Kai and Bonnie spend the following weeks together before Kai betrays her and escapes without her. When Bonnie is reunited with Damon on the island, they both return to Mystic Falls where Bonnie explains Silas' plan. After Jeremy Gilbert becomes one of the Brotherhood of the Five, he is able to complete his Hunter's Mark leading to Silas by killing Kol Mikaelson and thus all of the vampires in his bloodline. In season three, Anna and Vicki appear more often to Jeremy, and Anna warns Jeremy not to trust Vicki, who asks Jeremy to help her come back to life. Her car is a blue ribbon metallic Toyota Prius registered JR7-5183. Bennett Family, Bennett Coven, Mystic Falls Gang, Mystic Falls High School, Whitmore College. Later, it is revealed that Jeremy knows that another witch from the other side is helping Vicki. She leaves the room and Enzo, at the door, is motionless and not responding to her call. There, he reunites with the Necromancer and his former student Landon Kirby and the three attempt to find a way out together. She told him not to speak. Bonnie deflects that statement, reminding him that he his loving and kind. He later reappeared in season 2 of Legacies. Bonnie is not seen again until near the end of the episode, when she is seen running up to the Gilbert House. Then Silas appears and says "Or how deep I am inside your head." Kai tells Bonnie that he has watched her cast the spell to get them out of 1994 twice and has realized that he doesn't need her magic, just her blood. The spell has begun and Bonnie is seen standing in the cemetery, with Enzo, Lexi, Stefan and Tyler waiting for the others. As they continue to talk, Caroline Stefan blame Enzo gave up the name because Damon doesn't know of this relation. Caroline needs us. She comments that happy looks good on him, though Enzo admits it doesn't take much, i.e. Bonnie is unable to sway Enzo and she loses him. Bonnie and Jeremy are at Elena's house when Jeremy reads the warning the witches gave to Bonnie and is upset because if Bonnie uses too much power she will die. She informs Valerie that Beau didn't make it and Rayna is somewhere in the hospital. On his way to leave, Mason accidentally bumps into Bonnie. After Caroline goes with Tyler, Bonnie angry leaves after telling Elena she doesn't want Jeremy to leave town. After Caroline compelled the pageant to end, Bonnie and Enzo coordinates the evacuation of the guests and participants. Born Bonnie reminds her that they've already tried that and it didn't work. She stops when she realizes that she can't make Damon feel the worst part. He places it around her neck and before she can kiss him, he rips her heart out, taking the necklace with him and puts her heart on the bench. Bonnie is moved by his revelation and asks when he became such a sap. Bonnie and her grandmother soon begin the ritual of chanting the spell. He manipulates her into attempting a massacre of 12 witches - the final sacrifice necessary to complete the triangle. In Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, Bonnie and Enzo are laying in bed, enjoying Enzo's regained humanity. Stefan Salvatore (based on Stefan Salvatore from the novels) was born and raised in Mystic Falls to Giuseppe Salvatore and Lily Salvatore, who died when he was young. Because of Bonnie's opinions about vampires and their way of living (since vampires have to feed on humans and human blood for survival, thus increasing their chances of harming innocent people), this often makes her look like a prejudiced and judgmental person from time to time. Bonnie is not convinced and angered. Bonnie is noted for having many heroine tendencies, such as being very compassionate, empathetic, helpful, and very selfless (to the point of martyrdom). Damon tells Stefan that Bonnie fed Alaric her blood to complete his transition. As a Spirit, he was still bound to the afterlife and could not physically interact with the physical plane. He thanks her for the perfect "bucket list" day and she continues to worry about him becoming human, that maybe he needs more time for his vampire life. Bonnie/Emily steps in a pentacle/pentagram on the ground and it begins to burn. The fire starts with Bonnie and the girls in the house. This gives Caroline an idea and tells her that she needs another gift box and promptly hangs up on her. Logan about vampires in Family TiesThey have come back. Damon wakes up and Stefan is chained and told by Caroline that she loves him and she will do whatever it takes to restore his humanity. She says that he probably felt a flash of pain when he killed Tyler and it made him feel bad. They soon realize that Kai is in the prison world with them and begin to theorize ways to escape. Cade later reveals that his mission for Stefan was also to kill a hundred people or Elena. Before leaving town, Isobel compels Alaric to get over her and tells him that she realizes it was a mistake to become a vampire. Damon killed her to make the Town Council think that she was the vampire terrorizing Mystic Falls. Damon grabs Abby and breaks her neck. Bonnie finds out that moments later, her father had put vervain in the water system and not only that but cancels the Decade Dance. She decides to puts herself first but continues to suffer signs of PTSD, such as being unable to adjust to other people. Stefan, Alaric, and Caroline, have Sybil captured now with Damon out to fulfill her mysterious plans. Bonnie is determined to get Enzo far away as she can though Enzo continues to scream in pain as Sybil calls him back to her. She grabs her sunglasses off the dash, places them on her face, and starts the car. She plead with him to fight her, to push her off of him, though even with his vampiric strength, he is no match for her. She tells him that she's not ready to be dead yet and that she doesn't know what to do about her dad. She asks her to take a seat and tells Caroline that she's going to teach her history. Afterwards, Bonnie is determined to bring Jeremy back to life, despite Sheila's warning. Once outside, a distraught Bonnie calls Elena. Damon wakes up Kai with the promise of saving Liz however he betrays them and goes to merge with Jo. In the few moments afterwards, Enzo is magically excised from the home as, unknown to them, Stefan compelled the ownership of her safe-house to another women. He comments about their destination, a B&B in upstate New York. A diary tells her that the prison is set in the year 1903 and she also finds photographs of Stefan and Damon. Enzo corrects her, "when", that when he says he'll doing something, that he means it. While successful, it was too much for her and the spell killed her in the process. In Cold as Ice, Bonnie is helping with Caroline's toy drive when Nora shows up unexpectedly. Later, Jeremy came to the conclusion that it was time for him to move on with his life and leave for Santa Fe, New Mexico. Markos, portrayed by Raffi Barsoumian in season five, is the leader of the Travelers, who comes back from the dead. Bonnie means the world to Grams and tells her that she's cheating, but will do the spell. Elena continues to fight with Jeremy and Anna over their relationship. There, she is shown to have a strained relationship with her daughter. Later, Caroline tries to help Elena pour her chili into a pot for the party when she lets out a tiny scream of pain. Kai tells Damon that he needs to act quick, either let Bonnie die so Elena can wake up, or save Bonnie. In Days of Future Past, Alex tells Enzo give her regards to Bonnie. He takes her by the hand and they vanish, as Bonnie is revived by Caroline's blood. Matt and Bonnie figure they need Jeremy's help, as he can contact the dead. However, this changed when the brothers fell in love with Katherine Pierce. Grabbing her arms to stop her, Bonnie instantly feels a connection to Lucy. Seemingly, he also had the ability to release souls from Hell, upon his own volition, specifically those that had escaped via the Founder's Bell. When Stefan tries to tell him he's the wrong person, Cade says he's actually the perfect person and shows him why. She passes out from the pain of the stab wound and awakens hours later to find both Kai and the car gone. High School Student (Graduated)High School Cheerleader (Formerly)Member of the Spirits (Formerly)Anchor to the Other Side (Formerly)College Student (Formerly)Prison World Prisoner (Formerly)Elena's Life Link (Formerly)Vampire Huntress (Formerly) She says any consequence is worth it before they have sex for the first time. He shows Mystic Falls High School 2009 and how he corrupted Elena into a dark path. She then sabotaged Klaus' plan by running away with the moonstone. Shane/Silas came up and told her that he found a few revival herbs nearby to heal her. However, upon his tragic death at Stefan's hands, Bonnie unleashed a psychic blast, preserving Enzo's spirit in a newly created dimension. Bonnie is from the small town of Fells Church, Virginia. Damon sees this and later tells Jeremy how Anna died, regretting that he wasn't able to help. Telling him that she has decided not to be sad, hanging on to her good memories and their time together. Siren In Let Her Go, Bonnie has returned from Nova Scotia and goes to the Salvatore Boarding House. She says the test is which girl is Stefan. He also told her how to kill Klaus. Showing up at Caroline's home, Elena asks to see Bonnie but Caroline tells her that Bonnie wants to be alone. Though Bonnie tells him that she would rather have the memories of loving him than having memories where she destroyed them. Sybil is outraged and throws things in Caroline's garage. Damon of course doesn't trust Bonnie. Unknown to her, Kai had already been semi-released from hell and was currently with Damon and, now, got the "weirdest feeling" that someone was with Damon. Then Caroline disappears and Silas appears and tells Bonnie Qetsiyah isn't coming. Bonnie explains that she just has to deal with it, considering there's nothing she can do about her impending death, though then reveals that she plans on asking Liv for help or if anything can be done. She didn't seem to care about Damon's attempts to bring the old Bonnie back and shows her the memorial spot that her friends held for her after her death. Caroline stands back in horror as each witch slowly falls to the ground, dead. In Break On Through, Bonnie is seen in Abby's house. He had a tall stature and athletic build, wearing fine suits and ties most of the time, except on at least two separate occasions. Bonnie tries but discovers that her powers are blocked. The Heretics were a powerful coven of witch-vampire hybrids originating from the Pacific Northwest of the United States. She refuses. Bonnie comforts Caroline and tell her that she will work on a spell to remove the repulsion spell that Valarie placed on her. In the early parts of season five, her appearance and outfit when she died remains unchanged. Years later, Sybil found the truth and confronted her adoptive sister about the vile deeds of which she had committed all along while tricking Sybil into participating. It was meant to kill Vampires. After Bonnie was helping Jeremy, she went with him to talk to Elena, and she told Elena not to move, despite Jeremy having a wooden weapon in his arm, which he later gave to Damon. Thus, she gets her revenge on Silas for all the torment, manipulation and pain he caused in her life. fast car and a beautiful girl. Alaric smiles as he watches Damon raise a toast to him, seemingly at peace. However, he is later captured and imprisoned by Hope before revealing that Alyssa is casting a spell to break the tie between Kai and the prison world, causing it to collapse. Bonnie succeeded in getting Silas out of her mind, and then Elena swooped in and bit her. She looks at him, confused and bewildered and asks him did he have to ask. Many of the characters on The Originals initially appeared on The Vampire Diaries, including Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Finn, Freya, Henrik and Kol Mikaelson. He explains that it's truly him, but he's not physically there with her. Bonnie and her mother Abby meet up with Esther and Finn at the old mansion. Stefan steps out of the shadows and Damon steps up behind Abby. He tells Bonnie that she is the key to everything and he will not let anything bad happen to her. Bonnie tells him that she bought it a couple months ago with the money that he dad had left her, that since no one else knows about it, it makes it the perfect place to stash the bell. She was described as "gorgeous, but tough as nails and also very protective". With time, Bonnie falls back into her old life, but not before imprisoning Kai in the 1903 Prison World. He was a kind man who used his powers to help his fellow villagers until one turned on him in fear, and rallied the village against him to burn him at the stake. (Flashback). During Bonnie's early childhood, Bonnie became best friends with both Caroline Forbes and Elena. She told her that if she helped her, she would talk to Qetsiyah to learn the spell she used to turn Silas truly immortal, and she would do it on her. Enzo gives her another piece of advice, "if you hold on to hating him, it will eat at you." Later that night, Bonnie goes to the burned down cabin that Enzo and her shared for three years. In season six, Jeremy has become a drunk after Bonnie's death, paying her cell phone bill just to hear her voicemail recording. She says she'll try and takes the cure from Elena with a syringe. Though in order for Damon to get to the last member of the Eight Everlastings and save Bonnie, the siphoner twins, Lizzie and Josie, removed Bonnie's spell. Fed up with Sybil's talking, specifically about she sitting there and allowing Enzo to die, Bonnie makes a different choice. He is the oldest known character in The Vampire Diaries universe. Bonnie questions her what she did to him. Alaric and Damon discovered John was watching the vampires who had been in the tomb. Convinced it's "evil", Bonnie tells Alaric she sees people dying and realizes that Alaric's contact had already warned him about the darkness in it, which is why he went to her last about it and urges Ric to destroy it. Bonnie tells her mother that they will be safest in the basement. She then starts yelling at Bonnie to start packing while she,deep in thoughts figures out a way to save herself as well as Enzo. She tells him to never leave her again and the reciprocates, telling her he doesn't want to. She tells them to kill off a few of the names and then she will decide on whether or not to give up her final life to Bonnie. She tells them that to change his mind, they will have to confront him and ask him themselves as to why be believes he's in hell. Moments later, the books catch on fire., Chanting and shouting "Sutas Incenda!" In the season two premiere, John was rushed to hospital and was confronted by Stefan and Elena about Katherine's attack on him. Deciding against it once she sees Stefan behind Elena. Dr. Martin storms through the Gilbert's front door after a visit from Elijah. Bonnie is left there, hurt, and Kai is pissed off that his plan didn't work out as he wanted it to. Damon approaches her and asks her where Caroline is. Malachai "Kai" Parker was the main antagonist of season 6 who appeared again in season 8 as a secondary villain. Damon explains in a heartfelt manner that he had only hesitated because of Elena and that in those three seconds, he saw her, he held her and in the last he kissed her, but he decided to save Bonnie because she's his friend and she's "stuck with me, too." She is next seen stringing popcorn into garland with Elena, while telling her that Rudy is taking her out of town for the holidays due to a business conference. Bonnie finally finds Lucy and confronts her about what she's doing there. Lucy tells her that they are related and are cousins. Later Bonnie sees Jonas enter the Grill and walks over to him to try and convince him that it wasn't their fault and that she wants to help him get his daughter back. Bonnie Sheila Bennett was born on February 5, 1993, to Rudy Hopkins and Abigail "Abby" Bennett in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Cade learns Kai escaped from hell and Damon tries to convince him that he can only be fully redeemed and saved from Cade if he brings back Elena. Matt was possessed by a Traveler for a brief time and was involved with Nadia. She want to know if he's going to teach her how to contact Enzo. In the hotel room, Sybil is trying to get Enzo to turn off his humanity as she has big plans. Vicki, with a bandage on her neck, approaches them asks them if they are hear for lunch and wants them to follow her. If believes that if he's attempting to reach her, there has to be a way to answer, though Abby tells her that there's not a way, that the Other Side is gone and they both do not have their magic. In The Sun Also Rises, Over at the old witches' house, Jeremy and Bonnie look through the Grimoires to find a way of stopping Elena becoming a vampire. Elena sees them as they kiss, and Bonnie is influenced to close the doorway when she learns of this. Bonnie is grasping for air when her grams appears and says "Bonnie, this isn't real Bonnie, feel the air in your lungs break through" Bonnie interrupts her by saying "Silas." With tears in her eyes she hugged Enzo, only to be surprised when Damon appeared. Rose manages to locate Mary for Damon and Elena, but Kol Mikaelson gets there first and stakes Mary so that she can't tell them which Original had turned her. Placing the moonstone in both of their hands, they begin to chant together. He continues to fight, telling her that Caroline can protect her if she's not in the crossfire. In History Repeating, Bonnie dreams of her ancestor, Emily asking Bonnie for help. Now he hadno qualms about tormenting others no matter how small or insignificant their "sin" was, even if such a deed was an accident. So if you're done, if you have none, then BE done " and leaves Damon alone in the parking-lot. The fire stops and Damon is okay. Damon and Sybil meet up with Seline and the twins at a diner. Damon slowing refuses to accept what she's telling him. Bonnie ends us getting dragged by a man and being forced to dance. Fearing for Bonnie, Elena yells for Bonnie not to leave. In season 8, Kai Parker returns for three episodes. Stefan shove his body aside, drops his heart and steps over the threshold, entering the house. Significant kills Alaric uses the tuning fork against her, causing her double down in pain. Elena fills her in with all that has happened. Bonnie calls Damon as she couldn't reach Enzo. Back at her grandmother's house, Bonnie and her grandmother Sheila agree to help open the tomb. Richard Lockwood was Tyler Lockwood's father, the mayor of Mystic Falls and the head of the Founders' Council. As they enter his mind again, they appear at Mystic Grill. Katherine pushes her away at first. Sheila tells Bonnie that Jeremy's death was the will of Nature. She goes to see Caroline, who is still at the Salvatore Boarding house, and surprises her with a visit. Seeing they have no choice, Bonnie begins the chanting spell. Bonnie is irritated that in all their time together, this is the first time he's played the "immortal" card on her. Caroline was a shallow girl who envied Elena and usually talked to Bonnie about it. Jeremy tells everyone that Bonnie looked after all of them during the summer. Finally, Alaric and Bonnie are seen standing over Jo's body with the Phoenix stone. She meets Damon at the Salvatore Crypt and thanks him. Bonnie in response says that Vicki is here because of him and that he should let Vicki go. The true goal of the Brotherhood of the Five is to find Silas and bring a final end to him. Outside Damon easily catches up to her though she is saved by Alaric, who runs him down with his car and uses the tuning fork against Sybil. Outside, Lexi is waiting on Bonnie, who immediately starts telling her to come through. Klaus tells her he will keep hurting her loved ones until she does what he wants. White lights begin poking through the dimension's walls and Damon walks up from behind her. She misses telling strangers hi, ordering dinner in a restaurant, and laughing with her friends. Virginia wiped her tears and attacked Bonnie as she thought Bonnie would've been on her side, managing to cut Bonnie with the glass shard. Family Members Enzo came into the room, and Bonnie laughed as she jumped into his arms and he spun her around. Born With the help of the Mikaelsons, Alaric restores Hope's humanity and includes his students in preparing for the battle to come with the gods. As she passes through Bonnie, she gives her a message,to give to Julian. As Bonnie is about to crash into Stefan's car, Matt, at the last second, pulls the stirring wheel, avoiding another crash. However, after Klaus and the other Originals find out where Jeremy was, Elena takes Jeremy back home. As a result, all of the magic that had turned Alaric into an Enhanced Original vampire is drained away, turning him back into a human, which he survives due to Jo's medical care. Bonnie speaks to Enzo as he rants about her decision to lessen the time she has left. Although most of Nadia's life is unknown, she revealed that she had spent the last 500 years searching for her Last seen Liz is shocked and, at that moment, Caroline and Bonnie arrive. He watches as Matt leads the remaining patrons out the bar and asks where Damon is. When Caroline reaches out to grab the necklace, she gets a shock from the necklace. Matt and Peter later watch the tower erupt in flames after the twelfth ring of the bell. Then Matt calls Jeremy because he needs Bonnie's help. Jamie takes her home and Bonnie breaks down in front of him. However, once Bonnie is saved, they go back to being friends as if nothing happened. Bonnie abandons him in the 2018 prison world where he is chained to a chair and forced to desiccate for decades. Significant sires Bonnie and Damon head to the Mystic Falls High School and see Shane giving a lecture on artifacts. Bonnie repeats what Kai told her, to think of the only person worse than Cade, the one that knows all their weakness and where to hit them over and over. While at Mystic Grill, Bonnie calls Alaric telling him that it's not Jo, that the spell mistakenly place a vampire's soul into Jo's body. Alaric originally comes to town to kill Damon, to avenge his wife. She rips open her feather pillow to Elena's surprise and proceeds to make the feathers fly up into the air. She'd disfigured him. Tyler does not have a good relationship with his father, who sometimes acts violently towards him. He then proceeds to walks away from Bonnie's unconscious figure, leaving her lying on the floor. She and Jeremy ask Liv to help them to find Katherine. Alaric bonds with Klaus' daughter Hope and encourages her witchcraft, offering Hope a place in his school in the future. With Sybil's release, she peers into his mind and tells them that consciously, Damon believes to be in hell. He was later turned into an Enhanced Original vampire by Esther in order to kill Klaus with an indestructible White Oak stake. He also said that with his help, Bonnie could go on to become the most powerful witch in the world. Elena explains to Bonnie that Anna wants Bonnie to use her powers to unlock the spell on the tomb. She is contemplating not taking Rayna's life, if it means to kill her friends, telling Enzo it is her choice and that she is already made it. She makes an appearance in the series finale to help Bonnie save Mystic Falls with the rest of the Bennet witches. In the present, Damon takes the journal and gives it to Cade, who burns it. Now that Bonnie is also on the Other Side, they can now presumably stay together after she told Jeremy that she "has the witches" and she left holding Sheila's hand. However she was with Alaric at the time and was still mad at Logan for leaving again, and refused to let him in. Before the door is closed, Anna finds her mother and they make peace. His final remarks begs her to 'give up the ghost' and give him Elena back, in which she calls him a monster. Once Elena finds out, Bonnie tells Caroline that Elena will never forgive her. After returning from the prison world, she is struggling to adapt to the real world and hide all the pain and loneliness she felt with angry and hate. Damon has shown to be fiercely protective (sometimes overly protective) of Bonnie even though he won't and can't admit it to himself (for whatever unexplained reasons) and he is always there for her whenever she is in trouble of any kind. But she also tells him that she fell in love with a vampire that makes her feel alive and admits that she would turn for him, but that's not all it means to hear. The two find out from Shane that until a new hunter is awakened and their legacy is passed on, Elena's hallucinations will continue. She gets a call from Matt and asks if the woman who looks like she's never been in a restaurant before is her lunch date and Bonnie says she's early. Bonnie confirms her intentions, telling him that she just wants to talk. As a punishment for killing so many people, they trap her in a prison world on October 31, 1903, where she is stuck for over a century. Kai intends on killing Damon. She gives back the ring and removes the stake, both unknown what has transpired with Stefan and Sarah. Feeling that she can trust Elena, Bonnie swears her to secrecy and shows some of the things her grandmother taught her. Out of everything that he's experience that day, coming to see her and to tell her how sorry he was for her loss was the most important. Jeremy tells Bonnie that they don't have time for this and Rudy replies by saying that this is a family matter. In season seven, she is initially the leader of the Heretics alongside the resurrected Julian but finds herself torn between her sons and the Heretics. Filled with a new determination, Bonnie takes Damon's car and journeys to Silas' tomb, hoping to finally return home. Rose then departs for the last time. She's surprised to see Bonnie and she tells her it some time, but she's finally been able to break the spell that Kai placed on her; that she's finally figured this witch thing out. She embraces him in a hug, his presence seemingly soothing her rage. In the end,Grams said she'll stay on the other side,claiming she found her peace by making sure Bonnie finds hers. While Cade and Bonnie's psychic powers are battling, Stefan uses the dagger on Cade and kills him. 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