edge proxy settings registry

Related policies: NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes, NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled. You can set this policy as a recommendation. If the server is on the internet, IWA requests from it are ignored by Microsoft Edge. AllowGeolocation (1) = Allow sites to track users' physical location, BlockGeolocation (2) = Don't allow any site to track users' physical location, AskGeolocation (3) = Ask whenever a site wants to track users' physical location. You can also set this policy as a recommendation. '{bing:baseURL}images/detail/search?iss=sbiupload&FORM=ANCMS1#enterInsights'. If you set this policy to 'Automatically', disable this policy, or don't configure this policy, autofill will not have any authentication flow. Specify Bing's Image Search URL as: If you disable this policy or don't configure it, SafeSearch in Google Search isn't enforced. PasswordProtectionWarningOff (0) = Password protection warning is off, PasswordProtectionWarningOnPasswordReuse (1) = Password protection warning is triggered by password reuse. * ProxyBypassList, a list of proxy hosts that Microsoft Edge bypasses If you disable or don't configure this policy, the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button isn't shown in the toolbar by default. This policy lets users compare the prices of a product they are looking at, get coupons or rebates from the website they're on, auto-apply coupons and help checkout faster using autofill data. This policy is deprecated because it's intended to serve only as a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their environments and report issues if they are found to be incompatible with Hardware-enforced Stack Protection. If you disable it, users can't end processes, and the End process button is disabled in the Browser task manager. Leaving it unset lets websites ask for access, but users can change this setting. If you disable this policy, suggestions from local providers are never used. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not communicate with Follow service to provide the follow feature. Show Microsoft Rewards experience and notifications. Note: This policy currently manages importing Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS). The ExtensionInstallBlocklist policy takes precedence over this policy. Enable this policy to use roaming profiles on Windows. If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge adds a recycle icon at the far right of the top menu bar to prompt users to restart the browser to apply the update. Experimentation payload consists of a list of early in development features that Microsoft is enabling for testing and feedback. This may vary depending on Microsoft Edge release, currently running field trials, and platform. Bonus Flashback: Back on December 9, 2006, the first-ever Swedish astronaut launched to We have some documents stored on our SharePoint site and we have 1 user that when she clicks on an Excel file, it automatically downloads to her Downloads folder. The performance detector detects tab performance issues and recommends actions to fix the performance issues. If you disable this policy, users, apps, and extensions can't enter full screen mode. GP name: Show Microsoft Rewards experiences, Preference Key Name: ShowMicrosoftRewards, GP unique name: ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar, GP name: Show Microsoft Office shortcut in favorites bar (deprecated), Value Name: ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar, Preference Key Name: ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar, GP unique name: ShowRecommendationsEnabled, GP name: Allow feature recommendations and browser assistance notifications from Microsoft Edge, Preference Key Name: ShowRecommendationsEnabled, GP unique name: SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled, GP name: Enable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support, Preference Key Name: SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled, GP name: Enable site isolation for every site, GP unique name: SiteSafetyServicesEnabled, GP name: Allow users to configure Site safety services, Preference Key Name: SiteSafetyServicesEnabled. Allow access to local files by letting Microsoft Edge display file selection dialogs. The user can configure its behavior in edge://settings/system. TrackingPreventionOff (0) = Off (no tracking prevention), TrackingPreventionBasic (1) = Basic (blocks harmful trackers, content and ads will be personalized), TrackingPreventionBalanced (2) = Balanced (blocks harmful trackers and trackers from sites user has not visited; content and ads will be less personalized), TrackingPreventionStrict (3) = Strict (blocks harmful trackers and majority of trackers from all sites; content and ads will have minimal personalization. You can set this policy as a recommendation. To facilitate testing and compatibility, this policy can enable the reduction feature for all websites, or disable the ability for origin trials, or field trials to enable the feature. If you set this policy to 'AutomaticNavigationsOnly', you get the default experience except that all automatic navigations (such as 302 redirects) to unconfigured sites will be kept in Internet Explorer mode. Navigation to sites in response to single word queries that would typically resolve to a history item will no longer happen. Users can opt out of prompts on a per-protocol/per-site basis unless the ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox policy is set to Disabled. Cached proxy credentials will be reused across sites. If you don't configure this policy, images are allowed by default, and the user can change this setting. For more information see the Microsoft Security Baselines Blog. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge ignores all proxy-related options specified from the command line. Minimum number of minutes between automatic update checks. By configuring this policy, you specify the range of local UDP ports that WebRTC can use. PlainText (1) = The plain URL without any extra information, such as the page's title. If you disable this policy, the Pin to taskbar wizard is disabled in the menu and cannot be called via a protocol launch. If you don't configure this policy, users can decide whether to print headers and footers. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Editor spell checker will provide synonyms for suggestions for misspelled words. The entire process happens on the device and no audio or caption text ever leaves the device. Enabled is 0, disabled is 1. Set this policy to 'DisableUntilUpdate' to disable the feature until Microsoft Edge updates next time. If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the "Block tracking of users' web-browsing activity" policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites. This step will enable proxy settings in the web browser. Note that if you disable this policy you also stop all activity for all web forms, except payment and password forms. If you don't configure this policy, DefaultJavaScriptSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. Note that blocking internal 'edge://*' URLs isn't recommended - this may lead to unexpected errors. and tips for Microsoft services, Control use of insecure content exceptions, Control use of the File System API for reading, Control use of the File System API for writing, Enable default legacy SameSite cookie behavior setting, Grant access to specific sites to connect to specific USB devices, Limit cookies from specific websites to the current session, Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on specified sites, Allow specific extensions to be installed, Blocks external extensions from being installed, Configure extension and user script install sources, Control which extensions are installed silently, Control which extensions cannot be installed, Allow cross-origin HTTP Authentication prompts, Configure list of allowed authentication servers, Disable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication, Include non-standard port in Kerberos SPN, Specifies a list of servers that Microsoft Edge can delegate user credentials to, Configure address bar editing for kiosk mode public browsing experience, Delete files downloaded as part of kiosk session when Microsoft Edge closes, Allow user-level native messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions), Control which native messaging hosts users can use, Configure password protection warning trigger, Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where the password protection service should capture salted hashes of a password, Configure address or URL of proxy server (deprecated), Configure proxy bypass rules (deprecated), Configure proxy server settings (deprecated), Configure the list of domains for which Microsoft Defender SmartScreen won't trigger warnings, Prevent bypassing Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prompts for sites, Prevent bypassing of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about downloads, Configure the background types allowed for the new tab page layout, Hide the default top sites from the new tab page, Allow access to sensors on specific sites, Allow access to the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager tool, Allow certificates signed using SHA-1 when issued by local trust anchors (deprecated), Allow default search provider context menu search access, Allow Google Cast to connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses, Allow launching of local files in Internet Explorer mode, Allow legacy TLS/DTLS downgrade in WebRTC (deprecated), Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API, Allow pages to send synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal (deprecated), Allow personalization of ads, search and news by sending browsing history to Microsoft, Allow queries to a Browser Network Time service, Allows a page to show popups during its unloading (obsolete), Allows the AppCache feature to be re-enabled, even if it's turned off by default, Allow users to open files using the ClickOnce protocol, Allow users to open files using the DirectInvoke protocol, Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page, Allow WebDriver to Override Incompatible Policies (deprecated), Allow websites to query for available payment methods, Automatically import another browser's data and settings at first run, Block access to a specified list of services and export targets in Collections, Block access to sensors on specific sites, Block tracking of users' web-browsing activity, Configure automatic sign in with an Active Directory domain account when there is no Azure AD domain account, Configure enhanced hang detection for Internet Explorer mode, Configure list of force-installed Web Apps, Configures availability of a vertical layout for tabs on the side of the browser, Configure the default paste format of URLs copied from Microsoft Edge, and determine if additional formats will be available to users, Configure the list of names that will bypass the HSTS policy check, Configure the list of sites for which Microsoft Edge will attempt to establish a Token Binding with, Configure the list of types that are excluded from synchronization, Configure tracking prevention exceptions for specific sites, Configure whether a user always has a default profile automatically signed in with their work or school account, Configure whether Microsoft Edge should automatically select a certificate when there are multiple certificate matches for a site configured with "AutoSelectCertificateForUrls", Control communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service, Control the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature, Control where developer tools can be used, Control where security restrictions on insecure origins apply, Define a list of protocols that can launch an external application from listed origins without prompting the user, Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of legacy certificate authorities, Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes, Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for specific URLs, Disable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains, Do not set window.opener for links targeting _blank, Enable Ambient Authentication for InPrivate and Guest profiles, Enable a TLS 1.3 security feature for local trust anchors (obsolete), Enable component updates in Microsoft Edge, Enable deleting browser and download history, Enable Domain Actions Download from Microsoft (obsolete), Enable ending processes in the Browser task manager, Enable Microsoft Search in Bing suggestions in the address bar, Enable Proactive Authentication (deprecated), Enable profile creation from the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page, Enables background updates to the list of available templates for Collections and other features that use templates, Enable scrolling to text specified in URL fragments, Enable security warnings for command-line flags, Enable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support, Enable site isolation for specific origins, Enable stricter treatment for mixed content (deprecated), Enable the User-Agent Client Hints feature (deprecated), Enable usage and crash-related data reporting (deprecated), Enable using roaming copies for Microsoft Edge profile data, Enable web capture feature in Microsoft Edge, Extend Adobe Flash content setting to all content (obsolete), Force direct intranet site navigation instead of searching on single word entries in the Address Bar, Force networking code to run in the browser process (obsolete), Force synchronization of browser data and do not show the sync consent prompt, Hide the First-run experience and splash screen, Hide the one-time redirection dialog and the banner on Microsoft Edge, Limits the number of user data snapshots retained for use in case of emergency rollback, List of file types that should be automatically opened on download, Manage exposure of local IP addressess by WebRTC, Maximum number of concurrent connections to the proxy server, Notify a user that a browser restart is recommended or required for pending updates, Open local files in Internet Explorer mode file extension allow list, Prevent install of the BHO to redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge, Re-enable deprecated web platform features for a limited time (obsolete), Re-enable Web Components v0 API until M84 (obsolete), Require that the Enterprise Mode Site List is available before tab navigation, Restrict exposure of local IP address by WebRTC, Restrict the range of local UDP ports used by WebRTC, Restrict which accounts can be used as Microsoft Edge primary accounts, Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer, Send required and optional diagnostic data about browser usage, Send site information to improve Microsoft services (deprecated), Set a timeout for delay of tab navigation for the Enterprise Mode Site List, Set limit on megabytes of memory a single Microsoft Edge instance can use, Set the time period for update notifications, Show an "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog, Show context menu to open a link in Internet Explorer mode, Show Microsoft Office shortcut in favorites bar (deprecated), Sites that can access audio capture devices without requesting permission, Sites that can access video capture devices without requesting permission, Specify how "in-page" navigations to unconfigured sites behave when started from Internet Explorer mode pages, Specify if online OCSP/CRL checks are required for local trust anchors, Specify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver, Use a default referrer policy of no-referrer-when-downgrade (deprecated), Websites or domains that don't need permission to use direct Security Key attestation, Prevent Desktop Shortcut creation upon install, Allow Microsoft Edge Side by Side browser experience, Prevent Desktop Shortcut creation upon install default, Time period in each day to suppress auto-update check, Choose how to specify proxy server settings, Configure the location of the browser executable folder, Set the release channel search order preference. If you don't configure this policy, the feature will be controlled by its own internal logic. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 104. Microsoft Edge will regularly remove data of selected types that is older than 'time_to_live_in_hours'. (Allows you to override the app icon of installed apps. Users will be able to change it in Microsoft Edge. We recommend disabling this policy only if you see notifications such as "(website) is not responding" in Internet Explorer mode but not in standalone Internet Explorer. When printing a PDF using the Print to image option, it can be beneficial to specify a print resolution other than a device's printer setting or the PDF default. When you provide a product ID, then you give the site access to a specific device from the vendor but not all devices. Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Desktop, Window, and Tab Capture. In order for Certificate Transparency enforcement to be disabled, you must set the hash to a subjectPublicKeyInfo appearing in a CA certificate that is recognized as a legacy certificate authority (CA). If you disable or don't configure this policy, password manager will work as usual for all domains. Microsoft Edge might, by default, still require command line arguments to be passed in order to use these APIs. Click on three horizondal dots ( ) on the right side of the Disable (0) = Disable Hardware-enforced Stack Protection, DisableUntilUpdate (1) = Disable Hardware-enforced Stack Protection until the next Microsoft Edge update, Enable (2) = Enable Hardware-enforced Stack Protection. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. If you don't set this policy, there aren't any restrictions on acceptable extension and app types. You can enable this policy to create a dictionary of file type extensions with a corresponding list of domains that will be exempted from file type extension-based download warnings. Managed favorites are not synced to the user account and can't be modified by extensions. If you don't configure this policy, blockable mixed content will be blocked and optionally blockable mixed content will be upgraded. You specify a subjectPublicKeyInfo hash by concatenating the hash algorithm name, the "/" character, and the Base64 encoding of that hash algorithm applied to the DER-encoded subjectPublicKeyInfo of the specified certificate. File types that a user has already specified to automatically be opened will continue to do so when downloaded. { "file_extension": "jnlp", "domains": ["contoso.com"] }, Controls print image resolution when Microsoft Edge prints PDFs with rasterization. The minimum refresh interval is 30 minutes. You can set this policy as a recommendation. Controls whether to use the built-in DNS client. Keyboard shortcuts and menu or context menu entries that open the developer tools or the JavaScript Console are disabled. If you disable this policy, web page elements from domains other than in the address bar can set cookies. Users with Microsoft Edge versions 87 and later can open files using the ClickOnce protocol by default but have the option to disable the ClickOnce protocol with edge://flags/ page. This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX. This policy is deprecated because we are moving to a new policy. OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 90. Overrides Microsoft Edge default printer selection rules. This policy allows users to test applications in Internet Explorer mode by opening an Internet Explorer mode tab in Microsoft Edge. direct, a proxy is never used and all other fields are ignored. To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2174004. If you enable this policy, the Reload in Internet mode button is pinned to the toolbar. The requesting URL may be different than the embedding URL when the requesting site is loaded in an iframe. If you enable this policy, all supported datatypes and settings from the specified browser will be silently and automatically imported at first run. This feature lets hyperlink and address bar URL navigations target specific text on a web page, which will be scrolled to after the web page finishes loading. Therefore it's deprecated and should not be used. If you don't configure this policy for a channel, the 'Prevent Desktop Shortcut creation upon install default' policy configuration determines shortcut creation when Microsoft Edge is installed. Invalid port values set through this policy will be ignored while valid ones will still be applied. Note: This policy currently manages importing from Microsoft Edge Legacy and Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10) browsers. Visual search lets you quickly explore more related content about entities in an image. You can use the AutoOpenAllowedForURLs policy to restrict the URLs for which these file types will be automatically opened on. It is shown in the example merely to demonstrate the ability to do so. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2191896 for additional details. On Microsoft Edge 83, if you don't configure this policy, the checkbox visibility is controlled by the "Enable remembering protocol launch prompting preferences" flag in edge://flags. If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the ScreenCaptureAllowed will not be considered. This exposes the local IP address, AllowPublicInterfaceOnly (default_public_interface_only) = Allow public interface over http default route. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not launch the renderer process in an app container. This policy maps an extension ID or an update URL to its specific setting only. Click save to enable the changes and you have configured your Define URLs that can install extensions and themes directly without having to drag and drop the packages to the edge://extensions page. If you configure this policy and the NewTabPageSetFeedType policy, this policy has precedence. Sets the ProcessExtensionPointDisablePolicy on Microsoft Edge's browser process to block code injection from legacy third party applications. Would salt mines, lakes or flats be reasonably found in high, snowy elevations? When a hung webpage is detected, the browser will apply a mitigation to prevent the rest of the browser from hanging. Domains (like contoso.com) only match as webauthn RP IDs. The following table lists the new and obsoleted policies that are in this article update. If you don't set this policy, or if you disable it, WebRTC exposes the local IP address. When $FILTER contains both the "ISSUER" and the "SUBJECT" sections, only client certificates that satisfy both conditions are selected. The user will continue to be able to specify other file types to be automatically opened. Microsoft Edge presents these in the order listed, from left to right, with all pinned tiles displayed ahead of non-pinned tiles. Leaving the value empty or unset means that all restricted ports will be blocked. Note that if you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will remove the data shared with Windows on the device and stop sharing any new browsing data. Users without an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in will see the standard new tab page experience. Cross-origin WebAssembly module sharing was deprecated as part of the efforts to deprecate document.domain, see https://github.com/mikewest/deprecating-document-domain. Regular expression patterns must follow the JavaScript RegExp syntax and matches are case sensitive. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, UpdaterExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl, https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2136406, Prevent Desktop Shortcut creation upon install default, https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2133032, https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2136707, https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2163508, Choose how to specify a proxy server settings, Allow Microsoft Edge Side by Side browser experience, Prevent Desktop Shortcut creation upon install (per channel), Microsoft AutoUpdate check period override, Time period in each day to suppress Microsoft AutoUpdate check, Control updater's communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service, GP path: Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge Update/Applications, Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate. Setting this policy specifies which extensions are not subject to the blocklist. This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to support the update to a new SmartScreen client. If you don't set this policy, DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. Disable this policy to stop users from adding, removing, or modifying favorites. If you enable or don't configure this policy, shopping features such as price comparison, coupons, rebates and express checkout will be automatically applied for retail domains. If you enable or don't configure this policy, web-based applications that use the SpeechSynthesis API can use Online Text to Speech voice fonts. To control which websites are allowed to run Adobe Flash, see the specifications in the DefaultPluginsSetting, PluginsAllowedForUrls, and PluginsBlockedForUrls policies. OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 106. As soon as I changed it to automatic/and or it was started. edge followed all proxy rules with ie11. Set the policy to 'SessionOnly' to clear cookies when the session closes. (and a site will be allowed to use screen-share APIs) if the site matches an origin pattern in any of the following policies: WebEnable Proxy Settings: Right-click on Registry, Select New > Registry Item. Lets you specify the default behavior for all channels concerning the way Microsoft Edge Update handles available updates for Microsoft Edge. This policy enables sending info about websites visited in Microsoft Edge to Microsoft to improve services like search. Drop lets users send messages or files to themselves. When enabled the User-Agent Client Hints feature sends granular request headers that provide information about the user browser (for example, the browser version) and environment (for example, the system architecture). "ProxyPacUrl": "https://internal.site/example.pac", If you don't configure this policy, preloading is enabled and a user can change this setting. Disables enforcing Certificate Transparency requirements for the listed URLs. If you enable this policy or don't set it, Microsoft Edge will enable these security protections for all connections. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can open the Microsoft Office menu. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 94. You can configure the policy by using these values: 'basic', 'digest', 'ntlm', and 'negotiate'. I need to switch proxy server settings for edge-chromium with powershell. If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will not default to setting the Print as image option in the Print Preview when printing a PDF. For detailed information on valid URL patterns, see Filter format for URL list-based policies. If you don't configure this policy, on an unmanaged device the behavior is same as policy 'enabled'. This policy is temporary and will be removed in a future version If this policy is disabled Microsoft Edge will not send info about websites visited. The feature helps users add an additional layer of privacy to their online accounts by requiring device authentication (as a way of confirming the user's identity) before the saved password is auto-filled into a web form. Value name: ProxyEnable Value type: REG_DWORD Value data: 00000001 Launches Renderer processes into an App Container for Specifies a list of origins (URLs) or hostname patterns (like "contoso.com") for which local IP address should be exposed by WebRTC. If you enable this policy HTTP auth credentials entered in the context of one site will automatically be used in the context of another site. When this policy is set to disabled, Microsoft Edge will use the system certificate verifier and system root certificates. Disable this policy to disable Google Cast. Microsoft Edge won't attempt to implicitly sign in to MSA or AAD accounts. If you don't configure this setting, users can choose whether to use sleeping tabs. If you enable this policy, users will not be able to turn sync off. This profile can't be signed out or removed. Users can use the Follow an influencer, site, or topic in Microsoft Edge.. If you don't configure this policy, the default roaming profile path is used. If you set the policy to 'All', it allows ambient authentication for all sessions. This policy prevents Microsoft from collecting a user's Microsoft Edge browsing history, favorites and collections, usage, and other browsing data to be used for personalizing advertising, search, news, Microsoft Edge and other Microsoft services. You have to manually create that registry path containing Edge. Configure this policy to show sign in click to action dialog on New tab page. If you enable or don't configure the policy, Microsoft Edge will support the CORS non-wildcard request headers and behave as previously described. If you enable this policy, users can't opt out of the default behavior where each site runs in its own process. This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites and JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites policies. Note: Disabling DNS requests will prevent Microsoft Defender SmartScreen from getting IP addresses, and potentially impact the IP-based protections provided. Allow users to open files using the DirectInvoke protocol. Enabled (2) = Enable code integrity guard enforcement in the browser process. You must configure your allow and block lists in Microsoft Defender Security Center instead. The URLs must be valid, or the policy is ignored. If you don't configure this policy or set the 'DefaultDownloadSecurity' option, the downloads go through the usual security restrictions based on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen analysis results. This policy is based on the Chrome policy of the same name. Configure this policy to allow/disallow travel assistance. Allows you to create a list of url patterns to specify sites that are not allowed to display notifications. If the source comes from the local system, intranet, or trusted sites zone, then the download is considered trusted and safe. To avoid data loss or other errors, don't configure this policy to a volume's root directory or to a directory that's used for other purposes, because Microsoft Edge manages its contents. Setting the policy lets you create a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can't use the clipboard site permission. Enables an ad-free search experience on Bing.com. This policy lets you enhance the security state in Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge Update and later. If you enable or don't configure this setting, spotlight experiences and recommendations are turned on. However, users can change it to the other option, which is 'Once every browsing session'. For this policy to work as intended, The Experimentation and Configuration Service, which handles the download, has its own policy to configure what is downloaded from the service. With this policy, you can configure up to three quick link tiles on the new tab page, expressed as a JSON object: [ { "url": "https://www.contoso.com", "title": "Contoso Portal", "pinned": True/false }, ]. If you don't configure this policy or if you disable it, users can pin or remove the icon by using its contextual menu. Allows the Edge bar to start running at Windows startup. If they do, this policy takes precedence over WebHidBlockedForUrls. If the Share button is on the toolbar, it will also be hidden. You can configure a subfolder by defining a favorites without an "url" key but with an additional "children" key that contains a list of favorites as defined above (some of which may be folders again). Each item in the devices field must have a vendor_id and may have a product_id field. If either DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled or this policy make a request to disable interception checks, the checks will be disabled. Crash-related data is sent based on the Windows Diagnostic data setting. If you don't configure the policy, users can choose whether to show the home button. Only those explicitly listed below can be re-enabled, and only for a limited period of time, which differs per feature. The URI template of the desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver. {"update_url:https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx":{"installation_mode":"blocked"}}. Allows the Microsoft Edge browser to load the new SmartScreen library (libSmartScreenN) for any SmartScreen checks on site URLs or application downloads. If you enable this policy, Edge TyposquattingChecker is turned on. Allows you to set a list of urls that specify which sites will automatically be granted permission to access a USB device with the given vendor and product IDs. If you don't set this policy, that means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies, if it's set. Learn more about Kids Mode here: (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2146910). Set whether websites can run JavaScript. recent and recommended Office documents will not be available). Specifically, there's a Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors toggle, which the user can switch on or off. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory to store a roaming copy of the profiles, as long as you've also enabled the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the Microsoft Edge proxy resolver will be used. The richer formats may not be well-supported in some paste destinations and/or websites. The smart action in the mini and full context menu will be enabled for all profiles. If you disable this policy or don't configure it, only the regular local profiles are used. Force (2) = Force users to sign-in to use the browser. If ECH is enabled, Microsoft Edge might or might not use ECH depending on server support, the availability of the HTTPS DNS record, or the rollout status. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Value proxySettingsPerUser Applies proxy settings to all users of the same computer. The URL contains the string '{searchTerms}', which is replaced at query time by the terms the user is searching for. If you don't configure this policy, no URLs are blocked. The deletion of expired data will happen 15 seconds after the browser starts then every hour while the browser is running. If you don't configure this policy, AutomaticHttpsDefault will be enabled, and will only upgrade connections on domains likely to support HTTPS. If you enable this policy, Print Preview uses the OS system default printer as the default destination choice. Try, @zett42 yes the settings seems to be cached. If you enable this policy, WebRTC will prefer to make peer to peer connections using the indicated network interface for the remote address as indicated in the routing table. Setting the 'ProxySettings' (Proxy settings) policy accepts the following fields: ), custom_icon Reverting to legacy behavior causes cookies that don't specify a SameSite attribute to be treated as if they were "SameSite=None", removes the requirement for "SameSite=None" cookies to carry the "Secure" attribute, and skips the scheme comparison when evaluating if two sites are same-site. The latest version of Microsoft Edge includes the following policies. This group policy configures the radio button selector that enables this feature for users. For more information on how to configure Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. If you set this policy to 'Enable', users can sign into the browser. If you enable this policy, intranet zone file URL links originating from intranet zone HTTPS pages will open Windows File Explorer to the parent directory of the file and select the file. You can completely block access or ask the user each time a website wants to get access to a serial port. WebA customer is replacing his old proxy (WSA) with Umbrella and there is an issue where both IE and the old version of Edge are still using the WSA as a proxy if "Automatically detect settings" is enabled. However, if you prohibited extensions by policy, you can use the list of allowed extensions to change that policy. If you choose the 'direct' value as 'ProxyMode', all other fields are ignored. Allows the Microsoft Edge browser to retrieve policies from the Intune application management services and apply them to users' profiles. Shows content promoting the Microsoft Edge Insider channels on the About Microsoft Edge settings page. However a user can override this setting. If FriendlyURLs are enabled, Microsoft Edge will compute additional representations of the URL and place them on the clipboard. Placing all printer types on the deny list effectively disables printing, because there's no print destination for documents. automatic (automatic) = Enable DNS-over-HTTPS with insecure fallback, secure (secure) = Enable DNS-over-HTTPS without insecure fallback. 1 = Force sync to be turned on for Azure AD/Azure AD-Degraded user profile and do not show the sync consent prompt. This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro, or Enterprise instances enrolled for device management. EnableInterceptionChecksEnableInfobar (3) = Allow DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 'encoded_image={google:imageThumbnail},image_url={google:imageURL},sbisrc={google:imageSearchSource},original_width={google:imageOriginalWidth},original_height={google:imageOriginalHeight}'. This default is subject to change in the future. If you enable this policy, profiles run in ephemeral mode. If you set this policy to 'CommandLineOverridesEnabled', users can override state of feature flags using command line arguments but not edge://flags page. If you disable this policy, AutoFill never suggests or fills in address information, nor does it save additional address information that the user might submit while browsing the web. * fixed_server, the ProxyServer and ProxyBypassList fields are used. Is energy "equal" to the curvature of spacetime? If you disable or don't configure this policy, pages will be isolated on a per-Site basis. This doesn't include all clipboard operations on origins that match the patterns. If you disable this policy, the browser user setting won't display the password reveal button. Was the ZX Spectrum used for number crunching? The User-Agent HTTP request header is scheduled to be reduced. Configures users ability to override state of feature flags. If you set this policy to False or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge will automatically select a certificate even if there are multiple matches for a certificate. (Note: The Sitelist setting is 'Redirect sites based on the incompatible sites sitelist', value 1). This policy is optional. In this case, if you set this policy to True, the context menu item will be available for file:// links even for sites configured to use Microsoft Edge mode. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings] "MigrateProxy"=dword:00000001. If you set this policy to 2, access is denied. See https://bit.ly/30b1XR4 for more details. To specify multiple DNS-over-HTTPS resolvers, separate the corresponding URI templates with spaces. Note that signed-in profiles with a username that doesn't match this pattern will be signed out after this policy is enabled. This policy controls the availability of the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument which is used to launch Microsoft Edge with a local file specified on the command line into Internet Explorer mode. If you still require legacy cookie behavior, please use LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList to configure behavior on a per-domain basis. This allows certificates that would otherwise be untrusted because they were not properly publicly disclosed to still be used for Enterprise hosts. If users choose to turn on Live captions, speech recognition files (approximately 100 megabytes) will be downloaded to the device on first run and then periodically to improve performance and accuracy. To learn more about how Microsoft Edge finds unsafe passwords see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2133833. 4. The Edge bar will be automatically enabled for all profiles. This policy can be used to test for any affected proxies and upgrade them. Microsoft Edge Update and later. AllowPopups (1) = Allow all sites to show pop-ups, BlockPopups (2) = Do not allow any site to show popups. For example, increasing CPU load. Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by Chromium.org and used according to terms InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' Microsoft account users (excludes Azure AD accounts) in search, new tab page, and earn markets will see the Microsoft Rewards experience in their Microsoft Edge user profile. When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with the "O" value, a certificate needs at least one organization matching the specified value to be selected. Note that if you have enable this policy (AlternateErrorPagesEnabled), the Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found setting is turned on, but the user can't change the setting by using the toggle. 554 (554) = port 554 (can be unblocked until 2021/10/15), 10080 (10080) = port 10080 (can be unblocked until 2022/04/01), 6566 (6566) = port 6566 (can be unblocked until 2021/10/15), 989 (989) = port 989 (can be unblocked until 2022/02/01), 990 (990) = port 990 (can be unblocked until 2022/02/01). In the Settings menu, click on Network & Internet. TitledHyperlink (3) = Titled Hyperlink: A hyperlink that points to the copied URL, but whose visible text is the title of the destination page. For more information about this policy see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2141715, Sitelist (1) = Redirect sites based on the incompatible sites sitelist. (103 or later). If you disable this policy, the built-in DNS client is only used when DNS-over-HTTPS is in use. WebSQL is on by default as of Microsoft Edge version 101, but can be disabled via a Microsoft Edge flag. Configure this policy to control whether Microsoft Edge will use the "OS capture engine" or the "Browser capture engine" when capturing browser windows in the same process using the screen-share APIs. But even with this Registrypath I have to open >>Settings --> Network and Internet --> Proxy<<. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can turn this feature on or off at edge://settings/accessibility. of Microsoft Edge. To exclude cookies from being deleted on exit, configure the SaveCookiesOnExit policy. If you disable this policy, the user is not prompted, and audio capture is accessible only to the URLs configured in AudioCaptureAllowedUrls. 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