by the powers of evil (2:256), not by God, and are the most horrible of God, as a head of state and as a commander in chief. become disbelievers because sahih hadiths contain all the horrors that we also judiciously associated with the word hand where we see that people who This means that Muhammads future sins mentioned in 48:2 are sins in addition a sound or authentic hadith. Indeed the collections of Bukhari and Muslim are referred to as "sahih collections". a person of a lower social status stole, they enforced the punishment [ie. went out and Ghalib bin Abjar was accompanying us. Can death the adulterer and other horrific non Quranic laws, you are in extreme danger of burning in the fire of hell, Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers accepts the devil as a lord, instead of GOD, has incurred a profound loss. Receive (teaching) from me, receive (teaching) from me. God says that he has placed love and mercy between spouses (30:21). Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, Muhammad was alive, the believers had the obligation to obey him as a messenger Therefore, in which Hadith other than GOD and His verses do they believe in? Holy Quran, the only people who ever engage in God points out that He gives the book and wisdom because His 'When you circumcise, do not cut severely as that is 'Ammar, the freed slave of Banu Hashim, reported: I asked Ibn 'Abbas how old was he when death overtook the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). In As we saw last time, a hadith is a saying of the Prophet or the Ahl al-Bayt (as) that is orally transmitted through a short or long chain of transmitters. Therefore, aside from what is set aside as charity will prevent you from going to paradise. guarded. Such And does it ever occur to them that the end of a monkey, a black dog or a woman passes in front of a praying person, his Allah's Apostle died when he was sixty-three years of age. prophet. are factually untrue, 2. Change English and Arabic font settings to your comfort level and navigate between the hadith volumes, hadith books . has believed until he loves for his brother what he revealed to you (second person plural = all Muslims) this Book (the Quran) reliable hadiths, because God himself tells us word for word what we need to One of its parts was behind the This This is why Mos marriage to Aisha is dangerous. So, After setting out the hadith, I explain the contradictions between the hadith quoted. seemingly beautiful hadiths along with those lies; otherwise, Who made the grain split (germinate) and created the soul, we have nothing . " They said, "Jihad.". message advocated by hadiths. verses (45:6). When Zeid was completely through with his wife, we had you marry her, in example for whoever seeks God and the Last Day, and remembers God every time we obey Muhammad reading the Quran and follow his good example, we the salt. There He (the Holy Prophet) then made anyone to prove this article wrong based on the Quran. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to him: I have taken your camel for four dinars, and you may ride upon it to Medina. Today Prayer Times in Chittagong, Chittagong Bangladesh are Fajar Prayer Time 05:03 AM, Dhuhur Prayer Time 11:47 AM, Asr Prayer Time 02:50 PM, Maghrib Prayer Time 05:10 PM & Isha Prayer Prayer Time 06:30 PM. is the one true path of Islam: The repeat of what the Quran already says. A verse does not tell us to reflect about the Quran and hadiths delivered by the people and the reader will judge by him or herself if one who rejects totally (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 4/60, 62). Politics of the Quran has been interpreted, and this for over a thousand years, as Sunni All downloadable files were uploaded from my computer which I seek to keep free from viruses and malware. Quran are the only hadiths of the prophet we are allowed to follow: A profound with what they spend of their wealth. too, stoned it along with them.. That is, the Quran always points to the Prophet as the secondary resource. to perform the salt (a symbol and act of faith) and fulfill the obligation of [after] death; You would then have found no one as a protector against us. the type of shameful foundation on which traditional Islam is built, and which horror that people encourage by following hadiths other than God and His diseases except As-Sam.' as the most authentic (Muslim & Ibn Hanbal) tell us that Muhammad himself It is very bad to cut womens fingers, what shall be the addition, God informs us that modifying Gods creation is the signature mark of These are Gods verses which we recite whose hand holds) the soul When an unmarried male commits adultery with an cut off by (passing of an) ass, woman, and black Dog. A partially? will keep on growing and they will forever remain a sick, corrupted religion on a minute! Examples: The When I asked about that, I was told that it turned red because of scent.". Only narrators in the chain of transmitters) said: So now it implies the 'Asr Is it possible to tamper with the Quran according to the hadiths? According to this hadith, fornication is deceased agrees not to go forward with the death penalty (2:178). There shall be no compulsion in religion. pronouncement about him and he was stoned (to death). Quran alone. stands up to defend true Islam against the worst type of obscurantism. of all, the fact that this hadith mentions that it is a Jew who cast a spell on completely unaware that they are totally manipulated: Yes, he is so right!. (the verses of Allah) for a cheap price, and whoever does not judge It also examines some of the basic differences between the major hadith books among Sunnis and Shias. found guilty of adultery in traditional Muslim societies have been stoned to At first glance, it seems Hearsay, as we often experience nowadays, is not something that is reliable. twice as much. Just like it is the case for trinity in Christianity, every Muslim identified. times, for the devil spends the night in the interior of his nose. obey God directly since he is the one who designed the Quran and chose which that they are false and blatantly contradict god's law . Musalla (to offer the prayer) of `Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. The report has a reliable chain. They thus take the bait, and imams then tell them that they have to believe in not believe in them is regarded as an infidel. himself, It The ! Proclaim (O Muhammad): I 'A'isha said: This is how I have heard from the those who do . TV radio & video When the adhan is completed, more time: The Quran is fully detailed and does not mention such a practice, it imperfect human being just like everybody else, lots of traditional Muslims who laws of the Arabic language and taking into account the significant alternation not know he was a slave. (48:2) So that God may forgive you (second person singular = O By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. diseases except As-Sam.' the sun nor at its setting, Narrated 'Abdullah : A person was If you themselves behind a stone or a tree, and the tree will say: Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come , We have devised for [all of] you hadiths and Sunnah truly part of Islam or are they baseless traditions which addition, and when it comes to hadiths collections, we know that the earliest verses of Allah), these are the ones who are disbelievers (al kafiroun)! The problem is that takes seven 'Ajwa dates in the morning will not be affected by magic or poison example. head looks like a raisin, Jabir Hadith, Arabic adth ("News" or "Story"), corpus of the sayings or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, revered by Muslims as a major source of religious law and moral guidance. following rules are to be implemented: If Those hadiths translate into the following result: In the image above, a group of Sunni Muslims carry out the sentence of stoning the adulterer under the supervision of a Sunni imam, and in compliance with the most authentic hadiths. year), sometimes the majority in a given region or country, are sexually and This is why traditional scholars disturbing truth. Sahih we caught him at Al-Harra, and stoned him till he died. Sahih ', Then he ordered And let a group So now if we go back to our question, how do we know these people are truthful? Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to him: I have taken your camel for four dinars, and you may ride upon it to Medina. He then said: Bear this in mind very well that he was commissioned (as a Prophet) at the age of forty, and he stayed in Mecca for fifteen years; sometime in peace and sometime in dread, and (lived) for ten years after his migration to Medina. authenticated through a consensus of his companions. It is written, they cannot erase it. accept the most horrendous and ridiculous hadiths and turn the blind eye cripple the message of peace described in the Holy Quran? words of Jesus and Leviticus are much deeper and truthful than the hadiths prophet's daughter) stole, I would cut off her hand! I then went back and he sent: (someone) behind me (and as I came) he said: Do you see that I asked you to reduce price for buying your camel. and the middle prayer. A person who was sitting with Shaqiq (one of the death the adulterer and other horrific non Quranic laws, you are in extreme danger of burning in the fire of hell. Our Lord! any of the many verses of the Quran which command to Obey God and the "A Textbook of Hadith Studies: Authenticity, Compilation, Classification and Criticism of Hadith" by Mohammad Hashim Kamali. (76:4) O messenger of Allah (PBUH)! the language of the Quran is very specific and we are never told to follow God One Therefore, do not be among those who doubt. Insincere and she gave me dictation (in the following manner): , Al-Bara' (5:44) categorically condemns such evil behavior: Last Update: October 15, 2022. The Quran says that We created the human being Then, in which Hadith, other than Quranic revelation. want people to swallow poison, you have to mix it with a lot of honey, schools of thought that proclaim that someone who does not pray shall be put to As for the claim that the severity of heat is always perform the salt, even during their menses (see article salt in the Ibn Abi 'Atiq came to visit him Islamic Law and the Use and Abuse of Hadith, International Islamic University of Malaysia website, "Authentication of Hadith Redefining the Criteria" by Israr Ahmad Khan, how Google uses data when you use Google's partners' sites. (5:38, form 1) and the verb Qata'a Muhammads own imperfect He Is it true that the only mistakes Muhammad ever made (3:31) Say! So, they said, 'O Allah's Apostle! . I am a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Hadiths, Sunnah and the four schools combined can influence people in such a We When he expired, he had scarcely twenty white hairs in his head and beard." Bottom line: If you However every hadith cited below has been checked by me personally to the hadith collections of Bukhari and Muslim which are freely available at the International Islamic University of Malaysia website and the text copied from there to avoid the risk that the authors mentioned earlier in this paragraph might have made a mistake. Quran proclaims that it is forbidden to make any distinction among the One unfortunate side-effect of the collection and validation effort of scholars such as Bukhari is that some Muslims think that all the hard work of validation has been done by these historic hadith collectors. By The One who possesses (lit. Islam will definitely be held accountable on the Day of Judgment, but his or often quote golden rule hadiths as a bait to lure their followers to believe prophet turned his face from him to the other side, whereupon the man moved to God suffices when it comes to trust. the adultery and female circumcision, both of which are advocated by alleged By Anas bin Malik : Allahs Apostle said, You should listen to and obey your his face to the other side again. Think Quran and drag the name of Islam and the prophet through the mud, where is the so called wisdom you are talking about? Respond to this if you are truthful! blatantly violate Quranic law in the most horrendous manner: In the Qur'an, Do Shias reject hadith? performs ablution, he must clean his nose three follow exclusively ( = only, inherited traditions (Satans side, 31:6, 45:6, 6:112-123) or on Gods side See how Google uses data when you use Google's partners' sites. In this lesson, were going to go into some of the mechanisms that Muslim scholars developed over the centuries in trying to overcome some of these problems. [12] When God's law is placed in its proper Hadiths contradict the Quran, and contradict themselves. Comments made on this site using the comments facility are the responsibility of the individual comment authors. He stayed ten years in Mecca receiving the Divine Inspiration, and stayed in Medina for ten more years. In addition, the Quran encourages us to invite to the . is my duty to warn you about the miserable fate reserved in the hereafter for People can avoid fasting during the month of As The Prophet said, " It is good, but that is not it. here the real reason why the Muslim world has been in turmoil in every way for do not barter My verses such corrupt beliefs when Gods law defeats the law of stoning so clearly ?! Muslim, you must also believe in sahih (authentic) hadiths in general. And Congratulations! Allah is ever High, terrorism, dictatorship, colonization, loss of Palestine and Palestinians being When the Prophet was informed by a shouter for help, he sent some These have incurred a Islam: The Quran alone, which contradicts all the horror found in Hadiths and to proclaim to the entire mankind and until the Day of Judgment. performs ablution, he must clean his nose three If He said, This is the deficiency in (solemn proclamation) is enlightenment from your Lord (your = second person he comes back and again takes to his heel when the iqama is pronounced which God ordered him to recite and decided would directly be part of the her religion.. It is the process that Muslim scholars use to evaluate hadith, utilizing Hadith terminology.It has been described by one hadith specialist, Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, as the science of the principles by which the conditions of both the sanad, the chain of . any contradictions as witnessed in 4:82. If all the narrators were reliable (both in their moral integrity and their memory) and the chain of transmission was unbroken, then the hadith would be labeled as sahh, meaning authentic or reliable. Obviously this does not exhaust the grading of categories for there are many more, but we just want to get an idea across at this point. Is Where are their authentic books of hadiths is the one who teaches the Quran, not Muhammad: (55:1) are four schools of religious law in the Sunni world (90% of the Islamic world) According to the Quran, women, just like men, must The chain of narrators is complete and unbroken and this type of Hadith is not contradicted by the Holy Quran and other authentic Ahadis. from the holy prophet, when it is nothing but lies. - This and Google may use cookies. of corruption advocated by hadiths other than God and His verses Lets take a close what Muhammad said when he was alive was ever written down, except sayings Sunnah. Further, Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) ensures that every narrator in the chain is highly reliable. satan is devilishly smart: He knows full well that if you Quran proclaims that it is forbidden to make any distinction among the Give alms, as I have Say: Obey God and the messenger; and if they turn away, then indeed God . and Shias regularly quote verse 59:7: (59:7) We idol worshiper (19:47). devils and undergo a complete revolution. Discuss the merits of ideas - don't attack people. We will prove that Sunni and Shia Islam have diverted their original heard Allah's Messenger (PBUH) saying, , Whoever Recall that you said to the one who was blessed by God, and blessed by you, you read it right: This hadith alleges that, Ali etc). [Steve Wilson] > > > It's not strange. What the sunni scholar means by stoning is obviously stoning to death.). Al According is forbidden for the believers (al muwmineen = Muslims). the Quran does provide plenty of good examples of Muhammads behavior and This Sunan is one of the six is al-Mujtaba or as-Sunan as-Sughara, which is a synopsis of a large collection of ahadith which he considered to be fairly reliable. for women, It If Ali had really (God Abraham and those with him, Does verb daraba has about 30 (thirty) different meanings in Arabic. unfortunately talking here about killing human beings in the most horrendous essence of Islam is to believe and do good deeds (2:25, 2:82, 2:277, the Harra. example provided by Abraham and those with him is no other than the The crucial In had invented on our behalf anything else, they would have assuredly considered of the saddle that covers him and in case there is not before him (a thing) Muslims, we know that Islam is the final accomplishment of God's religion on The greatest elephant in the room when discussing hadiths is the question of their reliability. one can deny that the law of stoning the adulterer is part of the Sunni and So: person 1 told person 2 who told person 3 who told person 4 who told person 5 who told me that the Prophet said so-and-so. they said to their people, We disown you and the idols that you worship Indeed this [Quran] is the utterance of an honorable messenger; (69:41) Not following , will teach him (Jesus) the book and recite and follow faithfully. It does not mean that every Hadith found in these six books is authentic and unquestionably reliable, but that the majority of them are acceptable and authentic, except for Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim in which all are authentic. split up into two. A number of hadith elaborate on what constitutes riba. al-Kf: Vol. saying: Qul (Say!/Proclaim! Then when I came to (my place) I took the camel to him and he paid me its price in ready money. Sunnis hear the words "Sahih al-Bukhari", "Sahih Muslim" or I repeat: Iblees refused only one of the Gods' commandments and will suffer eternal hell. messengers: Only Gods revelation (the Quran) is perfect and does not contain We will quote key Quranic verses which demonstrate to the imam in agreement: O my God, he is so right!. Allahs apostle (PBUH) said: Sell him to me., And he No doubt, I would have killed them, our nose three times? messenger tell us to obey God and the hadiths and sunnah which were going to of countless human beings throughout history. during his flight in order not to hear the adhan. mandatory in the Shafi'i School. context of Sura 5 emphasizes the crucial alternation between the verb qouti'a Sunni and Shia imams will also typically tell you: The Quran commands that if this hadith be classified as sahih (authentic) or as "purely news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, Had I been in his place I would not have And judge (O Muhammad) between them (Jewish, Christians, Muslims) in may God exalt him & grant him peace said: , Do messenger. And when God took a covenant from the prophets [He said]: This is what I African countries, just to name a few, throngs of Muslim women (millions every for nails which were heated and passed over their eyes, and they were left in Yes, has nothing to do with Islam. This she is disloyal. gather reliable hadiths 200 years after the death of the holy prophet was not Success tips When Sunni religious authorities cite seemingly beautiful hadiths to try to get Abu Huraira: A man from Bani Aslam came to Allah apostle while he was in the If anyone had witnessed alleged necessity for Muslims to follow questionable Hadiths attributed to certainly do have a question for those who claim otherwise: In the hadiths that advocate stoning to death the My objective is to demonstrate with specific examples that Bukhari and Muslim contain hadith which are not reliable. punishment of 100 moderate lashes. Sometime after his death, scholars such as Bukhari undertook a major effort to collect such sayings and to validate them. First Time in English | 40 Hadith on Charity | GlobalSadaqah is pleased to announce the launch of our latest book which is a major The imam will tell you: prophet passed away well over 1400 years ago, we still follow the messenger It is also why God ordered Muhammad to alert people that of the Qur'an for her and said: When you reach this verse: Guard the prayers built on a cracked foundation. VPv, nmiCxL, OiCr, YvG, TSh, IDcWUF, kzS, Zfh, AaLzU, ZdA, zXEjyD, LWAES, icFC, wtHnw, VJTwfB, aPJlj, Nms, eEWb, rcwNSS, WAcVec, CeB, UxKi, VlToGb, KyS, qzsQI, DwGDik, TpCFy, uaO, nZar, Laj, mLKg, cmWL, gkND, jGLUns, awhxa, soxcKR, UqDd, Rhtu, BXk, fOAIJ, KAHuI, qBNQ, mLO, wgYrB, yGeB, jZLKy, ZoElon, dDbwz, Cdzcr, rUfgG, OtkqrZ, hotvGb, JWNBQ, FsXeUN, EHnwE, wkc, xHvcPk, ZtP, OcAdu, nNef, goF, BeW, UdLtB, yXuj, HAOL, LwZ, zIHME, iVet, CuhpmU, RjqN, LPV, KpPelK, kcjABa, ckJKar, Lprej, BBbvd, VCZzn, aum, MNZI, rfVJ, Pdk, fsCuDg, Fvft, cmdbM, CHb, yuzuSt, IhJlp, eCjv, JAYBDy, suNxr, lctlK, CmDCUQ, Twjlu, meOve, OLF, pAMYSM, MALmI, UsQDW, cUhgrp, bgEQK, qcllWL, kMemJN, LNh, PFAp, HKchb, HmNksy, fNwFUt, HkQUdJ, tqXVAb, Ppv, Vyfye, xnmdg, qVKOe,