faces an opponent of Kip's choosing. versttningar Verb Uttal versttare Fraser open_in_new. As a result the Kingtelephoned Prime Minister Ion Antonescu anda meeting of the Council of Ministers took place. The Committee consisted of three Lords of Appeal or Lords of Appeal in Ordinary. The Kenya Human Rights Commission has said 90,000 Kenyans were executed, tortured or maimed during the crackdown, and 160,000 were detained in appalling conditions. I have worked too hard and I am tired. [80] The Emperor went about his daily routine dressed in a simple black tail coat, trousers, and cravat. One observer stated that he turned his back to Teresa Cristina, another depicted him as being so shocked that he needed to sit, and it is possible that both occurred. This had been banned in 1826 as part of a treaty with the United Kingdom. [67], In the meantime, the political situation was deteriorating in Greece. You can change this later using the "My Fark" link at the top of the page. He spent the last two years of his life in exile in Europe, living alone on very little money. [251][252] Pedro rapidly declined and died at 00:35 on 5 December 1891 surrounded by his family. [58][62][63], Once Helen had recovered, in December 1921 the couple moved to Bucharest, in a large villa at the oseaua Kiseleff. He was, however, still no more than a boy, and a shy, insecure, and immature one. A land reform was also implemented, causing a drop in production which ruined agricultural exports. The couple and their child thus left for Athens at the end of January 1922. Even though the Mau Mau were thoroughly defeated by 1960, the exact reforms that nationalists had been pressing for before the uprising had started and, by 1963, Kenya was independent. [32] On the following day, 23 July 1840, the General Assembly (the Brazilian Parliament) formally declared the 14-year-old PedroII of age. PedroII steadfastly pushed through the abolition of slavery despite opposition from powerful political and economic interests. Shortly after the coronation of King Ferdinand I and Queen Marie of Romania in Alba Iulia on 15 October 1922, Helen left for Palermo, where she remained until the death of her father, on 11 January 1923. It's true, it's true, Kurt Angle appears. It's true, it's true, Kurt Angle appears. 117118, 129132 and 158. "In my view, the British government's attempt to pin liability on Kenya for British colonial torture represents an intolerable abdication of responsibility," he said. His mother was the Duchess of York (later Queen Mary), the only daughter of the On 21 June 1928, the marriage was dissolved by the Romanian Supreme Court on the grounds of incompatibility. East India Company which had been granted a monopoly. Placed under house arrest, he was handed to the Soviets who kept him in prison for two years. The stay of the Greek princes, however, was brief. [219], The lack of an heir who could feasibly provide a new direction for the nation also diminished the long-term prospects of the Brazilian monarchy. "The Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords." Fifteen Scottish place names that are difficult to pronounce. [31] These elder statesmen began to die off or retire from government until, by the 1880s, they had almost entirely been replaced by a newer generation of politicians who had no experience of the early years of PedroII's reign. For special occasions he would wear court dress, and he only appeared in full regalia with crown, mantle, and scepter twice each year at the opening and closing of the General Assembly. [22] PedroII spent his days studying, with only two hours set aside for amusements. [213] He remained respectful of his duty and was meticulous in performing the tasks demanded of the imperial office, albeit often without enthusiasm. But the reality was quite different: the officers blamed Constantine for the defeat of Greece against the Ottoman Empire during the Thirty Days' War of 1897. The government granted PedroII dignities befitting a head of state. She also dedicated herself to creating artistic objects, for example an engraving made with a dentist's drill on an ivory billiard ball. The last time a lay peer attempted to intervene was in 1883; in that case, the Lord's vote was ignored.[16]. The temporary move later became permanent, and appeals continued to be heard in Committee rooms. His father was the Duke of York (later King George V), the only surviving son of the Prince and Princess of Wales (later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra). From a western perspective, the term is restricted to durable ornaments, excluding flowers for example.For many centuries metal such as gold often combined with [190] As Catholicism was the state religion, the government exercised a great deal of control over Church affairs, paying clerical salaries, appointing parish priests, nominating bishops, ratifying papal bulls and overseeing seminaries. His experiences with court intrigues and political disputes during this period greatly affected his later character; he grew into a man with a strong sense of duty and devotion toward his country and his people, yet increasingly resentful of his role as monarch. Only hours after the announcement, the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. [177] The queen mother also disapproved of the influence of Ioan Strcea over the sovereign and, following information from one of the palace servants, accused him of espionage on behalf of Antonescu. Regulation 3(dA) was inserted by GNR.347 of 15 May 2013. A simple majority of votes was enough to convict, but this could not be less than 12. [123][135], In Tuscany, Helen found real stability, despite the absence of her son most of the year. He became self-assured and learned to be not only impartial and diligent, but also courteous, patient and personable. [97] He became the first Brazilian photographer when he acquired a daguerreotype camera in March 1840. Sittings for the purposes of giving judgment were normally held at two o'clock on Thursday afternoons;[citation needed] non-judicial matters were not dealt with during these sittings. To give or leave by will; to give by testament; especially of personal property.. What is the literal meaning of bequest? Myanmar is bordered by Bangladesh and India to its northwest, China to its northeast, Laos and Thailand to its east and Synonyms for summary include synopsis, abstract, digest, outline, recapitulation, review, rundown, compendium, encapsulation and epitome. [222] In doing so, she incurred the wrath of her uncle, Prince Xavier of Bourbon-Parma, who forbade the members of his family to attend the royal wedding under threat of being excluded from the House of Bourbon-Parma. The Kingdom of Ireland was politically separate from Great Britain and subordinate to it. There was no distinction between republicans and monarchists. The 15th of the Eurypontid line, he was the first son born to his father, King Ariston.. As king, Demaratus is known chiefly for his opposition to the co-ruling Spartan king, Cleomenes I.He later fled to Achaemenid Persia, where he was given asylum [223] While on a bed recovering, on 22 May 1888 he received news that slavery had been abolished in Brazil. Her only child, Prince Michael, named in honor to Michael the Brave, the first unifier of the Danubian Principalities, was born on 25 October 1921; the childbirth was difficult and required surgery. [130] The Brazilian government presented its demands and, upon seeing the British government's position weaken, severed diplomatic ties with Britain in June 1863. The two had not seen each other in forty years, and the meeting was emotional. Because the Diadochos George was also considered pro-German like his father, they wanted someone considered malleable, as a puppet ruler of Constantine I's enemies. [152][153] He tirelessly worked to raise and equip troops to reinforce the front lines and to push forward the fitting of new warships for the navy. Petitions to the House of Lords did not have to seek reversal of lower court judgments; often, petitions were brought directly to the Lords without prior consideration in the inferior judiciary. [164], In the 1870s, progress was made in both social and political spheres as segments of society benefited from the reforms and shared in the increasing prosperity. Unable to maintain the territorial integrity of his country and under pressure from the Iron Guard, a fascist party supported by Nazi Germany, Carol II became increasingly unpopular and finally was forced to abdicate on 6 September 1940. [66] The Emperor respected the prerogatives of the legislature, even when they resisted, delayed, or thwarted his goals and appointments. "[180] Critics argued "that abolition was his personal desire and not that of the nation. [59] The general opinion, both at home and abroad, was that these accomplishments had been possible due to Brazil's "governance as a monarchy and the character of PedroII". In 1876, the Appellate Jurisdiction Act devolved the appellate functions of the House to an Appellate Committee, composed of Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (informally referred to as Law Lords). [74], By June 1887, the Emperor's health had considerably worsened and his personal doctors suggested going to Europe for medical treatment. [134] Brazil's government decided to intervene, fearful of giving any impression of weakness in the face of conflict with the British. [54] An alliance was forged between Brazil, Uruguay and disaffected Argentines, leading to the Platine War and the subsequent overthrow of the Argentine ruler in February 1852. "I am okay Steve ." Before that date, however, the Liberal Government of William Ewart Gladstone fell. The practice of bringing cases directly to the Lords, however, ended with the case of Thomas Skinner v. East India Company. [22], Despite these difficulties, Constantine I refused to change his policies and was faced with the increasingly clear opposition of the Triple Entente and Venizelists. In Britain the House of Lords trials were in direct substitution of regular trial; they could impose the same sentences, and the Sovereign could pardon the convict like any other. "A lot of the officers involved were white, they were controlling the violence against these Mau Mau. Her brother, King Paul I of Greece, offered to organize Michael's wedding in Athens, despite official protests from the Romanian government. Fifteen Scottish place names that are difficult to pronounce. There was no desire for a change in the form of government among most Brazilians, but the Emperor was overthrown in a sudden coup d'tat that had almost no support outside a clique of military leaders who desired a form of republic headed by a dictator. [272], Strong feelings of guilt manifested among republicans, and these became increasingly evident upon the Emperor's death in exile. Hur uttalas "testamentata" i Finska? By 1952 Kikuyu fighters, along with some Embu and Meru recruits, were attacking political opponents and raiding white settler farms and destroying livestock. take to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. 1 y He was less than a year old when he saw his mother for the last time, and thirteen months old when he was crowned King of Scots in Stirling after her forced abdication. [115] In exchange for her silence, and through the mediation of her brother, the former King George II of Greece, and her sister-in-law Elisabeth,[d] Helen then obtained a substantial monetary compensation. [35][36][37], In 1920, the Greek exiles were visited in Lucerne by Queen Marie of Romania (Sophia's first cousin[a]) and her daughters Elisabeth, Maria and Ileana. [13] If Parliament was not sitting the case would be referred to the Lord High Steward's Court. Caxias was also a politician and was a member of the opposing party to the ministry. Named after St. Peter of Alcantara, his name in full was Pedro de Alcntara Joo Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocdio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga. [73] He increasingly saw the imperial system as being tied so inextricably to himself, that it would not survive him. They were all Brazilians. Mounting casualties did not distract him from advancing what he saw as Brazil's righteous cause, and he stood prepared to personally sacrifice his own throne to gain an honorable outcome. Fifteen Scottish place names that are difficult to pronounce. [187][188] He found this to be "a time of release and freedom". The Acts were silent on appeals to the House of Lords, unless they be deemed of 'like nature' to Westminster Hall, in which case it would be banned. In Coburg, he visited his daughter's tomb. The Eusbio de Queirs Law was promulgated on 4 September 1850 which gave the Brazilian government broad authority to combat the illegal slave trade. Four months later, Paraguayan troops invaded Argentine territory as a prelude to an attack on Rio Grande do Sul. This was Elisabeth's brother, the Crown Prince Carol, who had just completed a trip around the world which he had undertaken in order to forget his morganatic wife Zizi Lambrino and their son Carol. Synonyms for transformation include conversion, metamorphosis, evolution, alteration, change, mutation, transfiguration, transition, modification and recasting. [34][35], Removal of the factious regency brought stability to the government. [9], Only the Law Lords on the relevant Appellate Committee spoke, but other Lords were free to attend, although they rarely did so. After Ewer, 13 further cases would be heard in 1621. Inside the ancient greek language and you may Romans, the definition of peacock end 's the eyes off famous people. The Acts of Union provided that "no causes in Scotland be cognoscible by the courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas or any other court in Westminster Hall; and that the said courts or any other of the like nature after the union shall have no power to cognosce, review or alter the acts or sentences of judicatures in Scotland, or stop the execution of the same" (emphasis added). [61] PedroII's reforms aimed to promote less political partisanship, and forward infrastructure and economic development. [217] Under these circumstances, Princess Anne had no choice but to override the pontifical will and abandon a Catholic marriage. The second was the arrest of drunken British officers who were causing a disturbance in the streets of Rio. Despite still being deprived of income by the Romanian authorities,[217] the queen mother economically supported her son,[237] and also helped him to find jobs, first as a pilot in Switzerland,[238] then as a broker on Wall Street. [149], Against all expectations, the war continued for five years. [77][78], In Romania, Helen was distraught by Carol's attitude,[79][80] especially as Queen Marie made her partly responsible for the failure of her marriage. [262][263] The journey continued on to the Church of So Vicente de Fora near Lisbon, where the body of Pedro was interred in the Royal Pantheon of the House of Braganza on 12 December. Read about our approach to external linking. Queen Mother Helen of Romania was reburied at the New Episcopal and Royal Cathedral in Curtea de Arge on 19 October 2019. [163][164] In the process, the king and his new government declared war on the Axis powers and asked the Romanian forces not to resist the Red Army, which nevertheless continued its invasion into the country. The last impeachment trials were the Impeachment of Warren Hastings from 1788 to 1795 and the Impeachment of Viscount Melville in 1806. Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation ? [26][27][28], On 11 June 1917 the Greek royal family secretly fled from their palace, surrounded by a loyalist mob that refused to see them go. "Britain's insistence that international human rights standards should be respected by governments around the world will sound increasingly hollow if the door is shut in the face of these known victims of British torture.". Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Only while touring abroad could the Emperor shake off the formal existence and demands of the life he knew in Brazil. It was not a standing committee, and hence there was no one Appellate Committee; a separate Appellate Committee was formed to hear each appeal. Contact Us via Farkback|Report a bug/error msg|Terms of service/legal/privacy policy|Do Not Sell My Personal Information [6][7][8] The princess grew up in a strongly anglophile environment, among a cohort of British tutors and governesses, including Miss Nichols, who took special care of her. Come for Ecclefechan, stay for Ae ( dailyrecord.co.uk) Discussion: On Figure Four Friday: Sheamus & Butch take on The Usos for the tag belts. When the House gave judgment, the regular quorum of three applied, but these had to be Law Lords. The last time that lay members voted on a case was in 1834. From birth, she received the nickname "Sitta" as her brother Alexander failed to correctly pronounce the English word "sister". [158][159] The Emperor prevailed over a serious political crisis in July 1868 resulting from a quarrel between the cabinet and Lus Alves de Lima e Silva (then-Marques and later Duke of Caxias), the commander-in-chief of the Brazilian forces in Paraguay. TWO Latin Prayers for the Dead: How to Pronounce and What they Mean : 11/02/2021: 755: 5 Reasons to pray for the Dead in Purgatory : 11/02/2021: 774: All Demons vs. All Saints: Fatima is the Secret : 11/01/2021: 773: Pope Francis told Biden keep receiving Communion and I was a good Catholic 10/30/2021: 772 Learn more. Generally, the early years of the 21st century were pronounced as in "two-thousand Mau Mau supporters took oaths, binding them to their cause. When the House was not officially in session, trials were heard by the Court of the Lord High Steward. Each day, the family gathered for tea and, on 20 July, Carol II and Helen appeared publicly together on the occasion of a ceremony in memory of King Ferdinand I. Central Greece was occupied by the allied forces and the country was soon in the middle of a civil war, the so-called National Schism. [169][170] PedroII wanted to end the practice gradually to soften the impact to the national economy. with the style Majesty, but not the title Queen). Learn more. Such claims and disputes were in early centuries a matter for the monarch alone; Erskine and May states (2019) the House is regarded as guardian of its own privileges and membership. But, educated in Germany and linked to Emperor William II (who was his brother-in-law), Constantine I was quickly accused of supporting the Triple Alliance and wishing for the defeat of the Allies. [220] Resistance to accepting a female ruler was also shared by the political establishment. If the House of Lords was in recess, the Lord Chancellor or Senior Lord of Appeal in Ordinary could recall the House to give judgment. [40] Upon seeing her in person, the Emperor was noticeably disappointed. VideoThe secret diaries of women protesting in Iran, 'Brutal - this England exit is even more painful', The plotters who wanted to take over Germany, 'If I wasn't Hispanic, I'd have had a different career', Bankman-Fried: I hope to make money to pay people back. [199] As he told his son-in-law: "[The government] has to ensure that the constitution is obeyed. Links are submitted by members of the Fark community. Words that rhyme with fun include run, gun, son, shun, stun, sun, spun, bun, pun and one. [229], The nation enjoyed great international prestige during the final years of the Empire, and it had become an emerging power within the international arena. In 1935, they took advantage of the presence in Florence of Princess Frederica of Hanover to arrange an encounter between her and their brother. The House agreed not to hear further Scottish criminal appeals. In October 1952 the British declared a state of emergency and began moving army reinforcements into Kenya. "I would say it is a fearful doctrine, which must recoil upon the heads of those who pronounce it, to stand in judgment on a fellow human being and say, 'Because he was such-and-such, therefore the consequences which would otherwise flow from his death shall not flow.'". The House then voted on that question and on other questions related thereto; the decisions on these questions constituted the House's formal judgment. The Commons may refuse to press for judgment whereupon the accused, convicted, faces no punishment. drop definition: 1. to fall or to allow something to fall: 2. to die suddenly and unexpectedly: 3. to write. Aside from Pedro's family, these included: FrancescoII, former king of the Two Sicilies; IsabelII, former queen of Spain; Philippe, comte de Paris; and other members of European royalty. Growth (185364) [228], Helen also made many trips abroad to visit her relatives. The Lords tries/tried impeachment by simple majority. This convention was followed only before the final vote on guilt and not on procedural questions arising during the trial. [184] Nevertheless, the situation remained tense in the country and when the new head of the government called for municipal elections on 15 March 1945,[185] the Soviet Union resumed its destabilizing operations in order to impose a government of their liking. "[44] It took several hours to convince him that duty demanded that he proceed. The two politicians asked Michael I to sign a declaration of abdication. [53], The third crisis entailed a conflict with the Argentine Confederation regarding ascendancy over territories adjacent to the Ro de la Plata and free navigation of that waterway. The House, however, ruled that the recipient, Sir James Parke, was not entitled thereby to sit as a Lord of Parliament. [204] He then crossed the Atlantic, where he visited Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Greece, the Holy Land, Egypt, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Portugal. [224] The wedding was finally celebrated in the Greek capital on 10 June 1948 with Archbishop Damaskinos himself officiating the ceremony. Many knelt down. Alexandra Feodorovna (6 June [O.S. A regular guest of the British Consulate, she also frequented the intellectuals who, like Harold Acton, had settled in the region of Florence. 1 y He was less than a year old when he saw his mother for the last time, and thirteen months old when he was crowned King of Scots in Stirling after her forced abdication. Formerly, leave to appeal was unnecessary if two solicitors certified the reasonableness of the case. For his part, the king vigorously protested to the Conductor at the time of the Odessa massacre and notably obtained the release of Wilhelm Filderman, president of the Romanian Jewish community. Seven Lords could sit in particularly important cases. [79][87] He also refused to request or allow his civil list amount of Rs 800:000$000 per year (U.S. $405,000 or 90,000 in 1840) to be raised from the declaration of his majority until his dethronement almost fifty years later. [235][236], Although there was no desire in Brazil among the majority of the population to change the form of government, the civilian republicans began pressuring army officers to overthrow the monarchy. Nevertheless, she continued to be worried for her family, and even visited her sister Irene, her aunt Maria and her Greek cousins in an futile attempt to console herself about the remoteness of her parents. Growing up, Helen developed a special [190][191], The bishops of Olinda and Belm (in the provinces of Pernambuco and Par, respectively) were two of the new generation of educated and zealous Brazilian clerics. The first was Jos Bonifcio de Andrada, his friend and an influential leader during Brazilian independence, who was named guardian. [234] The combination of republican ideas and the dissemination of positivism among the army's lower and medium officer ranks led to indiscipline among the corps and became a serious threat to the monarchy. For her part, Queen Sophia was much less favorable to her daughter's wedding. This combined jurisdiction differs from many other nations. proclaim definition: 1. to announce something publicly or officially, especially something positive: 2. to show. Come for Ecclefechan, stay for Ae ( dailyrecord.co.uk) Discussion: On Figure Four Friday: Sheamus & Butch take on The Usos for the tag belts. [160], His refusal to accept anything short of total victory was pivotal in the outcome. proclaim definition: 1. to announce something publicly or officially, especially something positive: 2. to show. The role of lay members of the House in judicial sittings faded in the early nineteenth century. [77] Throughout his life, the Emperor held onto a hope of finding a soulmate, something he felt cheated of due to the necessity of a marriage of state to a woman for whom he never felt passion. [146] PedroII's coordination of the military operations and his personal example played a decisive role in successfully repulsing the Paraguayan invasion of Brazilian territory. Named after St. Peter of Alcantara, his name in full was Pedro de Alcntara Joo Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocdio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga. [17][18] The second was Mariana de Verna, who had held the post of aia (governess) since the birth of PedroII. Pedro II inherited an empire on the verge of disintegration, but he turned Brazil into an emerging power in the international arena. PedroII was seen nationwide as a legitimate source of authority, whose position placed him above partisanship and petty disputes. Whenever a Lord High Steward became necessaryat certain trials and at coronationone was appointed for the occasion only. It's true, it's true, Kurt Angle appears. On 13 March 1945 Moscow transferred the administration of Transylvania to Bucharest. She also guided the king in his talks and pushed him to oppose Antonescu when she deemed that his policies endangered the crown. [155] During an official speech on 1 January 1943, the sovereign publicly condemned the participation of Romania in the war against the Soviet Union, triggering the wrath of both Antonescu and the Nazi Germany, who accused Helen of being behind the royal initiative. In March 1945, the king was forced to accept a communist government headed by Petru Groza while the following year, the rigged general elections confirmed the hegemony of the PCR in the country. [23][24] Intelligent, he was able to acquire knowledge with great ease. That year, a group of missionaries sent by the pope and led by Augustine of Canterbury began the Christianisation of the Anglo-Saxons.Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.Throughout the Middle Ages, the English Church was a part of the Catholic Church led by the pope in Rome. [38] Homeless, penniless and without any real political value since his exclusion from the Greek throne in 1917, Helen's elder brother reiterated his request of marriage to Princess Elizabeth, who, despite her initial reticence, finally decided to accept. Finally the younger brother of the Diadochos, Prince Alexander, was chosen by Venizelos and the Triple Entente as the new king. That they take the government from me? The House of Lords appointed a Committee for Petitions. [148][149] The Emperor regarded this diplomatic victory over the most powerful nation of the world as sufficient and renewed friendly relations. The uprising is now regarded in Kenya as one of the most significant steps towards a Kenya free from British rule. [105] The Imperial Academy of the Fine Arts, established by his father, received further strengthening and support. [183][189] He spent his days sightseeing and conversing with scientists and other intellectuals with whom he shared interests. While deploring the treatment of detainees in the camps, he says he has no regrets about fighting the insurgents in the bush. [135] A Brazilian army invaded Uruguay in December 1864, beginning the brief Uruguayan War, which ended in February 1865. [75][76] Refusing to return to Bucharest, Carol finally officially renounced the throne and prerogatives as crown prince on 28 December 1925. Being a Roman Catholic, Princess Anne had to obtain a papal dispensation to marry an Orthodox. Among the initial Justices of the Supreme Court were ten of the twelve then existing Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (Law Lords). [79], PedroII was hard-working and his routine was demanding. The outbreak of World War I and the overthrow of her father by the Allies in 1917 permanently marked her and also separated her from her favorite brother, the young Alexander I of Greece. In 1918, he contracted Spanish flu and again was close to death. "[181] He consciously ignored the growing political damage to his image and to the monarchy in consequence of his support for abolition. bequeath pronunciation - How to properly say bequeath. A proud mum has opened up about her decision to give her daughter what is now officially the top girls' name of 2022 and has explained how it brings her and her partner's different cultures together The First Mexican Republic lasted from 1824 to 1835, when conservatives under [2] Only five Appellate Committees ever comprised nine members. [81][82] PedroII held politicians and government officials to the strict standards which he exemplified. The nation grew to be distinguished from its Hispanic neighbors on account of its political stability, zealously guarded freedom of speech, respect for civil rights, vibrant economic growth, and form of governmenta functional representative parliamentary monarchy. Learn more. Despite the bad reputation of the prince, Helen accepted and moved to Romania, where she soon gave birth to their only son, Prince Michael, in 1921. She then returned to the Villa Sparta, where she divided her time among her family, gardening and the study of Italian art. In 1911, the Diadochos was restored in his military duties by the Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos. It was systematic. [249] He never supported a restoration of the monarchy, once stating that he had no desire "to return to the position which I occupied, especially not by means of conspiracy of any sort. drop definition: 1. to fall or to allow something to fall: 2. to die suddenly and unexpectedly: 3. to write. [247][248] Pedro's last couple of years were lonely and melancholic, as he lived in modest hotels without money and writing in his journal of dreams in which he was allowed to return to Brazil. Historical judicial role of the UK House of Lords, Save where claimants make an application to the, His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service, Administration of Justice (Scotland) Act 1808, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993, withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, "A selection of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Plunket, principally in the years 1834, 1835, and 1836", Criminal Justice Act 1948, section 30 (repealed), "Peerage claims - Erskine May - UK Parliament". TWO Latin Prayers for the Dead: How to Pronounce and What they Mean : 11/02/2021: 755: 5 Reasons to pray for the Dead in Purgatory : 11/02/2021: 774: All Demons vs. All Saints: Fatima is the Secret : 11/01/2021: 773: Pope Francis told Biden keep receiving Communion and I was a good Catholic 10/30/2021: 772 Pronunciation of bequeath with 1 audio pronunciation and more for bequeath.John Randolph (June 2, 1773 May 24, 1833), commonly known as John Randolph of Roanoke, was an American planter, and a politician from Virginia, serving in the House of Representatives at various times between 1799 and 1833, and the Senate from 1825 to 1827. In 1973, she mortgaged her residence and three years later, she sold the two Greco paintings that she had brought with her from Romania in 1947. Pronunciation. [32] Helen also sought to reconnect with Alexander I. His father was the Duke of York (later King George V), the only surviving son of the Prince and Princess of Wales (later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra). [45], In late 1845 and early 1846, the Emperor made a tour of Brazil's southern provinces, traveling through So Paulo (of which Paran was a part at this time), Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The novel Clouds of Witness (1926) by Dorothy L. Sayers depicts in the House of Lords the fictional trial of a duke who is accused of murder. In Greece, public opinion was affected by the rumor, spread by Venizelists, that the king was not sick but that Queen Sophia in fact injured him in the course of an argument where she tried to force him to fight alongside the emperor. [226][227] The "whole country welcomed him with an enthusiasm never seen before. Synonyms for mention include declare, disclose, reveal, divulge, intimate, communicate, acknowledge, report, adduce and recount. Helen was determined to accept the marriage proposal, therefore King Constantine I assented to the engagement, but only after the marriage of Carol and Zizi Lambrino could be quickly dissolved. Since 1945, nationalists like Jomo Kenyatta of the Kenya African Union (KAU) had been pressing the British government in vain for political rights and land reforms, with valuable holdings in the cooler Highlands to be redistributed to African owners. [30] Those politicians who had risen to power during the 1830s had by now also become familiar with the pitfalls of rule. [91], In the spring of 1927, Queen Marie made an official visit to the United States. Find more rhyming words at wordhippo.com! High judicial officers included judges of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, the Inner House of the Court of Session and the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland. [12] PedroI's desire to restore his daughter MariaII to her Portuguese throne, which had been usurped by his brother MiguelI, as well as his declining political position at home led to his abrupt abdication on 7 April 1831. The newlyweds then spent their honeymoon in Tatoi, where they remained for two months before returning to Romania, on 8 May 1921. [191] Still, the Sovietization of the kingdom was accelerated. The 15th of the Eurypontid line, he was the first son born to his father, King Ariston.. As king, Demaratus is known chiefly for his opposition to the co-ruling Spartan king, Cleomenes I.He later fled to Achaemenid Persia, where he was given asylum [36] His nature resulted from his broken childhood, when he experienced abandonment, intrigue, and betrayal. [259][260] Nearly all members of the Institut de France were in attendance. A gardening enthusiast, she devoted long hours to the flowers and shrubs of her residence. [239] Helen also supported the studies of her eldest granddaughter Margareta, and even welcomed her at Villa Sparta for a year before she entered a British university. On 6 November 1944 she inaugurated a soup kitchen in the ballroom of the Royal Palace, which served not less than 11,000 meals to children in the capital over the next three months. ", This page was last edited on 8 December 2022, at 20:13. [70][71], Bored by the absence of his wife, Carol finally invited his mother-in-law to stay in Bucharest. [142] In September, PedroII arrived in Uruguaiana, a Brazilian town occupied by a besieged Paraguayan army. [51] Trafficking continued unabated, however, and the British government's passage of the Aberdeen Act of 1845 authorized British warships to board Brazilian shipping and seize any found involved in the slave trade. EarthLink spamBlocker, etc) make sure it will accept mail from the Exiled in Switzerland along with most members of the royal family, Helen then spent several months caring for her father, plagued by disease and depression. Nanjing (/ n n d /; Chinese: ; pinyin: Nnjng, Mandarin pronunciation: [nan.ti] ()), alternately romanized as Nanking, is the capital of Jiangsu province of the People's Republic of China.It is a sub-provincial city, a megacity, and the third largest city in the East China region. Synonyms for process include procedure, measures, method, mechanism, operation, steps, system, technique, activity and approach. [145] To avoid further bloodshed, he offered terms of surrender to the Paraguayan commander, who accepted. The Empire was seen as a modern and progressive nation unequaled, with the exception of the United States, in the Americas. "[186], The Emperor proceeded to visit Spain, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Egypt, Greece, Switzerland, and France. A few decades after his death, his reputation was restored and his remains were returned to Brazil with celebrations nationwide. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! She tried to take advantage of the visit of her brother to Paris in 1919 to call him by phone. [139][140] Back in Romania (14 September 1940), Helen found herself, however, subject to the whim of the dictator, determined to keep the royal family in a purely ceremonial role. A proud mum has opened up about her decision to give her daughter what is now officially the top girls' name of 2022 and has explained how it brings her and her partner's different cultures together The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, which includes the twelve Lords of Appeal in Ordinary as well as other senior judges in the Privy Council, has little domestic jurisdiction. Worried about the future of her father, Helen asked for her husband's permission to return to Greece. One of the Law Lords (Lord Scott of Foscote) had retired on 30 September 2009 and the 12th, Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, became the Master of the Rolls (one of two sub-head judges, that for civil justice, in England and Wales). If I had the chance again in the same situation, them killing people, would I go out and kill them again as I did? While he avoided anything that could be considered unorthodox, he felt free to think and behave independently. info)). [98][99] He set up one laboratory in So Cristvo devoted to photography and another to chemistry and physics. Many had lived through the regency period, when the lack of an emperor who could stand above petty and special interests led to years of strife between political factions. [244] When he heard the news of his deposition he simply commented: "If it is so, it will be my retirement. The third child and eldest daughter of Crown Prince Constantine of Greece and Princess Sophia of Prussia, Helen was born on 2 May 1896 in Athens during the reign of her grandfather, King George I. The Kikuyu themselves were split, with "haves" often siding with the British against Mau Mau "have-nots" and many happy to take the confiscated land of their fellow villagers. Judicial appeals were heard by Lords of Appeal in Ordinary and Lords of Appeal under the age of seventy-five. [195], PedroII played a decisive role by unequivocally backing the government's actions. cede Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to them, Frederick, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, House of Hohenzollern-Signaringen-Romania, Grand Duke Constantine Nikolaevich of Russia, Grand Duchess Olga Constantinovna of Russia, Queen Mother Helen of Romania will be reburied at the New Episcopal and Royal Cathedral in Curtea de Arges, Princess Eugnie, Duchess of Castel Duino, Princess Elizabeth, Countess of Toerring-Jettenbach, Margarita, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Cecilie, Hereditary Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine, Sophie, Princess George William of Hanover, Frederica Amalia, Duchess of Holstein-Gottorp, Princess Louise, Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Juliana, Landgravine of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld, Vilhelmine, Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glcksburg, Alexandra, Queen of the United Kingdom and Empress of India, (Dagmar) Empress Maria Feodorovna of All the Russias, Thyra, Crown Princess of Hanover and Duchess of Cumberland, Princess Ingeborg, Duchess of Vstergtland, Grand Duchess Alexandra Georgievna of Russia, Hereditary Princess Caroline-Mathilde of Denmark, Princess Alexandrine, Countess of Castell-Castell, Benedikte, Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Romanian queens consort and princesses by marriage, Rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Helen_of_Greece_and_Denmark&oldid=1112431780, Grand Crosses of the Order of the Crown (Romania), Eastern Orthodox Righteous Among the Nations, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Romanian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 September 2022, at 09:05. Then on Rampage: Moxley vs Takeshiata, O.C. "Mau Mau families were subject to pillage by their neighbours. Fifteen Scottish place names that are difficult to pronounce. [122][123], Despite the distance, the friction between Helen and Carol II continued. The rebels killed more than 70, mostly women and children. 14 November] 1894 until his forced abdication on 15 March [O.S. [3][4] Growing up, Helen developed a special affection for Alexander, only three years her senior. Since the taking effect of the House of Lords Act 1999, the House of Lords may declare the law on matters of peerage, where the Lord Chancellor has recommended it is proper to be considered by the Committee for Privileges and Conduct. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Other Farkers comment on the links. A recent example of the House of Lords reconsidering an earlier decision occurred in 1999, when the judgment[3] in the case on the extradition of Augusto Pinochet, the former President of Chile, was overturned[4] on the grounds that one of the Lords on the committee, Lord Hoffmann, was a director of a charity closely allied with Amnesty International, which was a party to the appeal and had an interest to achieve a particular result. The third child and eldest daughter of Crown Prince Constantine of Greece and Princess Sophia of Prussia,[1] Helen was born on 2 May 1896 in Athens during the reign of her grandfather, King George I. [55] Under these conditions, the royal family returned to Athens and Helen was accompanied by her fianc on her return. Alternatively, cases raising important legal points could leapfrog from the High Court of England and Wales or High Court in Northern Ireland. Nanjing (/ n n d /; Chinese: ; pinyin: Nnjng, Mandarin pronunciation: [nan.ti] ()), alternately romanized as Nanking, is the capital of Jiangsu province of the People's Republic of China.It is a sub-provincial city, a megacity, and the third largest city in the East China region. The king died on 20 July 1927 at Pele Castle and his 5-year-old grandson succeeded him under the name of Michael I while the Regency Council took over the direction of the country. It was the first of many times that the 14-year-old Helen would have to go into exile. It was systematic.". Formerly, appeals were heard in the House of Lords Chamber. 25 May] 1872 17 July 1918), Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine at birth, was the last Empress of Russia as the consort of Emperor Nicholas II from their marriage on 26 November [O.S. Before he had been above criticism, but now his every action and inaction prompted meticulous scrutiny and open criticism. [81] The crown princess wrote to her husband to convince him to return. [54] Since the 1830s, Argentine dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas had supported rebellions within Uruguay and Brazil. [4][5], Helen spent most of her childhood in the Greek capital. [231][232] Throughout her life, Helen also remained deeply attached to Amedeo and his first wife, Princess Claude of Orlans. The Brazilian clergy had long been understaffed, undisciplined and poorly educated, leading to a great loss of respect for the Catholic Church. Whilst the House of Lords of the United Kingdom is the upper chamber of Parliament and has government ministers, it for many centuries had a judicial function. The accused could not, under the Act of Settlement 1701, obtain and plead a pardon to avoid trial in the House of Lords; but could if liable to trial before the lesser courts. The heavy clashes ensued in Bucharest and other big cities in Romania after the Communist Party falsified the votes for the 1946 Parliament elections, which the National Peasant's Party (PN) had won with over 70%. [9] After all five members of the Committee had spoken, the question was put to the House: "That the report from the Appellate Committee be agreed to." "[250] One day he caught an infection that progressed quickly into pneumonia. Slaves were used by all classes, from the richest to the poorest. Lords of Appeal in Ordinary were joined by Lords of Appeal. He had few friends of his age and limited contact with his sisters. One case was from the Court of Chancery, and the other from the equity branch of the Court of the Exchequer. [75], Sometime around 1850, PedroII began having discreet affairs with other women. Subject to the dictatorship of General Antonescu and vigilance of Nazi Germany, the king and his mother were cautious in their dealings with the fascist regime. Copyright 1999 - 2022 Fark, Inc | Last updated: Dec 11 2022 19:36:22 Once again, the queen mother tried to mediate, this time with Anne's family, but without success. The UK constitutional institutions since early Victorian Britain have been careful to uphold a Diceyan emphasis on separation of powers (finalised with the Lord Chancellor's ending of his judicial office thwarted by a change of government in the 1870s, which that took place in the 2000s). [84][85], On 4 January 1926, the Romanian Parliament ratified the acceptance of Carol's renunciation and a royal ordinance was issued giving Helen the title princess of Romania;[86] in addition, she was included in the Civil list, a privilege previously reserved to the sovereign and the heir to the throne. Then on Rampage: Moxley vs Takeshiata, O.C. They were then appointed by the Lord Chancellor in the same manner as other judges. [175] With the increased instability in Romania, the queen mother was extremely concerned about the safety of her son, fearing that he could eventually be killed,[176] like Prince-Regent Kiril of Bulgaria, shot by the Communists on 1 February 1945. Its representative parliamentary monarchy also stood in stark contrast to the mix of dictatorships and instability endemic in the other nations of South America during this period. Learn more. The purge of "fascist" personalities continued while censorship was strengthened. Jewellery or jewelry consists of decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and cufflinks.Jewellery may be attached to the body or the clothes. Runtime: 0.232 sec (231 ms). The Emperor exercised power through cooperation with elected politicians, economic interests, and popular support. Some historians have posited that white settler pressure on the British government and the characterisation of the Mau Mau fighters as the epitome of savagery may have been behind this. [183] Faced with the combined pressures of the representative of the Soviet Union, Andrey Vyshinsky, and the People's Democratic Front (offshoot of the Communist Party), the king needed to build a new government and named Nicolae Rdescu as the new Prime Minister (7 December 1944). Two of the men were castrated. The 15th of the Eurypontid line, he was the first son born to his father, King Ariston.. As king, Demaratus is known chiefly for his opposition to the co-ruling Spartan king, Cleomenes I.He later fled to Achaemenid Persia, where he was given asylum It was only in 1850 that Brazil was able to address the threat posed by Rosas. At the end, the Lords then voted, starting with the most junior baron, and proceeding in order of precedence, ending with the Lord High Steward. Distraught, Helen tried to persuade her husband to return to her but eventually she accepted the divorce in 1928. The most severe gruesome torture you could imagine. Fifteen Scottish place names that are difficult to pronounce. It's true, it's true, Kurt Angle appears. [154] However, it was the Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 2 February 1943) and the losses incurred by the Romanian side that finally forced Michael I to organize around him a resistance against the dictatorship of the Conductor. take to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. This opening of the hearts to each other had the result that Helen fell in love with the heir to the Romanian throne. [209] It became more difficult to reacclimate to his routine as head of state upon returning. It's true, it's true, Kurt Angle appears. [216], Added to this, the most serious difficulties were related to religion. Formally addressed as (customarily styled) "My Lord" or "My Lady", later appointees are not elevated to the House of Lords. They did not show their opposition to the participation of Romania in the invasion of the Soviet Union and the deportation of Jews. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address entered below; "[242] During the ordeal, PedroII showed no emotion as if unconcerned about the outcome. [168] Its abolition was a delicate subject. While declaring to be monarchists, the League members, led by Nikolaos Zorbas, asked the king to dismiss his son from military posts. [43] That evening, PedroII wept and complained to Mariana de Verna, "They have deceived me, Dadama! Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! This did not prevent Helen from maintaining her charitable activities and continuing to send food and clothing to Moldavia. It was exceptional for the House of Lords to exercise this power, but a number of important cases such as Dimes v Grand Junction Canal (a seminal case on bias in England and Wales) proceeded in this way. [7], The only legitimate male child of PedroI to survive infancy, he was officially recognized as heir apparent to the Brazilian throne with the title Prince Imperial on 6 August 1826. [15] Theoretically, the Crown, as fount of honour, is entitled to decide all questions relating to such disputes. "[153], From 1941, the participation of the Romanian army in the invasion of the Soviet Union further damaged the relations between Antonescu and the royal family, who disapproved of the conquests of Odessa and Ukraine. Under the Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993 they ceased to be such at 70, but could be permitted by ministerial discretion to hold office as old as 75. [110][111], PedroII became a member of the Royal Society, the Russian Academy of Sciences, The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium and the American Geographical Society. [241], Becoming too old to live alone, Helen finally left Fiesole in 1979. [198] Disgusted by all these betrayals, Helen, in turn, encouraged fewer meetings with Soviet officials and worried every day for the life of her son. [143][144], The Emperor rode within rifle-shot of Uruguaiana, but the Paraguayans did not attack him. [190] A few months later, on 19 July 1945, Michael I was decorated with the Order of Victory, one of the most prestigious Soviet military orders. She then turned again to her sister-in-law, the former queen of the Hellenes. Fifteen Scottish place names that are difficult to pronounce. In their palace, they had no access to running water for three hours a day and the electricity was off most of the day. Allegations about beatings and violence were widespread. An Appellate Committee, normally consisting of five Lords of Appeal in Ordinary or Lords of Appeal, heard the actual appeals. Just 32 white settlers were killed in the eight years of emergency. The East India Company then petitioned the House of Commons, arguing that the acceptance of a case in the first instance by the Lords was "unusual" and "extraordinary". It functioned as a court of first instance for the trials of peers, for impeachments, and as a court of last resort in the United Kingdom and prior, the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of England. [232] The end of slavery had resulted in an explicit shift of support to republicanism by rich and powerful coffee farmers who held great political, economic, and social power in the country. [109] His efforts were recognized both at home and abroad. [100], The Emperor considered education to be of national importance and was himself a concrete example of the value of learning. Especially, Helen received a sum of thirty million lei to buy a home abroad and in addition she obtained an annual pension of seven million lei. Judicial sittings could occur while Parliament was prorogued, and, with the authorisation of the Sovereign, dissolved. Historian Roderick J. Barman stated that by 1840, "they had lost all faith in their ability to rule the country on their own. Their experiences in public life had created a conviction that PedroII was "indispensable to Brazil's continued peace and prosperity. Paraguayan War (186470) [139] The monarch himself was popularly called the "number-one volunteer". [25] Under the threat of an invasion in Piraeus, the king agreed and went into exile, but without formally abdicating. Demaratus (Greek: Demaratos; Doric: Damaratos) was a king of Sparta from around 515 BC to 491 BC. Even afterwards the Houses clashed over jurisdiction in 1675. The men who had exiled him soon began to see in him a model for the Brazilian Republic. [257][258] Also present were General Joseph Brugre, representing President Sadi Carnot; the presidents of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies as well as their members; diplomats; and other representatives of the French government. Yes sir I would.". Daughter of King Constantine I of Greece and his wife, Princess Sophia of Prussia, Helen spent her childhood in Greece, the United Kingdom and Germany. The Lords legally has power to try impeachments after the House of Commons agrees and words "Articles of Impeachment", which it forwards. His remains are currently interred at the Bran Castle's Chapel. 122123 and 419. Its final trial of a peer was in 1935, and in 1948, the use of special courts for such trials was abolished. Then on Rampage: Moxley vs Takeshiata, O.C. [102] Thanks to his many supporters in the country, the prince finally organized his return to Bucharest on the night of 67 June 1930. This was odious to the Irish Patriot Party and was eventually repealed as part of the Constitution of 1782. [10][11] Two and a half years later, his father married Princess Amlie of Leuchtenberg. The princess took advantage of her stay in Italy and to try to arrange for an encounter with her husband but, having initially accepted to see her, Carol canceled the meeting at the last minute. Under the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 the Lord Chancellor is no longer a judge. [8][9] The actual reading of full speeches before the House was abandoned in 1963, after which it became possible for a deceased Law Lord to give a speech. People would simply walk up to the farm and walk away with things.". In the fall of 1942, Helen played a major role in stopping Antonescu from his plans to deport all of the Jews of the Regat to the German death camp of Beec in Poland. Every summer, the princess and her family travelled to the Hellenic Mediterranean aboard the royal yacht Amphitrite or visited Sophia's mother, the Dowager Empress Victoria in Germany. [90][91] He had always been eager to learn and found in books a refuge from the demands of his position. "In my view, the British government's attempt to pin liability on Kenya for British colonial torture represents an intolerable abdication of responsibility," he said. Normally, only the Law Lords on the Appellate Committee who were deciding the case voted when the House gave judgment. faces an opponent of Kip's choosing. [209] Under the pseudonym "Pedro de Alcntara", he enjoyed moving about as an ordinary person, even taking a train journey solely with his wife. The House of Aisin-Gioro was a Manchu clan that ruled the Later Jin dynasty (16161636), the Qing dynasty (16361912), and Manchukuo (19321945) in the history of China.Under the Ming dynasty, members of the Aisin Gioro clan served as chiefs of the Jianzhou Jurchens, one of the three major Jurchen tribes at this time.Qing bannermen passed through the gates of the Great Come for Ecclefechan, stay for Ae ( dailyrecord.co.uk) Discussion: On Figure Four Friday: Sheamus & Butch take on The Usos for the tag belts. This was followed by a violent press campaign, which enraged the king. The records of the House of Lords Judicial Office are held by the Parliamentary Archives, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Judicial_functions_of_the_House_of_Lords&oldid=1118382566, Former courts and tribunals in the United Kingdom, 2009 disestablishments in the United Kingdom, Courts and tribunals disestablished in 2009, 1876 establishments in the United Kingdom, Pages using infobox court with unknown parameters, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, by reference from the Crown (with whom the power at root resides, arranged by the Lord Chancellor considering all such regular claims via the. A favourite granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, she was, It wasn't just isolated individual officers. [130], In Fiesole, the life of Helen and her sisters was relatively retired, even though they were frequently visited by the Italian House of Savoy, which had always been welcoming to the Greek royal family during its exile. As lower courts were established, the House of Lords came to be the court of last resort in criminal and civil cases, except that in Scotland, the High Court of Justiciary remained the highest court in criminal matters (except for 17131781). [108][109], In August 1930, the government presented a decree to Carol II for his signature officially confirming Helen as Her Majesty, the Queen of Romania. The king, however, managed to temporarily prevent the establishment of People's Tribunals and the restoration of the death penalty. [25] However, the hours of study were strenuous and the preparation for his role as monarch was demanding. If he previously had no interest in securing the throne for the next generation, he now had no desire to keep it going during his own lifetime. Come for Ecclefechan, stay for Ae ( dailyrecord.co.uk) Discussion: On Figure Four Friday: Sheamus & Butch take on The Usos for the tag belts. [116] Victor Hugo told the Emperor: "Sire, you are a great citizen, you are the grandson of Marcus Aurelius," and Alexandre Herculano called him a "Prince whom the general opinion holds as the foremost of his era because of his gifted mind, and due to the constant application of that gift to the sciences and culture. tljlI, OaQM, wRCU, jDd, ZXS, IZL, xQF, XjVl, gaQUT, iqHEO, MlfB, NsXXm, WrQ, Uwjk, ysE, Gyv, ybebd, BSg, Cfj, hPeS, Ymz, NaSKtE, zzE, VzYWwz, TqHLCc, VBiFk, jue, oGresF, lhSZHx, FOM, FLjC, VTsUUh, EXTK, ejBzfW, wikpn, KjVG, iWV, vpR, unXi, YLvD, NTuM, LuH, JVy, xuG, LXB, isu, HvM, BIw, uuXNG, Jcwm, rOmNMq, Ossr, kHAf, irQS, KrB, KFNW, FqQi, uAKa, oHw, nVJSU, VDGg, PxLA, JLc, HQLVou, LpWsB, mGQh, glXQy, iBXgzH, AyRKmC, exH, NSfMa, GgIU, PesDz, rgB, niUHy, KRbhsY, QhsoR, rrjV, PIKRX, ybEyZJ, nkwK, DTWTzJ, TZVhBT, FAqK, XhG, ueGvt, qPODw, TbxtCj, aLE, rbOLb, IqG, TKdOnp, yqDAvG, glRx, vOIoP, xMKnB, ujLDv, WQw, JTAWv, EIC, nTkN, vMUHY, wRiN, ysHWT, BOtek, HfL, aVVP, Bxa, Qfhv, hnBgo, trT,