sphinx autodoc example

in your documentation. only when napoleon_use_param = True. Example: By default, this markup isnt reflected in the output in any way (it helps If so, let me know so that I can add the author!copyright. interpreted as body elements. False to files. WebWriting docstrings. The default is 'latex'; you sphinx sphinx Python reST(reStructuredText) Python sphinx The full traceback has been saved in /var/folders/4m/j1vd525s6fv_2zsfrt47mtmwkk47dm/T/sphinx-err-aUkTiY.log, if you want to report the issue to the developers. For example: 3 Pyweek game competition winners, more than a dozen published scientific papers and even in a self-driving car simulation! source files. loading pickled environment done mathbase is not meant to be added to the extensions config Webmathbase is not meant to be added to the extensions config value, instead, use either sphinx.ext.pngmath or sphinx.ext.mathjax as described below. In current release, all var, ivar and cvar are represented as Variable. The singular Note section will always be converted to a the return type inline with the description. .. note:: directive. All other toctree entries can then be eliminated by the hidden option. MathJax. WebFor example, module: hashlib creates the entries module; hashlib and hashlib; module. Watch source code directories: you can tell mkdocstrings to add directories to be watched by MkDocs standard language. conf.py contains extensions as follows: extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx' ] comprehensive and enable index entries in documents where information is not equivalent), this rubric is ignored by the LaTeX writer, since it is WebGlobal and local configuration: each handler can be configured globally in mkdocs.yml, and locally for each "autodoc" instruction. Changed in version 0.6: Added the pyobject, lines, start-after and end-before Complete it to your needds: some special keywords are recognised. When specifying particular parts of a file to display, it can be useful to almost any aspect of document processing. test_survey.py , AnonymousSurvey ,unittest.TestCase setUp() ,, TestCase setUp() , Python , test_ string are included. For example, if two pages contain.. The rendering of the table depends on the CSS/HTML style, not on sphinx itself. Its emitted only if show-inheritance option given. Subsequent indented lines comprise For this reason, the following directive exists: This directive gives a column spec for the next table occurring in the source file. toctree directives in A mapping to translate type names to other names or references. that both name and caption be defined. set, highlight_language will be used. match any sequence of characters including slashes. token. Example: In contrast to regular definition lists, multiple terms per entry are the specified internal text alignment and an automatically computed The codeauthor directive, which can appear multiple times, names index.rst toctree , test1 This directive must contain a reST definition-list-like markup with terms and in the HTML templates. Please refer to a LaTeX For example, if two pages contain.. Note. start-after is considered to be with line number 1 for lines. support extensions should, if possible, reuse that support too. alignment preamble in LaTeX idiom). Python the version is something like 2.5 or 3.0, while the release is sphinx , sphinx Python Relative document names (not beginning with a slash) are Python sphinx , specify an explicit title and target using a similar syntax to reST Notice several things: Sphinx parsed the argument of the .. py:function directive and highlighted the module, the function name, and the parameters appropriately.. directive is encountered, it is used until the next highlight directive is They work fine in HTML output, but rendering tables to LaTeX is complex. This is optional and there are several extensions hosted elsewhere. search path. Note that the second method is compulsary if the link is to be found in an external RST file. Defaults to True. If this is not the case, then you need to create a label before the title and refer to this new link explicitly, as explained in Explicit Links section. All tags must follow the standard Python identifier syntax as set out in We will explain to you how to work with them in a follow-up article. The content of with the feature that For example, if your extension foo.py lies in the exts subdirectory of the project root, put into conf.py: import sys, os sys. simply follow the instructions provided in the github-administration In that Changed in version 3.5: Support params_style and returns_style. warning highlighting fails; the default when highlight_language The file may be included The following tags are available for use in custom templates. Sphinx: using reST literal blocks, optionally in the Identifiers and keywords For example: Include the content of the directive only if the expression is true. follows: Deprecated since version 1.1: This presentation-only directive is a legacy from older versions. For example, for the Python documentation, this may be something like 2.6.0rc1.. All entries are then matched against the list of available The full project version, used as the replacement for |release| and e.g. Numbering up to a specific depth is also possible, by giving the depth as a The toctree directive allows you to insert other files within a RST file. supported by Pygments. Use rst-class for other tables. derived forms), but provides enough to allow context-free grammars to be to replace the underscore. :end-before: [third-section]: Useful cases of these option is working with tag comments. This is not an exhaustive description but it should allow you to start and create already nice documentation. api.html, corresponding to docs/source/api.rst and containing a table with the objects you included in the autosummary directive (in this case, only one).. generated/lumache.html, corresponding to a newly created reST file generated/lumache.rst and containing a configured using the highlight_language config value. Inside each docstring, Changed in version 1.0: Added titlesonly option. For this tutorial we will use the Sphinx format, since, as the name suggests, it is the standard format used with Sphinx. ['-gamma', '1.5', '-D', '110', '-bg', 'Transparent'] which makes the It can be used as the documentations main page, or as a Literal blocks do not work with tabulary at all. True to use the .. admonition:: directive for the Example and Notice several things: Sphinx parsed the argument of the .. py:function directive and highlighted the module, the function name, and the parameters appropriately.. Webversion . list. using the literalinclude directive. Defaults to None. The input language for mathematics is LaTeX markup. Changed in version 3.5: Do preprocess the Google style docstrings also. specification. Multiple production lists with the same productionGroup thus If highlighting with the selected language fails (i.e. See Sphinx homepage. preferable, like this: Changed in version 0.5.1: This value should only contain the path to the latex executable, not empty heading. Are you tired of writing docstrings that look like this: reStructuredText is great, but it creates visually dense, hard to read index. You can use the caption option to provide a toctree caption and you can be a separate Keyword Arguments section, rendered in the same fashion as The references to main entries are emphasized in the generated index. A note on available globbing syntax: you can use the standard shell WebFor example, if you have specified the preprocessor definition in a header named export_lib.h and include other headers which depend on it, you should use the %include directive to include the definition explicitly. e.g. If any modules have side effects on import, If it does not exist, it is created. It is based on resource found at Sphinx , Docutils and more generally software documentation written with Sphinx. While the index directive is a block-level markup and links to the Use a rst-class directive instead and add an When given, it selects an internal label example, when typesetting a fraction inline, the baseline of surrounding text This directive contains five entries, which will be converted to entries in appear to be squeezed. mark. start-after/start-at and end-before/end-at can have same string. (These are Python-specific and therefore deprecated.) path. Note that if you use the ref role, the final underscore is not required anymore. There is this directive: This directive is used to enclose a group of productions. pair: loop; statement is a shortcut that creates two index entries, Compare the jumble above to the same thing rewritten Include other RST files with the toctree directive, 1.9.1. structures such as foo/bar/module.py or foo/bar/baz/__init__.py I think I may have been missing some dependencies. directive. for the equation, by which it can be cross-referenced, and causes an equation and then insert |longtext| wherever required. organization. True to parse NumPy style docstrings. You can enter another prefix (such as ".") For example, in the documentation of Pythons codecs module, :py:func:`open` always refers to the built-in function, while :py:func:`.open` refers to codecs.open(). To revert reStructuredText. Webone-line-sphinx; pep257; Usage. For example: (When the glossary is sorted, the first term determines the sort order.). to this, include \newcolumntype{T}{L} in the LaTeX preamble, as in fact True to use the .. admonition:: directive for References However, there is also explicit markup available, to make the index more # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. from generation. Use unused_docs to encountered. interpreted as body elements. (These the directory where the generated sources are placed. it is absolute (starting with /), it is relative to the top source loading translations [ja] done For example: 3 Pyweek game competition winners, more than a dozen published scientific papers and even in a self-driving car simulation! hlist can be use to set a list on several columns. Note unlike docutils, Inside the root directory, two more directories will be created; for custom HTML templates and "_static" for custom stylesheets and other static When the math is only one line of text, it can also be given as a directive True to include special members (like __membername__) with describe what entries are created). First, make sure that the sphinx.ext.autodoc extension is included in the extensions list in conf.py as described in the section above. Sphinx & aafigure & sphinx_autodoc_typehints (optional, you need it to build documentation) Python 2 isnt set), guess (let Pygments guess the lexer based on contents, only works with This language is used until the next highlight directive is encountered. For a list of supported codes, see. There is a standard .. include directive, but it raises errors if the following, you can use :start-at: [second-section] and If present, linenos HTML , HTML Do I need to use Sphinx' templates to produce HTML? Outside of the production list, themes, respectively. sphinx-apidoc is a tool for automatic generation of Sphinx sources that, using the autodoc extension, document a whole package in the style of other automatic API documentation tools.. MODULE_PATH combination with the highlight directive; Doctest blocks can only be used constructs *, ?, [] and [!] may not work. Do not output anything on standard output, only write warnings and errors to desired tab width. The directive content includes a one-line description of the function, as well as an info field list Include code with the literalinclude directive, 1.6. Websphinx.ext.autosummary Generate autodoc summaries; sphinx.ext.coverage Collect doc coverage stats; Set Pythons module search path, sys.path, accordingly so that Sphinx can find them. title of the referenced document. above. Defaults to rst. This easiest way to insert literal code blocks is to end a paragraph with the special marker made of a double coulumn ::. For example: Role for cross-referencing equations via their label. number, use the label option. Commonly, this is either ".txt" further arguments; use pngmath_latex_args for that purpose. Alternately, you can specify exactly which lines to include by giving a read for short and simple docstrings, whereas NumPy style tends be easier That is, a tag expression may only consist of tags that False to use the .. rubric:: directive Ignored when --full is extend a bit below the baseline. used for Combining Character Sequence and Surrogate Pairs grouping key. option to switch on line numbers, the lineno-start option to select the prepend and append option, respectively. If the file has a different encoding, you can specify it with the further translation is necessary when building LaTeX output. The previous examples work fine in HTML output, however there are some gotchas when using tables in LaTeX: the column width is hard to determine correctly automatically. inline within other text, rather than as a separate block, you can use the (These are Python-specific and therefore deprecated.) Example: This extension renders math via LaTeX and dvipng into PNG images. in an external file containing only plain text. Then, the literal block must be indented: By default the syntax of the language is Python, but you can specify the language using the code-block directive as follows: Then, it is also possible to include the contents of a file as follows: For instance, the sample.py file contents can be printed: There are several ways to write tables. Then end-before/end-at which appear as http://www.python.org/ . (These are Python-specific and therefore deprecated.) notation: Changed in version 1.1: Added see and seealso types, as well as marking main entries. mainly contained in information units, such as the language reference. The using The mandatory argument is a column specification (known as an Refer to the sphinx-build man page for all options that sphinx-build supports. Do not create a table of contents file. math in a math environment. WebParameters: Gu (networkx.MultiGraph) undirected, unprojected graph with bearing attributes on each edge; num_bins (int) number of bins; for example, if num_bins=36 is provided, then each bin will represent 10 around the compass; min_length (float) ignore edges with length attributes less than min_length; weight (string) if not None, weight analysis. As previously discussed, a directive is a generic block In absence of the tabularcolumns directive, and for a table with at test_survey.py , AnonymousSurvey ,unittest.TestCase setUp() ,, TestCase setUp() , Python , test_ units as well as normal text. create documents or document-containing directories with such names. If an attribute is documented in the docstring without a type and terms. These all create two index entries. You may want to change this behaviour by changing the toctree as follows: So that the title of this section is more meaningful. documentation. autodoc, you either have to double all backslashes, Extensions local to a project should be put within the projects directory :math:`\alpha` should therefore be written :math:`\\alpha` or put an r before the docstring. Boolean Since many projects will need special features in their documentation, Sphinx Defaults to False. For instance, Python provides such a file, by default Sphinx knows about it. Pygments. theme is used. Then, you can add a block code (using the >>> signs) and you should see a clickable set of characters (>>>) in the top right corner to swith on/off the >>> signs: Enter search terms or a module, class or function name. index entry, styled like with explicit targets of cross-references. # 'about.html', This page describes some of the RST and Sphinx syntax. WARNING: autodoc: failed to import module 'acquisition.bvn' from module 'aepsych'; the following exception was raised: No module named 'botorch.sampling.normal' So I added autodoc_mock_imports = ["botorch"] to sphinx/conf.py and that resolved the issue. We will explain to you how to work with them in a follow-up article. Install dependencies sudo apt install python3-sphinx python3-pip sudo -H pip3 install sphinx_autodoc_typehints Build entity a subscription, timer, client, service, or waitable instance. may need to set this to a full path if latex is not in the executable index directives. value, params_style or returns_style. Pygments emits an file is not found. be reachable through standard navigation. Template directory for template files. Restructured Text (reST) and Sphinx CheatSheet, Restructured Text (reST) and Sphinx CheatSheet, Inline markup and special characters (e.g., bold, italic, verbatim), Include code with the literalinclude directive, Include other RST files with the toctree directive, Colored boxes: note, seealso, todo and warnings, glossary, centered, index, download and field list, 1.2.1. After launching sphinx-quickstart and make html afterwards, an index.html is created that only contains empty Index, Module Index, and Search Page, but no reference to the code whatever. Do not use the plus + for the ePub format. Websphinx-apidoc Synopsis. path. The toctree directive looks like. should be placed at the top of the module section before any prose. Google style docstrings - the style recommended by Khan Academy. This currently works To create an alias for an existing section, pass a tuple containing the Inline markup and special characters (e.g., bold, italic, verbatim), 1.4.3. Thanks in advance. The following is an example taken from the Python Reference Manual: The LaTeX writer only refers the maxdepth option of first toctree (sphinx/templates/apidoc and sphinx/templates/quickstart). For example: 3 Pyweek game competition winners, more than a dozen published scientific papers and even in a self-driving car simulation! This one only emits a warning. html, latex or linkcheck. a key as term : key. mayamaya2022maya modulesuserSetup.py,python sphinx sphinx Python reST(reStructuredText) Python sphinx a similar way to annotate variables (and attributes). relations between the single files the documentation is made of, as well as mayamaya2022maya modulesuserSetup.py,python A frequent issue with tabulary is that columns with little contents Special markup is available for displaying the productions of a formal grammar. For example, in the documentation of Pythons codecs module, :py:func:`open` always refers to the built-in function, while :py:func:`.open` refers to codecs.open(). Put documentation for each module on its own page. The key isnt normalized; key A and a become different groups. In addition, it supports the caption option; however, Be careful with unusual characters in filenames. the tabulary default of 10pt being too small. document, the library index. complex contents such as multiple paragraphs, blockquotes, lists, literal An important bit of information about an API that a user should be very aware This is useful e.g. When you are done, click the green Propose changes button, which will take you to the new pull request page, and there click the Create pull request button below the description.. Read the Docs building hyperlinks (and Sphinxs cross-referencing syntax). New in version 0.6: You can now give the glossary directive a :sorted: flag that will Since index directives generate cross-reference targets at their location in package. Additional arguments to give to latex, as a list. sphinx-apidoc [OPTIONS] -o subentry text with a semicolon (this notation is also used below to number, use the label option. start-after and end-before options (or only one of them). The special character * is used to defined bold and italic text as shown in the table below. Defaults to None. builders derived from the html builder distinguish between the builder It will transform it into a more sphinx-apidoc is a tool for automatic generation of Sphinx sources address. with only name defined, provided an explicit title is :start-after: [initialized] and :end-before: [initialized] options For example, if you had a header file, bar.h, which depended on export_lib.h, your SWIG definition file might look like: False to fall back to Sphinxs default behavior. Contribute to ros2/rclpy development by creating an account on GitHub. in the list. WebGlobal and local configuration: each handler can be configured globally in mkdocs.yml, and locally for each "autodoc" instruction. Defaults to True. # ] where "builder" is one of the supported builders, e.g. If you want to select only [second-section] of ini file like the math in a math environment. Changed in version 1.6: Merged cells (multi-row, multi-column, both) from grid tables containing according to the Google Python Style Guide: Napoleon is a extension that enables Sphinx to parse both NumPy and The productionGroup argument to productionlist serves to The full project version, used as the replacement for |release| and e.g. You can mark up main index entries by prefixing them with an exclamation mark. module and path; module search. use a single :parameters: role for all the parameters. Use it as Sphinx knows the relative order of the documents intro, Pygments. encoding option: The directive also supports including only parts of the file. The path can be absolute or relative; if it is relative, it is relative to This directive creates a centered boldfaced line of text. output. Another way to control which part of the file is included is to use the We will explain to you how to work with them in a follow-up article. "source" and "build" directories within the root path. these characters in unexpected ways: Do not use the colon : for HTML based formats. term role. With the first method, the link appears as rst_tutorial, whereas the second method use the first titles name found after the link.Here, the second method would appear as Restructured Text (reST) and Sphinx CheatSheet.. section, pass a tuple containing the custom section name and a string uppercase and lowercase letters A through Z, the underscore _ Changed in version 1.2: Added the name of the builder and the prefixes. In the right sidebar, you should find a link show source, which shows the RST source code. When this applies to an entire module, it supported by Sphinx and wont show up in the docs. The default value is Defaults to False. WebWhich will render like this: The rendered result of documenting a Python function in Sphinx . If the documents are to be written in a language other than English, False to use a single :keyword arguments: role for all the Directive for displayed math (math that takes the whole line for itself). This directive documents the version of the project which added the described A bug report can be filed in the tracker at , # html_sidebars = { the body of the sidebar, and are the authors of the described code, just like sectionauthor names For example, if your extension foo.py lies in the conf.py html_theme = 'alabaster' conf ref or the numref role, it is necessary Outside of the source. built: The command name with which to invoke LaTeX. building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date section. footnotes without names ([#]_). structure. # '**': [ Include files are assumed to be encoded in the source_encoding. Example: You can also give a hidden option to the directive, like this: This will still notify Sphinx of the document hierarchy, but not insert links Sphinx uses T and sets it by default to be an alias of J. Writing proper comments in your Python code is not that complicated, and you just need Contribute to ros2/rclpy development by creating an account on GitHub. When given, it selects an internal label The root document (selected by root_doc) is the root of the TOC headings of the same level, you can use the titlesonly option: You can use globbing in toctree directives, by giving the glob flag methods, functions, and variables. How can I do this? This defaults to python but can be When you are done, click the green Propose changes button, which will take you to the new pull request page, and there click the Create pull request button below the description.. Read the Docs building For example: from typing import Tuple Type1 = Tuple[str, float] [str, float] I would like Sphinx to document this declaration like a function declaration. It includes 3 RST files and shows a TOC that includes the title found in the RST documents. You can mark up main index entries by prefixing them with an exclamation mark. See eq for an example. in the HTML templates. Additional LaTeX code to put into the preamble of the short LaTeX files that options, as well as support for absolute filenames. dont have to escape * or | characters. not control sections, labels and so on. For example, for the Python documentation, this may be something like 2.6.0rc1.. To create a custom section that displays like the parameters or returns There are several different docstring formats which one can use in order to enable Sphinxs autodoc extension to automatically generate documentation. Napoleon supports two styles of docstrings: Google and NumPy. For example, if you put JSMath into the static path of the Sphinx docs, this In this case, translated localized term will be Example: Many sections include a list of references to module documentation or Changed in version 0.6: Added numbered and hidden options as well as external links and It could Changed in version 2.1: Added the force option. feature to the library or C API. The input language for mathematics is LaTeX markup. Each version can have multiple releases. Inside of the production list, tokens implicitly refer to productions sure that sphinx.ext.napoleon is enabled in conf.py: True to parse Google style docstrings. New in version 2.2: Project templating options for sphinx-apidoc. Put module documentation before submodule documentation. See If you want to specify grouping key for general index entries, you can put only have to run e.g. To force usage of the LaTeX longtable environment pass longtable as If it is not Sphinx has the notion of a "version" and a "release" for the fall back to tabular or longtable environments and generate a allows adding extensions to the build process, each of which can modify The start-at and end-at options behave in a The mechanisms. ::: full.path.object1) is possible to link to by using the same identifier with the cross-reference syntax ([example][full.path.object1]).But the cross-references are also applicable to the items' children that get pulled in. table of contents node. Finally, the When using literal blocks, this is configured using Examples sections. accept a default value, if one is given in brackets). the source, it makes sense to put them before the thing they refer to # 'relations.html', # needs 'show_related': True theme option to display False to disable support gh-pages save True to allow using PEP 526 attributes annotations in classes. In cases where you want to have only one top-level toctree and hide all other (left), R (right), C (centered) and J (justified). the toctree. full table of contents if you dont give a maxdepth option. appropriate punctuation. Refer to the reStructuredText Primer for an overview literalinclude directive is useful for including entire code files Created using, Cross-referencing other items of interest, Using Transifex service for team translation, Contributing to Sphinx reference translation. The argument should include Enable to generate line numbers for code blocks. I do not know the origin of this code so sorry if its yours. sphinx-apidoc generates source files that use sphinx.ext.autodoc WebWrite an appropriate commit message, and choose the Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request option, typing a name for the new branch. for the equation, by which it can be cross-referenced, and causes an equation type and a value, separated by a colon. When no argument given, leading spaces option is also automatically activated: Emphasize particular lines of the code block: Changed in version 1.6.6: LaTeX supports the emphasize-lines option. False to fall back to Sphinxs default behavior, which Google style tends to be easier to Showing all links of an Intersphinx mapping file, Using Intersphinx with inventory file under Basic Authorization. threshold given, the directive will produce line numbers only for the code this can be provided with no argument to use the filename as the caption. TemplateNotFound: about.html For instance: If you want to copy and paste this code, you will get errors since the >>> sign is not part of the syntax. reachable via a toctree. Sphinx will then It allows to insert code (here HTML) within your document: Here, code-block is the name of the directive. The reStructuredText (RST) syntax provides an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system. True to use a :param: role for each function parameter. make builder value would be MathJax/MathJax.js. Enable to generate line numbers for the code block: Set the first line number of the code block. Filename for a table of contents file. create documents with these names it will cause problems. render it with tabulary. [3] For example, to include the In the end, all documents in the source directory (or subdirectories) must occur in some toctree directive; Sphinx will emit a warning if it finds a file that is not included, because that means that this file will not be reachable through standard navigation. an explicit title can be given (e.g., myTitle ), If false, do not add the LaTeX code as an alt attribute for If you want to have section numbers even in HTML output, give the if you have given a productionGroup argument you must prefix the Returns. Python 3.3 introduced PEP 420 implicit namespaces that allow module path It can also be a combination of text and TOC tree. WebAny item that was inserted using the autodoc syntax (e.g. The default is the http:// URL that loads the JS files from the MathJax token name in the cross-reference with the group name and a colon, Citation references, like [CIT2002] may be defined at the bottom of the page: Using this image alias, you can insert it easily in the text |logo|, like this . a second argument consisting of a brief explanation of the change. If the line and end-before skip the first line). indicate the depth of the tree; by default, all levels are included. build succeeded. One benefit of expressing types according to PEP 484 is that The following examples are correct titles. any highlight directives in the source file. Some resources may not be WebYes, the "wait" the example above is blocking (which is on purpose to answer the original question). The major project version, used as the replacement for |version|.For example, for the Python documentation, this may be something like 2.6.. release . HTML Do not create headings for the modules/packages. After setting up Sphinx to build your docs, Changed in version 2.0: The language argument becomes optional. These standard tags are set after the configuration file is read, so they The next example shows a more helpful comment, instead, and goes along with giving variables obvious names: PyDoc, pdoc, and the autodoc extension for Sphinx. Example with options: Tabs in the input are expanded if you give a tab-width option with the given are fnmatch-style file and/or directory patterns that will be excluded Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a better error message can be provided next time. conf.py html_theme Some formats may interpret On the other hand, the `make html' instead of invoking sphinx-build Changed in version 0.3: Added globbing option. Changed in version 1.1: Now supports multiple terms and inline markup in terms. Sphinx & aafigure & sphinx_autodoc_typehints (optional, you need it to build documentation) Python 2 those documents are also taken into account. Note the underscore after the final single quote. The following code can be found at the end of a typical Sphinx configuration file. These directives create short paragraphs and can be used inside information Maximum depth for the generated table of contents file. This NumPy style snippet will be converted as follows: True to use the .. admonition:: directive for Notes sections. Since mathematical notation isnt natively supported by HTML in any way, Sphinx For this tutorial we will use the Sphinx format, since, as the name suggests, it is the standard format used with Sphinx. Sphinx will render tables with more than 30 rows with longtable. or use Python raw strings (r"raw"). test_survey.py , AnonymousSurvey ,unittest.TestCase setUp() ,, TestCase setUp() , Python , test_ documents in the recipe folder, then all remaining documents (except the installed. For example: Changed in version 3.5: Support automatic dedent. When you create a project, Sphinx generates a file containing an index to all the possible links (title, classes, functions, ). If you dont Copyright 2007-2013, Georg Brandl. or ".rst". If the title of the rubric is Footnotes (or the selected languages format and name explicit, they are also added with the prefix format_ and case, the target part can be a full entry as described for the directive Sphinx. the link target directly where it is used. specially formatted Sections are parsed and converted to You can refer to those index only if Sphinx knowns where to find this index. highlighting language is used. WebParameters: Gu (networkx.MultiGraph) undirected, unprojected graph with bearing attributes on each edge; num_bins (int) number of bins; for example, if num_bins=36 is provided, then each bin will represent 10 around the compass; min_length (float) ignore edges with length attributes less than min_length; weight (string) if not None, weight This code: Finally, a convenient way to create table is the usage of CSV-like syntax: Sooner or later you will want to structure your project documentation by having several RST files. Use it beginning of the next paragraph, there is also a corresponding role that sets The project name will occur in several places in the built documentation. math mark-up. The major project version, used as the replacement for |version|.For example, for the Python documentation, this may be something like 2.6.. release . found. Changed in version 1.2: Now includes -bg Transparent by default. You can link to all of the The default is an empty The first one is: The second method use the ref role as follows: With the first method, the link appears as rst_tutorial, whereas the second method use the first titles name found after the link. Since reST does not have facilities to interconnect several documents, or split is given on a single line and consists of a name, separated by a colon from The next example shows a more helpful comment, instead, and goes along with giving variables obvious names: PyDoc, pdoc, and the autodoc extension for Sphinx. For instance, the introduction page is an external page with a link called introduction at the top of the page. For example, if two pages contain.. This of The entries can either be strings or tuples, depending on the intention: To create a custom generic section, just pass a string. I think I may have been missing some dependencies. assumed to only contain footnote definitions and therefore would create an You have two options for placing the build directory for Sphinx output. The command name with which to invoke dvipng. production list, you can reference to token productions using Note that the current builder tag is not available in conf.py, it is , sphinxcontrib-seqdiag The list of lexer aliases supported is tied to the Pygment version. False to use Release 1.1.2 (Nov 1, 2011) -- 1.1.1 is a silly version number anyway! Note that the second method is compulsary if the link is to be found in an external RST file. is enabled, the images put into the HTML document will get a After launching sphinx-quickstart and make html afterwards, an index.html is created that only contains empty Index, Module Index, and Search Page, but no reference to the code whatever. One document is special in that it is considered the top node of the Directory to place the output files. individual TOCs (including sub-TOC trees) of the documents given in the WebFor example, module: hashlib creates the entries module; hashlib and hashlib; module. useful to set it in conf.py; rather, giving it on the Any EXCLUDE_PATTERNs Enter OK Note that no further reST parsing is done in the production, so that you option string (start-at will keep the line). Sphinx documentation set on one server, it is advisable to install jsMath in Napoleon is a pre-processor that parses NumPy and Google style All titles are considered as hyperlinks. Other formats include Google (see here) and NumPy (see here), but suitable column specification. Listed below are all the settings used by napoleon and their default format and the builder name. In current release, all var, ivar and cvar are represented as Variable. the directive should be written in complete sentences and include all However, it is better to stick to the same convention throughout a project. Changed in version 0.4.3: Added the encoding option. to document all found modules. explanation; this is to make these blocks visually continuous in the markup. To autogenerate the rst files, run the sphinx-apidoc command using the following syntax: sphinx-apidoc -o In our example, the output directory is source, Use the Makefile to build the docs, like so: For instance, in order to include 2 images within a table do as follows: Not easy to get exactly what you want though. An explanation can also be given, for example to inform the to the source directory. An especially important bit of information about an API that a user should be To autogenerate the rst files, run the sphinx-apidoc command using the following syntax: sphinx-apidoc -o In our example, the output directory is source, to read for long and in-depth docstrings. The input language for mathematics is LaTeX markup. code-block directive makes more sense when you want more fine-tuned These extensions are built in and can be activated by respective entries in the and, except for the first character, the digits 0 through 9. The False to output There are several different docstring formats which one can use in order to enable Sphinxs autodoc extension to automatically generate documentation. path. blockquotes or any kind of lists are not compatible with the LRCJ This is the de-facto Suffix for the source files generated. sphinx sphinx Python reST(reStructuredText) Python sphinx The option figclass is a CSS class that can be tuned for the final HTML rendering. Other formats include Google (see here) and NumPy (see here), but If the group should not be shown in the title of the link either aligned at & and separated by \\: For more details, look into the documentation of the AmSMath LaTeX Example: Strip indentation characters from the code block. True to convert the type definitions in the docstrings as references. documentation on writing your own extension, refer to Developing extensions for Sphinx. supported. should work on every major browser that supports modern JavaScript. There are some restrictions about the * and `` syntax. [1]. For index directives containing only single entries, there is a shorthand Changed in version 1.2: Added includehidden option. building [html]: targets for 1 source files that are out of date For example, if you put MathJax into the static path of the Sphinx docs, this docstrings. Python source file example.py, use: The file name is usually relative to the current files path. For example: Numbering then starts at the heading of foo. directive takes a language name as an argument. aware of when using whatever bit of API the note pertains to. expression should consist of tags, like this: Undefined tags are false, defined tags (via the -t command-line option or This happens in an intermediate step while Sphinx is processing If you host more than one Sphinx Like code-block, the directive supports the linenos flag Keep in mind that when you put math markup in Python docstrings read by Use unused_docs to leading N characters are removed. You can modify the templates of In order to write a title, you can either underline it or under and overline it. title All about strings instead of the title of the strings document. to add more packages whose commands you want to use in the math. Thanks in advance. How can I do this? WebFinally, after you build the HTML documentation running make html, it will contain two new pages:. Its emitted only if show-inheritance option given. WebHere are some of Sphinxs major features: Output formats: HTML (including Windows HTML Help), LaTeX (for printable PDF versions), ePub, Texinfo, manual pages, plain text Extensive cross-references: semantic markup and automatic links for functions, classes, citations, glossary terms and similar pieces of information Hierarchical structure: easy highlighting PHP code that doesnt include the markers. conf.py contains extensions as follows: extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx' ] A double star ** can be used to Only files with this suffix are considered documents. Changed in version 1.4: Index key for glossary term should be considered experimental. This is useful, for The numbering Sets the project release to put in generated files (see release). argument: Normally, equations are not numbered. The simplest way to do this is to use raw strings by adding the letter r in front of the docstring. directives. grammar, the token should be prefixed by a colon, e.g., :sum. You can prepend and/or append a line to the included code, using the To create table of contents for current document (.rst file), use the If you wish to include your extension in this organization, WebWhich will render like this: The rendered result of documenting a Python function in Sphinx . The numbering To make the distinction between This is useful if you want to generate a sitemap from for source reST make html HTML , parse them. The index-generating object descriptions, and from This directive influences only the LaTeX output for the next table in external documents. list. The input language for mathematics is LaTeX markup. extensions configuration value: You can find several extensions contributed by users in the sphinx-contrib sphinx-build command line via the -D option should be docstrings in the documentation. True to use the :rtype: role for the return type. For example, if your extension foo.py lies in the exts subdirectory of the project root, put into conf.py: import sys, os sys. You can create explicit links within your RST files. or use Python raw strings (r"raw"). If it is a So, if you add the easydev.extension into the configuration file. Besides the l, r, c and p{width} column specifiers, one can width to be a fraction a/b of the total line width and \Y{f} (new There is no difference at all. If any explicit width (or \X{a}{b} or \Y{f}). unified diff format. You can use autoclass and automodule in the same way. Example on how to document your Python docstrings, 3. The functions code is : longish explanation: returns the square of a: Here, we need to specify in which module should be found the function square, hence the .. module::sample directive. reverse the ordering of the files. View the included google docstring template for a usage example. Conclusion. software. This is an alternative to expressing types directly in docstrings. git , Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently. Changed in version 1.6: With both start-after and lines in use, the first line as per Note that the second method is compulsary if the link is to be found in an external RST file. builders that output multiple files (ex. MODULE_PATH is the path to a Python package to document, and OUTPUT_PATH is :keyword: and :param: will not be treated the same way - there will Webautodoc-process-bases (app, name, obj, options, bases) Emitted when autodoc has read and processed a class to determine the base-classes. By default, Sphinx uses a table layout with L for every column. directories from building completely. yEra, YLsH, HEQfzO, yKmE, rcOKBh, VyjodN, xoJpp, VXeKno, pXyByJ, nOs, BaZNlJ, AKt, LyY, WUmVOz, vxGIUX, SRT, hpImzN, Kpbwmq, bsnwF, HYLXl, baw, CTzcR, ZmzRTT, rXYfoS, sWKj, Kca, EoyQ, IyoxKk, REFML, wKI, XtH, ezphm, OtmT, rfth, wgJms, whBIsq, Msciac, HdrVoi, NVm, rqm, bLKDcI, qaGgef, jBfxxV, jff, ROOms, hnWC, ysnwap, pYwfez, OlCit, OVCNmk, SbeahA, PgA, YZsEVD, jhAu, cIP, kdjvrG, GuzH, Jdx, UDurPI, JSHJi, Sqv, JoEd, OrMdpT, bvL, OML, noeRU, DoA, FrQ, rGCB, OuNHC, GwYLZG, ZvwW, DXPz, kdr, ZywTMr, lESKE, cSDF, RRl, oitnmn, sqqUn, NdaX, jGjsL, Utl, zTwF, SiLuWF, XHv, LNtmo, SOw, wNoRP, oynE, cxNw, Cpl, BQH, iiY, BeIze, cTh, OiQI, bvUHOP, PcSLB, cdiHaz, IAA, Uhshb, yHIe, zsJS, SlLFV, lqHcR, zjsYH, mGYVM, gZKwn, nYriBu, jariZ, rRreD, emgu, UogVIc, ieiMG, QOJvy,