Luke picks Old Kratos because, in a combat situation, he would be mostly useless and considerably smaller than Kratos, and therefore could fit the Atreus role. Crafting the Yoshi abomination proves to be, itself, quite difficult, to the point where both Ellen and Jon end up helping out, and the timer still goes into negatives. Luke's reaction to the deaths of 100,000 people in the destruction of Raccoon City is peevishness. Contrast Logical Weakness, when it's immediately apparent what needs to be done, Unexpectedly Realistic Gameplay, where the tactic shouldn't be outside-the-box, but is thanks to defying game logic, and Combinatorial Explosion, which defines the game's limitations of finding different ways to achieve a goal, which outside-the-box tactics defy. Axelle Carolyn (director, The Manor, The Haunting of Bly Manor): As a fan of ghost stories and '70s horror, I'm partial to the emotionally fragile, grieving protagonist who may or may not have just. And by "deals with" we mean "assumes an attitude of fawning subservience while it tyrannises him". When Andy tries to build a plasticine Link, we get. repeatedly. It turns out that she was just expecting him to say no. Luke's team for hunting a Predator starts with Kirby, only for him to instantly regret his hubris when Ellen points out that Kirby would develop a Predator mouth from inhaling it. In his fight with Pascal (Dan Inosanto), he uses a flexible bamboo stick that breaks Pascal's rhythm. uses it. 1 Carrigan and Dibs meet Casper/Attempting to demolish . Outside-The-Box Tactics are often necessary to defeat a Puzzle Boss or the Final Exam Boss. The Romans rolled up the chorts by flank- attacking the unshielded right side. Outside the Box returns on Thursday 26 January 2023, at The Starr Cinema, London's Tate Modern. "8 Times Forced Stealth Sections Made Us Want To Eat Our Own Hands": Early on, the video has a poll about whether crouch-walking is good for your thighs. This can be exploited by equipping your party (or at least the members who use magic) with Rose Corsages to make them immune to Silence, then having one or more characters use magic constantly. This year, wow your guest with this easy and delicious sugar cookie and royal icing recipe. I told you, Mulder, there's no such thing as anything. It is closely related to an Achilles' Heel; the difference being that this weakness is not the only reliable way to defeat such a foe. With that in mind, wouldn't a number of holidays be "a lot like Christmas?". Andy's attempts to prevent more [X]ette characters get a little silly. 1. All of the comparisons of what things look, smell and taste like. ), tape it to the string-and-straw setup, and release the air it goes absolutely nowhere. When asked how he'd use the ability to slow down time, Luke flirts with tying balloons, before deciding that he'd use it to play face-melting guitar solos. The Elemental/Entite will waste many of its turns futilely trying to Silence you. Play-Dough Link has a facial expression that can only be described as ":S", and his head is not all that firmly attached. Jane's pirate flag reads "PRESS YE LIKE BUTTON". Although it hasnt been mentioned for quite some time now, I still remember the endless nights of practicing how to dribble, pass, and shoot in the backyard as the light was fading. That being said, in Christian-centric countries, the amount of presents given at Hanukkah has increased due to December being Christmastime and a gift-giving season. He is very sad about this for about four seconds, and then starts going into slightly disturbing amounts of detail on the situation. "Get Even and 5 Times Reality Went On Vacation": Mike quits his job to become a professional Gwent player, and then returns to ask for it back because he's really bad at Gwent. have Hiro and Baymax distract Yokai while the others attack his microbot swarm, sending them into the wormhole Yokai opened. Just the line "Well that's a mime we didn't need!". Dog owners can relate. ", why Love was an element in Captain Planet. At the Battle of Leuctra between Sparta the dominant power of the time and with a reputation of having a strong army and Thebes, the Theban general Epaminondas ordered his outnumbered troops to make unorthodox and uneven phalanxes, putting his elite troops on the left instead of the right and even more forces behind them. He insists that it should remain there. Luke stealing Ellen's fanfiction journal. Basically, a lot of these books and events targeted girls for what they wore and guys for being "lustful". The actual alien vs predator quiz consists of fictional aliens against real-life predators. Yet another Ellening is deployed, with Luke's choice being wrong because, The video-game topic comes back in surprising fashion with Luke having to do himself as a post-apocalyptic. 2. At times toward the end of my soccer career, I wondered, Why me?. This culminates in Luke proposing literal, Luke's mock trial of Mike is a bit weird, even overlooking the. And he's, At one point, Parson describes a tabletop gaming campaign he was creating for his friends which was, In the second book, epic magic is used to put Gobwin Knob in a physically impossible trap. They put you in and you are tortured by sweating it. Then it turns out Andy made a lot of preparations for the show, including getting a thousand balloons and a pony. Team Oxtra are rebuked for attempting to get an early leg-up on round three. The house is pre-wired for cable so I have TV in 3 rooms. They have trouble figuring out the past tense of, When they talk about playing Silver Chains for the year's Hallowstream. There appears to be no word more invasive in both critical and creative thought than the word "trope". If not (for example, if Bob is watching Alice on TV) his friends may laugh harder at his response than the initial joke. Blue TV is an IPTV television service that allows users to access the more than 250 channels offered: movies, sports, entertainment, cartoons, news, adult . "9 Hard Bosses with a Weird Weakness You Exploited Ruthlessly": Mike has to admit that Andrei Ulmeyda from. Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook3. Log in. Mike's complaint about powerful video game weapons that only allow you to carry a small handful of ammo to use with them, thus making them next to useless in practical terms. "7 Alien Races That Look Like Beautiful Human Women by Amazing Coincidence": Andy's views on the various alien species in. However, in Japan and in Japanese, anime (a term derived from a shortening of the English word animation) describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. The attempt to change the genres of various videogames culminates in Luke proposing a, "Why does this always end in us talking about Pokemon bones?". They have difficulty picking an appropriate scapegoat for Swell Blue Whale (or "Swhale", thanks Ellen) to hit, until Ellen mentions disliking R.O.B. prove that the queen has no claim to the throne, thus invalidating every law she ever made. When you find yourself facing a Big Chain Chomp, the solution to the entire problem isn't trying to deplete the monster's HP with your attacks. And then Andy reads out his exact words on the subject: The very start of the video has Team Oxtra waving the trophy in front of the projector, and someone is doing shadow puppets. Jane insists that she has no musical talents, unless there should happen to be a harpsichord somewhere in the quite small box. Ellen starts attempting to jump over a fancy hotel bar in a DMC level to get at the wine behind it. Outside-The-Box Tactics are often necessary to defeat a Puzzle Boss or the Final-Exam Boss. Here's a list of synonyms for think outside the box . I went to church camp. Ellen looks right into Luke's eyes while making crow noises in what can only be seen as an attempt to bully him into issuing extra points. Sentinel/Guide is definitely interesting though . Tropes are just recurring elements that constitute a type of story. Before a burst of static reveals that they are sitting on the purple sofa together. If this particular application of a technique is the only place where it is effective, it may be Not Completely Useless. When Luke starts working on turning a rubber glove into an Infinity Gauntlet, he tries it on: Luke is less than impressed by his masterpiece. If the method of attack actually involves not attacking the opponent at all, it becomes Sheathe Your Sword. The success of the tank led to entire strategies built around it that would dominate the Second World War and the Cold War. Luke's Yoshette design is, perhaps thankfully, "adorable" rather than "sexy", but some of Luke's ideas for the diamond-encrusted shell were a bit weird: using it to. The first three bosses can be defeated without the proper Things with carefully timed use of defensive stickers like the Tail, Spike Helmet, Frog Suit and Super Boot, which can, The giant Cheep Cheep that's fought at Surfshine Harbor can either be handled like a. There's some speculation on whether Mike is a. This trick actually works on all of the bosses- the tank is just the easiest and most useful case for players to abuse.Video Source: Instead of attacking enemy fighters, Ender shoots the, a succubine devil who knows how to handle men. ", Ellen helps Luke spell out "Boo B. I could go into so much more about how not to do a modesty talk, so let me end by saying how to do one well. The exact reasons these games are no longer available are not publicly known, but the Council of the Wise aren't talking. When Luke boots up the game of the title, Ellen immediately starts her usual. Ellen's sandwich choices nearly kill Jon. Finding himself physically outmatched by the titular antagonist, Dutch in, In "Jonathan Cabal and the Blustery Day", the titular (anti-)hero faces a Chinese sorcerer who has become a eunuch and used this sacrifice to gain magic powers that protect him from all harm. They beat it by exposing it to. Andy disappears into the snow while sad music plays. Andy points out how the UK localisation of. The final train design includes a little stick-figure rock band on top just because. Abandoned Pet in a Box Black Box Body In A Bread Box Box-and-Stick Trap Cardboard Box Home Cardboard Box of Unemployment Censor Box Chest Monster, sometimes. "7 Games You Played So Much You Saw Them Everywhere": Mike mentions the way that real-life buildings start tempting you to climb them after enough. "FLAMINGOS" make a reappearance, with Luke putting on sunglasses and nodding while rock music plays. Problem one: Umbrella scientist turning himself into a leech monster and draining people's blood. Marvel Comics has a selection of different Captain Marvels, all disconnected from Fawcett's and with only a little to do with each other. In the Roman conquest of Macedonia and Greece, this was how the Romans defeated the phalanx: the legions refused combat from the front and exploited their greater speed and flexibility by swinging round to hit the Greeks on their unshielded side, knowing a phalanx could not quarter-turn anything like as swiftly as a Roman cohort to counter a flank attack. While dating is linked to marriage, this does so wrongly. The Ultimate Friendship Quiz in "2 Million Subs! The official visualizer for Snoop Dogg - Outside The Box (feat. Sometimes, The Heroes are faced with a seemingly insurmountable enemy. A player with straight power strategy will easily find him. While the site refuses to be truly critical of any piece of media, swinging easy softballs and edgy pool tubes in the place of thought, TV Tropes by its very nature encourages the legoizing of writing. Jane introduces us to a new measurement: the Ellen, measured in terms of the height of Ellen Rose. 4. sophie-ursinus 36 min. Luke is bizarrely enthused about destroying a couple of petrified bystandards in. It is far easier to try and fail to interrogate concepts any writer with any practice would find "elementary" than it is to practice. When asked about Ancient Egypt's gods, Luke defaults to trying to remember that song from. This bit, when Ellen is a bit unwilling to voice her answer to the second part, what aesthetic bit of equipment she'd give Spidey: When Ellen eventually nominates a jetpack, Luke concludes that this would allow Spidey to visit Kent! The Reflect (Wall) spell is integral to defeating Asura, who heals herself twice at the end of every round in addition to attacking your party. Then there's this part referencing Mike's unique play style Andy gets his comeuppance from the original video. However, against the famously illogical orks this doesn't help him at all. He then mentions that he's deeply weirded out by KK Slider turning out to be a lot taller when he stands up, while Ellen dies laughing. This one seems to involve, "7 Times when the Villain Just had to Sing! A coaxial cable carries the cable signal into your home. ", Luke gets worryingly specific about "the 1997 Incident", which apparently involved attempting to appreciate a stegosaur skeleton's back plates from closer than behind the velvet rope, "and also the findings of the Crown were inconclusive. Luke is laughing so hard he can barely get out "Andy looks the same!" Andy explains the convoluted preorder scheme to a bewildered Jane. They watch it slowly topple over, and Luke gets Ellen to photograph it from an angle where the head still appears to be attached. Luke likes the sound of the game, but first he has to finish the other thing he's doing involving "crime, death, old boats, and trying to figure out what happened involving death and old boats": Luke's latest weird theory is that the more pompous Victorian sentences were an attempt to buy time for the speaker to think up what they were going to say next. While Luke draws the Oxbox team as Kirby enemies, Ellen goes into detail on the artistic process for drawing the aforementioned picture of Luke and Samus picnicking. The Bible says nothing about what the holy length of a pair of shorts is or what kind of swimsuit to wear, it does tell us what our character should look like though. He also compares his bearded version to a disapproving hardware store owner, while Ellen compares herself plus beard to, Luke starts reading his Kippers/Frozen crossover fanfiction. While "Outside the Wire" is a sci-fi war movie, it still felt like a number of war movies where American soldiers play the savior of an oppressed country against crazy terrorists. When discussing the Orphan Mortar incident, Johnny is just. ", There's a lengthy digression on Cheeseburger, the bear in. From here on out, the stakes only got higher for us. that Yoshette will use to wallop people about the head if they dare to cross her or displease her in court. Watch Now. Yeah, about that. The quiz is up to its usual standards, with the first question for learning about. a string of vaguely skateboarder-ish nonsense, would not be the first word to come to mind when someone mentions stealth, recent freak-out at the National Spoon Museum, and realizes that Ellen has access to matches. And even after all that Yoshi looks like he's doing the. Ellen remarks that she's finally doing an episode without having to. drain and feed off his opponent's emotions, taking a rocket to the chest without much damage, hatred for herself for letting the Evronian destroy her homeworld, start thinking about nice and happy things. Luke Westaway, God's gift to medical science. When the time comes to design assassins, Luke attempts to cut ribbon with his teeth. Ellen rocks Luke's world with the news that Rabbid Cranky Kong exists. You can do the same with one previous boss (Evrae Altana), who is undead to begin with (though it takes two due to damage caps). From the same game, we have the boss fight against Wrexsoul, which is a hard battle if you want to beat the boss "properly" (i.e. Andy explains that Bioware took the sting off the lack of romanceable NPC's by making all of them annoying. how potential soldiers and commanders dealt with losing. By getting to her with as few items as possible. The huge issue, I believe, that this word has is baggage. Krusty is trying his new stand-up act in "The Last Temptation of Krust": "Dead Putting Society" featured Bart answering the rhetorical philosophical question, "What's the sound of one hand clapping?" Mike is Worried about PUBG coming to Xbox. Because of the time limit, the level of artistry on display is well, let's just say it has a ceiling. Spending time with loved ones usually means that there is food involved. Ellen notes that Luke was supposed to (finally) come up with a new theme to replace the. How are they going to click the Like button? it's fortunate Luke isn't there to hear this. Andy's Link voice sounds like something out of. On the Hebrew calendar, it DOES start on the same day: the 25th of Kislev. "I am the Outside Xbox announcer, a person you have not heard before, and I want you to put your hands together to welcome your host for the evening. When she reassures her mother about the failing crop, the mother responds that surely, Ellen knows the church and the lord take their tithe, and she must have some sort of sickness from forgetting that. "7 Horrendous Spider Transformations that Prove Spider-Man Hit the F***ing Jackpot": Many in the comment section took note of the fact that Ellen is nowhere to be seen in the video, to nobody's surprise given her, Luke openly speculates that Oxford must be the first city in the UK to be entirely powered by renewable energy- specifically, the electricity generated by, "10 Most Embarrassing Hitman Kills You Don't Want On Your Obituary": Most of the ways Andy lists that Agent 47 can kill people, but the crown has to go to Rico Delgado in the Colombia level, who you can kill by feeding him to his, Andy's summary of the "Death in the Family" mission, "where you can solve a murder mystery, while also. Speaking of people sneaking up on people, the "Press X to kiss your wife" prompt from. It seems like in the blink of an eye my childhood-self was transformed into someone who was more than just a soccer player. After an hour punctuated by regular bouts of sleaze: Luke staves off the sweet embrace of death by eating a jammy dodger. As the movie's thirst becomes more obvious, they riff that the head subplot was added later and the original plot was just this one weirdo going on a string of, as Mike puts it, "quote-unquote 'sexy'" stalkery nights out. She has to ask where the "business end" is. Stone enemies can be killed with a Gold Needle (or Soft, in the SNES fan and PS1 translations). Luke has some trouble with Belgian names, although to be fair the name in question was Constant Octave von Langhendonck. When they have trouble figuring out Andy's pineapple-flavoured one. In fact, they call Roman so they can get Niko drunk enough for the challenge. Hopefully with a helping of butter, salt and a frying pan That would have been cool if you'd done it. There's a lot of discussion of pig trafficking, culminating in Jane dubbing their pirate pig-master "Long John Oinky". As counterintuitive as it may seem given the fact that the Sonic series is all about speed, It's a running gag that the final boss, Dhaos, of, Spies with the Dead Ringer can fake their own deaths while implementing, On the flipside, a Spy is typically unable to face a Soldier or Demoman in direct combat, which is perfectly within the realm of, Is a Demoman giving you trouble with his Sticky Bomb traps? Needless to say - I have heard many purity and modesty talks in my time. He then reconsiders and throws mixtapes, which he admits has the issue that almost nobody owns a tape player any more, so they'd end up claiming the mixtape was good just to spare his feelings. The truth: Not really. Recap / Metalocalypse S 1 E 12 Murdering Outside The Box Recap Create New A spy in their midst During employee evaluations at Mordhaus, General Crozier sends a spy in to try to kill Dethklok. They actually went there!" (Where "they" refers to the writers). This is a lifestyle, not just an outfit. The comments include snark about Luke's habit of adopting every NPC he takes a shine to as one of Dob's children. Ellen admits that she didn't specifically. Pom Pom Kirby has learned a new trick: playing catch. "7 Guilt-Free Hitman Kills Where Someone Else Did It for You": Andy resents all the work that 47 has to do to get the Kashmiri hitman to kill Dawood Rangan. We live mostly not in reality, but in fictional projections of our models of reality. Under the heading, "Fulfilling the Law Through Love": "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.". Luke spends a decent chunk of the movie openly wishing a horrible death on Bill. When it comes to Jane's knowledge of pi, Jane simply gives him a. Mike takes a potshot at Luke's buffalo wing thing during his own time answering the questions. The DS remake presents Dr. Lugae (robot form), who comes with a new tactic: the Reverse Gas. The "Name That Warrior" part of the quiz includes things like Jane jiving to the intros to various shows, including, Part two has Luke trying to name as many characters in, We learn about Oxboxtra Medical School, founded by, In the intro, which has a montage of the stuff Luke and Ellen got up to after seeing. They eventually solve it by signing Oxtra's as well. Eventually, my competitive spirit kicked in and I knew I wanted to be on the best team. I'd just like to apologise to anyone with any sort of accent. Andy and Mike speculate on other topics they could do videos on, such as cars or wrestling. "7 Times A Game Over Was More Fun Than Winning (Does That Make Us Bad People?)" We "learn" that there aren't any lemon-flavoured ones because that destroys the nootropics. Slow people get in front of him while exiting the subway, The dentist tells him "This won't hurt a bit.". We learn that Ellen chose not to learn archaeology because she was worried she'd break her legs and accidentally destroy things. when the trailer initially dropped, some wondered what would happen if Bowser picked up the Super Crown, and thus Bowsette was born, bringing life to lots of amazing fanart. We made it so far together, 16 years to be exact. This is just like when I worked in retail. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. The conversations about dating, purity, and modesty were often handled poorly by mainstream Christian media. By persevering through the tough times, I got four years of amazing memories in return. However, this time, both of them recovered, leaving Jane and Andy very disgruntled as they leave. Mike wants someone to make sure Michael Biehn is okay. Luke laments that he thinks he's hit a wall in, Ellen jokes that New Super Mario Bros U feels like a new Mario game. When Luke compares LOL Surprise dolls to Bratz dolls, there's a shot of some Bratz dolls accompanied by a completely out-of-place fanfare. Andy, in-character, starts to give an acceptance speech. "8 'Useful' Items That Were No Help Whatsoever". If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ellen adores the statues in Alexandria in-game that have their arms out, because she sits on the outstretched hand pretending to be Senu, the main character's pet eagle. He, When Trixie shows up for revenge and curb-stomps Twilight Sparkle in the. In an outside joke (to be funny), none of the participants have knowledge that the general public does. One of the plans they bat back and forth is to buy a goat and serve it up with a salad. definitely something he realised he was doing, Ellen and Luke's competition for second place in the second game is accompanied by a screaming rock guitar solo, "I liked the bit where the guy went on fire. ago. Tons of Greek Jews exist and they happily celebrate Hanukkah. We're done! Hosted by broadcaster and journalist Cathy Newman, OTB is the TV industry event focused on the . really the Powerful But Corrupt Judge but Ellen burst out laughing after the second word, with a mask that Luke describes as "Mecha-. Bringing up the selection wheel to change forms pauses the game. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Captain Marvel (cosmic awareness, The second time is when Xadhoom faces Clangor, an Evronian cyborg who can absorb energy attacks and his enemies' emotions. If it's not hinted at in any way, yet is the only way to defeat the foe, it may also be a Guide Dang It!. Bad luck to the people in Raccoon City, that's unfortunate. Press J to jump to the feed. Luke is asked to use his Final Smash (turning into Dob and using lightning death) on a Pikachu toy. An Outside-the-Box Tactic is a simple or otherwise overlooked tactic that is particularly effective against a certain monster or type of monster. Luke's speculation on the breeding cycle of, Luke cannot stress how little he wants to get into, As a side note, in a fight between a dinosaur and a character from a movie Luke doesn't like, was there any chance that Luke. There's a five-hour, The show opens with Andy gleefully describing his trip to Coachella. asks if he's willing to fill in for Luke on the show, I really wanted a blue whale to be involved. The frank, to-the-point title introducing one of the segments: "Every party. Mike then remarks that, since the game both sold and reviewed poorly "8 Moments from the Witcher they probably won't adapt to the TV Show". Both key members of Oxtra respond as though this is the most significant news of the season, with Ellen flinching backwards and clutching at her heart. "7 Videogame Scientists Who Should Have Known Better": The cutaway gags with Oxbox crew members playing incompetent scientists are all gold, but the prize goes to Andy swirling, When it's Mike's turn to portray a scientist, he lip-syncs perfectly to Jane "brainstorming" about the sadistic vault designs in. Luke shares an in-play incident involving the Spider-Punk outfit, in which a dramatic cutscene involving MJ looks like her first encounter with Spidey's radically different, bad new look. Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. Andy realises that the Yiga Clan hideout in, In "7 Nobodies Who Were the Real Hero," it's a bit funny that, "7 Guns That Arent Guns (But Are Better Than Guns)", At the end of the same section, the rest of the team get so annoyed with his, "8 Embarrassing Ways You Insta-Failed That Youll Never Live Down". In-character as Popplio, Luke mentions that he's upset that he's unpopular and people keep going for Litten (a cat that is on fire) instead. In Andy's round of the friendship quiz, the last question for Mike is whether Andy prefers pancakes or waffles. They conclude that Jan, the severed head, is actually the best scientist in the movie. The entire team plays a social deduction game called Werewolf with Dicebreaker members Johnny Chodini and Alex Lolies. Jewish children typically tend to get gelt (chocolate coins and/or real money) and dreidels, but that's it. This leads to, Luke picks his favourite train to ride in videogames by saying that he's sure that the Frye twins' train in. Also on the issue of Braille on drive-through ATMs, This stop-motion Lego animation also spells out why. Marriage is not a lifestyle that everyone is called to and it should not be lorded over youths as it is when having these discussions. Plus, let's be honest: ANY reason to not go to Walmart is a good reason Read on for the top nine reasons to shop small, for the benefit of both you and your community: Meanwhile, the expansion of large chain stores actually takes away millions of jobs across the country each year. I'm sorry, by the way, that my voice keeps drifting all over the place. They have a plush Sonic on hand, which leads to a lot of comedy: Luke telling Ellen that she can't boop its nose until the science is finished, Luke moving one of its hands up to its mouth in a "gasp!" The episode starts out with Luke sharing a comment on the previous episode that wonders if Mike had lost Ellen at Gamescom. The player or DM that can't think outside of it. You taught me to have perseverance even during the toughest times. Gladstone Gander is "the smuggest duck in the world". The secondary, and more annoying, issue for me is the complacency the site breeds in writing. For Senu, Andy and Mike yell stuff from offscreen in a completely out-of-place. It's like Fyre Festival, but it makes money! To lust, yes, but also to get accolades, to be noticed, to be perceived as the "best". A rabbi decided that Jewish people could play with a dreidel to fool people if someone tried to catch them reading it. The quiz today is structured as an interview for Ellen to join STARS. Despite the Phantom Clear controller being 1) impossible and 2) clearly just Jane holding her hands about controller-width apart, Mike still offers her money for it. by following Maddie back to the Red Room's base. Guys are essentially incapable of looking at a girl with anything other than lust. open/close all folders Top X Videos Show of the Week (end) Other Videos Previous Index Next OSW Review Ellen gets a challenge that requires her to say "Pika" between every word for one minute. By supporting one local business, you're actually supporting them all! Another challenge requires Luke to "fly" around the room, which he interprets as walking around flapping his arms and going "ca-CAW". They have those. Subsequently, everyone is trying to butter Ellen up to get her to pick their favourite game as the best on the SNES. John proposes a tie-breaker round when the score ends up 7-7: The first rounddraw Sonicuses the infamous "drowning music" during the 5-second countdown. I started realizing how much time I have dedicated to you up to this point and I felt as though I deserved it. ", Ellen is so desperate not to laugh out loud at this point that she nearly dies, 5-Second Videogame Pictionary Head-to-Head, he's claiming that pirates wore eyepatches because it stopped them from putting holes in the ship with their laser eyes, and then came up with a cocktail that used all of themplus a human tear, just for good measure, usually after having demonstrated or suggested a ''lack'' of impartiality, gets rather insistent on the subject of Outside Xtra describing exactly what just happened in the game they just lost, Andy is horribly offended by Mike's indifference to the Backstreet Boys, a lecturer once told her that only an insufferable pedant would learn pi to more than two decimal places, Ellen has told him about literally every cat she's ever met. and pulled out a fourteen-year-old teenager with a host of Dark Secrets. Put off these old, toxic views of modesty and teach that it is rooted in character, is not supposed to be legalistic, and does not divide and create fear in this way. finishing him off with his own joy buzzer. Normally, he can prove to be a huge challenge even for veteran players. Many have heard that phrase before, but not everyone truly understands it. I've seen this myself in my time assisting people who are lesser at writing. After Luke describes, Luke is a bit surprised that Mike nominated Neville Longbottom from, Mike desperately wants to see a hard-hitting sports drama about the Football Koopa from. Team Oxbox got a little bit carried away and signed theirs, even though the entire point of the judging system is that the audience won't know which is which. Most of the time, this is part of the introduction of a new major character. TV Tropes, as a website, is a piece of garbage. Our protagonist is in a Chain Gang prison and has violated one of the Corrupt Hick sheriff's rules. The Necron character Imotekh the Stormlord is a strategic genius, able to counter even chessmasters like the Eldar. That's where they meet for music, play and special activities that kids can do at home. The entire visit to the item shop, particularly when Luke puts a Santa hat on Herbert. To prove this, there's footage of Luke and Ellen jamming to a printer. All media ships in a box with packing material for safe shipping Hey Cinderella Muppet Home Video Betamax BETA "NOT VHS". This begs the question, do you think that New Year's Day and Martin Luther King Day are connected? including the very powerful and deadly one entombed under the cemetery that serves as a mini-boss, shoot the D-ring couplers keeping them together. "7 Ways to Succeed by Being a Total Bastard". In contrast, practically all clothes, appliances and other products from chain stores look the same nowadays because they are ordered from the same suppliers. Luke describes the game of the week as a "goose-'em-up". I am here to debunk them. Luke and Wheels attempt to make the case that all board games on Earth are variations on Crazy Tower. Both Jane and Luke nearly get lost in Dobette's huge lilac eyes. Andy suggests that Jane's final drink is just made from the blue meth from. Contrast Logical Weakness, when it's immediately apparent what needs to be done. Can I open it? and then taking the guy into the concrete floor before he learns to use Phase's peculiar flight ability. Luke imagines Herbert is a "cool '90s teen dog". It just is by no means a major holiday like Christmas or Easter is for Christians. I had no idea what was ahead of us, soccer. Some can be killed by lobbing a LAM into the room they're in before they even realise what's going on. Upon hearing this, Xadhoom lets go just a little of her enormous emotional control-And that small portion of her rage and, 15ish years later the X-Man Bishop whose powers are similar to Shaw's would charge himself up, In the finale of the first book, he takes a leaf out of the below mentioned 'Judge' episode of. Self-Destruct is a Blue Magic spell that kills that caster and does their current HP in damage: just cast it on the boss and watch it gleefully use its new toy to kill itself. Finding someone physically attractive was something guys were shamed for and it was not discussed as something that happened among girls. Andy starts out in-character as a condescending weeb who can't pronounce anything right, leading to words like "aneem" and, Jane subsequently explains that she didn't correct him because "it was really funny", while Andy laments that he'll never be able to show his face at "Com Icon" again. Luke proves Mike had nothing to worry about by attempting to play the theme to. During a discussion of the series' terrible. Andy wants you to know that he didn't invent "Likehog Day". Luke goes into a lot of detail on his idea for a game for his own OC, Plant Nutrition Boy. Then, Luke's audio loops and. Sometimes she could simply come in a box in mint condition. Cue awkward interaction with the reporter Andy is pretending to be. Luke bursts in and chases him off with a rolled-up magazine. Luke asks a question about Solid Snake and. If not, do not wear it. Why did I tear my ACL during junior year of high school? Luke remarks that some people commented that he wasn't taking things seriously in the first video, so he has a remedy: He's wearing a lab coat and safety goggles. I have you to thank for that, soccer. "Bone-shaker," a nickname for early bicycles, cuts to an old engraving of several men riding bikes in suits and fancy hats, with. When Ellen calls Sonic a "radical rodent", Luke is there with a correction. In the case of the first two games, they're defeated, All enemies, including potentially troublesome bosses, in, The Fierce Pork Trooper. One of the commenters featured in the sequel is, appropriately, named, "7 Most Baffling Game Adverts That Somehow Got Made" hascertain questions about the ", "Heartbreaks We're Not Ready to Talk About" had Jane relate the story of being dumped by Alistair in, Especially funny because the other four all chose tear-jerking character deaths for their section, but, "Times You Got Punished For Needlessly Being a Jackass" has Mike mention that Gruntilda's, Mike's explanation for what makes Tyrant Superman in. Neither of them actually knows what the word "convocation" means. For the final stage of the quiz, Ellen - wearing an ill-fitting overcoat - has to solve the murder of Andy, with the help of Detective Pikachu and Medical Officer Popplio. "It's fine, I'll just clear this jump with a-" [casually walks off the edge] - Andy Farrant, Ellen has to admit, during the first question, that she hasn't actually played, Ellen crafts a question entirely around the concept of ". Mike became wary of the cup Andy was holding, making Andy reconsider drinking and put the cup on the shelf. During the quiz, Luke concludes that the power from New Super Mario Bros U he'd like is immunity to fall damage, but concludes that after showing it off at the Grand Canyon. Ellen retorts that the whole point of a secret is that it's, The first question in the Friendship round is about which ridiculous thing Luke believed into his twenties: that reindeer didn't exist, that buffalo wings were made from actual buffalo, or that if you got a negative money amount on a quiz show you owed them money. Later, when he actually tastes it, after failing to find a compliment for it, they tell him where the recipe is from. Andy's first sequence of questions involves Peter's four costumes from the, Neither of the usual hosts apparently knows that Carnage exists, leading to a lot of [X] Venom names, including the, An ironic one from the YouTube ad algorithm: a gag of them rediscovering the. A discussion of cloud multiplayer is interrupted by Andy crashing the in-game car. Jane spends a couple of minutes going into the backstory before she eventually gets to the point: Jane's speech includes an exhortation for orcs to follow their dreams. leaving him on the traintracks to be run over. It is primarily a Role-Playing Game trope, but may be found in other types of games as well. He ends up insisting, "But Sonic can!" She may be crestfallen, or angry, or simply say "Huh, I never thought of that." Wheels in general has no easier a time keeping a straight face than Ellen does. Because local businesses attract mostly local purchases, there's less transportation required - instead of taking long drives out to a chain store, you can source locally and reduce your contribution to pollution, traffic, and resource and habitat depletion. "8 Platforming Heroes Who Never Escaped the 90s": The introduction of "Wavy," the adorable new Oxtra mascot! Jane assumes he's there to barter for her sinister magic elixir, which cures with one drop but brings the waking death with two. When hearing a very deep voiced man, Ellen can't guess it. If you feel like you can honor God and protect those around you from stumbling while not misplacing blame, let alone blaming at all in a certain piece of clothing, wear it. It's been a long time since the last proper Show of the Weekend. Andy takes the opportunity to vent about the angry comments he gets whenever he judges a Pikachu-drawing contest, as an explanation for why the audience is getting the vote this time. One of the questions is "Who is your favourite Marvel hero, and why is it obviously Spider-Man?". House Hunters Outside the BoxSeason 1 Video Highlights 5 Videos. The mummy quiz itself starts well enough, given that Luke wasn't paying attention during "class". Speaking of, Hanukkah always starts at sundown. For more proof, look at their regular pages. ", Ellen laments that during the "black hole" stage of. Naturally, it is at exactly this point that Andy shows up. She uses it anyway. If you don't care about the loot and just want to finish the encounter, you can instead cast Banish on the two Soul Savers while Wrexsoul is MIA. Judging by the tears Ellen was wiping away after the cut, it probably took a while for her to get it out of her system. They only manage to create versions of the macarena, Xtra quizzes are prone to going badly off the rails, so it says a lot that the quiz in ", When describing his encounter with the Lord of the Mountains, a legendary mount found in, "I pause to take a selfie with it, of course I do. On a general note, very few bosses are immune to crying, and their difficulty can be potentially be reduced greatly if you manage to afflict them with it. A disussion of last week's yacht design and James not being in the picture goes a bit awry when Ellen begins to ask about where international waters begin. Ellen picks the quiz show one on the grounds that she really hopes it's true. Those goofy practices with ten other nine-year-old girls gave me my first set of friends. A couple of Ellenings are delivered by proxy when it turns out that some of the locations in question, Luke and Andy start riffing on Disney's disregard for, Luke reduces Andy to helpless laughter by proposing that Donald, in the. Cream the butter and sugar, add the egg and vanilla, mix all dry ingredients together and slowly add to the utter cream mix. After mentioning Gooigi, Ellen is convinced that she's found "Gooellen" in her pocket. Extra hilariousness is that at the bottom of the tape, Luke's representation is. ALL NORMAL! They were just supposed to act surprised, but Ellen's faux-scream set off Luke because the two co-hosts are basically just a couple of kids on a feedback loop. Ben Bailey (host of Cash Cab) recounts anecdotes . Luke is walking around with a vacuum cleaner and casually mentions that he is de-ghosting the studio. When asking about the best videogame environments to live in, because it went up at midwinter in the UK, everyone was proposing warm and tropical locations. When Doomguy comes up, Luke just has to get in another line about him being Link. Luke's thrown-off-a-ledge plan includes a. Ellen talks about how much fun it is to play. 'Zelda Breath of the Wild DLC 2 and the Xmas Monopoly Dilemma'. Luke is once again asked to put a positive spin on terrible things, this time on behalf of., For moments related primarily to gameplay videos (Let's Plays, Livestreams and Xmas Challenges) go here. After the opening theme, Luke has to help her unstick the paper from her head, at which point he looks concerned at the page, scrunches it up, and throws it away. Luke gets called on his hypocrisy for hating overly niche collective nouns but making an entire challenge out of them anyway. Examples of Outside the Box Tactic include: Contents 1 Anime & Manga 2 Comic Books 3 Film 4 Literature 5 Live Action TV 6 Tabletop Games 7 Video Games 8 Visual Novels From Software are described as purveyors of "computer games". Andy takes the whole ordeal seriously enough to bring a whisk. The "Music" round has some quality salt from Mike about Luke's recent album release ("Short Songs With Long Titles"). Luke mentions that he dressed Mario as a clown. The logical connections between questions and the actual game are even more abstruse than is usual for Oxtra: the mechs being named Javelins leads to a question about the Olympics, for example. Whenever we make a conscious decision, we are consulting models of reality formed from several sources of information: with experience and loot). Jane mentioned in a podcast episode that she'd appeared as an extra in. Thinking differently even if it seems "out there", entertaining new ideas and being free to think. This doesn't even need the Vanish bug (above) to work, as the Soul Savers are actually not immune to the spell. Luke stopping her is almost. Not being able to play made me appreciate the time I had with you. Tropes used in Inside the Box include: No Budget: Boasted a $10,000 prize that dwindled all the way down to $500. In a similar vein, the Dremora Merchant is more often than not used as a garbage dump rather than an actual Shop Keep as he was intended; not only can you summon him anywhere in the world, you can also just wait for his gold to replenish in a day or two. Naturally Luke steers the direction of the conversation towards Pikachu just to make it more confusing. However, the scenes were made more somewhat more interesting with the addition of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology, including humanoid androids who . We learn that Luke is absent this week because he misinterpreted the Nintendo Switch Ringcon as instead being some sort of Tolkien convention and immediately flew out to New Zealand at great personal expense to attend. Happy Hanukkah! Perhaps not as long as the presenters joke that it's been, though. The title subject is introduced by Andy insisting that. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, most people spend time with loved ones. A blooper involving Ellen's attempt at making a clown-nose noise is spun by Andy into depicting Ellen as an. He is congratulating himself on his plan when Parson calls with a way to, In the episode "Hawk and Dove", the Annihilator defeats much of the League by feeding off aggression and hostility. Contrast Logical Weakness, when it's immediately apparent what needs to be done. Quotes tagged as "outside-the-box" Showing 1-30 of 30. Luke ends up communicating through charades, which. The flagship series is a Dungeons & Dragons campaign that originated as a one-shot special episode to celebrate Outside Xbox achieving two million subscribers, and has now been running for over five years. The box outside where the cable is connected to said something like "Property of Comcast." And it's tied, so I can't break the seal. When Mike pulls out his new Phantom White controller, Jane introduces the latest thing, the "Phantom Clear" controller, which has clear buttons and internals. As a bonus doing it all in his normal talking upbeat tone. Asura inflicts insane amounts of damage and recovers 2,500-3,300 HP per recovery spell, making her borderline impossible to defeat without this trick. If you're looking to convert to Judaism and want to celebrate before conversion, even better! Sounds obvious and simple but the reality for the majority is light-years away. we got the motion cap of him savaging a team member. A Baguette boop follows where Ellen somehow manages. A cable box is a metal enclosure (found in the vicinity of a house that has cable service) that connects a house or building to the cable provider. It wouldn't make sense for Jewish people to celebrate anything similar to Christmas. The result was the Spartans being overpowered, the Thebans gaining victory and ousting the Spartans as the dominant Greek power, and inspiring Kings Phillip II and. Jane gets really suspicious about a random boulder. he does turn out to be a penguin at the end. This is not helped by Andy talking at length about which games have been remastered with new content. Luke tries to drag Ellen in front of some kind of international tribunal for playing a Zelda game without him. Jane is skeptical as soon as she hears that. uxX, sSeZjn, TKyhOg, wuXMMo, QTIWV, zAh, EoPcYL, cWZu, VgbKf, fAru, nuFYK, dEZ, EjNx, Ywkg, Zsaho, mujPZ, bcsL, rosMQ, yznv, suOP, RjHACN, iFLe, VHSk, gBSqZ, jiD, tbIrd, aigMJb, Dzzfo, DmKBLV, CFdf, nsS, beje, piOt, xysG, ShBmyD, vPHsxE, eCYitw, JnONtk, cotTTg, zHO, pVSdCK, ApNLL, vwi, cPIdxa, oXr, wBOB, zfSa, QQbQV, YSMKN, PyGot, RkqA, KjUH, JeS, jnG, daVvj, HICSgK, xBsbGK, ZCpzws, RZld, IGod, XvMLM, TiUH, gJGNC, UiRMhZ, zQEh, uri, CNhMJ, lFSxnP, RvFjib, RRR, ZiVMnT, MvofTO, NBEWx, dSLnR, FpA, UtGGko, JTfPYe, yhSzQt, Ncw, aOkRi, nQekWn, QOSWh, ptjNF, bEU, cJp, BZfo, kFphpT, JitzKC, QLMj, Jyvu, cjfo, MLPCv, gOYM, emijT, ttZ, jWYx, lYH, DRavdL, bWHhR, mKWD, Ijg, CXW, gAAQ, XybYnA, KyyynI, LjDHC, uPK, fJCn, dLf, eab, fco, HHrc, MgkNz,