body and soul philosophy essay

In many cases, physical pain has no voice. What color is the experience or memory? Dualism backs up Descartes by stating that the human person is made of two different substances called a Mind and a Body, which are different in their own special areas. Long, A. OCR essay structure Because the essence of mind is in the power of thinking. The Greek Triumvirate Works Cited: Therefore, mind and body are distinct substances. His Fathers name was Ariston and his Mothers name was Perictione. Masked man fallacy. So we see that courage is the outcome of faith. Soul, mind and body are three important and core subjects under study when discussing the philosophy of human beings. However, there is scientific evidence at least linking the brain to reason, since if the brain is damaged then reason and other mental faculties can be damaged too. No plagiarism, guaranteed! These feelings of curiosity, believes, enquiring, emotion and reflection are the products of mind. In the Socratic philosophy of soul and body separation, Socrates maintains that the separation of the soul and body is the end goal of a philosophers life. PHILOSOPHY ACCOUNT OF MAN & (HIS ENVIROMENT) At our death, the soul is set free from the body where it has been imprisoned and it is now able to achieve its ultimate goal and reach the world of the THE ARGUMENT FROM RECOLLECTION Integrated with the literature, this portfolio will contain description of my experience with mindfulness meditation technique resulted from guided exercises from Rob Nairns book Diamond, Mind, Body and Soul The global peace is now at stake in Ukraine, where Russian Federation started fully-scaled war on Feb. 24. He made an analogy with a stamp imprint in some wax. He then argues that since the mind is non-extended, indivisible and thinking, it cannot be a physical thing and must therefore be a non-physical thing. Platos theory of forms lack empirical validity. Aristotle concluded that the forms are nonsense, and even if they do exist, they are wholly irrelevant. Aristotle does not reject the idea of form itself, but only the separation of form from things. He spent almost twenty years of his life on the subject until the publication ofAn Essay Concerning Human Understanding, a great chapter in the History of Philosophy. This cycling involves two opposite processes; e.g. Plato helped to lay the philosophical foundations of modern culture through his ideas and writings. Also, when our eyes have an image of looking at a house our brains describes it as house because of some chemical exchanges in the pathway for sending house image to the back of the brain and bringing back to the eyes. Its difficult to characterise that sense, but it seems overly reductionist and minimal to regard it merely as existing as dispositions to behaviours. In this regard, his views on the body and the soul are particularly important because he was one of the philosophers, who distinguished clearly the body and the soul. His collection consists of thirty-five dialogues and thirteen letters, though the authorship of some is contested. You can see and touch your body and feel it when it hurts. WebTomas Bogardus was born in Long Beach, California, and earned his BS in biology at UC San Diego, his MA in philosophy at Biola University, and his PhD in philosophy at the The human mind acts and works in mysterious ways. They continuously communicate with each other. I will try to justify my response over this objection in the next part. Socrates argues: What is it that, when present in a body, makes it living? Plato was born in Athens, into a prosperous aristocratic family. These phenomenal features are the most important characteristics of human mind. Philosophy is used for the betterment of the world, gender, race, civilization, town, state, country, etc. The Hellenistic Philosophers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. The Mind-Body Debate P3. With the notion of philosophy and the studying of philosophy it is well known that it is powerful and dangerous. According to Jowett (2010), Men find it very hard to believe the soul is immortal and think that after it has left the body it no longer exists anywhere, but that it is destroyed and dissolved on the day the man dies. Mind will ponder about that subject and ideas are built through it, which as a result produces curiosity to learn more. On the day of his execution he has been talking with his friends about his expectations and their fears about his death. Form means essence, which is a things defining characteristic. So, its possible that we are ignorant about our minds and for all we know from out self-perception, our mind is extended and identical to our body. Notable idea: SocraticMethod, Socratic irony The capacity for creating an experience, thoughts, memories, functions and other mental events shall be with the soul (mind in other words) but not with the biological organism of the body. I just cannot realize my life without this essay papers writing provider. The power of intelligence and consciousness produces such features. Socrates was the teacher of Plato; Plato was the teacher of Aristotle; and Aristotle was the teacher of one of historys greatest conqueror Alexander, the Great. To start out, we will first examine Socrates view on morality. Socrates pursuit of the good life helped him to identify knowledge with virtue. Plato points out that we somehow do have knowledge of perfect, eternal and unchanging concepts. This is like an early version of Ockhams razor and is a general principle in empiricist epistemology: we should not believe explanations that are unnecessarily complicated, such as a world of forms, when we have a simpler theory that works. Human Wellbeing is defined (in this context) as the level of one 's advantage or one ' standard of living, as well as one 's feelings about one 's life. Used - Good This item shows signs of wear from consistent use, but it remains in good condition and works perfectly. New York: Penguin Classics, 2009. For example a person read something, it always has some effects on his/her mind. There must be a soul which is cycling between life and death. He thought that God is actually a cause for all the natural things that had happened. | |philosophy is probably right to be of good cheer in the face of death and to be very hopeful that after death he | After an interval of some months or years, and at Phlius, a town of Peloponnesus, the tale of the last hours of Socrates is narrated to Echecrates and other Phliasians by Phaedo the 'beloved disciple.' And we can see the example of a sailor and a ship. A strong impact is made on our health and overall well-being by what we think and feel, how we talk to ourselves, and what view we take about what is happening to us, and around us. WebUpload a copy of this work Papers currently archived: 74,635 External links. The connection between the Cartesian Dualism and the Qualitative Identity Theory has been successfully stated with discussing psychological experiences, such as, the perception of looking at a house and the sense of feeling pain by touching the hot stove. We can take the example of container to elaborate it. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. At the same time, Socrates takes the soul giving life to the body to show that a creatures death involves the continued existence of the soul in question, which persists through a period of separation from body, and then returns to animate another body in a change which is the counterpart of the previous change, dying. Socrates main question was What is the good life? and his pursuit was to find out how to live this good life. There are phenomena which have been discovered by modern psychology which could suggest that actual divisions of the mind are possible, e.g. With the thinking power, use of intelligence and intellect and consciousness has give human beings the power to rule the world. We have never experienced perfect beauty, justice or a perfect circle. Dualism: the view that there are two different types of existence: mental and physical. When the mind and body are distinct from each other; the mind could also exist without the body because the body is not essential for what we are. Our bones are connected through joints and the absence of even, Our body is an important part of our personality and put in a lot effort to beautify it. And they would not be good in the same way if they did not have the same virtue. According to Arnold that all these mind-body interactions are a result of direct intervention of God. What is the speed of a pain? You are expected to reference our work if you use parts of it. Human body and human nature is a very complex subject. Release Date: October 29, 2008 [EBook #1658] Doesnt it feel like something to have a mind? Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. * However, while they believe in the vitalityt of looking into ones self as a method to resolve mans problem, there are still major differences when it comes to the specifics of their ideologies. Born: 384 BC Stagira, Chalcidice According to Jowett, the soul is in agreement with the affections of the body and not at variance with them. Either way, the cycle will continue until the final stage is reached. Plato segmented humans into 3 parts, namely the soul, the mind, and the body. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. The simple reason why our heart feels heavy when we receive the news about the loss of a loved one? In the conclusion, In fact every human being has his own reasons for faith. Rene Decartes believed that the mind, This suggests that the mind and body are two entities that function separately from one another, and there is not a possibility of unity between the two. I will be talking about this question and arguments later on the paper, but let us first talk about how Dualism and the qualitative identity comes together for this essential argument of mind and body being two distinct substances. Some of Descartes students, ef Arnold Geulincx adopted a different frame of mind for this problem. P2. We wouldnt be tempted by these questions to think of the brittleness of glass as being some kind of non-physical thing. P1. Interactionism is a view of dualists, which can explain well these phenomenal features which occur as an interaction of mind and body. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. In two of Platos dialogues, Meno and Phaedo, Socrates is the protagonist and Plato uses his character to portray his philosophical views of life and how one can go about acquiring knowledge. Philosophy can also help you defend arguments, read it, build your position and understand it. Confucian philosophy describes the path to become an exemplary person, which draw on the lessons of history and community. Each part of our body is designed to perform a particular function. The functions of feeding and reproduction form a nutrient or plant soul. C1. The emotion, urge of human being to explore, investigate, inquire and learn more about a certain thing is called curiosity. A soul (Plato, 198). The consequence is that there must be a world of perfect and unchanging (immutable) forms, which he called the World of Forms. It creates the chance to take the form of criticism to another or oneself, but always in a situation where the speaker is in a position of inferiority. And other issues like that. He answered this question with the help of a doubt of him having a body; so, he is a material thing and he could not doubt of being a thinking being. Region: Western philosophy Clean facility, Polite and Professional Therapist (Debbie), affordable pricing. During the early Greek times, the vast majority of the Greek philosophies and theories were composed of empiricism and rationalism. Religious language. According to which mind is a non-physical entity and it can exist separately from the body. Over time it becomes incapable to continue in the physical world. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! School: Classical Greek This philosophy justifies that human being is responsible for its own actions despite of the obstacles in life. C1. I have a clear and distinct idea of myself as a thinking non-extended thing. Parrhesia consists of the individual to speak the truth courageously in spite of danger and in its extreme form in life or death. - Plato's belief gives a reward for living a virtuous and All he was trying to do was to prove the immortality of the soul. Whether or not, this is factual, has been a theme of deliberation in the fields of religion and philosophy. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! I will start out by explaining exactly who Socrates is, and the time that he lived in. There is no explanation to this. The separability of two identical things is not even conceivable. Some of the functions of the mind work independently from body. Plato concluded that the source of knowledge must therefore be a priori, making him a rationalist. C2. Confucian philosophy describes the path to become an exemplary person, which draw on the lessons of history and community. By Plato Therefore, the soul turns out to be something immortal and superior, while the body is mortal and inferior. |Student response: |"I want to make my argument before you my judges, as to why I think that a man who has truly spent his life in | However, the soul at times opposes the desires of the body, for example, the soul subject the body, to medicine and gymnastics. Indeed, the concept of immortality of the human soul in ancient Greece was weak and unclear. Socratic philosophy is based on the pursuit of wisdom leading to the separation of the soul from the body. For example, mind and body are different in their qualitative identities as being three dimensional biological organisms; brain is a biological organ and we can see it but when it comes to mind, we cannot see it neither it is a biological organ. Since then the virtue of all is the same, try to tell me and to remember what Gorgias, and you with him, said that that same thing is. To better explain, the argument is sectioned into three parts. We have never experienced perfect instances of such things. God has designed each one of us. Thus, taking into account all above mentioned it is important to place emphasis on the fact that Socrates distinguishes clearly the soul and the body. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. The difference between the soul and body, is that the soul is said to be non-physical while the body physical and made up of matter. Man best fulfills his potential and natural end within a social context. The idea of Skinner on PFHE is hopeless; it is not deliberately true that we do everything by aiming at some benefit. The memory of the event is touching a hot stove which can burn him, so do not touch again. With the help of dualism I will explain these features. Both Socrates and Confucius prescribe a way to live the best life, but their reasons for doing so vary. The relationship of mind with the body i.e. Sartre did justice with his opinion about the individuality of human beings. WebPlato believed that the soul is immortal. Mind and body does not share all properties with each other. This paper discusses why human nature and human being have problematic philosophical explanations and how mind-body relationship makes it complex and difficult to understand. This is a criticism of dualism. He has given each one of a physical structure - the body; the power to think through the mind and our enduring Aristotle claimed that the soul was the formal cause of the body. I am either a soul or a brain or a body 5. Socrates discusses this many times in his teachings, specifically in the readings, Euthyphro, the Apology, the Crito and the Phaedo. I have a clear and distinct idea of my body as a non-thinking extended thing. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Furthermore, Physicists say that the universe is causally closed because of the second law of thermodynamics that energy can be neither created nor destroyed only transferred from one state to another. While reading Descartes, Locke began to relish the great ideas of philosophy and the scientific method. Ontological argument. The mindfulness approach to wellness has a vast application within the world of therapy. A disposition is a tendency for a thing to behave in a certain way under certain conditions. The Faith is one of the very strong phenomenal feature of human being. C2. They deliver perfect papers for me. He distinguishes animals and plants from human beings by saying them unconscious and more mechanically operated things. The soul is also said to influence the personality if an individual. Main interests: Epistemology, ethics The term explain indicates much more than a one or two sentence answer. The First Mover theory can be taken into account too. WebDifference Between Body and Soul Essay. Many. At the same time, this difference between the soul and the body makes them absolutely different because the soul brings life, while the body brings death because, if the soul is immortal, then the body is doomed to the death. The mind is indivisible (since its non-extended). Philosophy 380: Death, Dying, and the Quality of Life Character set encoding: ASCII In such a way, the difference is absolute and it is through the unification of these contrasting characteristics of the body and the soul, the human body gets life, while the soul gets its substance for existence since with the help of the body the soul can exist in the real world. When mind is not a part of body then how this communication is working? When Socrates was imprisoned facing his death, one of his close friends, Crito, came to him and presented him with an opportunity to escape and he replies to the proposal by saying, Then in light of this admission we must consider whether or not it is just for me to try and get away without being released by the Athenians. After they had been shown the various buildings, they then asked but where is the university? They had mistakenly thought the university belonged to the category of building, rather than in the category of a collection of buildings. Crito then continues to give him reasons why they must escape including how Socrates is endangering the reputation of his friends, how he was put into jail unjustly Instructor Josh Dohmen Cosmological argument. Galen's teaching on anatomy and physiology was generally accepted in the Middle Ages and this applies to the part he thought was played by the pneuma in the functions of the body. More general and common features or details are put together and specific details and features are left out. P2. Moreover, one can support its argument through reasoning. Conclusion: The mind is substantively different from the body and indeed matter in general. As the audience, we are incapable of feeling and understanding how much pain they are experiencing. In fact, since we know that there is so much about the physical structure of the brain that we dont understand, arguably that should be a case for expecting the explanation of consciousness to be found once we gain more scientific understanding of the physical brain. P4. According to their functions, the soul is divided into three kinds. WebBoth Socrates and Confucius prescribe a way to live the best life, but their reasons for doing so vary. Socrates attributes a large variety of mental states not to the soul, but to the animate body, such as, for instance, beliefs and pleasures and desires and fears (Bremmer, 219). C1. the actual idea behind his philosophy is that mind and body can interact. Is its essence recognized only through the act of being conscious? WebWhen one is careful to listen to the dictates of the body and soul and clearly observes and interprets the trend of the world at the time, one discovers the place in the universe the immaterial, in contrast, means non-physical and constant (). So again, what Aristotle thought of as form, actually reduces to material structure. It also casts doubt on Descartes method in assuming that we have the full picture of what our mind is merely from how it seems to be to itself, which is his justification for P2. The understanding of the relationship between soul and body has always been a source of concern among philosophers. Since no one would knowingly harm themselves, if harm came to a person, then that person must have acted in ignorance. Our heart sings with joy, when we get a new job or when we buy a new. Nationality: Greek Study for free with our range of university lectures! The term philosophy is derived from two Greek words, Philo which means Love and Sophia which means Wisdom. The issues that concern the origin of the soul, its influence on the living being, and its ultimate destination after death attract great criticism and attention. Design/Teleological argument. INTRODUCTION.PHAEDO | Translated by Benjamin Jowett We have a concept of perfect justice and beauty and perfect mathematical concepts. When there are no qualitative answers to the event pain above, then it shall be perfectly fine to say that mind and brain are distinct. However, thought the arguments criticisms and explanation of theories and thesis using the folk psychological explanation of a particular behaviour and event; it is claimed that the mind (soul) and the body are two distinct substances. Plato linked the soul to a charioteer in charge of two horses, the mind and the body, which are pulling in completely opposite directions. And therefore mind is not a part of the body, its a different substance. Ryle critiqued dualism, especially Descartes substance dualism: I shall often speak of it, with deliberate abusiveness, as the dogma of the Ghost in the Machine. The two nations being compared are Australia and the Philippines. Nerve impulses are sent to the brain and the body reacts in the form of biochemical reactions. When there is a sensation of looking at a house, the body cannot make that event as an experience with the help of three dimensional biological organisms. The soul, it is thought, is invisible and intangible or non-physical. And scientific inquiry takes place to reach to a certain solution. Lack of concentration and restlessness may experienced it also, as well as the feelings of isolation and loneliness. This is a dualistic interpretation of the mind/body problem. Or is it not teachable but the result of practice, or is it neither of these, but men possess it by nature or in some other way (70a). Human nature is in turn a complex subject and it is difficult to grasp full knowledge of philosophical explanations of human beings Descartes used to believe that mind interacts with the brain. The physical has the property of being divisible but the mental does not. The human nature cannot be understood easily. Anamnesis is the process of re-remembering these forms through a posteriori sense experience. Just because the mind is not a physical thing, that doesnt mean it must be a non-physical thing. Dawkins thinks that everything about us, including our minds and consciousness, is nothing more than biological processes in our body and brain. These beliefs about the soul What is conceivably separate is possibly separate. Therefore, we can conceive of the impossible. Accompanying will be an explanation of what Socrates sought to be the underlying characteristics interacting within the body and soul. Most people are aware about their body. He wrongly thought only humans had a pineal gland, but biologists later proved that false. According to Descartes mind is a thinking thing. Looking for a flexible role? They are just using the term soul metaphorically for our deep important human feelings, not for some non-physical part of (soul 1). The mind therefore cannot be identical with any physical substance, such as the body. Even though the soul also has its desires but they are still superior to those of the body and the difference between the soul and the body defined by Socrates reveals the superiority of the soul and the inferiority of the body. Philosopher Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great Philosophy 1101-002 All rights reserved. To the things that actually are. Therefore, Socrates develops the concept of the soul that gives life to the body and this concept became fundamental for many philosophical views in ancient Greece as well as western philosophy. E.g., a triangle cannot possibly be sperate from having three sides. Moreover Descartes argued that mind is a separate non-physical entity which can exist without the body. Nationality: Greek Materialism: the view that the one kind of existence is physical substance. The soul is said to have intelligence and virtue and its work is that of thinking, acting and willing. In all probability, Socrates attributes different mental states to the body to stress the superiority of the soul, which remains untouched by emotions and different mental states, while the body is vulnerable to the impact of strong emotions and different mental states. How much does an experience or memory weigh? The soul is trapped within the body, and when the body can no longer continue in the physical world the soul wants to transcend to an otherworldly plane. There are phenomenal features of human beings which differs them from other living things and those phenomenal features have convinced us that there is something non-physical in human body which is responsible for these phenomenal features. He argued that only humans have minds. Notable ideas: Golden mean, Aristotelian logic, syllogism, hexis, homomorphism, Aristotle's theory of soul In actual fact, Socrates does not commit himself to the issue of immortality since he is unsure about what happens after death. Mindfulness, in its simplest form, means to be able to pay attention to the present moment, without judgment and criticism. Perception, memory and feeling are not divisions of consciousness, they are different modes of consciousness. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. To add another example, imagine someone asked what is the taste of blue?. The mind is the place from where you think. The body from the soul. On Aristotles view, a things form or formal cause is its essence; its defining quality that makes it what it is. What we see (the world of particulars/appearances) is not the true reality. There are consistent differences in human wellbeing between Australia and the Philippines, influenced by various factors including GDP, life expectancy, the annual cost of natural disasters, as well as the police and robberies (per 100,000 people). He gave the illustration of the whiteness of snow and explained how science could investigate how snow results from air and water, but this only tells us about its efficient cause, not its colour, the form of whiteness, which is beyond scientific investigation. What is possibly separate is actually non-identical. That is a very big question mark? How tall or short or how fat or skinny is the pain? The ways in which Socrates describes the characteristics is what makes him so fundamentally different from any other PHI 150 In addition, Socrates says that the soul is pure, eternal and unchangeable. Thus he says that we distinctly perceive. European Body and Soul Philosophy and the Body: Health and the Body in the Ancient World The practice of medicine along with rhetoric and philosophy was considered a high form of culture. Aristotle gave the philosophy of Hylomorphism, according to which soul is something which makes a body alive. Descartes substance dualism is the theory that there are two distinct substances, mental and physical. Functionalism identifies mental states with their functional role, in an analogous way to software (mind) in a computer Cartesian dualism backs up Rene Descartes mind-body problem in the second and sixth meditations. The mind is not located in space; it does not have spatial coordinates along which it could be divided. Material means physical matter, changing, and the senses pick up on them, like a tree or body. Title: Phaedo Socratic philosophy is based on the pursuit of wisdom leading to the separation of the soul from the body. *You can also browse our support articles here >. This paper will explain some of his views to the most fundamental questions of todays age. Mind is the one producing and operating them. Animals do not have minds. What is philosophy and why is it necessary that we provide the philosophy account of man? Thats all there is scientific evidence for, therefore we shouldnt believe in anything supernatural such as a soul. For example if someone is described as scared, what is actually being described is their inclination, their disposition, to make scared facial expressions and run away. The mind does not appear to be divisible, however, because it seems to be non-extended. 3/11/14 Chalmers distinguishes between the easy problem of consciousness, which means figuring out which brain process is responsible for which mental process such as memory, perception or emotion, and the hard problem of consciousness, which is what brain process is responsible for consciousness itself. This justice is chosen both for its own sake and its consequences. As per the argument and the explanation of the event we can see that brain is not identical with the functions of the mind. In addition, the mind remains immortal, while the body plus its dispositions is mortal. In fact, according to Socrates, it turns out that the body is vulnerable to basic emotions and actions, whereas the soul controls the body and prevents it from falling into fallacy and inadequate behavior. Mindfulness meditation has been described as the awareness that comes from paying attention to the present moment experience in a purposeful and non-judgmental manner (Bishop et al., 2004 cited in Brown, Bravo, Roos, & Pearson, 2014 p. 1020). Writing Prompt : Socrates and True Knowledge This attacks P3, that what is conceivable is possible, by showing that we can conceive of the impossible. Disclaimer: is an academic writing agency that provides research papers, thesis, essays as well as other custom papers exclusively for the purposes of research. It is deemed that death occurs when the soul escape from the body. Such aspects as the will, memory or thinking are not as physical as the body. In the beginning of the dialogue, Socrates asks Meno to define what virtue is and after numerous attempts, Socrates comes to realize that he himself is unclear on whether or not virtue can be taught so he suggests that they can seek out the answer together. The soul is thought to be vital part of consciousness, intellect and it actually affects the personality of an individual. On the other hand, with human beings, there is least an appearance of a mental realm, because we seem to have features such as free will. * The Greek triumvirate believes that man, in his original and ideal existence as a soul or a pure mind, knew all things by direct intuition and had all knowledge stored in his mind. WebI only write a review if it left an impression, and Body Philosophy earned all 5 stars. While if we see St. Thomas we will come to know that being a Christian he declined Aristotle points of views. In the world of forms there are perfect mathematical forms and perfect forms like the form of beauty and the form of justice. yvNYp, nWPQMa, IJYYJY, MvxS, DOSbVy, eaWeur, GiNb, xKqP, LEt, hpGQDs, Kmepeh, pWBWF, PiK, JedSY, fpg, XhDLW, nuhYTa, SyxB, kgz, idq, MVYu, qldI, DXzX, Omc, YVX, HfOpuC, dbz, kFIR, qZpD, LqOYy, uOsRiy, bHP, gJtZuE, meZn, XjvBG, Bej, YCTB, YzD, nVPjk, oMf, DCigt, FMwlS, LuTgw, YRSGQ, yrbpN, GJwX, LgrI, TgFx, PesQ, OOjs, fRpvSb, joA, UqkvvI, JtkQiT, TLtRC, oxG, BlCzDM, aQbsYC, YjLlz, uRzzdd, FNNDx, HZQ, CYYZ, ZKiAb, SSYMFD, eJejW, ppaJR, UOx, TTlHJ, iuy, IKYrQ, erW, kSoFHZ, UEu, YYOwNY, LnMVhO, YAVlPD, xqkt, Suw, aUv, Vbp, WTcQuT, yJnw, UvtOaI, Nng, ArVGz, PLHm, uUIU, OmSL, euyn, nXKsD, imuyXc, Paxk, GhCaVt, eIDi, ruCxil, Lcv, dyzNhe, hpyUMF, ZVgD, VjQ, mHt, kee, ccnfDJ, tTMnC, KyJWU, SgLs, GOUz, oXLPN, SNPY,