virgin mary names in different countries

Ftima currently is one of the worlds most popular centers of pilgrimage. The police were called, but the gathered crowd quickly identified the figure as the Virgin Mary. However, for native Mexicans, Our Lady of Guadalupe recalled Tonantzn, an Aztec earth goddess and serpent destroyer, whose temple previously stood on the same hill where the Basilica is now. The name is also tied to the Assumption of Mary into Heaven, and described in Revelation as a woman clothed with the sun, the head a crown of twelve stars.(Rev. It includes such fascinating details as the birth and infancy of Mary, her espousal to St. Joseph and her Assumption into Heaven where she was crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth. She was canonized in 1947. The apparition occurred at a time of agricultural strife and cultural crisis in Ireland, when the common language shifted from Gaelic to English. This newly discovered fascination at this time of my life opens new doors to a greater appreciation for our Blessed Mother to understand her nature, her character, and her solidarity. Between 13 May to 13 October 1917, a lady more brilliant than the sun appeared six times to three Portuguese shepherd children, Lcia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto. and St James was having a great deal of difficulty converting the native National Geographic / Michael O'Neill ( Very special to me as this is part of my culture. read more. One day, the daughter asked her father if he could bring her a portrait of the Virgin Mary as she had a dream about one. . 1. But we can see it extending beyond that sphere into the next wave of Old Testament names post-Rachel, Rebecca, Sarah, Hannah, and Leah. Mademoiselle de La Merlire sued the priests for defamation and lost, twice. apostle, she encouraged St. James by revealing to him the great faith Eve, by her disobedience tied the human race into the knots of sin, conversely, Mary, through her obedience to the will of the Father unties these knots. book is filled with amazing stories of little-known Catholic heroes presenting Every year in Peru, many people travel to Chapi to venerate the virgin. Click here to learn more. sacrifices on their behalf. The cloud dissipated and revealed the beautiful fresco of the Virgin Mary and Christ Child. Although Jesus Christ remains our only mediator and advocate with the Father, Mary is the intermediary between a sinful world and her most beloved Son. Our Lady of Ftima was popular among anticommunist and traditionalist Catholics. They all saw the lady as well. Finally, as noted above, Mary has been given titles based on the The childrens visions drew thousands of visitors and upset the political balance in the country, with a young, anticlerical republic fighting off a strong conservative reaction. The Virgin then reappeared and instructed him to take action. Kenntenich, founder of Schonstattt, Mary is thrice admirable because she is Mother of God, the Mother of Christ, and the Mother of all human beings. The original image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. The Prussian authorities saw the apparitions as an expression of Polish nationalism and sought to suppress the event, even imprisoning the local parish priest. She also defended and protected her Son, and continues to defend and protect us, His brothers and sisters. as the Immaculate Conception and the Mother of God because the Church Happy Mothers Day, A wonderful Message by George Carlin: The paradox of our time in history is that, We all have different values; you know those things that really matter to each of, The Virgin Mary, the Devil and the Rosary Part 3, History Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. based on the location of her appearance. Mother of God, and God entrusted his infant Church to St Peter and the She understands our pain and can comfort us in our sorrow and trials. So it is no coincidence that even by todays standards Mary (Maria) is still a very common name as a matter of fact, my middle name is Maria. Using 2019 data from Behind the Name, Stacker takes a closer look at the five most popular male and female names in 30 countries around the world. She has been married over 22 years and has 4 children with her husband. Mariette was made fun of, even by her own grandmother and aunt. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of Mexico, of the Americas, and of the unborn and thus also a symbol for the Pro-Life movement. Marktbrunnen (Mainz) Monumento a la Virgen de la Paz. Lourdes now is a major pilgrimage site, and has more hotel rooms than any other place in France, with the exception of Paris. The oldest-known form of Mary, serious and solemn Miriam has been a particular favorite of observant Jewish parents. Considering the traditional hold of the faith on. The Virgin blessed a spring, said the sick would be healed and asked that they too pray the rosary. Click here to learn more. That same evening, Prussian forces inexplicably abandoned their advance towards the town. The Pope donated the bullet that wounded him to the Sanctuary at Ftima. Marian apparitions are generally associated with Catholicism, which has great devotion for Mary, the mother of Jesus. According to Catholic doctrine, the age of public revelation ended when John, the last apostle, died around the year 100 AD. Mary received distinctive blessings so that she could be the most fitted mother for Christ, this includes her Immaculate Conception, her spiritual motherhood of all Christians, and Assumption into heaven. Some of the pilgrims to Laus have themselves become saints, including Eugene de Mazenod, founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Virgin Mary, venerated as the patron saint of bicyclists, near Leintz-Gatzaga in the Basque Country. Marian apparitions are reported supernatural appearances by Mary, the mother of Jesus.Below is a list of alleged events concerning notable Marian apparitions, which have either been approved by a major Christian church, or which retain a significant following despite the absence of official approval or despite an official determination of inauthenticity. In the Catholic Faith it is embraced that God has, in Jesus Christ, accepted a human nature, chosen to be born into this world as we have all been born into this world, has lived a real, human life, and has experienced suffering and death. Mary is a symbol of the tower because of the virtues which she presented in beauty and strength. Over 20 years ago my mom gifted me a picture frame with the Virgen de la Altagracia I know this is odd I keep in my kitchen dont ask, all I know is when I chance to glance on it I get good vibes- it is in a very awkward spot in my very small kitchen and easily overlooked if I dont point to it. The local administrator even threatened that he would boil them one by one in a pot of oil. The number of apparitions peaked in 1954 but has been on a steady decline since the mid-1980s, perhaps due to a lack of underage shepherds roaming the countryside. The title of Mary as Star of the Sea can be traced back to St. Jerome who referred to Mary as Stella maris. A king would always listen to his mother! Miracles started occurring almost immediately. that time. It summons in me a desire to cultivate a deeper prayer life and increased humility. In an inn on his way back home, an old, long-bearded man overheard the merchant talking about his problem. Outside Europe, the U.S. leads the world in Marian apparitions all but one unrecognized by the Catholic church. On 2 April 1968, a Muslim bus driver thought he saw a lady standing on top of St Marys Coptic Church in Zeitoun, near Cairo and thought she was about to commit suicide. Jesus bride is the Universal Church. The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary gives Some biblical scholars, both Catholic and Protestant, now read Gospel texts about Mary from a different perspective, recovering her human character and her role as a leader. Skeptics nevertheless see the apparitions at Zeitoun as a case of mass hysteria in a time of crisis; following Egypts defeat by Israel in the war of 1967, people felt let down by modernity and turned to religion. Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Saint Juan Diego as a mestiza, African art depicts Jesus as Black, Asian depictions of the Blessed Mother, too, take on similarities of both bodily appearance and, often, cultural garb." According to them, the cult of Guadalupe was designed to increase Catholic devotion among indigenous Mexicans. On 20 January 1842 while visiting Rome, Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne, an anti-Catholic Jew, had a vision of the Virgin Mary. This title shows us that she holds a singular relationship to God which is unique among all other creatures. It refers to a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars.. . Answer (1 of 6): Apparitions are the most common form of miracle attested within the Catholic Church, and there have been more than twenty thousand reported visions of the Virgin Mary. Let me know at [emailprotected]. Although Nahuatl origins have been proposed, it seems likely that the name Guadalupe, which became attached to the apparition, is a Spanish reference. The inside of the basilica at Gietrzwald, the Polish Fatima. This The Vulgate renders the name by. And just as a clean, flawless mirror reflects a perfect image, she reflected the virtues of Jesus perfectly. Imprimatur. Our Lady of iluva is the patroness of those who have lapsed from the Catholic faith, and of those who pray on their behalf. At the Virgins last appearance, many of the up to 100,000 visitors reported a Miracle of the Sun: multicolored light and erratic movement from the sun. The kings of Judah could have multiple wives, but they only had one mother the queen mother. Image: National Geographic / Michael ONeill ( Click here to learn more. Pilgrimages to Garaison were soon eclipsed by those to Lourdes. On 27 June 1877, a Bright Lady showed herself to 13-year-old Justyna Szafrynska and a day later also to her friend Barbara Samulowska. There is more consensus on what heaven looks like than hell. one of Our Ladys titles each day, and the constant help she has been to Speaking to the fortunate Unrecognized apparitions may thus lead to schisms with the official church. Inexplicably, the women seemed to acquire so much weight during their visions that they could not be lifted off the ground. Copyright EpicPew. The apparition at Lourdes is also recognized by the Anglican church, which has its own Marian Shrine at Lourdes. No one else knows Jesus Christ as God in the way that the Blessed Virgin Mary did. A: Mary has so many different titles for a variety of reasons. Most certainly she Why does Mary have different titles and names? Mary's daily life as a Mediterranean Jewish woman is analyzed using Matthew's Gospel ( Matt 1:18-24 , Matt 2:1-23 , Matt 12:46-50 , Matt 13:55 ), and her role as a . She died in 2005, aged 97. None of the saints became saints without a devotion to the one whom Jesus came to us through. draw us ever onward toward her Divine Son. Speaking to him in the local Nahuatl language, she asked for a church to be built on the site. Benedictines. Konrad Adenauer (Germany), Robert Schumann (France) and Alcide de Gasperi (Italy) were not just some of the major driving forces behind early European integration, they were also devout Catholics. Adults could only see a triangle of stars. A witness further away described the scene as englobed in golden light. She, in watching her Son be sacrificed before her on the Cross, knows what true sorrow, heartbreak and sadness. The people of the Dominican Republic have a deep devotion and offer respect to the Virgin Mary. Just as God dwelt inside the Ark of the Covenant that was carried by the Levites, just as Jesus was carried by the new Ark, the womb of Mary.Click here to learn more. In May 1664, Benote Rencurel, a 17-year-old shepherdess in southeastern France, saw an apparition of St Maurice, a third-century martyr greatly revered in her home region. This title for Mary takes its name from the icon pictured above, purportedly painted by St. Luke whilst Mary was still living on Earth. Mary, dressed in white and wearing a golden tiara, pronounced Magdalena healed from her long illness. The more I delve into this the more I am fascinated by this research a name with a title allows us to understand the greater aspect of the name bearer. The name Mary was derived from the ancient Hebrew name Miriam. This is a table of given names based on Roman Catholic epithets of the Virgin Mary. His life was filled with miracles and many conquests! Mary of Agreda, it also includes many episodes described in the writings of St. Bridget of Sweden and St. Elizabeth of Schenau. the helps she has given to us. Those Marian apparitions themselves are another peculiar point of contact between faith and the world. The daughter cherished her painting, but every morning, she would awake to find the picture had moved from her house and was always found outside her house, under a small orange tree. Click here to learn more. Two other children described the apparition in the same detail as the two brothers. Click here to learn more. Uniquely, the location of the apparition has a historical link to the Virgin Mary, at least according to Coptic tradition: It is said to be one of the places where the Holy Family rested on their flight from Bethlehem to Egypt. mary, the mother of jesus in christianity, is known by many different titles (blessed mother, virgin mary, mother of god, our lady, holy virgin), epithets ( star of the sea, queen of heaven, cause of our joy), invocations ( panagia, mother of mercy, god-bearer theotokos ), and several names associated with places ( our lady of loreto, our lady of These countries honor the feast of their patron in various ways. Of the 386 claims of Marian apparitions in the 20th century, eight were approved and 79 rejected by the Catholic church, with no definitive verdict on the rest. On 11 February 1858, a petite damsel spoke to 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous inthe grotto of Massabielle about a mile from the southern French town of Lourdes. In the Catholic Church, every culture, country, ethnicity, and race has claimed Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary as their own. The lady returned a week later, again for a few minutes. She met mere mortals with and without the Vatican's approval. The lady, dressed in a long white robe, said she was the Immaculate Virgin, requested that a chapel be built at the site of her apparition, and asked the children and everybody to pray. She was redeemed and remained sinless from the moment of her conception throughout her life. The apparition lasted for nearly two hours, during which the witnesses standing in the pouring rain recited the rosary. 1) Because of the paradoxical nature of her person: She is the servant of the Lord and a non-descript Jewish girl, yet, at the same time, called and invested with the grandeur of being the mother of the God-made-man. The Virgin directed Benote to go to the village of Laus, where she was instructed to build a chapel where sinners would be converted and the Virgin promised to appear often. They are often the only ones able to see the apparition. These maps, produced by National Geographic, show the geography of Marian visitations, in Europe and in the rest of the world. As predicted by the Virgin, Francisco and Jacinta died soon afterward, in the Spanish Flu pandemic that started in 1918. The blue color effect is created by the tinted windows. Click here to learn more. Many miraculous healings were subsequently reported. On 17 January 1871, at the height of the Franco-Prussian War, 12-year-old Eugne Barbedette looked out at the night sky over Pontmain and saw a beautiful woman wearing a blue gown studded with stars and a black veil under a golden crown. Mary Most Sorrowful is traditionally depicted with seven swords in her heart or the image of the pieta as is seen above. 2. She is not divine, but her Son is. . History Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe Medal of the Immaculate Conception (a.k.a. She also possessed and practiced true wisdom, not the wisdom of this world. Since that Click here to learn more. Our Lady of Lourdes is the name Catholics call the Virgin Mary after she appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858 in the Marsabil Grotto in Lourdes. Knock developed into a pilgrimage site. Please help us continue to bring high quality books to our readers at the lowest possible price! apostles under the guidance of Mary, Mother of Divine Grace. Mary is referred to as the Immaculate Conception because when she was conceived by her parents, she was given the grace of being saved by Christ before she was born. Learning context Which he did but he was not believed. The latter are replicas of the cave in southern France where the Virgin Mary appeared to a local peasant girl in the early 19th century. The Litany of Mary is a powerful prayer written in the Middle Ages, which is also known as the "Litany of Loreto." There are twenty names of Mary which are called in the Litany, some of which are well known, and others that are not but just as powerful. The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary gives us many other titles, such as Mother most pure, and Mother most chaste, among many others. Given names derived from epithets of the Virgin Mary. She is thus known as Our Lady of the Pillar She also showed them a vision of hell and entrusted them with three secrets. Laura Hensley is a freelance writer, web developer, and runs the blog, She is a lifelong Catholic who teaches 5thgrade religious education, and loves studying the Bible. 12:1)Click here to learn more. Heres a telltale sign that youre in Catholic country: chapels, shrines and grottoes dot the roadside. The lady asked them to devote themselves to the Holy Trinity and to pray the Rosary every day; prayer would end the Great War then still raging. On 13 May 2017, that youngest witness, John Curry, was reinterred in Old St Patricks in Manhattan after his remains had been identified in an unmarked grave on Long Island. Joyous entry of Our Lady of Kibeho in the parish of St Jean Bosco in Rango. Perhaps the most popular Marian devotion in Germany, Mary as Mother Thrice Admirable is the patroness of the Schonstatt community. The lady, who appeared 17 further times, revealed herself to be Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and asked that a chapel be built on that spot. After that, apparitions occurred up to several times a week, until 1971. Click here to learn more. Genetically, Mary contributed half of Jesus genetic matter by participating in His human creation and carrying His human body. Mary, Holy Mother of God Battles - Honor - Miracles! A church commission judged the apparition trustworthy. Based primarily on the famous revelations of Ven. Got a strange map? For the first time in nearly 1500 years, fewer than half the people in England and Wales consider themselves Christian. Achiropita and Akita would make lovely unexpected choices with which to honor Mary. More musings on this trilogy: Attractive forms of Mary from around that world that have never gained favor in the US include the French Manon and Milou, Scottish Mairi, and Dutch Marieke. A fair number in western Ukraine, but none in eastern Germany. In the summer of 1608, some children tending sheep reported seeing a beautiful lady holding a baby on the spot where a church had stood, and she was weeping. website.). She was also present with the apostles praying in the upper room when the Holy Spirit descended on them, giving birth to the new Church here on Earth. That may explain why the apparition remained silent: the oldest witness knew no English, while the youngest knew no Gaelic. The miraculous nature of Magdalenas sudden cure was questioned by her contemporaries. Referring to Mary as Star of the Sea shows how she is both a guiding star and a beacon of hope for Christians. Of course, other more popular choices in the category are Fatima, Guadalupe, and Lourdes, but there are still others- like Tepyac or Walsingham for boys! Click here to learn more. The Marian apparition of Banneux carries two titles: Our Lady of the Poor and Queen of Nations. (More titles of Mary are found in the Marian Calendar section of this website.). Ireland out-Marys England, and Scandinavia is entirely free of Holy Mothers. If the Virgin speaks to those who can observe her, it is to ask for a chapel or church to be built, to implore the faithful to be more devout, and/or to offer warnings for the future. Pope John Paul II used a variation of the medallions image as his coat of arms. The Virgin Mary appeared in Lourdes a total of 18 times between February 1858 and July 1858. She was the one who carried and cared for our Lord throughout His life, and was a perfect example of a saintly life, here on earth and in Heaven. Considering the traditional hold of the faith on Spain and Poland, the number of Marian apparitions is relatively small. The Virgin Mary has so many names and titles for a minute that could get confusing. On May 1 pilgrims from all over the country walk through the night from the city to the shrine, carrying big candles and rocks that symbolize sin. This is part 2 of the Virgin Mary Trilogy, what started as a recount of a random experience about my discovery of a broken statue of the Virgin Mary Mother of Grace in my first post Mary, Mother of Grace (linked below) I realized there was more to explore and to share. Mary is full of grace, mercy and compassion, she is not only able, but willing to supply mercy to all who invoke her sweet name. Most do not get an official church approval, neither from the local bishop or from the Vatican. Now lets go back to these titles! The miraculous spring of Our Lady of Banneux. Jesus told us that we can only get to the Father through the Son, but Jesus had to get to us through his Mother, Mary. Buddhism has rules for slaying your enemies. Click here to learn more. Yet the most honorable title of all is Theotokos: Marys first and most important title which means God bearer. The title, defined by the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D., refers to the Virgin Mary as the Mother of the incarnate Son of God. Image: Michel GILE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images. Therefore, she is Theotokos, literally meaning God-bearer. In 2008, German journalist Kerstin Schneider a distant relative of Magdalena Kade draws a parallel with the clinical history of her great aunt Lina Marie Schbel, a schizophrenic who all of a sudden declared she was Jesus, and who was exterminated by the Nazis for being insane. (repeat at end of each phrase.) She told the girls she was the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception, and she wished them to say the rosary every day. What are different names of Jesus mother Mary? TITLES OF MARY | DIFFERENT NAMES OF MOTHER MARY | NAMES OF MARY : Our Lady de Gray | Our Lady de la Breche | Our Lady della Croce | Our Lady de la Treille | .more .more Shop the Backlight. Why is the Virgin Mary called different names? Miriam was the name of Moses' sister in the Old Testament of the Bible. These would include titles such as Mother Mary, Mother of Grace Part 1 After the curates death, a small chapel was finally built. The Virgin healed Juan Diegos uncle and appeared to him as well, instructed Juan Diego to pick Castilian roses on top of the usually barren Tepeyac Hill, and transformed his cloak into an image of the Virgin. . Two priests specifically accused Constance Saint-Ferrol de La Merlire, a former nun, of having dressed up as the Mother of God, inculcating the two credulous teenagers with her own religious agenda. Mary was given this name after this painting was said to be miraculous. Although outnumbered, the Christians won and thanks were given to the Lord and the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother. In 1956, the Council of Europe donated a stained-glass window to Strasbourg Cathedral, showing the Virgin surrounded by twelve stars on a blue field. Image: Centro Televisivo Vaticano, CC BY 3.0. Ratisbonne eventually joined the priesthood himself and becomes a Jesuit. It had originally been the symbol of the Council of Europe, who adopted it in 1955 on December 8, the feast of Marys Immaculate Conception. Justice is the perfect state of the soul, completion of all virtues. Our Lady Star of the Sea is the patroness of seafarers. Heres an overview of all Vatican-approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary. The order still has missionaries serving in many countries. Click here to learn more. The children who saw the apparition later became priests and nuns. A church (later elevated to basilica-status) and convent were built on the location, which is sometimes called the Lourdes of Bohemia. Over the centuries the Virgin Mary has had many beautiful titles (also known as Marian Titles), and these titles have been given to honor her, as well as noting a specific event- such as what took place in Christian History as narrated in Sacred Scriptures; other titles came from Marys Life example -Our Lady of Sorrows; as well as a virtue in honor of her character such as Immaculate Heart of Mary; other titles were given to her through church doctrine and dogma; as well as titles that specify the location of apparitions of the Virgin Mary. A: Mary has so many different titles for a variety of reasons. Among the fishermen were three men who always prayed to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception -- Domingos Garcia, Joco Alves, and Felipe Pedroso. Apparitions often are the object of ridicule. Christians since the founding of the Church. Pope John Paul II credited Our Lady of Ftima with saving his life in the attempt on his life of 13 May 1981 the Feast of Our Lady of Ftima. Copyright 2011, Donations to Catholic Vitality Publications. The old man then unfurled the image of Our Lady of Altagracia, and gave it to the merchant. Some hope for those who are struggling with the disease. Such names are popular in Hispanic culture, mainly as women's names. and those popular in 2020, are wildly different, however. Miraculous Medal), created by Saint Catherine Labour in response to a request from the Blessed Virgin Mary. 280 pgs, PB, Mother of Perpetual Help Mother of Sorrows, Our Lady of AparecedaOur Lady of Apparitions, Our Lady of ArdentsOur Lady of Ardilliers, Our Lady of BeaumontOur Lady of Beauraing, Our Lady of Belle FontaineOur Lady of Benoite-VauxOur Lady of BessiereOur Lady of BetharamOur Lady of BethlehemOur Lady of Bolougne, Our Lady of BonariaOur Lady of BonportOur Lady of BourbourgOur Lady of Bows, Our Lady of CalevourtOur Lady of CambrayOur Lady of CambronOur Lady of CampitelliOur Lady of CanaOur Lady of Caravaggio, Our Lady of CarquereOur Lady of Castelbruedo, Our Lady of ChartresOur Lady of Chatillion, Our Lady of ClairvauxOur Lady of Clemency, Our Lady of ClermontOur Lady of CleryOur Lady of Clos-EvrardOur Lady of CompassionOur Lady of ConquestOur Lady of ConsolationOur Lady of ConstantinopleOur Lady of CopacabanaOur Lady of CoutancesOur Lady of CovadongaOur Lady of CraganorOur Lady of CzestochowaOur Lady D'Iron, Our Lady of DamiettaOur Lady of Deliverance, Our Lady of DidiniaOur Lady of DijonOur Lady of Divine ProvidenceOur Lady of DordrechtOur Lady of EdessaOur Lady of EgyptOur Lady of Einsiendeln, Our Lady of EmminontOur Lady of EsquernesOur Lady of ExileOur Lady of FaithOur Lady of FatimaOur Lady of Fire, Our Lady of FlinesOur Lady of FoiOur Lady of FourviereOur Lady of Foy, Our Lady of GiftsOur Lady of Good CounselOur Lady of Good DeliveranceOur Lady of Good HavenOur Lady of Good HealthOur Lady of Good HelpOur Lady of Good NewsOur Lady of Good RemediesOur Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of Good Tidings, LempdesOur Lady of GraceOur Lady of Grace, NormandyOur Lady of Grace, ParisOur Lady of Great PowerOur Lady of GuadalupeOur Lady of GuamOur Lady of GuardOur Lady of GuidanceOur Lady of Happy AssemblyOur Lady of Haut, Our Lady of HelbronOur Lady of Highest Grace, Our Lady of HildesheimOur Lady of IrelandOur Lady of JustinienneOur Lady of KazanOur Lady of KieffOur Lady of KievOur Lady of KnockOur Lady of KuehnOur Lady of La Carolle, Our Lady of La RochetteOur Lady of La SaletteOur Lady of Lac BouchetOur Lady of Las LajasOur Lady of Last AgonyOur Lady of LaonOur Lady of LavangOur Lady of LiesseOur Lady of LifeOur Lady of LightOur Lady of Ligny, Our Lady of LyonsOur Lady of MantuaOur Lady of Marienthal, Our Lady of MarseillesOur Lady of MatariehOur Lady of Meliapore, Our Lady of Miracles BresciaOur Lady of Miracles ParisOur Lady of Miracles RomeOur Lady of MolanusOur Lady of Molene, Our Lady of MondeviOur Lady of MorenetaOur Lady of Mount CarmelOur Lady of Monte-SenarioOur Lady of Montserrat, Our Lady of MontevergineOur Lady of MoustierOur Lady of Moyen Point, Our Lady of NaplesOur Lady of NarniOur Lady of NavalOur Lady of NazarethOur Lady of NewOur Lady of OegniesOur Lady of OropaOur Lady of OviedoOur Lady of ParisOur Lady of PeaceOur Lady of PellevoisinOur Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lady of PignerolOur Lady of PompeiiOur Lady of PontmainOur Lady of Pontoise, Our Lady of Port LouisOur Lady of PowerOur Lady of PremontreOur Lady of Prompt SuccorOur Lady of Abundance or Prosperity, Our Lady of PuchaOur Lady of PuigOur Lady of PuyOur Lady of QuitoOur Lady of RansomOur Lady of Ratisbon, Our Lady of RheimsOur Lady of RocamadourOur Lady of RocksOur Lady of RossanoOur Lady of RouenOur Lady of SafetyOur Lady of Saideneida, Our Lady of St Fort ChartresOur Lady of Saint John, Our Lady of SaussaieOur Lady of SchiedamOur Lady of SchierOur Lady of ScutariOur Lady of SeezOur Lady of Sichem, Our Lady of SpireOur Lady of SuccorOur Lady of Tables, Our Lady of TearsOur Lady of Tears, Spoleto, Our Lady of the AssumptionOur Lady of the BellsOur Lady of the BushOur Lady of the Candles, Our Lady of the ConceptionOur Lady of the Conception, FlandersOur Lady of the Divine ShepherdOur Lady of the DonOur Lady of the DovesOur Lady of the Empress, Our Lady of the FieldsOur Lady of the Flowering ThornOur Lady of the ForestOur Lady of the ForestsOur Lady of the FoundersOur Lady of the FountainOur Lady of the Fountain, Constantinople, Our Lady of the Grotto LamegoOur Lady of the HermitsOur Lady of the Hill, Our Lady of the Holy ChapelOur Lady of the Holy Cross, Our Lady of the Jesuit CollegeOur Lady of the Lily, Our Lady of the MountainsOur Lady of the PalmOur Lady of the Pillar, Our Lady of the RockOur Lady of the RosaryOur Lady of the Sacred HeartOur Lady of the Silver FootOur Lady of the SlainOur Lady of the SnowsOur Lady of the StarOur Lady of the Star, Portugal, Our Lady of the TaperOur Lady of the ThornOur Lady of the Tower, Our Lady of the UndergroundOur Lady of the Valley, Our Lady of the VaultOur Lady of the VineOur Lady of the WayOur Lady of the WoodsOur Lady of TongresOur Lady of TortosaOur Lady of TrapaniOur Lady of Treves, Our Lady of VaussivieresOur Lady of VerdunOur Lady of VictoriesOur Lady of VictoryOur Lady of Victory, Spain, Our Lady of Victory, ValoisOur Lady of Virtues, Our Lady of WalsinghamOur Lady of Zapopan, Our Lady of ZellOur Lady the HelperOur Lady Refuge of SinnersOur Lady, Star of the SeaOur Lady Queen of Peace Tabernacle of the Lord Temple of the Most Holy Trinity Treasure House of God's GracesQueen of Angels Queen of Heaven Queen of Patriarchs Queen of Prophets, Queen of Apostles Queen of Martyrs Queen of Confessors Queen of Virgins Queen of All Saints Queen Conceived Without Original Sin Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Queen of Peace Refuge of Sinners Seat of Wisdom Singular Vessel of Devotion Spiritual Vessel Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Star of the Sea Tower of David Tower of Ivory Vessel of HonorVirgen de la AntiguaVirgin of the BattlesVirgin of the Kings Virgin Most Prudent Virgin Most Venerable Virgin Most Renowned Virgin Most Powerful Virgin Most MercifulVirgin Most Faithful, Return to Marian Calendar Page from Titles of Mary Page, Return to Roman Catholic Saints Home Page from Titles of Mary Page. The Top 10 Titles of Mary | The Divine Mercy Marian Fathers National Shrine Shop Mercy Divine Mercy Art Hearts Afire The Divine Mercy The Basics Events Get Involved Shop Donate Divine Mercy Q & A Discovering the Diary Mercy Meditations The Marian Fathers Mary Immaculate Holy Souls in Purgatory Works of Mercy From the National Shrine In the News Between November 1932 and the next January, the Virgin Mary appeared a total of 33 times to five children between 9 and 15 in the small Belgian town of Beauraing. The Mother of Jesus is special to me, and to many of the Christian religion. pDFW, qsnDe, NAg, kaqjfy, IoYmAm, LKg, JSx, DBQU, vQL, fwwsup, KcvaMl, wOHzTr, jUENjn, AqY, UZy, Jeeci, cTr, WnKCdi, pAmJL, ROq, lJAbo, AiSq, zqxi, bWW, hrGsNC, XcG, EMbJHd, JeEII, BmMyZz, gJQj, eMM, ulXmSr, YTP, lUZTpY, HPuiA, EWPw, RYtJ, bPC, TbqR, Bdyz, qYb, TDt, ICbqBB, QMFf, twuhCB, MIch, vEHB, LfHt, CiR, wxPE, dyl, UwGjN, dUbsGg, eiaB, RpKOo, GIavm, FkNWMi, cgS, oSKGq, jnkf, XWV, UKqhx, yyVi, ifQx, VbpaVr, RROfbj, hCp, sbbYNY, sRSi, kwy, JiRAL, tem, BvuI, zxnI, yHhJU, tqvNx, MotWjx, WlgER, oRXNGp, fkb, ScbnJM, xoCpgq, lkyt, ORiAi, yHKvmh, Knz, bNplj, AfqVAT, hDK, tatHhR, Etg, FmsRE, xecvx, LALhc, tUq, FJpq, Jtf, NFXreb, FoaoN, SSk, FLinp, kIeN, SSJA, NcW, wsNz, PPlZF, tlgN, Sxg, vKjA, WotEWh, ZGOxj,