query tracker excel template

I won $25 Amazon Gift Card Thank you Sumit.Look forward to learning more new interesting stuff on TrumpExcel. wonderful template.Please assist me with one issue.suppose i sel;ected Jan Month and entered the leave in the columns of the respective employees.and when i scroll for the next month i.e feb and try to add the leaves for the month,the leave balance for the Jan month is affected.whatever changes i try to make it happens for previous month too. Any recommendations? Replace ;-;-; with ; g6 Holdings Gain (Real-time) i More Info i5 Order Book (Real-time) As soon as you specify the non-working days, those weekdays get highlighted in gray color in the leave tracker. Press F9 and done. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3686c879d37abd0e2e14a266ec3df44b559735bbef8a1168c123c50c4a4296ad.jpg Thank you. Simple, fun and useful emails, once per week. I need to add 2 columns to the right of Name and before the first date. r2 P/E Ratio (Real-time) r5 PEG Ratio r6 Price/EPS Estimate Current Year This handy KPI tracker will help you measure the things that matter for business success. With Excel 2010 , it is not working. in addition, id like the leave to only count vacation days and half days. AMFI has changed the format of NAV file. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9mqr_Xv4tiEWERPTGJJMGFnS00&authuser=0. Thank you for sharing the details. When checked in Latest NAV sheet i noticed NAV on 10.01.2012 is getting updated. I have loved using your leave tracker this past year for 2018, I modified it for my vacation schedule in Canada Will you be providing a 2019 leave tracking soon? Please modify. Your making me look good Sumit. My idea is to get only those funds which i am interested and keep a history of NAV changes. After he has entered 12 months of data, is there any way to add months, or do you have to start a fresh, blank template? Within the tracker there are orange columns which when you edit with any of the Leave Names it does not collate this in the totals, why is this and can it be rectified? However, in case of wrong combination of fund house and fund name it is not showing any color Indication alert. THEREFORE DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME TO POST A QUERY TO SAVE YOUR TIME. At this point, the formats will be automatically added and copy the lists created by, First, create a new spreadsheet for this purpose. Yes, its so helpful and make my job in tracking annual leave for each individual so much easier~ thanks! Cell A1 is to be used only when you want to change the year (lets say from Jan- Dec to Apr-Mar). Enter, the issue-tracking template. http://cid-b663e096d6c08c74.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/MF-Portfolio-Tracker-India-v4.0.zip, I noticed this link from Download option in Chandoo Blog only. Replace ;Inf5***; with ; I have updated the leave tracker template. Is there a logic that I can input such that if i put in unpaid leave/urgent leave, it will become 0.5? i would like to remove 0.5, u made an excel template for time and matrix one, the entry in one excel automatically refelcted in time matrix page. In the prsent sheet you have added a column for calculating the CAGR, this gives a return on yearly basis. =COUNTIFS(AllTaskList!$D:$D,Summary!$B5,AllTaskList!$G:$G,C$4). Hi Please! Annual Calendar & Daily To do list template, 18 Tips to Make you an Excel Formatting Pro, Learn more about Data Validation Drop Down List, Learn more about setting up data validation list, Getting started with conditional formatting, watch this video on Chandoo.org YouTube channel, How to connect to a SINGLE file on SharePoint from Power Query (Fix Unable to Connect Error), FIFA 2022 World Cup Schedule & Results Excel [FREE Download], Filter one table if the value is in another table (Formula Trick). With the existing Formula =IF(C10"",VALUE(MID(B10,C10+LEN(D10)+2,FIND(";",B10,C10+LEN(D10)+2)-C10-LEN(D10)-2)),"") it's giving an error #VALUE! Thankyou. Same problem here As per Sumit, hes currently working on another file for Google Spreadsheet. Hello Kelli.. You can already use it as your task tracker or use it as a reference for the steps described below. AppSheet Foundations Course . Thanks for commenting.. It is not reasonable to increase the price to us. thank you. Hello i have downloaded your Leave Tracker template and customised for x 33 employees for 2020. Abraham, Hi Sumit, I need your help on this. Hey, can you mail me this, I am doing a time and motion study, it would actually help. Kindly download the template again using the link in the tutorial. Follow these 5 steps below to create a task tracker of your own in Excel. I have to force quite excel. Hi Sumit, how to add in-lieu leave, my team sometimes work during weekend or holiday Thanks, how to change the colour in leave code there are only showing RED colour any know body know please let me know please, You can use conditional formatting to change the color, Hi,when i update as SSick leave for the month Jan 4th Example of employee 1,when i change the month to febrauary also, the 4th date Sickleave will remain same in the sheet,request you to do the needful.thanks, Hello.. You need to use the scroll bar to change the month and not the value in cell A1. I had copied the worksheet so I could have different categories on staff on separate worksheets in the one workbook. Hi, I also want to track the number of times a person is late within the month. Hope this helps. or let me know if there is any other way out to insert all my SIP data (monthly investments). This is tracker is great!!! Hello Liz.. Ive been good.. Nice to see you again. The help function is useless too. Hello, is it possible to get 2 half leaves? Is it possible to include a summary Sheet where in you can see all the Employee and the Date they tag as Leave in that summary for whole year? Hi Chandoo, thanks but looks like the macro is picking up the wrong values. Was trying to share it on your email, it was showing delivery message failed.

ExcelDemy.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. Vacations are not copied to the other months. I will be posting a google spreadsheet method for tracking stock portfolios in few days. You can add more codes like this. If you ever need to fill out a form, here is https://goo.gl/76rzxp, Hi Sumit I have added an overview sheet that uses a drop down to select the employee and then show the annual leave. It would make customizing it much easier . Great file. Thank you. It doesnt allow for macros. Hi Sumit I think I found the answer. Dear Sir, how to add more types in leave breakup and also to add present column which counts the present number for everymonth or entire year. Hi I have 80 employees, please suggest how can i add more to track leaves template of 50 employees? Hello.. Hi. Finding yourself in need of simple tools and guidance to navigate through challenging situations as a leader? The template attached in this link is not working properly , when i download and open the file , it ask for enable editing permission. Hi, did you get it working? Go ahead and roll it out. it gives some runtime error. Its not too tough as its done with conditional formatting. Couldnt have done it with your starting sheet though. am trying to add the additional leave type for 0.5 value , can you help me please. Thanks. At first, we want to make a dataset for the recruitment tracker. The file already has few fund names (as examples). You have it as a hidden row. helo this leave tracker is very helpful, just having a problem on changing the working day example in this program SAT and SUN is considered day off but in my case our day off is Friday how can I edit the codes. Do you have any advice, please? How do I incorporate this? Once I delete certain columns and information, the dates are automatically filled. Im trying to tweak it some to add additional tracking capability. thanks sumit . A while back we have posted a file on tracking mutual funds using excel. Now we need to organize the incomplete tasks, maybe based on the categories or other parameters you want. The tracker is a bit complicated so to add new codes, you will need to modify the formulas and make sure new codes are part of it. Thanks Sumit. Sick day have own color, vacation own color etc? You open an Excel file and some cells show #### instead of the value. Hi Chandoo, Id like to add information for each employees without having to scroll all the way to the right of the spreadsheet. I had made changes as instructed by Mr. L K Singh apart from those 13 steps we need to replace ;INF--***; with : -- symbol indicates there are other INF numbers mentioned for other Mutal Fund AMC need to check for those details in Latest NAV and we need to replace it. If you want to highlight Work from home but dont want to count it, a quick fix is to highlight the cell by filling it with a background color. You have to do that in the conditional formatting area. +91 9899056796 -I want to know what is the formula if I am going to breakdown the Leaves per month. Replace Inf0***; with blank oh ok thanks. From past few days, I am not able to refresh new data to my portfolio. The easiest way would be to use a separate column (may be column NQ) and subtract the training leaves from total leaves. This Leave Tracker Template works very well. Grades PreK - 4 You can easily add holidays in the table in the holidays tab. Now you can enter Half Day leave by typing the code H. It will be counted as 0.5, hi sumit! Thanks so much! So, if i have 5 SIP's i need to make 5 entries. Hello Jan, you can put these at the end of the tracker. I tried to follow the thread below as I am trying enter additional leave codes for half days for vacation, sick and personal. With this template, you can add project tasks, the priority level, a due date, whos in charge, and status updates. Further to my post below, Sumit, One more question, Sometimes a staff may work on a weekend. This time starts when the order is places and ends when this is delivered to customer, I have divided the Pizza Order and Delivery process into various steps. Hello Liz.. An easy way would be highlight the sick days (using fill cell), but not enter any leave code. My requirement is that, I need those aforementioned fields needs to be changed as I would like to use those fields for monthly report. Anyway, i have one question. When you be releasing 2018 Vacation Tracker? then save, Even this is not working. This is where I am running into difficulty. 8. these efforts wont be counted in no of leaves for the month and year https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/156a36b1d988100d97549cbca759b81ae5f2a17d700e17e1df6d5b173ec26456.png .leaves this month:=SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31))*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$6,0.5,1)*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$7,0,1)*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$8,0,1)*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$9,0,1)*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$10,0,1)*(OFFSET($A$4,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))))))) leaves this year:=SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372))*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$6,0.5,1)*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$7,0,1)*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$8,0,1)*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$9,0,1)*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$10,0,1)*(OFFSET($A$3,0,1,1,372)))))))) paste there use control +shift+enter, how could I edit .. can you send me yours [email protected]. Thanks for the template. How to make this change? How do you offset a profit gain for when you add money to a mutual fund? For example I placed an Emergency leave for March 15 2016.. all months every 15th has an Emergency leave on it. Ive been trying, but all the formulas get mixed up one way or another. These handy Excel templates will save you precious time when creating business documents. my name is Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy. xlsx - Library to simplify reading the XML format used by recent version of Microsoft Excel in Go programs. I am trying to use the Time and Motion Tracker but am struggling with the un-protect function for additional columns. I recently downloaded the excel and entered the Funds . Use this formula in cell NJ8 (and copy for all cells): =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31))*(IF(OR(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$6,OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$5),0.5,1)*(OFFSET($A$4,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))), Use this one for NK8 (and copy for all cells): =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372))*(IF(OR(OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$6,OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$5),0.5,1)*(OFFSET($A$3,0,1,1,372)))). This is going to be a life saver for me if this works. Is this still available? the problem is that i need an formula to get the result of the APG and the code AB or something like it to give as a result for example 50%, is this posible with a formula. Thanks a lot for sharing this Leave Tracker. If I am able to update the holidays sheet, will the holidays carry over in the leave tracker sheet for the year of 2018? Hello Rachel.. For example, once I add s, v or h1, I Would like to have green, light green, blue and yellow instead. I would like to add the employee ID and department before the name but when i do so the formula eliminates the first 2 days of the month. You need to create separate copies (preferably separate workbooks) for this. the tracker is amazing you did a great job!!!! Hi there, I really love this excel. But to do this you need a little bit about Formula and VBA skills. Im trying to adapt it to use it to track all hours worked by my employees for the month, quarter, and year. After that, select an area where you want to keep the dataset. Thank you for the great template you created. Hi, Your Excel Tracker file gives bad/corrupted zip file. I need to see 6 months in advance all at once for schedule comparison. there is no column showing leave available? of leaves available to each employee can be set differently as per their allotted leaves. How do I change that? are those mutual fund returns on your sheet correct? Hello Liza Try this formula: =Total Leaves-SUM(NL8:NO8)-0.5*NP8 (in cell NQ8 and copy for all the cells in NQ column). This will show how much time has he/she worked. I believe you are changing the value in A1. Good ! Please help! Ive solved all the problems.again thank you very much i really appreciate . Kindly download the template from the link in the tutorial. In fact it show Sat on google spreadsheet. When I change the month ont he column A1 after finishing the tracker for a month. Their fees can be covered by their Company. I am unable to move to the next month. I am guessing the fund name in the first sheet should exactly match the fund name as per amfi records ? When I start at January, 2018, and click the orange arrow next to January to go to February, there is only a blank page with the columns and rows but no info in them. Thanks Prajeesh, we are going to add Pause function in our next version of Time and Motion study. Steps for Creating Template to Track Project Progress in Excel. At first, we will be making a dataset, that should be automatically updatable. USA/Canada: USA/CA: +16508227732 How can I have the calendar reflect holidays where the day before is a half day for all employees, i.e. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Yearly Return, Hello friends firstly thanks for every one for this community and share best experience and knowledge of stock market. Hi Sumit. The mutual fund NAV sheet does not load proper. There is no video tutorial on this, just the template. Rest is easy, you can figure out between sips of coffee. I will correct the portfolio tracker and post it once again. Thx, Hi, I have a history data on NAV price where I would like to use to make a mutual fund tracker. So set up simple rules on each column. Further CAMS & Other investment house calculates Average NAV for computing, Notify me of when new comments are posted via e-mail. any Pivot tables kind of thing that can make it more efficient? How to add name of person covering to cell where type of leave entered. Can you guide me how to track my ULIPs NAV in excel, Hello brother , the problem is . kindly send a private mail if possible. Thank you. like annual paid leave is separated from sick leave on the calculation? If you change anything in the original dataset created in the first step, all of the data in other sheets and the charts will update automatically now. Yogirajoo, Thanks for commenting Yogirajoo.. Glad you liked the leave tracker , Thanks for commenting Raja.. Glad you liked it . Can you send me a copy of the template please. You can organize tasks, change dates and track the status of tasks using easy-to-master excel functions and formulas. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we may earn an affiliate commission, but this never influences our opinion. Hey wl u plz help me, how i get freshly NAV in my excel sheet through newly updated format by Valueresearch???????????? This template is the best. Further to my earlier request, the statement should read as It is NOT getting displayed as part of the pop up menu. It wouldnt be possible to have different working days for different employees.. You can however, change the color codes by changing the conditional formatting setting. Time is a resource that cant be gained back, which is why its essential to track it. Finally, based on the fund name, we fetch the NAV and NAV date using, you guessed it . can you please help me the get this resolved. congratulations to the winners! I downloaded spread sheet for MF Tracking. thx. How is possible to change that with your template. Download excel template for tracking latest NAVs of your mutual funds and find how your investments are doing. There are more than 1,000 pages with all things Excel, Power BI, Dashboards & VBA here. We can help you meet that requirement. Appreciate your help and great template. I am using your tracker for quit sometime and its was useful. I had already done a couple of people in January and wanted to see February. http://www.amfiindia.com/spages/NAVAll.txt It is really good and amazing report which you had developed. Can you tell me whether this will show the exact value of the fund with market ? My organization has comp offs that I would like to capture too but they need to be counted as 0 (similar to H being counted as 0.5). Hello Tony.. You need to use the scroll bar to change the month. Please advise. It would be nice if it was possible to track MFs based on a transaction statement. when i add a column before the name column. (maybe you can just pull out 1 year returns of each of these from another source?. Conditional formatting is a great way to keep an eye on important bits of information. Meanwhile if you come across an interesting way of doing this without lot of VBA / UDFs feel free to share it with me and other readers . However my HR is running on monthly cycle of 16th 15th every month. I have managed to figured out how to move the scroll bar in the sheet. Can we use 1 tab for 2016 and 1 for 2017? What am I doing wrong? Also, to change the holidays, simply delete the data in the holidays tab and add the days you want to show up as holidays. Can you explain the formula a bit? Is there an easy way to use this sheet to track days my employees are late, be great to have that total in a separate total Column? I am finding that Moneycontrol does not have all of them. Since the holiday are in an excel table, you need to make sure you delete and replace the dates (and not delete the rows as that will delete the table as well), HI Sumit, i want to use this for 100 employees, but i can not move the scroll bar down to add rows. Plus you only get NAVs of the PREVIOUS WORKING DAY and not of the previous day. Really look forward to hearing from you, Hello Shannon. Hi Sumit thanks for the great work. Any idea how I can print a document showing all monts at the same time? This feature will make the your excel sheet more useful and versatile. Hi! Thank you so much for visiting. Hello Ella.. i figure out something else. Using what we would like to see for feb as an example I have listed it below, Hello Matthew.. That would have to be a completely new tracker.. Stacking these months would mean a complete overhaul of formula and VBA. What I do (for the ones I have) for my SIPs if list of the SIPs dates and amounts, use the index values for those same dates to calculate and compare bench mark returns. appreciate in advance. Thanks so much for this file. Press F9 and done. I really appreciate your hard work. When I update the holiday list, it remains in the tracker. So say we have some employees who work full time and part time. The weekly time-cardby Vertex42 calculates hours per week per project, which is particularly handy for smaller businesses that need to track budgets. Adewunmi Adeyinka says. Our pay period isnt based on the month, its from the 20th to the 20th (for example, 1/20/19 2/20/19 counts as one pay period). Hello Sumit, You have the best tracker I have been able to find so far! When you open the workbook, it might prompt yo enable macros. I want to extend the no of workers but I I fail how to remove the horizontal scroll bar in row 18, please some idea! You can't trade in MFs after 330pm anyway. When I try, I delete all the hard work that you put into this so is there a way I can only track vacation only? I have updated the template and now you can get the total number of leaves as well. Recent global melt over is causing problems worldwide. IS there anyway to do that with this excel sheet? It wont work since it references Sheet3 when of course there is no Sheet3. If you are still fuzzy over the details of how to create a tracker in Excel (or you just want an earful of my sweet voice) you can watch below video. Please help This site cant be reacheduc654e21be693a433fe40dd5fd40.dl.dropboxusercontent.coms server IP address could not be found. I am trying to make my own sheet, and I am having problem getting my current value. is this the correct Time-and-Motion study unprotected file? As few had requested to update the tracker i do not know how and where to upload the tracker specials delivered direct to your inbox. Check out the list now. Hope it works for us well. Go to Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules. When I make an entry in one month why does those entries show up when I change months. We are pleased to know this blog is really helping people. Hello Guys, The weekly time-card by Vertex42 calculates hours per week per project, which is particularly handy for smaller businesses that need to track budgets. and its analysis and impact ? Ive downloaded the sheet but the password does not work, can I double check it is [emailprotected] password.? Any suggestions if I have to feed the NAV data for US funds in your model which website I should use, similar to AMFI data in India. thanks! Also can you create tabs to add additional trackers for multiple years or does it need to be a new document each time. High salaries, the flexibility to work from anywhere, and a healthy job outlook are just three benefits you can look forward to in this dynamic industry. Best regards', Hi, what steps did you use to clean the data after getting it from AMFI website using PQ. initialization of data source failed. First, we are going to pull the items. Hi I need to calculate comp days for when an employee works on a weekend due to work travel. In this page, I will explain the process for creating an Excel tracker. Look no further than this Gantt chart templateby Vertex42. Hi, I have just downloaded this template. Reason: I have customized with Power Apps a SharePoint Form and, when I want to select one item in the SharePoint List to edit it, it works well, but the Power Apps form disappeared when I try to edit multiple rows always in the same SharePoint List (it appears the original Thank you for your advice in advance. I also would like to modify the names of the leave types?? This scenario is the easiest one, since the COUNTIFS function in Excel is designed to count only those cells for which all of the specified conditions are TRUE. remember the name is yahoo finance has to be used But for someone else this might be March 28th September 28th. I have been trying to modify the formula by multiplying the leave count by 8 and I keep getting an error message. How do I format the code I enter to have a zero effect on leave taken? Great template, one question/problem: if I modify the formula in NJ8 (trying to change the 0.5 to 1 so that all leave types will be counted as a full day) then I end up with a #VALUE error in the cell, not sure how to fix this. Hey Uday, What do you hope to gain by getting your portfolio value at 330pm vs say 930pm? Hello, We want to maintain 2016 and 2017 in one excel, can you please help us. Thanks & regards. I was using Microsoft Edge. Hi Chandoo, i am preparing a mutual fund tracker of my own. Use this template to send your customer a sales receipt. This is very nice. Let me know if there is a known workaround. Thank you so much for visiting. Thank you. It could also be used to apply Data Validation to all the dates. When I saved the tracker and then reopened it, the macros would not work. Did you find out how to make all leave types count as full days? Hello Megan.. Here is a template where I have added an additional column to the right of Employee Name Column https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsubvcfounytzqn/Excel-Leave-Tracker-2016-TrumpExcel%20Additional%20Column.xlsm?dl=0, Hi, can you please help me creating a dashboard sheet where we can get total leaves of each employee. For example, employee 1 gets 10 leaves a year and as she/he uses a vacation day/personal day then it gets deducted from the total number? Ive been looking for something like this for a while. She's a recent Boston University graduate with a B.A. Pls help. Hi. Hi Sumit. Why? however how can i only count leave labelled V and H whereas the rest are just indicating they are on S without adding to the total monthly and yearly leave? First you need to have the list of holidays somewhere in the workbook. Click on the second worksheet titled HOLIDAY a yellow icon will pop up just above the sheet requesting you to enable, just click enable, then return to the first worksheet, the arrows would now be able to work. any mutual funds you recommend? It would be nice if the working days changes as per employee as I manage a company with staff working on different days. there is one more cant add any other column or row coz it shift everything , any help . Love this especially as you can start the year anywhere. I have started using MF Portfolio Tracker which is good and useful. Anybody else having this challenge? clever me! You need to complete 35 hours of PM training from an ATP to get your certification. Hi, want to ask if theres a way to summary into another sheet the balance of leave taken from leave tracker sheet? Hello Kelli.. Replace ;-; with ; 127. Please click on http://www.amfiindia.com to proceed to our home page.". Hello.. As of now I have made this for five leave codes. pls guide me and if u ve any more option pls share with me. off late the NAVs are not getting updated. I would like to use it to log vacation that usually span either jul-aug or dec-jan. Hello, I only need certain leave name, code, and leave breakup information. To get the scroll bar down, right click on it and then drag it down. Hey Michelle.. instead of deleting the row, simply delete the data and enter the one you want to be considered as a holiday. Would you be able to address how to correct the leave count? The leave tracker came in time that i require. it scrolls the column labels with it. HS When you add the extra column, Copy the whole cell range and again insert the copied cells, this will shift the whole lot to the right then again change the code to match the one you want. im afraid it will be corrupted since this is my tracker for my companys leave/s. I received a VBA debug error. Can someone please tell me how you add Bank Holidays into the spreadsheet? Would be happy to pay for a 2021 template if that is an option. Hi Sumit, Thanks for the template. I do have a question however. Thanks, I just downloaded the tracker, but not able to find how to open the xls, where its located in the downloaded folder. I have to input funds like HDFC Equity/HDFC Tax Saver/Sundaram Tax Saver and other funds in which I have invested. Could you please add the following. The tracker, however can track any code you enter in it. But i need some changes in it so would u plese healp me for the same. If you change the months from A1 cell the dates would be mapped randomly to show some different value but exact. I am having the same issue as you! In the first formula, we use greater than or equal to (>=) and less than or equal to (<=) to include the threshold dates in the result. Tags: COUNTIF FunctionCOUNTIFS FunctionFILTER FunctionIF FunctionSORT FunctionSUM FunctionTracker in ExcelVLOOKUP Function. Data validation rule for Department column: Now this is a tricky one. Hi.. the leave tracker is one time saving workbook specially for the startups. Favorite Snow and Snowmen Stories to Celebrate the Joys of Winter. I want to add a way to export a report based on the data gathered.

Right now try on http://www.portal.amfindia.com. I'm wondering how can it work??? May I know how would I be able to change the value of casual leave to 0.5? Great spreadsheet love the slider changing to the relevant month. WebUse Google Sheets to create and edit online spreadsheets. I need the same and that is what I am doing. I would like to get a tracker in excel. Could you help me with it? . Then select the details and the orientation of the chart containing your details. [Download Excel 2003 compatible version here]. If you have any tips on how it would be greatly appreciated. Check out our range of Excel courses, complete with video lessons with accompanying cheat sheets, exercises, and quizzes to bolster your learning. Hiya, This is great, would you be able to release a 2018 version please? Here is the direct link: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/downloadexcelfiles/Excel-Leave-Tracker-2017.xlsm, HI Summit, thanks for the link but Im having same issue as Kayla below- the files are in XML format and I cant open the, PLEASE HELP!!! Deepen your understanding of popular LSS tools and techniques, and simplify complex LSS concepts with our thorough how-to guides and resources. That created a bug in the VBA code somehow which was why I couldnt move the scroll bar. While the formulas are almost the same in Excel and Google Sheets, VBA is exclusive to Excel. Hope you could help me. I had a very similar question. I would like to have a sheet with 50 plus employee and one that i can copy and paste to another sheet within the same workbook. Hi Avinash, })(); Started using the template and it is really very useful . I need the value in NK8 to be updated every month. Was wondering if you can maybe make a google sheets version that has months from Feb 2019-Jan 2020. Here by us sick leave must be calculated even over NON working days, the other leave types only on workings days. Is there a possibility of editing the employees? If you want to perform fuzzy search read this : http://chandoo.org/wp/2008/09/25/handling-spelling-mistakes-in-excel-fuzzy-search/. you should only change 2018 to 2019 then it auto populates with the dates, the leaves per year auto populates when you add holidays, maybe you have lost some formatting, download and try with a fresh sheet. Hi Sumit. can you send the vedio? What is this means? @Mehul Are you connected to internet? The leave code wont change when i want to key another month. John, Wow what a great post! Pl advice, I have developed Advance Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker with Comprehensive report for Portfolio Valuation & Capital Gain Reports. Is there a way to add a couple more columns next to the Name column? I am having some problem in building the VBA to store previous data for my funds. I would like to remove possibility of half day leave. I love this template. The excel sheet seems good. Because from your template, we cannot track half day leave by specific type of leave. Hey Russ.. Glad you liked the template. If you have one color for each code, you will remove that entire formula and just have one that looks like =B8=$NT$x for each code. Another convenient way to create a progress tracker is using the Bar Chart.

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