how do demons age in inuyasha

Compare this to the various times when Kagome also gets mad at Inuyasha for his past relationship with Kikyo, even before she actually had a relationship with Inuyasha herself. In the anime only, Kga met Inuyasha's older half-brother once. I Simp Kikyou because she has strong big sister figure My latest drawing: the mighty Sessomaru-Sama! And 15). The centipede monster was actually after a jewel embedded in Kagome; the struggle . Tsukumo no Gama, otherwise known as the toad prince, failed to demonstrate the level of tactical and strategic thinking that we would expect from a 300 year old human criminal. The group was soon attacked by Kagura. Go to hell! So that at least half-demonic children can grow up safely, Shiori founded the Hany Hidden Village as an adult, where she takes them in as children, teaches them to do arithmetic, write and read, and let them grow up until they are strong enough to survive on their own and even allow human to accept them. He learned Inuyasha was a half-demon and would change to a mortal at the new moon. This leaves the question: How do pure, canine demons age before reaching puberty? 15 in human years and 150 (200 chronologically). Even still going by 1=10, 10 also still equals 10. 5 X 30 (demon years)= 150 (human years), 5 X 40 (demon years)= 200 (human years) all together: Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru would be 300 years apart in human years and 60 years apart in demon years. Kga rarely makes battle plans. Ayame is the granddaughter of the chief in the northern mountains. His strength, reflexes, speed, and stamina were all superior to Inuyasha's. Inuyasha is a demi-youkai, meaning he is half-demon and half-human. Kga threatens to kill him once he sees Inuyasha again. In the Episode 176, when deprived of his Shikon Jewel shards after the death of Kiky, Kga retires from battling Naraku, telling Kagome to come to him if she ever gets tired of Inuyasha. In the end of the anime series, Kga marries Ayame not knowing that Kagome had returned and married Inuyasha. It's very telling that the original anime ran out of episodes to actually finish the story, only being able to adapt the manga's resolution thanks to the Final Act spin-off. Inuyasha feeling betrayed attacks Kagome leaving Sesshomaru to defend her. This would mean that Shipp, the equivalent of a 7 year old human boy, is chronologically 49 years old. His look and features were like this age. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 10 Things That Didn't Age Well In Inuyasha, InuYasha: 5 Relationships Fans Got Behind (& 5 They Rejected), 10 Classic Anime Every Newcomer Should Watch. Ykai despise hany, however. As he learns more about her kindness and bravery, his love for her increases and he becomes very protective of her. Hmmm that is interesting. However, their true form is primarily an amalgamation of demons fused together because they are essentially a colony of demons inhabiting a human body. Hakurei, not until Mrymaru's creation. Forever obsessed with my Sesshomaru tattoo. As the immensely powerful, full-blooded demon and older brother of Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is among the top two strongest villains in the entire series. Weapons Even when there's clearly a misunderstanding going on, the characters are a little too eager to beat up their own friends. Of all the hanys, Izumo is the only half-demon known to be born to a human father and a demon mother. Nihongo Because of his bloodline, Inuyasha inherited the powers of a demon and some of his fathers characteristics, including his eyes, fangs, claws, dog ears, and hair. Even if they are not extinct, it would make sense for them to not have themselves stand out or draw undue attention to themselves; given there exists technology that can wipe out cities now like nuclear weapons, its likely more than enough to kill a demon. Even the show's most devoted fans seem willing to admit that the series went on too long than it needed to be, with fans often asking online for lists of episodes without filler, whether it's GameFaq or Reddit. Status Longevity: Because of his mixed heritage and being the son of a once powerful Inu-Daiykai; Inuyasha ages slower than normal humans as he is over 200 years old in Demon years but appears to be the equivalent of a 15 year old human. His next appearance is when Naraku unleashes his fourth and fifth incarnations, Jrmaru and Kagermaru. Social behavior among ykai is also extremely varied. Whether it is a male or female that is their mate, there is a 95% chance they become pregnant. So Theoretically 10 years = 1 human like year I would still use it as a source because she was involved in the movies. The most powerful of demons are known as daiykai. This could mean he is still not fully over Kagome or still respects her due to his past feelings for her. Once Kga learned the truth, he devoted almost all of his time and energy to tracking down and destroying Naraku. Inuyasha - *Hits the ground hard* "OW!" (For those of you who haven't seen Inuyasha, he has these beads around his neck and whenever Kagome says SIT, the beads pull him to the ground and 9/10 times he face plants when they do, for a better explenation, check out this link to the SIT compilation video. Rin is a supporting character in the anime/manga series Inuyasha. Debut During a new moon and moment of weakness for Naraku, Kga picked up the scent of Naraku in the air. Age Throughout the series he maintained a strong sense of rivalry with the 'mutt' Inuyasha over their strength and each canine's desire to defeat Naraku, as well as Kga's persistent courtship of Kagome. Inuyasha is only half-demon, which doesn't exactly make him popular. It is believed that half-demons with a daiykai parent are more powerful than normal half-demons. However, since a Yashahime manga does not exist, Inuyasha being 200 years old is now canon. Other clan-based demons include the Panther tribe and the moth ykai, such as the Hyga clan. Plus, I think a being that lives for hundreds of years and ages slower will have a different perception of the world and of time than us, and the world will see them differently as well. It simply doesn't make much sense that a small sliver of the Jewel would work to empower a demon in the same way that the entire Jewel did. Kga then arrives at the castle and sees all of his comrades corpses along with Inuyasha covered in their blood. In the Feudal era many demons in the series are shown being eliminated due to conflicts with humans or with other demons. Sometimes a hany, however, also manages to be accepted by a human village, like Inuyasha and later Jinenji. hide this ad. His attitude is mostly wild and he is only concerned with survival. He was also poisoned by a fake jewel shard which Kagome destroyed after Kagura left the castle. Nevertheless, hany can make friends with benign ykai, like Inuyasha and Shipp, or win the respect of evil ykai, as was the case with Izumo and Orochiday. In today's culture, we are more compassionate when it comes to others. Kga first met Ayame as a young girl after he saved her from demons. Shiori can also create powerful barriers whereas Ai was implied to have some type of underwater adaption, given how she apparently swam the distance from the Hrai Island to the mainland in a relatively short span of time. Occupation Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore ( Team Ninja) Dead or Alive 2 (JAP - a verso americana chama-se Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore, que em DVD-ROM) (CD-ROM) Dead Rush ( Treyarch) Dead To Rights II ( Namco) Dead To Rights ( Namco) Deadly Strike. I much more like to think as, Inuyasha is a teenager, Sesshoumaru is a young adult, Shippou is a kid. Throughout the series, Kga is fully aware of Inuyasha's love for Kagome, but is completely oblivious of Kagome's love for Inuyasha, however during the Episode 117, Kga finally realizes that Kagome is in love with Inuyasha after he saw how happy and relieved she was when Inuyasha was revealed to be alive. Even at birth, hany show physical signs of their ykai roots (e.g. Inuyasha tends to get jealous when Kagome is kind to Kga before chasing him off. Because of this, he was ostracized by both the human and demon communities. Some others appear in InuYasha characters and List of minor InuYasha characters. As a daiyokai himself, Toga is the only one equipped to . In fact, the protagonist, Inuyasha, himself, is a half-demon. The strength of hany is remarkably varied, though they are normally stronger than ordinary mortals and more powerful hany can even stand on equal ground with full-fledged demons. For example, the hany Inuyasha was exceptionally powerful, being the son of a powerful daiykai, and as an adult could dispatch most low-tier demonic foes with ease. Male I'm gonna leave it here that using "exact" numbers to try to explain and understand the ages of youkai makes things worse and more confusing. During a conflict, Sango is usually quick to slap or throw something heavy at Miroku and Kagome is also willing to inflict pain on Inuyasha. The Soul Piper debuts in chapter 35 of the manga and episode 12 of the anime. Still, the few times she says it after an argument or due to a misunderstanding come off as downright abusive. Ykai ( ), or demons, are very powerful supernatural beings present in Feudal Japan. Robai (Grandfather)[2]Ayame (Wife)[Note 1]Wolf elder (Grandfather-in-law)[Note 1] Some of maturity is about brain structures and neuronal pathways in humans, which if you don't have the physical maturity, the emotional maturity is harder to gain. Especially weak demons sometimes congregate by necessity or fear, especially those who serve Naraku. But he sometimes exhibits surprising strategies with his naturally sharp instincts. [16], The next day, he decides to leave the fight against Naraku to Inuyasha's group and leaves after trying to rile up Inuyasha into reacting and telling Kagome that she should come find him if she gets tired of Inuyasha. He constantly tries to woo Kagome, but to no avail. He saved Rin's life from a demon, managing to defend her faster than Sesshmaru because of the two shards of the Shikon Jewel in his legs. His actions are basically animalistic hit-or-miss. For example, Inuyasha had silver hair and dog ears, a trademark of his inu-ykai heritage, and the hany children of Hraijima had unusual hair colors and physical peculiarities (i.e. Not much is known about his past before he meeting Kagome and her friends. This isn't always the case when dealing with romantic interestsInuyasha isn't above giving Shippo (who may or may not be a childyokai ages are tricky) a good punch. Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked, but one thing has remained constant: Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the highest-rated animated shows of all time. Manga Debut Theres no official year for Sesshomaru as well, only Inuyasha seems to be the only demon spirit tohave an official age both in chronological and half demon age equivalent. Kga is introduced in the series with three Shikon shards in his possession; two embedded in his legs and one in his right arm. Not only were these demons of various species, but they also wore uniforms and wielded a wide range of weaponry. Skin color Follow as Kagome and Sesshomaru find themselves in the most unlikely of love stories where Kagome finds her own strength. Shippou not only was physichally a kid, but lived as so. Hyga, by contrast, wielded his influence over his servants during times of war, and only his clan of fellow moth demons actually served him on a day-to-day basis. Still, you'd think even the school would be suspicious of all of Kagome's ailments. He seemed to enjoy looking down at the infant who resembled Kagome. Physical information Ryukotsusei is a daiyokai, the most powerful of demons, and it shows. In all fairness, not every example is the same. Some demons who were grateful for Tga's protection in the past temporarily gathered under the nominal leadership of his son, Sesshmaru, to combat the Panther Tribe, but proved ineffective at best against the power and discipline of the panther demons, against whom only Sesshmaru himself seemed effective. Sesshomaru's supernatural skills include master swordsmanship, superhuman speed, strength, and durability, upgraded senses, immortality, rapid regeneration, teleportation, and telekinesis. Episode 35 The unnatural type of hany, formed by the merging of humans and demons, have almost completely human forms due to being originally human. He tracked it with his wolf tribe and ran into Inuyasha and his crew who were also tracking the scent. With Towa and Setsuna the daughters of Sesshmaru, and Moroha the daughter of Inuyasha, they are referred to as the "Half-Demon. "So you're telling me that I'm carrying a demon-human. You honestly think I'd allow more of our tribesmen to die just for that? "How? A show as classic as Inuyasha is no exception to a less sensitive world. His ears are pointed and resemble those of Sesshmaru and other demons. In fact, in the third movie, Kagome even tricks Inuyasha into pointing the beads back on after . During the series, Kga saves Kagome multiple times while Inuyasha is preoccupied attacking other demons or the enemy. Hany are shunned both by humans and by ykai. 15 (In human years)[1] Inuyasha is a story that is populated not just with demons, but with half-demons as is the case with the titular protagonist of the series. He cares very deeply about them, as seen when he attempted to get the Goraishi, saying that he would rather not have the weapon's power if it meant sacrificing the lives of his comrades. Blue [13], He tasks Ginta and Hakkaku to take care of Kai and Shinta while he goes off on his own tracking Mryomaru and meets Kiky who asks him to hand over his shards to her, telling him her plan to purify the Shikon Jewel once it is complete, but he refuses and continues chasing after Mryomaru who recovered from his recent damages and heads for a direct confrontation with Naraku. Eye color Some half-demons are also created when a human offers their soul to demons and are reconstituted as an entirely new creature. Thus the literary translation is "half-ykai". Ykai even despise hany that are related to them, as Sesshmaru did with Inuyasha, and Taigokumaru with Shiori. Inuyasha was seen by Kga as a love rival for Kagome's heart. One example of a demon that appears in modern Tokyo is the Soul Piper, a demon that guides the souls of dead children. At first, Kga kidnaps Kagome and Shipp only because Kagome can see the Sacred Jewel shards in the Birds of Paradise. Ykai (), or demons, are very powerful supernatural beings present in Feudal Japan. InuYasha anime Explained (The Fangirl) for mashabiki of Inuyasha. Those that take on human form are far more formidable. In relation to humans, demons either ignore or are outright hostile to humans, though they generally fear reprisal from priests, priestesses, and monks. Upon finding out that Inuyasha killed his underlings, Kga and Inuyasha immediately develop a rivalry with one-another, despite the fact that Inuyasha is a fellow canine. 2/10 The Osuwari Command. Still, even many of these ykai have "true forms", such as Sesshmaru whose true form is that of a giant white dog. Kga wasn't seen again for much of the story after Mt. [14], After Mryomaru seemingly absorbed Naraku, Kga and Inuyasha team up again against him but Midoriko's will causes Kga to be captured by Mryomaru who is however taken over and destroyed by Naraku, and he was forced to use the only protection he'd receive from his ancestors from Midoriko's will to escape.[14]. 180 cm (5'11") During his travels with Inuyasha's group and her second death against Naraku, he was present during her final moments, wherein he understood her intentions, but still showed no serious attachment to or interest in her. Wolf ykai Kga With around 200 episodes, Inuyasha is host to a large number of characters, each with their own unique personalities and power. A few demon clans such as the Wolf Demon Tribe, the Hyga clan, and Princess Abi's bird clan, have humanoid demons who travel with related demonic animals (i.e. Inuyasha and Kagome end up together. If you enjoyed Miriam's strong attitude, you'll surely love this series as well. Kga was among the few wolf demon tribesmen to have a tail, the other being. The term "Half-breed" is used as an offensive term for hany. Later, Sesshmaru, Jaken, and A-Un came across Kga himself. At first, he rejects her assistance, until he learns of her promise to use the shards to kill Naraku while saving Kga's life, which piqued the wolf-demon's curiosity. Some demons are very social, especially canine demons, such as dog or wolf ykai, the latter of which travel in large packs and associate in vast tribal networks. INUYASHA'S EVIL SIDE Complete InuYasha Ani-Manga Book Series in Order. Inu-ykai age 100 times slower than humans during/after puberty. Team Most parents wouldn't be too happy about this. Hair color All of the wolf demon tribe members wear wolf fur because it is a way to respect and remember comrades who have died. They are extremely loyal to Kga, and are always looking out for his best interest; they generally obey his every command as well. However, during their encounter, Rin is attacked by a centipede-like demon, and Kga kills it before Rin is killed. [9], Kga, Ginta, and Hakkaku have came to Naraku's castle and going on an investigate, even though he's not in the castle and decides to go ask Inuyasha about it before Ayame arrives and the hair monster emerges as it sensed the shard of the Shikon Jewel on his legs.[10]. While most demons keep to themselves, only attacking what they need for resources or food, daiykai often have ambitions of power and conquest, leading to wars between them. Half demons age normally and then stop at Adulthood according to Yashamine. Kagome however doesn't have any feelings for him and only thinks of Kga as a friend. So, there are still demons around in the modern era, just not as many. The greatest of daiykai, such as Tga, Rykotsusei, the Panther King, and Hyga, are colossal demons of enormous size and insurmountable power, able to lay waste to entire regions. I get that different creatures age at different rates, but a year of lived experience is a year. InuYasha is an anime series that tells the story of Kagome Higurashi, a 15-year-old girl from Tokyo who gets mysteriously transported to Japan's Sengoku period after getting dragged into their family shrine by a large centipede demon. This is a film making for young adults. Even the fact that the hany is being raised by a human parent, who would teach them to never harm humans unless to protect their own lives. There are some demons still left in the modern day, so I just assume many where killed over the years by the proliferation of demon hunters. The main cast tends to either forgive or outright overlookthis behavior for the sake of friendship, which is kind of unsettling. Steel Fang It seems to imply that adult demons do nothing. Def Jam Vendetta ( EA Games) Def Jam: Fight for NY ( EA Games) Densha de go! Since youkai and half-youkai age differently than humans, why define "Inuyasha is mentally 15", "Sesshoumaru is 19"? You must have seen that he was under Kikyo's spell for 50 years, being unharmed and unaged. Later, Kagura, an incarnation of Naraku, tricks members of the Wolf Demon Tribe into coming to Naraku's castle under the premise of gathering Sacred Jewel shards; she slaughters them all. Since that the demons were part of the history that the moths and dog demons are part of the. Four years later, he, his wife Ayame, and their good friend Yawaragi were entrusted to raise Kagome and Inuyasha's daughter Moroha who was brought by Hachiemon to keep her safe from Kirinmaru and his elder sister Zero. There she meets the titular character of the seriesthe half-demon Inuyasha. kwa The Fangirl There are two different ways to become a hany: It is more common for someone to be born hany than to be artificially transformed into one. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. At the very least, you wouldn't expect modern shows to treats a woman repeatedly being touched inappropriately as a joke. The first is "han", which means "half" in Japanese, and "y" is the first syllable of the word "ykai". today I present my: kagura from Inuyasha by hunyu studio. It is said that if a demon can take on the form of a human, then it is truly powerful. And you can go read MAO, Takahashi's latest work, if you want. Most demons usually only associate with their own kind, unless driven by some pressing need or self-interest, especially when overwhelming numbers are needed; but without a strong leader like Sesshmaru, Bikuni, Izumo, Hyga, or even Naraku, they rarely do so on their own. Inuyasha's age is never confirmed either but non canon movie states he is 200 years old (150 before tree, 50 arrowed to the tree) and profile book say his human years is 15. The InuYasha is a dark fantasy and light horror anime, so this is not recommended for children. While most half demons in the series are born naturally from a demon and human parent, some are created artificially through demon magic. After Kga became wounded and lost one shard in his right arm, Kagome allowed him to flee despite Inuyasha's protests. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Rumiko has avoided giving a specific age and has only mentioned. He simply proceeds in one direction. He drew his sword only once to cut himself free from Mrymaru's gelatinous body. Without jewel shards floating around willy-nilly, most remaining demons seem to keep to themselves and hide out. When Kga starts to insult Inuyasha even purposely mispronouncing his name, Kagome sticks up for him and says: "His name isn't InuTrasha, so don't insult him! She left behind the two shards of the Shikon Jewel that she had taken from him. If extinct, it is possible that they either killed each other off or were exterminated by humans with the introduction of more advanced technology. Because he is a full-blooded demon it's quite possible that he is much older than he looks and likely has semi-immortality. He also wears a silver and black cuirasse (torso armor), white wraps around his feet, and carries a sword at his waist. Thanks to those magical beads around his neck, Kagome can always put Inuyasha in his place by the simple command: "Osuwari," or "Sit Boy!" From a modern perspective, her reliance on this spell can come off as pretty abusive. Whenever Koga shows an interest in Kagome and Inuyasha gets jealous, supporting characters are quick to act like he's being an idiot and sympathize with Kagome for getting mad at him. Kga Rumiko mentioned something about how after a certain age dog demons only age 1 year per 10 years but honestly it's a bit all over the place. His expression of love is pure and he goes to meet Kagome wherever she may be. Weight In a serious crisis, they cooperate with each other. Now, her social skills weren't great as a 22 yo, but she still has the physical brain of a five year old, so will lack done impulse control and ability to control emotions because her brain is physically not as mature as her memories. While it is unclear if these wolves possess demonic powers, the demon birds who serve Princess Abi and the demon moths under Menmaru are capable of various (often quite potent) abilities. After his first encounter with Inuyasha, Kga regularly appears in the first half of series looking for Naraku, much like Inuyasha's group. Regular ykai appear to have either become extinct or hidden themselves amongst the far greater numbers of humanity and now only officially exist in myth. The Hyga clan is an even more extreme example, as they possessed large hordes of demon soldiers who served under them. Due to their dual nature, hany are often subject to prejudice from both human and ykai societies because of the mutual hatred between both respective species. Kga learns of Inuyasha's weakness during the new moon during his second encounter with Kagura, but chose not to take advantage of Inuyasha's mortal state. It is noteworthy that hany as children are already very strong and resilient. Ranking Naraku's Incarnations: to follow me on . 9,542 ratings arrow_drop_down 9,542 4.39 Out of 5. Others, such as Entei or Rykotsusei, either cannot or choose not to take on human forms, retaining an animal-like form at all times. Despite what was said above, Kagome probably still cares about her family, and her family probably likes her. Voice Actors RELATED: InuYasha: 5 Relationships Fans Got Behind (& 5 They Rejected). Thanks to those magical beads around his neck, Kagome can always put Inuyasha in his place by the simple command: "Osuwari," or "Sit Boy!" Kga's love for Kagome is one-sided. Despite being a main character, Kga does not appear in any of the four. Another possibility is that they assimilated into human populations over the centuries and their bloodlines were completely absorbed. Similarly, Kga tells Ginta and Hakkaku that while he has a problem with Inuyasha, he's yet to have any reason to hate Inuyasha's older brother.[26]. In this world, demons and people should defend themselves from the enemies that lurk round each nook. Needless to say, he also gained knowledge of the fact that she and Inuyasha used to be lovers, much to the hany's annoyance. As long as he likes something, he is not concerned with the feelings of others. But I guess this goes beyond Inuyasha and enters the space of "immortal fiction" in general. You can argue that Inuyasha is the yokai equivalent of a teenager,but that's just the tip of the iceberg. After her resurrection, she was able to talk again. Ginta and Hakkaku are often seen out of breath, chasing after Kga because they are unable to keep up with his awesome speed. Abilities Name meaning For all of their abilities and for daiykai, longevity that often stretches into centuries, demons are not immortal and will grow old and die. (Much to her frustration). As a Feudal Era hany growing up in modern times, Towa Higurashi was taught to not use her superhuman abilities in front of humans. How old is Inuyasha in demon years? Employees of Hot Topic, Inc. d/b/a BoxLunch (" Sponsor "), as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and household members of those . Thanks so much for watching! After this, he vows to kill Naraku and avenge the deaths of his comrades.[7]. She is a little girl whose family were killed by bandits, a traumatic experience that left her mute. But Kagome always being sympathetic, and Inuyasha always being treated like an idiot, even before they arguably even became a couple, can seem a little unfair. I dont think there was ever a proper explanation. Physiology and Psychological Characteristics, InuYasha the Movie 4: Fire on the Mystic Island. For example, if the average human lifespan for a male is 80yrs and the average for a male demon is 2000 years, you can just do the math to figure out the demon's age relative to human years or vice versa. Every time he delivers an Energy Bullet, the destruction is massive. It is just like a cat and dog relationship, but they grow to trust each other little by little. According to the Inuyasha Profiles manga book, Shippo is 7 (in human years) but Ive never seen anything official that suggests hes been alive for 50 years. It is unknown whether there are demons exist outside Japan. Does anyone know if a proper explanation of aging for demons is ever given? They might be okay with yokai trying to eat her or evil witches stealing her soul every week, but they at least seem willing to feed her, so there's that. This article pertains to the anime and manga series InuYasha and is a list of some of the ykai (demons) who appear in the series. One aspect of the Koga/Kagome/Inuyasha love-triangle of sorts that didn't age well is a certain double standard. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Ginta, Hakkaku Biographical information And remember, there might be spoilers for those who haven't finished the series, especially the ending. Initially, he had no human feelings, such as sympathy or having concern for the weak, shown in his first appearance when he let his wolves massacre the village where a betraying wolf demon ran to. As for Moroha, she was raised by the Wolf Demon Tribe since Hachiemon took her away from Kaede's village because Kirinmaru tried to kill her. Chapter 130 His desire to become a full human for Kikyo might even suggest he's partially aware of this issue, but this is never brought up towards the end. Kga assists Inuyasha in killing the two incarnations. Gender The plot of Inuyasha revolves heavily around one ancient artifact. Soon afterward, Inuyasha and group appear on the scene, and Kagura uses her dance of the dead to cover Inuyasha in the slain wolf-demons' blood. While hany can be born with rather human-like features, there are some like Jinenji who are far more "monstrous" in appearance. From a modern perspective, her reliance on this spell can come off as pretty abusive. So Dai could effortlessly break a branch that was as thick as a human arm, while Shiori fell from a great height and remained completely unharmed. There were plenty of times Kagome commanded Inuyasha to sit out of self-defense, by complete accident, and there were even a few times when she probably saved his life by doing it. Affiliation The way he gropes and peeks at poor Sango every chance he gets would be something you'd expect from one of the villains of a modern story, not one of the heroes, let alone her love interest. [6] Kga eventually learns that his comrades were slain by Kagura, a minion of Naraku. In the anime, she was shown to have developed a fear of wolves when she came across Ginta and Hakkaku, at a riverside and immediately hid behind Jaken in fear. Kga (, "Steel Fang") was the young leader of the Eastern Ykai Wolf Tribe, or the Yr clan,[3] which was nearly wiped out by Kagura and Naraku. Voiced by: Kappei Yamaguchi (Japanese); Richard Ian Cox (Viz Media dub), Darren Pleavin (Animax Asia dub) (English) Inuyasha () was born of a dog-demon father and a human mother. Kga placed them back into his legs and regained his strength and speed. 25 results for "demon from the river styx". This was the case with both demons, such as Mistress Centipede and the Nothing Woman, and some of the human characters, like Kagomea human teenager. Inuyasha was a teen with a strong personality who was treated as an outcast and lived by himself his entire life so already wasn't very inclined to a very social behaviour nor wasn't the best at dealing with people. He learned Inuyasha was a half-demon and would change to a mortal at the new moon.[8]. "The mating season for demons is a confusing process. They have many insulting names they call each other: Inuyasha is usually "Mutt-Face" and Kga is usually "Wolf-Cub". Sesshmaru later remarks that he would have killed Kga if the wolf hadn't shown that he has altered his ways. Setsuna and Towa have not had to deal with this bigotry however. A hany (, "half-demon") are supernatural beings that are a hybrid between human and ykai. It's a 22 year old woman, stuck in the body of a 5 year old. Inuyasha grew to desire the Shikon Jewel, knowing that it could make him a full demon, or a full human. The latter was hinted since he was seen slightly blushing at his wedding. Like the other demon characters in the Inuyasha guidebook, his true age isn't given - only his age in terms of human years. Do Inuyasha and Kagome ever get together? Kga is the young leader of the Wolf-Demon Tribe. There are demons in the modern era in InuYasha, however there appear to be far fewer than in the feudal era. Press J to jump to the feed. Kiky detects that Kga is in possession of two of the three remaining Shikon Jewel shards and warns him not to recklessly chase after Naraku or his incarnations, in fear that the shards may end up in Naraku's hands. However, such behavior is considered eccentric by even the most open-minded demons, and is generally frowned upon, with the offspring of such unions being reviled and discriminated against. Leader of the Ykai Wolf Tribe [8] The group was soon attacked by Kagura. His human mother was the only one alive who seemed to care for him. Years later, he and tribe were entrusted to look after Kagome and Inuyasha's baby daughter, Moroha, a task he appeared to enjoy since he got to look down on her face, which greatly resembled Kagome's. pointed ears or horns). And yet, they are together . On one hand, Kagome at least tries to keep up her education, at least at first, and the Japanese school system, according to Tofugu, technicallydoesn't actually fail students, since more emphasis is placed on entrance exams, so Kagome's truancy wouldn't be as problematic as if she were from another country. Ginta and Hakkaku are Kga's two main traveling companions, and his best friends. Kga wears brown wolf fur as a headband, shoulder plates, a loincloth, a long and short cuff, and as shin guards. [18][Note 1]. According to the third InuYasha movie and episode 5 of the series Hany no Yashahime, Inuyasha is 200 years old. Of Mikos and Demons By: hana reikon Kagome wakes and is pulled by some unseen force to a clearing where she finds Sesshomaru injured and heals him. After seeing how his shards could purify Naraku when he tried to take them with his tentacles and Inuyasha causes Naraku's body to rip open revealing his underlying flesh in which the Shikon jewel can be seen, Kga decides to go along with Midoriko's will and rushes to Naraku, who however hid the jewel within Kiky which resulted in Kga being seized by his tentacles and his shards becoming tainted by his miasma. He has complete trust in his comrades, and will always protect his pack regardless of the danger he faces on the front-lines. getting down on his hands and knees with his nose to the ground, using his foot to scratch his ear, playing fetch, shaking himself dry, and even growling). She left behind the two shards of the Shikon Jewel that she had taken from him. I could maybe see young demons emotionally maturing at a rate proportionate to their lifespan (though it still seems weird), but wouldn't an adult mature emotionally as they experience things? About eleven years after being entrusted with Moroha, Kga had Moroha employed under Yawaragi's care for training, for unknown reasons for the most part. For instance, Inuyasha has sharp claws and can use his demonic power to solidify his blood for offensive attacks. Kga appears as a young man of average height. They each realize the power of the other but refuse to admit it. Age differences aren't always a deal-breaker, but a 200-year-old boy and a teenage girl together bring up a lot of questions. The two of them would often bicker about who would get to Naraku first and kill him, because they both sought a form of vengeance. Unlike Inuyasha, he was not interested in Kiky at all and even started disliking her when she tried to force him to give up his Shikon Jewel shards. However, on one occasion, Ginta and Hakkaku disobeyed him, but only because they feared a confrontation would take place between him and Inuyasha's powerful brother, Sesshmaru. 1 Strongest: Sesshomaru. Fifteen-year-old Kagome Higurashi, Kiky's modern reincarnation, released him from this spell, but soon after, she accidentally shattered the Shikon Jewel into hundreds of fragments. Ykai consist of innumerable, and diverse varieties that grow stronger with age and their varying bloodlines. I'm watching for the first time (not finished yet) and it seems really odd to me that Shippo is 50, Inuyasha is 200 (150 of lived experiences), etc but they act their human equivalent (5 maybe? As he was a demon, he could be aged hundred of years. I took it as Inuyasha's mom died when he was little and then he spends 100 years alone before meeting Kikiyo. These demons are extremely powerful, are virtually immune to normal methods of human attack, and normally have a number of weaker demons who serve under them. He saw the world as a kid, and was seen as a kid. Much like an actual wolf is, he is keenly in tune with his instincts and will not hesitate to follow them (such as running away when the situation is not in his favor). While most demons are very weak, some are particularly strong, especially those that have specific associations with animals: for instance, dog demons. The two have a brief relationship with one another. Some hany want to become demons, like Inuyasha at the beginning of the plot, and Naraku, because they get stronger and are respected by other ykai. Afterwards Inuyasha gets mad at Kagome, and eventually Kagome realizes she was ungrateful to Inuyasha, who had come to save her, and the two of them make up. Noticing the same occurrence with the feigning power of Naraku's barrier and Inuyasha's transformation, the group postulated Naraku may also be a hany. Many other demons are solitary hunters who sometimes fight in small groups and roam across the countryside. Kga hurried to the castle to save his comrades after learning they'd been slain. In fact, during this tumultuous period of civil war, demons seem to flourish. It also seems that he has a solid, possibly long friendship with Ginta and Hakkaku. Hear this! Nevertheless, demons could still sense that he was not a full demon. GoraishiSword Most plant demons are sedentary and cannot change their shape. Eventually, Naraku's body getting disintegrated as he struggles against Kiky's spiritual energy with Kagome's help allows Kga to cut free although his shards are taken by Naraku's tentacles. They come from very different worlds, both have to face and deal with conflicting feelings, broken hearts, and tormented pasts. For instance, the Wolf Demon Tribe consists primarily of demons who have wolf-like traits, but many actual wolves live with them and hunt alongside them, with the eldest among them being capable of human speech. In feudal Japan, where demons run rampant, Inuyasha and Kagome must gather and reconstruct pieces of the sacred Shikon jewel. These weapons want some spectacular talents to resist the ability that their opponents possesses. "I knew ye would call, child. I had considered that vaguely for young demons, but it's interesting to see an example (impulse control). Others, like Izumo, want to be pure humans so that they can live in peace among other humans. Tanned That said, its safe to assume that inu-hany age at the same speed as humans before hitting puberty and age 100 times slower than humans during and after puberty. RELATED: 10 Best Anime [] Bikuni is a rare example of a demon, said to be very old, who is able to unite a diverse group of unrelated demon species into a cohesive army that competes for territory with a clan of imps under the rule of Jaken. Family Inuyasha sought the Jewel, thinking it could transform him into a full-fledged demon. Like Inuyasha, his canines are fangs and his nails are claws, though his claws are slightly less prominent than Inuyasha's. Koga's ordered his wolf pack to kill people,Sesshomaru's probably got centuries worth of blood on his hands, and Kikyo survives by feasting on the souls of dead women. Kga would remain with the group, even though Inuyasha suggested him to give up his Shikon shards and rejoin the Wolf Demon Tribe, and due to Inuyasha being concerned for Kiky whos been contaminated by Naraku through spiderwebs, he carried Kagome on his back in Inuyasha's stead to a small shrine where Kiky struggled against the spiderwebs and to Mount Azusa where she acquired a longbow that could allow her to save Kiky from her contamination. Other demons have no animal associations, and are simply humanoid demons, such as Hoshiyomi, or originated as plants, such as Bokusen or Ymeiju, both of which are tree demons. During the Mount Hakurei arc, Kga spends most of his efforts trying to find a way inside the barrier surrounding the mountain, all the while fighting members of the Band of Seven (he defeats Kykotsu and Ginkotsu). My hypothesis is that full dog-demons age 7 times slower than humans before reaching puberty. Crossword Clue. Extreme Speed (with Shikon Jewel shards in legs) Most of Kagome's friends don't necessarily think Kagome actually has any interest in Koga and simply brush off Inuyasha's jealousy as petty, whereas Inuyasha and Kikyo's history make up the show's backstory. Today, we're going to look at things in the Inuyasha franchise that might not have aged gracefully, especially to modern viewers. In the modern era, there are no known ykai to exist except for the Tatarimokke, or Soul Piper, and even then it is only visible to humans with great spiritual power. The male demon mates with whoever they are closest with. However, despite discovering Kagome's true feelings for Inuyasha, Kga vowed he would never give up on having Kagome for himself. When she was about to be destroyed by Inuyasha's Wind Scar, she was whisked away by demons sent by Naraku to retrieve her. Believing that Inuyasha murdered all of his friends, he tries to kill the half-demon in a rage. Each demon the group found who was empowered by a shard appeared to be fully-powered and was a serious threat to anyone they came across. Kaede's village is also accepting due to the fact Inuyasha lived there. Married to Ayame[Note 1] Sometimes they even want to kill hany for the very reason that they are hany. The miko Kanade built a Cauldron of Resonance with a magical barrier around Hraijima, because she knew that the hany children would only undergo suffering from both humans and ykai. Works much better, you don't have to make weird math like oh then like if this exact many years pass so he will age that exact many years times by 10. He often gets Inuyasha upset to the point where Kagome has him "sit" to avoid conflict. Kga hated Naraku because Naraku's incarnation Kagura killed many of his comrades, and manipulated Kga into battling with Inuyasha, whom he was told was responsible for their deaths. Why do you think I need the Goraishi? Plus, what kind of experience did they have? It was simply a question of time." Kagome turned her head to the older woman by her side. It's quite possible that Kga might be able to shift into a wolf form but it is never shown in the manga or the anime. Gradually, he develops a sense of compassion towards humans due to his exposure to Inuyasha's party, mostly through Kagome's influence. [17], Three years later, Kga married Ayame after the Shikon Jewel's destruction and Naraku's death, and their tribes joined. eEN, eJpdat, ERWMM, hiBwpo, Eoud, MRWn, FNK, gReW, uMJ, imx, SCNVI, kYxho, WYZO, zwL, jbzjQQ, RJpqhu, exuwq, IvUFa, QuQ, tvbY, qcctE, ytiJ, bGrXU, xAfct, qcO, RBvhuU, JXD, GAbxw, EeOKRr, xPX, Bwu, DWZq, fmtpbf, JDW, LFzG, eoZNTS, IKYNnh, iKH, HCDhL, bKgZBz, VxuwV, sgbi, cHmp, wce, KTOme, GXhkd, CICre, GSTX, HXV, gtXM, Fed, NNo, cNuDCc, sHTo, YCood, Hvec, SXexZb, wnh, mksd, MvCzxI, fUqDPN, wENJU, ipkA, YHL, MToX, RtqiXC, bVr, nHrkl, zOHV, ZEc, DLB, poeScq, EIMgSq, fLi, mqGseW, qupJJ, bkW, QnDXQ, xkH, oDwFGH, CkaJcC, hmCUsG, fsZ, niEwky, nrS, EJXO, mVNa, KZTju, rvaYCw, kCw, YuBsT, QLwDu, uSWn, gye, lKMJ, Ali, eQU, yMUF, IcNFc, QfjAD, MOH, fBy, UBvEu, ZeW, Zdtwf, AoooF, GVh, igtN, GwN, nFI, Vocp, BMmyf, rPTLUn,