what roman emperors were assassinated

Augustus death was also nothing if not theatrical. Seeing through the distortion of our sources is fundamental in understanding Caligulas life and death. "They do some pretty good statistical work, but how do you know you've got the right mechanism?". The emperor went into hiding (Tacitus tells us in a doorkeepers lodge) but was soon dragged out by the rampaging troops. Four more emperors were probably murdered. emperors were probably murdered. "Unfortunately, low rainfall hit that year, and he was completely flabbergasted. According to this Jewish text, the cause of Tituss death was an insect that flew up his nose and picked away at his brain for seven years. emperors were murdered. (1) i.e. In the early hours of the Ides of March, Caesars wife, Calpurnia, woke from a nightmare in which she had held her husbands corpse in her arms. Got a strange map? His assassination kicked off the Crisis of the Third Century fifty years of wars, invasions and economic collapse. What makes a good Roman emperor? This area once comprised the Roman frontier, where military troops were stationed. Although both his parents were Christians, he was the last non-Christian emperor and tried to revive paganism. . However, that conquest was cut short by the illness that was to fell him in Eburacum (now York) on February 4th, 211. For much of that voyage, Numerian travelled in a closed coach, supposedly because of an inflammation of the eyes. Your email address will not be published. As the emperor lay on his deathbed in Nola, near Naples, on 19 August 14 AD, he asked those surrounding him whether he had played his role well in the comedy of life. Murdered by the men who had sworn to protect him. However, his health deteriorated rapidly, not helped by the fact that he was used to taking long, cold bathsjust as any good Roman shouldand therefore had an underlying intestinal disorder. So after hiding it inside his tunic on his way through the Forum, he pulled it out, stuck his thumb in its mouth, and carried it to Otho. Slashing his neck from behind, Chaerea cried out, take this!words traditionally accompanying a sacrificewhile the peoples tribune Cornelius Sabinus ran Caligula through from the front. He had not been to the city itself. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright Alexander Meddings 2022. But this is entirely fictitious. In 395 AD, the last emperor of the united Roman Empire, Theodosius I, died. Suetoniuss biographies tell us a great deal about the nature of autocracy, the trappings of power, and the difficulties of navigating (and surviving) Romes imperial court. We should be sceptical about seeing this as genuine, probably reflecting instead their attempt to ingratiate themselves with his brother and successor, Domitian. Make sure that the pie chart is an even circle, labels the categories, and shows the percentage breakdown of the categories. His last words are reported as: You have won, Galilean, an acknowledgement of his failure to defeat Christianity. We might prefer this dramatic version, but the others are more probably accurate. Alexander was an able and tolerant administrator, and Rome prospered under his reign although the fact that he relied heavily on the advice of his mother and grandmother was much resented. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The actual assassination was undertaken by three officers of the Guard; Caligula, who was called Gaius during his life, was at. But when his senatorial colleagues, and eventual assassins, mocked him for following the whims of a woman, Caesar changed his mind. Here's the reasoning: When rainfall was low, troops in the Roman military who depended on the rain to water crops grown by local farmers would have starved. He then recited the final lines from a Greek comedy by the playwright Menander: Since the play has been so good, clap your hands, and all of you dismiss us with applause.. Despite the alcoholic and sexual excesses of his twilight years, Tiberius reached the oldest age of any Roman emperor. Last fall, Manning and his colleagues published a study in the journal Nature (opens in new tab) on how volcanic activity may have led to the drier conditions that doomed the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, Live Science previously reported. His body was pierced with hooks and dragged to the Tiber, the river becoming his ultimate resting place. Following his failed rebellion against the emperor Constantine, he was captured in Massilia (Marseilles) and strongly advised to commit suicide he hung himself in July 310. However, its not hard to see through this as a pathetic attempt to justify the barbaric murder of an infant. Yet even in a world where life already tended to be nasty, brutish and short, it was one of the more dangerous jobs: only about a quarter of all Roman Emperors died natural deaths. His first wife as emperor, Messalina, was executed for conspiring against him and marrying another senator while he was away on business in Ostia, and true this made Agrippina an easy target. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "Vitellius was an acclaimed emperor by his troops," Christian said. Severus was born in 145 in Libya from an Italian mother and a father with Berber and Punic ancestry. Suetonius tells us that a senator named Lucius Tillius Cimber approached Caesar, petitioning for his brothers recall from exile, but Caesar brushed him away. He is also the most prominent of the handful of Emperors with African roots. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Which was appropriate, given that his entire life had been nothing but an act. A few hours later it arrived, but it wasnt what Nero wanted to hear. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Another senator then lunged at Caesars neck with his dagger, and although Caesar caught the dagger in his hand, this only delayed the inevitable. The Roman emperors were regarded as gods. Study . These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. There wasn't a drought leading up to Commodus' assassination, "but usually there is a drought preceding the assassination of the emperor," Christian said. I put it at around 35, but there are some in there where assassination was only suspected, some are co-emperors and one was killed on the orders of the senate. For that last metric, the podcast also produced this map, showing the locations where Roman emperors expired. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you havent read him, and youre interested in early Roman emperors, you really must. What he hadnt factored in was that those charged with telling him the time might be part of the conspiracy. Although the Senate and a number of provinces sided with them, they were ultimately defeated in their power base of Carthage following the invasion of a Roman legion from the neighbouring province of Numidia. This foreknowledge, repeatedly reinforced by a number of bizarre omens and portents he received throughout his life, apparently drove his murderous paranoia. Orienteering wasnt their strong point, however, and having got hopelessly lost trying to find him in the Forum they arrived too late to help. He utters his final words, Oh dear, I appear to have shit myself, before ascending to heaven. Like Augustus before him, Tiberius was determined not to show his illness; doing so might encourage others to help him on his way. Being assassinated like Caligula or committing suicide on the run like Nero were particularly Roman emperor deaths, as was being slowly and unknowingly poisoned by someone in your own immediate familyparticularly by a wife, as in the case of the emperor Claudius. On his deathbed, he requested a mirror so he could rearrange his hair, and repeatedly asked if his demise was causing any trouble on the streets. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". We should not be surprised that death was no different. The ancients gave Othos life a terrible write-up. Optimism may be quantifiably keeping marriages together, especially after the so-called honeymoon period ends. They disagree only over the mode of its delivery. A. Gratian favoured Christianity, refused to accept the divine attributes of imperial rule and had all pagan temples and shrines confiscated by the government. Despite setting off to visit on two separate occasions, Tiberius never found the courage to enter Romes city walls, preferring instead to rule remotely from his palace, the Villa of Jupiter, on the island of Capri. But while rain may have played a role, so did other factors, Conant said. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Starts With A Bang podcast #88: From dust till cosmic dawn, Fatherhood changes mens brains, according to before-and-after MRI scans, Seize the day? It was even suggested that his body should be pierced with hooks and dragged down the Gemonian Stairs. Augustus maintained a facade of Republican rule, rejecting monarchical titles but calling himself princeps senatus (first man of the Senate) and princeps civitatis (first citizen of the state). Who were the first 5 Roman emperors? He was assassinated in A.D. 69, a year of low rainfall on the Roman frontier, where the troops were stationed. But both writers showed curiously reverential respect for the way in Otho he met his end. He was assassinated in A.D. 69, a year of low rainfall on the Roman frontier, where the troops were stationed. While away in Campania in July of 79 AD, Vespasian suffered a minor illness. A cookie set by YouTube to measure bandwidth that determines whether the user gets the new or old player interface. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Either Claudius ingested poisoned mushrooms served to him at dinner or he induced his fatal dose through a feather dipped in venom, which he would dip down his throat to vomit during banquets. A. Aurelian (3 C, 14 P) G. Galba (1 C, 11 P) Pages in category "Roman emperors murdered by the Praetorian Guard" Within seconds, dozens of senators were hacking away at the dictator with daggers drawn from beneath their togas. Ancient writers were keen to implicate others, especially women, in non-violent Roman emperor deaths. Cassius Dio, a later writer, credits him with saying. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Suetonius reports two versions of Caligulas death. She has won multiple awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association for her reporting at a weekly newspaper near Seattle. Emperors who died by Assassination/murder/execution, 43 Emperors died from Assassination/murder/execution, III. His wife, Milonia Caesonia, was hacked to death beside him while his daughter was taken out of sight and dashed against a wall. Vitellius met his end on December 22 69 AD, when the advance guard of Vespasian, commander of the legions in Judaea and the last of this civil wars emperors, entered Rome. Otherwise known as the Ides of March, this was the day that the self-declared dictator Julius Caesar was murdered, set upon by a group of senators in the newly constructed meeting house of the Theatre of Pompey, and stabbed 23 times in the name of preserving the Roman Republic. She also reports on general science, including archaeology and paleontology. Four more Some Gu. Asia, or as we now would call it: the Middle East, saw several emperors meet a tragic end: Gordian III, 32nd Emperor (r. 238-244), was the grandson of Gordian I and the nephew of Gordian II. Relations between the two were not amicable, to say the least. Answer (1 of 2): Ancient historians have virtually all the emperors dying at the hands of some assassin. As our Roman sources are short on details, theres little to say about Tituss death. Gordian I and II, joint 28th Emperors (r. 238). The way Vespasian met his death is very much in keeping with his character. Othos reign was short, and not particularly sweet. Or at least thats how one version of the story goes. Its essentially a satirical poem about Claudiuss death, his ascent to heaven, and his arrival amongst the Capitoline Gods (by Claudiuss time it was becoming common practice for emperors to be declared gods after their deatha process known as apotheosis). [In Photos: Ancient Home and Barracks of Roman Military Officer]. In the first, the Praetorian Prefect Cassius Chaerea snuck up behind him while he was talking to a band of Asian boys about to perform onstage. Answer (1 of 2): How many Roman emperors were killed by the Praetorian Guard? The Julio-Claudian dynasty comprised the first five Roman emperors: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. Historians dispute this due to Augustus's will being. The image we have of the pious, peaceful, avuncular emperor is more a product of this effective propaganda than an accurate reflection of history. I am yours and you are mine! before being cut down. Those who had hated him in life sang his praises in death. But, as is often the case, many factors can lead to an assassination. Some Guards were in on the conspiracy to kill Caligula in Jan. 41 AD. The second version involves the same cast, but the performance is far more theatrical. Other conspirators, including many of his chamber staff, then burst in, hacking the 45-year-old emperor to death and bringing his 15-year reign to an end. Answer (1 of 5): A few, actually. Between June of 68 and December of 69, Rome . One has the shocked emperor cry out: Soldiers, what are you doing? If we are to believe our sources, the despicable duo werent particularly subtle. The journey took painfully long; Vitellius limped the whole way as one of his legs was mangled from when Caligula had once struck him with a chariot. The _ga cookie, installed by Google Analytics, calculates visitor, session and campaign data and also keeps track of site usage for the site's analytics report. Severus defeated his rivals, consolidated his power, annexed the Kingdom of Osroene and sacked the Parthian capital of Ctesiphon, pushing the Roman frontier to the Tigris river. Declared emperor in January 68, by the middle of April he was dead, aged 38. He was reconsecrated as a god from 317. (I said it was a pun; I didnt say it was funny). Othos suicide earned him the admiration of later Romans. When a Roman general in Britain revolted and invaded Gaul, Gratian fled from Paris to Lyon, where he was betrayed and assassinated on August 25th, 383. If it wasnt, its certainly ironic as it perfectly foreshadowed his own death, assassinated by one of his nieces attendants in the emperors bedroom on September 18, 96 AD. Most of the emperors died in or near Rome; this short selection of those who expired elsewhere shows that if American politics is House of Cards, Roman politics was Game of Thrones. Or as I put it back in 2020 when we were put under lockdown in Italy: Caesar was assassinated shortly after entering the new senate-house, recently annexed to the enormous Theatre of Pompeythe first permanent stone theatre in Romes history and one of the lost wonders of Hidden Rome. That the Jewish author should have suggested this is hardly surprising: no love was lost between Titus and the Jews, given that the emperor had captured Jerusalem and sacked their Temple in 70 AD, killing as many as one million people. Indeed, being the most powerful person in the land was often a death . It shouldnt surprise us that many of the aforementioned examples are taken right from the scandalous lives of the Twelve Caesars. Whats telling is while the senators delighted over Domitians death, the army was distraught and the people indifferent. His show-reel of worst moments features assassinating his mother, forcing his first wife to commit suicide, and kicking his second wife to death when she told him off for spending too much time at the games. Vitellius, a Roman emperor assassinated in 69 C.E., serves as a prime example of the economists' hypothesis. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Suetonius describes him as a wild, extravagant, and sexually debauched young man: a favourite of the emperor Nero with whom he was believed to have been more than just friends. That it did is appropriate, if not slightly ironic, especially considering the extent to which Vitellius ingratiated himself withand therefore owed his eventual position toseveral former emperors. His death, near the Tigris, has variously been attributed to natural causes, assassination, a combat wound and lightning. According to ancient sources, Caesar either said nothing or, as some suggested, uttered the Greek phrase which sounds a bit like kai say teknon and means you too, young man? Although most aristocratic Romans were bilingual, its hard to believe that a man whod been stabbed two dozen times out of nowhere would have produced a Greek quip as he lay bleeding to death. As Valentinianus II, he first held court in Milan and ruled over a central part of the empire (including Italy and North Africa). But scratch below the surface and you find something sinister about the reign of Vespasian. Maximian and Diocletian jointly retired from imperial office, but Maximian got re-involved in imperial politics, ultimately with fatal consequences. Caligula was not the first emperor to rule through violence, but he was the first to reap what he sowed. Notable Holy Roman Emperors included Otto I of the Ottonian Dynasty (A.D. 962-973), Charles V (A.D. 1519-1556) and Francis II (A.D. 1792-1806), who was the last emperor before the fall of the of Holy Roman Empire in the Napoleonic Wars. The only intriguing question concerns his final words. The study is published in the October issue of the journal Economics Letters. He now works in Rome as a content consultant in the travel industry. And while the most famous ancient example of suicide comes not from Rome but from Greece, with the death of Socrates, the Romans did their fair share of imitation. Augustuss entire life had been about projecting his image as a fundamentally good, moral, family-centred emperor. For more than 500 years the Roman Empire existed, about 20% of the 82 emperors were assassinated while in power. Romanus III AD 1034. After at least 30 minutes, judging from the length of the Via Sacra, he arrived at the Germanian steps. Ancient Rome was a dangerous place to be an emperor. Roman emperor. He was the last emperor to lead a military campaign against Germanic tribes across the Rhine. She begged Caesar not to attend his meetings, and the dictator reluctantly agreed. Clean, compelling, and concise: tailored translations targeted to your audience, Your email address will not be published. He was the last emperor of the Severan dynasty, founded by Severus (the one who died in York). Some of the data that are collected include the number of visitors, their source, and the pages they visit anonymously. Via his two daughters, he was grandfather or great-grandfather to every reigning emperor from 337 to 363. when the Romans exp. The way we die is sadder than death itself.. "Unfortunately, low rainfall hit that year, and he was completely flabbergasted. He reopened pagan temples, removed Christian privileges and fostered division between various Christian sects. Augustus wore this persona right up until his last days, sitting through public performances and fulfilling his public duties while his body was wrecked by diarrhoea and a digestive infection. "We're not trying to claim that rainfall is the only explanation for all these things. "Vitellius was an acclaimed emperor by his troops," Christian said. Laura is the archaeology/history and Life's Little Mysteries editor at Live Science. But Tiberius body was spared this mistreatment. Here Sabinus asked Caligula for the military password to which the emperor responded, Jupiter! Chaerea then approached from behind and cried out, let it be so (Jupiter being the god of sudden death), swinging his sword and splitting open the emperors jaw. The Roman Empire ( Latin: Imperium Romanum [mpri. roman]; Greek: , translit. All the juicy details of Roman emperor deaths are remarkably well-documented in the biographies of Suetonius. relating the death of two emperors. Augustuss death has been exactly as hed hoped it would beeasy. Required fields are marked *. Weve seen it with Augustus, whose wife, Livia, faced accusations of secretly administering the emperor poison, and weve seen it with Tiberius, with rumours that Caligula had him either poisoned or smothered. It was basically in their memory that he was proclaimed emperor. Alexander gained control of the empire at the tender age of 13, following the assassination of his cousin Elagabalus. During its more than 500-year run, about 20% of Rome's 82 emperors were assassinated while in power. These days egregious describe something really bad, but in antiquity it meant the opposite. YouTube sets this cookie to store the video preferences of the user using embedded YouTube video. What an artist dies with me! While taken to mean what an artist dies with me!, the truth is that this phrase has been misunderstood for centuries. Please refresh the page and try again. According to the estimate made, the 70 . The crossword clue Tyrannical Roman emperor assassinated in AD41 with 8 letters was last seen on the December 11, 2022. Blog Posts & Website Content the search engines love as much as your readers. Drought with famine can urge rebel forces to coup, assassination and overthrow of the Roman emperor. Several of Julians literary works survive, including Misopogon (Beard-Hater), a satirical essay on the dislike of the citizens of Antioch of the emperors own philosophers beard, in a time when the fashion was for clean-shaven faces. Returning from the games to his Sabine estate, he was struck by a fever and forced to stop at Rieti. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The son of Constantine I, Constans co-ruled first with his brother Constantine II and then with his other brother Constantius II, who would eventually succeed him. As with Caligula and Galba, he was murdered in public all suggesting that terrible emperors met terrible ends. But while Claudiuss death may have been relatively unremarkable, a surviving text that circulated Neros court shortly afterwards is anything but. Subcategories. Once they got this coveted position, they realized it was very difficult to keep it. This should make us reconsider Domitian as a terrible emperor and lead us to ask new questions. Tailored campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & LinkedIn. The most famous part of Caesars death is the dying dictator looking upon his former friend and uttering the immortal words, Et tu Brute? The pll _language cookie is used by Polylang to remember the language selected by the user when returning to the website, and also to get the language information when not available in another way. For more on the Roman Empire, its leaders and their deaths, check out the Totalus Rankium Twitter feed and podcast. Why were so many Roman emperors murdered? He could have made it beyond his 78thyear too, had it not been for the treacherous intentions of his nephew Caligula and the murderous intervention of his praetorian guard, Macro. Cimber then made a grab for his toga, pulling it down and causing Caesar to cry out that he was being attacked. The cause of their downfall could be rain, according to a study published in the October issue of Economics Letters. Dismissing the retinue around his bed, the 75-year-old emperor kissed his wife Livia, telling her to live mindful of their marriage. There are varying accounts of his final moments. Some people ran around shouting, Into the Tiber with Tiberius! Others prayed that Tiberius would find no rest in the underworld. According to a new study, we can blame it on the rain. I tend to imagine Vespasians reign as one characterized by intense propaganda, severe censorship, and the rooting out and eradication of any past (or potential future) enemies. Our sources tell us that Tiberius was struck by illness first in Astura and then in Circeii, a coastal town halfway between Rome and Naples. Regardless, the Roman world reacted to the death of their emperor, not in the way he would have liked, but in the way he probably expected. Assassinated by Basil the Macedonian. While Carinus was in charge of the west, Numerian led a Roman retreat from Persia. After graduating in ancient history from the universities of Exeter and Oxford respectively, he moved to Italy to pursue his passion at the source. For starters, it's relatively simple to find a correlation between two things using statistics, he said. He wanted to take the head to Otho but had difficulty gripping it, unable to hold onto the hair because Galba was completely bald. Fiercely loyal by natureas they had been to Caligula moments after his assassinationthe emperors German Guard had been treated particularly well by the emperor whenever one of its men was sick or wounded. Whats remarkable is that Othos defeat was by no means crushing; he still had deep numbers of reserves. According to Phys.org, the 2019 study showed that "of the 69 rulers of the unified Roman Empire, 43 (62%) suffered violent deaths either by assassination, suicide or during combat.". 2. Whichever version of his assassination you believe, the end result is the same. Inauspiciously, he took board at the same villa where his father, Vespasian, had passed away just two years prior. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. And he also tells us that this message went down so well with his soldiers that many killed themselves along with him. When the Sassanid Persians invaded Roman Mesopotamia, Gordian III became the last emperor in history to open the gates of the Temple of Janus (a symbol for Rome being at war; closed doors meant peace). There were celebrations in the streets after the death of Tiberius. Constantine issued a damnatio memoriae, erasing all public inscriptions and destroying all public works bearing the name of Maximian. Claudius was watching a troupe of comedians when he interrupted the performance with a loud fart. Nero steeled himself for suicide, but could not bring himself to do it, asking in vain for someone to show him how its done. Another irony about Domitians death, and a shared feature of other Roman emperor deaths, was that he was already aware of its time and manner through a prophecy. The Senate had declared him an enemy of the state. He was only 13 years old at his proclamation, younger than any other sole emperor of the unified Empire. Guess the names of the Roman Emperors who were assassinated. He plugged the numbers into a formula and found that "lower rainfall means that there's more probability of assassinations that are going to take place, because lower rainfall means there's less food. Just as one could live a virtuous life, so could one die a virtuous death, and few examples of admirable, awful, shameful and painful deaths have come down in as much detail as those of the Roman emperors. Upon opening the curtains, Numerians soldiers found him dead. What other Roman emperor was assassinated? Brutus had gone on to found the Roman Republic in 509 BC, serving as one of its first consuls. Needless to say there were alot of emperors killed by soldiers or the Praetorian guard. The conspirators cut Caligulas genitals off, and to put an end to his Julian bloodline they butchered his wife and infant daughter. Theres bound to be some exaggeration, but all sources agree that upon retiring to his quarters he wrote letters to his loved ones, distributed money among his slaves, and left his door open all night, admitting anyone who wanted to see him. As an emperor and as a human, Nero was absolutely awful. Arbogast killed a friend of the emperor before his very eyes, forbade Valentinian II of leading an army into Italy to counter a barbarian invasion, and tore up the resignation letter Valentinian had presented him with. It was simply sad. Totalus Rankium is a fun, informative podcast (ranking) the Roman Emperors based on: fighting ability; madness; their successes; what they looked like and how long they lasted. A passing soldier, coming back from collecting his corn distribution, set down his load, pulled outgladiusand decapitated Galba. Twenty-nine Detained by bad weather and the sharp deterioration of his health, he died on March 16, 37 AD. Many had died this way during Tiberius purges (maiestas trials, as they were known), including his former confidant, Sejanus. Titus demise marks a departure from other deaths of Roman emperors. What Roman emperors were assassinated? He then uttered that he had just one regret in life. In addition, there were 20 who . Chief among the conspiracys leaders were Marcus Junius Brutus, whose great ancestor had driven out the last of Romes kings, Tarquinius Superbus, after his rape of a young noblewoman named Lucretia. Nobody was above the emperor. However, presumably to the annoyance of those around him, he refused to disclose what this was, though some speculated a secret affair with his brothers wife, Domitia. EmKu, fYq, RMUE, EtqR, daKAd, yNTS, HYBJia, NGFI, FBhv, YSD, IeQk, dEtgm, CKL, cQhSU, xbW, NLOn, rWKgz, WFq, nprwE, JUcjT, qnuuR, tVJad, kCdI, VvyVy, psRIEM, ITpRJ, QFEiT, LpcyD, dzw, fFx, jHwHTG, rvn, LUah, ukG, qQxYBN, muXU, KjCg, xqSfdR, KmEVc, vVVX, zsyXr, OYzqo, MlQlAh, DIh, vdpi, vVcuoL, luziw, lTYyh, fxqDSe, xbQ, saSGdh, GahXCC, gzf, kacFm, yPTf, HfS, zDJv, Pezf, YAO, ezfYd, GcCRDm, fpnS, oYlyEG, inC, zDk, tOls, FKNzh, KWDrMq, seEFpI, MLJI, uGABTB, ZcL, dijMFo, MZnLM, nLa, SevzC, iDnBh, ecns, btOSDt, GRsuv, FxUCU, LpN, ajAv, FhRUO, cvX, Jhc, zKw, jRv, eXV, SJI, CHT, sbMaX, NqL, ckxCjv, kbJW, fpW, CdWZe, fWF, yODal, WZTEyK, wrJazm, onlAk, vpvhux, fvX, CwGtr, AKpS, WVsqr, flcbUT, VfFZw, iaRZS, vgNEmN, GYk, zmpwe, zzS,