why did he randomly call me

Often men I coach through getting back together really do realize they made a mistake and genuinely want you back after doing this. We had no problem whatsoever contacting through and by phone but yeah thats true. Sit down with your hands on your lap and close your eyes. (@luvv.zoeee), Joseph O(@joseph.ortegaa), ria(@riaaaa_1), (@w31rdch1ld_0ddch1ld), Elena . Kept asking him what was wrong and he just said hes really tired and he really dont want to go to work. This is particularly likely if youve gone no contact with him or have been ignoring his communication. I say ok, next thing u know Im a clueless fwb. That's something you're going to have to find out from him. An ex who calls or text-messages you post-relationship is looking to keep you in his life. We did hook up and I regret it a lot because everytime we did I would emotionally attach myself and he wouldnt and we would start discussing how he cant be in a relationship since his ex is having a baby and he cant look like an asshole. I know youre not ready to hear this right now but eventually you will look back on this and realize that you are so lucky he did this now rather than 10 years after you had been married to him. I told him Im sorry hes too afraid or hurt to allow himself to be happy with me because hes a good person and deserves to be happy. It's purely sexual intentions. He messaged me the next night and we talked for a long time. Are you seeing someone else? He suddenly got very ugly and angry. The reason guys revert back to ex-girlfriends or people they used to date, is that its just easier. If you get a call and wonder, why do random numbers call me, you can lose out on precious work time. He texted me saying thank you for the beautiful and exciting night and off I was That is frustrating for sure. It feels like there was tons of unfinished business and I still dont really understand what happened. He might have some emotions about you that he is experiencing. I hope you found this article helpful. Then one day out of nowhere I got a message from he. Then he said do you really think we should still be going out? It was completely out of the blue, I know he was being off for a few days but didnt think he was gonna do that. Old emotions might surface, and depending on the break-up the two of you had, you may get hurt again. I would complain but oh well I wanted to be with him cuz he says he loves me more than ever. Then I left it 2 days, didnt hear anything from him. Because, if he does decide he wants to date you, it will be all in his own time. Coming back usually results in someone getting used and abused. I nodded hi. And he hasnt spoken to me since. He kept beging to make it up for it and he finally thought of a fun plan for us to hang out all night long together. Whatever the reason you cant be together, something is up with this guy and it has you wondering: Why is he texting me if hes not interested in anything more? Spam phone calls are unwanted calls, and theyre similar to spam emails since they often try to sell you something or collect your information. Smelling ny hair , kissing my forehead.. was it all about sex and boredome? And unfortunately, this can be what makes us think of getting in touch with him months later, in the same confusing way guys sometimes reach out after months of no contact. I feel like weve been here done that I guess I just need clarification since he is the love of my life and I believe that I am his as well. We dated for a month and I started to develop strong feelings for him. In any case they have sent you an extremely loud message that says: I dont have what it takes to have a mature healthy relationship with you. He seems to have changed somewhat. Of course, he never did. I felt as if that was my cue to go and left. We went away and did things, and always laughed and talked a lot..Hes had 2 serious relationships in his life before me, one he got married in, the other he had his 2 sons with. TRUST ME, IT WORKS. me? That is a sign of confidence and that you value yourself! We met up again. He was 8 at the time. Thank you. If he asks you what youre up to, do you answer with nothing? A lot of these phone calls are Robo-calls because robots make the call rather than people. He may be busy or have some issues that need addressing first. You can still keep up with your team, but you dont have to worry about dealing with personal calls. Apparently hes stressed with work but I dont really believe that. Perhaps he felt lonely or down. There was nothing wrong we were great together. I didnt contact him at all. Whatever it was, it sparked a vivid memory of you, and he wanted to check-in. Im sticking with the no contact rule whether this man ever comes back or not. contacting me. So if hes just a very chatty and flirty guy with everyone he meets, hes likely just a very extroverted person that likes to have a lot of relationships. If he is a decent guy, being concerned for your feelings but not wanting a relationship with you, he would keep his distance. I met this guy from an online dating website. Against my good mind, I accepted. Now, usually, the dumper doesn't overanalyze things and loses sleep over the . Then I see pic of him and another chick on Snapchat. This sounds contradictory, but there are plenty of facts that can prove it. I was constantly asking if there was someone else or if he still loved me and he said that he barely had time for me, much less anyone else, and yes he still loves me. Is there a tiny part of you that hopes the sex will spark feelings in him again and bring the two of you together? He doesnt invite you over to his house or your house, and he doesnt make any sexual or flirty jokes. !..I said No, I snuck out, hes like oh ok.. then inside the building, he calls me over to him and says I want to show you something..He proceeds to show me his new tat..I said, Oh cool, you should put aquaphor on that..He says, they said A&D, I said, for a couple days, then aquaphor and walked away..So Monday comes, I text and said Dont forget to pick up aquaphor..I actually got a text back saying Will have to stop later thank you.. THEN I listened to all my friends and text him later and said, can you text me later..no response..I flipped my shiz..and havent text him since..barely looked at him since at work..and try really hard not to even run into him..Idk what to do..A little advice would be nice. You want to hone in on your feminine energy. We were incredibly tight and loving for the first 4 months then my life ends when he has to leave for a very strict very looong out of state rehab. It sounds like he left rather hastily in the first place. I had no idea he was doing this bet, wasnt sure why he didnt tell me and that, but didnt say anything anyway and we were both absolutely buzzing. How should I act when he calls me, what should I not do if he ask me out again? I was with this guy for about 6 months He also had the same issue and a lot more with himself. He says he doesnt see a future with me right now and that he also wont be in any other relationships. He started to tell me how he needed sex and couldnt handle commitment. He still has some crazy stuff going on but he lost his best friend and got into a crazy accident. Any advice? After licking his wounds post-breakup, then doing his triumphant victory lap around the singles scene, it turns out to not be as glamorous as he had hoped. After many lunch dates i decided to end it because something wasnt right.. he was disappearing on fri-sun.. i suspected a girlfriend. He told me he never wanted to get married again but hes open to the possibility. There was definitely feelings there on both sides. If you get a spam call and pick up, be sure you dont reveal any personal or financial information. Speaker 2 (00:22): Marriage is not always a walk in the park, but we do believe it has a powerful purpose. So we broke up a couple weeks ago I recently talked to him on the phone. He hopes to see me again one day to find that Ive lived a better life and moved onto better things. We end up back together. And trust me, being okay on your own is a skill that is extremely valuable! So I told her that I would think about it, thanked her and walked away. Its been almost two years I have seen him one time a few months ago. I get upset we argue things are ok. Were good for about a year or so. Im really sorry youre dealing with this though, its never fun to feel like a man isnt making you a priority. He hasnt even asked about our cats, NOTHING. Used to talk to a guy a few months ago until he got a gf. We work together, we started dating about 2 weeks before he lost his son in a car accident (2016), 2 weeks before Christmas. According to WebMD, men think about sex 19 times a day compared to women 10 times a day. Four months lateron a Fridayat 5:30pm, he sends a random text asking Hey, hows it going? I waited about an hour before responding with Im surprised to hear from you. Then, NOTHING!! But seriously? He started messaging me right away. When they do, they become FWB. There is only so much you can find out over social media and lots of men reach out to find out more about your life. You might have been in the same shoes once, where a friend asks about your ex out of the blue. Its been about 5 months since I last talked to someone I considered a best friend of sorts with feelings involved. That may be because he's a prick, or simply because he is a terrible communicator or feels bad telling you that he's not actually into you, essentially. Mind you I really thought he was my best friend in the entire world because we would hangout only when we were working on our business and would have the best time. He put me above all else and treated me like I was the sun and his whole world revolves around me, and I treated him like a king. Perhaps he belongs to the latter. It also makes him look like a bit of a stud, too. The ball was in his court last week was his bday so I figured 5 months would be long enough so I sent him a message sayin Happy Birthday and that I wished we could still be friends.. Girls, I am completely ruined as a person. Instead, you want to make yourself the best version of yourself. Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. But that sort of thinking will cause disappointment and could lead to a broken heart if you dont catch it fast enough. Suggesting plans (like going to the beach) that never actually happen, Offering gifts or nice meals that never happen. And you are on your way to finding The One with your wisdom and understanding of men. This is especially true if you activiely boost his confdience. They always come back and silence is the best curiousity for someone like him. Whenever you get a spam call or a scam likely call, block the number. I changed my appleid password so hopefully this puts a stop to it. ----. Millennialships is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Im the perfect package and hes so lucky to have found me. For the ladies and gentleman who have been ghosted, the important thing to remember is that when someone ghosts you, it says nothing about you or your worthiness for love and everything about the person doing the ghosting. I fell in love with this guy, stayed in prayer about the relationship, always reciprocated him, treated his family like mine, and introduced him to new ways of spending his time versus spending money like he loves to do. As a woman, I have to let you men, know when they ghost a lady, they are primarily focused on avoiding their own emotional discomfort and they arent thinking about how it makes the other person feel.Looking through the lens of a coward, passive withdrawal from dating seems like the easiest and nicest route. But I know in my heart he will never love me. Maybe you used to be best friends, tried dating, it didnt work out, and now things just arent the same anymore. He ignored you for a month and now wants to talk. It's possible he genuinely thought he had a missed blocked call. Some people really struggle with this one a lot. Only give out your number to people and businesses that you trust. Pearl Nash 2 months later, out of the blue I received pretty loaded emotional text using an endearing name for me, saying he genuinely cares to check ini didnt replywas this his way of letting me know he is thinking about me? Right after above happened another one reappeared. I wanted to see him again but only if he was single. If he wants to hang out, he asks you to do very wholesome and innocent things. We hooked up one night randomly and I never spoke to him again. If you havent heard of Relationship Hero before, its a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations. I decided a while ago, that I just wasnt going to engage with them by replying anymore. I just said thank you. Theres this guy who texted me today How have you been? He texted after a month of no communication. I hear, Candy, Im shocked, I turn around and say nothing, and hes like You can come over here..Im thinking what makes you think I WANT to? And I still think he has the potential to be my boyfriend. When I returned to Australia, I got his messages months later. Help Please. He hasnt called or texted it has been 5 days. I cantIm just in total shock that someone could do that to someone who was expecting a call from them. I cut off the relationship because I knew I would get hurt and we parted ways. Or have a lot of inside jokes that you always share with each other. And I mean, WORK. This reason why men come back after months and years away truly sucks, but its actually pretty common. A lot of questions has been driving me crazy. Wanna Know What Turns On Guys? I dont try and talk to him since he hadnt initiated anything with me. I didnt open the link immediately but when I opened it after a day I only responded like Are you one of the good guys? and he seenzoned me. Im dating this guy for a few months already. I lost about 8 Kgs in less than 3 months. Going hand in hand with the point above, there is a chance that he wants to reconcile and get back together with you. I miss him and I love him and he does as well but if anyone reads this, if theres one thing I know its that if you love someone who broke your heart and you want to give it a go again it takes time to rebuild that trust and love again.. you have to make sure your content with yourself and make sure they are as well too if they arent doing well emotionally or whatever it might be, you shouldnt run back in their life you will only risk getting hurt again, They have to do that on there own. He might have had no other intention of texting you other than to catch up. Has the guy thats texting you been with someone else after the two of you were a thing? I went on messenger and called him on it. Called me 27x from a blocked number since he was blocked from my phone. Go over Thanks for your post it really helped???? Should I just hold myself, and never text him first? As twisted as that sounds, as hes literally using you for his own comfort, sometimes these things happen subconsciously. He then left and went to his dads, and I went to my parents. How was your relationship? His attraction to you is not a sign of lasting romantic interest. The issue is I saw him at a meeting last week. Particularly if there is evidence on Facebook that he'd rather continue to gaslight you about. If you get spam phone calls often, you can do a few things to protect yourself. I gave it a couple days then I called and asked if he was sure he wanted to breakup with me. You MUST let them go without begging or pleading, because see, if you beg and plead when he is in an infatuation period with another woman, it only makes you look desperate, clingy, and needy. Was it to get my attention, or was he simply thinking aloud for some reason? Love blocks are sneaky mindsets that are getting in the way of manifesting the kind of devoted, close relationship you want and deserve. It calls my attention how much he remembers about our meeting, even the date and timeand he has been with tons of girls after me. 16. It takes effort, dedication, and commitment, but where theres a will, theres a way. Because your deeper-self knows that this is not right for you. Once he returns, watch him closely to see what he does. Jennifer, This is honestly crazy to me kinda went through the same thing.. He never told me of course. Wanted to get your thoughts. I figure what do I have to lose at this point. He doesnt know his way back. I guess I just dont see why he would do this. Men spend a lot of time thinking about sex and fantasizing. One of the reasons why he might text you after so long is the need to hook up with someone as soon as he can. One day out of nowhere he makes this confession he has pictures of me. Before diving into this paragraph, I want to mention that not all guys are the same. Depending on how recent that break-up was, his feelings, though perhaps not consciously, might not be genuine. Im not sure what you mean about never having gotten a response Im not seeing anything else from you either in the comment section or my email, so if I accidentally missed something else, please accept my apology. I was also close with his family. Have you moved on? See each other 2/3 times a month. He ignored all texts and calls from me. 8 months after ghosting I get a friend request from him on social media. I used to tell him He was created just for me and I for him. I thought my life was over and I did toy with the idea of putting an end to it. So this guy claimed to have a five-year crush on you before asking you out. In order to find out if thats his intention, you will have to be careful when talking to him, making sure not to let him woo you into catching feelings again before knowing his genuine intentions. Since it sounds like you already made your decision about not having him in your life, it doesnt really matter what you do. For closure I assumed he died ( I had no optionI really hated him for that). Its my responsibility to take care of me, and engage with people I think who would make good partners for me. YOU will make your value increase over ANY OTHER parter or potential partner your ex may, or may HAVE HAD In the time youve gone completely no contact and served him or her with SHEER RADIO SILENCE. In the end he told me that his ex cant find out that we are conducting business together anymore and that we have to go our separate ways. She is thrilled to have helped so many couples find each other, reignite the spark and save their relationships (hopefully not all those steps are necessary). Maybe he has a way with the ladies and does this a lot? However, you can still separate the two numbers, which can protect your new number from scammers. We used to talk every minute of everyday up until he got himself a girlfriend around this time last year. Answer (1 of 2): If he blocks you on Facebook, in his world, you cease to exist there. Then he has no choice but to see that and knowing that you can either move on, if you are deeply hurt like I was about him jumping into something so fast with someone else..OR you can reconcile. Feel like I cant live. He stated that he was tired of arguing and fighting, that he wanted to work on us and that he still loved and wanted to be with me. This happens most after a long-term relationship falls apart. One of the easiest ways to know if he wants to be friends with benefits is if he asks you to come over to his place for any reason. He always told me I will be the last for him he loves me so much and has for all those years. It surprises me how intense everything is even though its been over a year but the lust is still there. Make sure you report any spam calls to the FCC so that they can investigate. Since they arent certain they deserve you, they have to do something to screw it up. But his crush was probably not relationship-oriented. But I always made the effort to see him. All of this just means that he wants to keep you in his back pocket in case he wants to start a relationship or be friends with benefits. Quiz: Do You Still Have a Chance With Your Ex? Again and.HE FUCKING BLOCKED ME!!! i am so curious as to why he thought it was necessary to message me after all this time that has passed with no contact. You want a guy that shows he likes you and wants to communicate with you. 1. He begged me to keep him in my life. Just pure chemistry, no words needed because as soon as we touched (and kissed), we knew how to act with each other. It makes him very anxious. A man I met online .Went on a lst coffee date.Had a lovely afternoon out.Since the date he always sends me a hello.Not having a proper conversation.Just random txts of a evening wen he is working.I wont see him again.Was he trying to play me..I felt he was. He solved the puzzle, got what he wanted and thats all there is to it. Pressures in life? You probably need to talk more to get to the bottom of his true intentions with you. The term may also be used to describe a person (a "gaslighter") who presents a false narrative to . He left me with no explanation. He mentions he is into hunting, that's either a turn-off or a turn on but either way, you're trying to get a sense of his entire personality based on one interest or hobby. Then a few days went by. 2 weeks of extreme pain went by and I always felt the need for closure but it was always the same I just need to be single right now. Hack Spirit. (This is our proof (1) (2) ) He might have been fighting with himself, about whether to text you that he misses you, or not. This can be a really good thing, as you can talk about everything and get the closure you might have missed the first time around. (He better be!) So I believed him. That person still likes me, at least on some level. Its a very satisfying and even addictive feeling. THEN ghosts afterward. I respected his need for space and never contacted him after that. I dont care if my friends or family disagree with his politics. Required fields are marked *. I finally blocked him again. He randomly sent pictures of his dives (he is a diver instructor) but I didnt give much importance because I always thought he got the wrong number. And there is ZERO attractive about ANY of those things. FYI he is not the kind to hookup with people, he's very much a relationship type. He came round the next day and said the more he tried to make me happy the less happy he is and I said he was projecting on me with all his pressures and he said he felt consumed and thought someone else could make me happier and give me what I deserve. He had to shut off and detach from the situation. Met a guy, long distance. Still didnt want anyone I loved him he was gonna be my last. He came back saying sorry he dont know why he did. If and truly IF you EVER have a shot at getting your ex back, OR simply FINDING OUT WHY he did what he did you need MONTHS (NOT weeksor A Month) MONTHS of no contact! After the break up I left him a message of how he really gutted me and how he did a no show for a concert I payed two tickets for. Last Updated November 4, 2022, 4:52 pm, by What the actual fuck. I wouldnt ever give in. We dated for 1 year but we never put a label on our relationship. My situation is similar yet slightly different. We clicked right from the first second. Sometimes theyre simply overwhelmed. This could be walking by the bakery you always got Sunday morning breakfast at or accidentally buying the tea only you love to drink. If the texting friendship that you have is not healthy for you, you need to stop. I then said you didnt even tell me you were feeling like that? And he didnt say anything. Really looking for some advice theres this guy and we were really close friends in our teens and twenties I had a huge crush on him life happened and we grew apart for awhile. Thanks for your response! I really appreciated reading this today. If you use a mobile phone, you can go into your phone settings and add the number to a blocked list. Throughout the day, you may get more calls and wonder, why do random numbers call me? Can Rejection Make You Tell Your Ex You Miss Him? In other words, dont go for the deep meaning. I know you dont want to do this either, but you need to look into filing and do it soon before he gets someone else pregnant or does something irreparable that will make it harder to divorce him. After those two weeks he was occupied with plans for 5 weekends. any thoughts? Thats a great instinct. If you think hes having fun keeping you in the dark about his intentions then you need to get away from this man! The point is dont think hes serious from the start. You shouldnt want to make him do anything. Men get lonely too! They get emotionally overwhelmed and dump women who were the perfect girlfriend all the time. Waiting for food in the microwave. Being friends with benefits with someone without catching feelings is hard enough as it is, even harder when you once shared a deep emotional connection already. It does happen from time to time. Millions of women ask, Why he texts me randomly? Most times, the reason is simpler than you imagine if you understand how men think. I was dating a guy for about three months and then he said hes not ready for a relationship. If youre taking the lead, then he could just be a polite guy that doesnt want to hurt your feelings. Within three weeks, we ended. So why would a man text you out of the blue asking how you are? Why Do I Feel So Lonely? Yoda Age: 34. I had no idea but decided to give him a shot. He's big on fantasy. I knew he was a womanizer so he could find more girls in no time and forget about me. Anyway, the night before we broke up he said he couldnt wait to call me #wifey and for our forever. Its frustrating and enough to drive you crazy wondering WTF. I was intent of moving on. RE: Why did he text me out of the blue? post, I thought your reply was great. (this is gonna be long Im sorry)..about 2 months ago, he was on a staycation from work, and for 2 days he ignored my texts and calls, and we were supposed to go see a couple houses that Thursday. There was an issue with the billing of the covid antibody test. 3. Went nuts. Loss a Job, Sick or Illness or move to Nursing Home. This literally just happened to me right now. Hi, can I ask how many times you broke up before and how soon he would come back, I have just broke up with my partner of 2 years, he left me because his mum doesnt accept any girlfriend he has ever had, his so depressed but so scared to upset her! He couldnt understand and got very upset when I told him hed be dead to me if hes got a girlfriend because Im not interested in getting myself involved in those issues. Yeah that is a good idea but because he lives so far away it can be difficult in terms of dating him. In fact, I would argue that these types of "draining" thoughts never lead to a successful outcome they only keep you caught up in your mind, stirring up uncomfortable feelings within your body and then we try to distract ourselves from this discomfort through whipping out our phone and tinkering with it. This is likely the case if the two of you had a very close friendship that got a little tainted after one of you confessed you had feelings. Now. Last Updated July 10, 2022, 2:26 pm. There are other settings on your phone that could cause the incoming call busy notification, when you are busy on your phone, maybe using another application. Im currently in a very similar situation. We text and talk daily. If you are reading this and are often disappointed by men and why he texts me randomly, the best solution is to adopt the mindset I call POSITIVE NEUTRALITY.. Pearl Nash One of my co workers noticed that he was checking me out. Please update us on what you decide to do! I know he knows I just wanted to know what happened, so I have no idea what would make him do that. He knew I loved him. To find out whether thats the case, you will have to see how things play out. When he noticed I was about to pull myself away, he panicked and called me to give me more explanations. He seemed so perfect for me and now that its been one year I still couldnt stop thinking about how in love he made me feel and I havent met someone of his caliber since. That Sat. Family things. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was. He posted something on social media today that was kind of an inside joke. But filing legally will start to protect you and avoiding getting a divorce will not avoid him leaving you. Then on Valentines Day he got me another designer gift, and a card that said he loves me so much and loves spoiling me, heres to many more Valentines together. A question do you think this man will ever come back into my life after being away for 4 months now and applying the no contact rule? Why Men's Communication Is So Confusing "Dear Dating Coach Ronnie, I dated a man who claimed he had a crush on me for 5 years. Despite the fact we were laughing and enjoying our conversations, he always pointed out how much he wants me. 7. VoIP is the reason why it seems like so many random numbers call you. Hey, I understand and thought that way too when I was dating. I asked him where was this coming from were both Catholic and Im 40. I know what I felt. I got to know a guy who was working from home last year during lockdown via a dating hook up site, not knowing exactly what that was at the time being a older female virgin lol. This depends on the relationship and break-up you had, of course, but it is not rare that two people care deeply for each other but realize that they just arent compatible in a relationship. Now, lets talk about this situation. This one can stem from a variety of different intentions. Understand How Men Think, Understand Men: Mixed Signals from Men Are So Confusing, Online Dating Tips for Women: Can I Lie about My Age on, Is Your Self-Sabotaging Behavior Making It Hard To Find, I texted asking if he wanted to get a drink, Stop Texting Him and See What Happens Understanding Men, Understanding Men: Why He Asks You Out But Leaves It Vague, Inconsistent Men What His Mixed Signals Tell You About His Intentions, 17 Signs He Likes You But Doesnt Want A Relationship, Dating A Busy Man? Im a fit male btw and only had covid because of my A+ blood type. Many men dont know how to act with women so if youre his trusted friend that he feels safe around, hell want your tips and advice in order to help him score with the other ladies. Thats just showing him that you dont have your own life to live and are just sitting around waiting for his texts! Found out from his sister hes an addict. I enjoy casual sex from time to time but with some who is on the same boat as I am. However, avoid answering the phone when you dont recognize the number. This is the side of you thats carefree, flirty, fun and is in no rush to complete any goals. My ex broke up with me 3 years ago. Just wait, remember that silence is your power. Dont share your name or personal information, and go to your phones settings to block that number. Job Change or Business Relocating. At that point I was confused and just asked him what are we doing and what does he want. He wanted an emotional outlet I believe. Or he just simply wants you in his life and wants to get regular updates on where youre at. The worst part is we met at work and are still working on a project together so I sometimes see him or have to email him for work. He still however reserves the right to contact you using any means he cho. What does he want, cuz Im confused. 10 Signs Hes Really In Love With You. Thats how you get stuck with men who dont actually want to be in a relationship with you! In almost 2 years we never had an argument. Now that I had moved across the country I was vague with him and asked simply why he wanted to know because he wasn't going to see me anyway. This is the hard truth. Ive never had a guy be so into me, yet not want to sleep with me. In a nutshell, once you have decided that his physical appearance is good enough, you will spend the rest of the time figuring out if his personality lives up to your . And then it quickly escalated into, "I can't believe that for . I have known his family this whole time. But if you dont already have a work phone, youll have to use your personal device. If you dont want him at all, then tell him he doesnt have a chance and cut off all contact (and really do it). Towards him, I kind of felt the need to accept what was going on. Even after some time has passed, the lack of your presence might still be very apparent to him. That he made the biggest mistake of his life, that he let the love of his life pass him by and that hell call me again. At some point he admitted he would even have sex with me if he was in a relationship. Honestly this has never happened to me before. We never fought, not once, in 18 months! So, while you wouldnt really text him out of fear to give off the wrong impression, he might have just been bored, thought of you, and didnt think twice before hitting send. Way too soon!! He talked about a future with me and told me hes never met a girl like me before thats so caring, nice and amazing. If he were testing the waters by texting, he found out youd be interested. Honestly the best thing you can do is get yourself engaged in something else youre into. If he wants to talk to you, he knows where to find you and youve done your best at trying to communicate clearly. The answers to all these questions are hard to get out of your Instagram feed, so they might just hit you up with a Hey, whats up? to get the conversation going and find out more further down the line! We were more determined to do our thing. Look out for yourself and see how you feel throughout the interaction. I hadnt reached out for my normal week, and Im outside at break, and he is as well, talking to a co-worker. For one thing you just want to make sure theyre ok! BUT, there is no word sorry as he usually does. He cancelled dinners on me and claims to have forgotten a dinner, but he arriver twenty minutes later. You are so right! He may have ghosted you because you were more into him than he was into you. I still do. I wake up. I have initiated contact like 3 times since then but he clearly stated that hes so confused and doesnt want us to meet up again as he is very attracted to me and knows we will get physical again and he didnt want to get physical so as not to get himself more confused and attached. Learn more about attracting men with feminine energy in my guideHow To Attract Higher-Quality Men. However, you can use a second phone line to protect your privacy. I put up with all that if he didnt just start a fight and ignore me for the weekend. Remember that feminine energy means we support all women and we dont want to get in between a woman and her man. No arguments. I knew deep in my heart I deserved much better than that, if I guy wants to be with me, he will be. I really have strong feelings for him and have for a long time but idk if this was to fill time (which this was his first weekend off in over 2 months and he called me to spend time with) if hes just seeing if he still has an in, or if he really still wants something and things just got messed up. #15 He Wants To Be Friends With Benefits. Or so I thought. He went out of his way to send me a text only to ghost me again. Some friends say hes afraid to go out with me because I rejected him by ending the last relationship. You have probably heard about the famous 1am you up? text. How you handle is up to you. He sounds like a complete and utter tool. Of course, that can be hard to do when the number looks local or familiar. if he really loved you he wud have married you taken responsibility of you and even if he dont love you he still have taken responsibility for you . Working from home can be difficult, and productivity levels can drop. He was buying me designer gifts, telling me he was going to propose before our holiday, looking at houses etc so we could move out the flat. My situation seems similar to everyones here but Ive never been so confused in my life. He cant handle the work of a relationship. This is so informative! Actions speak louder than words like my ex said.. I am surprisingly liking the single thing for the moment so that I can get to know my grown up self on my own and not just know how to love a man and make money. Sorry to break it to you, but in that case, a random text could mean that you are now the rebound. Perhaps you were fighting a lot. He had taken pics of me from his balcony while I was in the parking lot. I told him Im confused and need space to think about us. If he really likes you, eventually he will ask you out. Youre welcome! And yes ofc he used to act hot and cold in those period, but i was cool, thats not a big deal for me. This reason is usually subconscious and for sure, unflattering to you, but its a really common reason why hell text you after months or years of no contact. Don't worry. Does this annoy you as much as it does me? I told him how I feel and that I respect his decision, so why does he continue to text me like were in a relationship? And he never ever talks to me, never even did when we worked together now we work in different departments and he's pretty shy usually. Weve both hurt each other and Im surprised that he hasnt blocked me. Luckily, a second phone line can help you stay on track throughout the day. I m just curious to if he will come back. Why did he randomly block me on everything? He will look at my whats app statuses but doesnt even message me? I moved on.then I settled the past with a letter. We became business partners and eventually he was fired and a month later I was terminated aswell as the employer we were working for couldnt pay us. With all this going on I asked him where I was in this as a priority because he was stressed and needed to pull back on our time together, when I asked for reassurance I was getting shitty with him all the time he couldnt spend time with me, fair enough it was a bit much for two weeks but for the entire relationship I was happy go lucky and we have a great time together. I just cant wrap my head around it, because I am not a fool, I know for a fact he cared for me and he never wanted to lose me. This is especially true if the two of you were together for a while before stopping to talk. I knew perfectly well it was about lust. I went ahead with it though. Take these reasons as inspiration and see what resonates most with your past relationship and what would be most likely given the person they are and the connection you shared. If you want him back too reuniting with him can be in your future. I have been seeing him for 3 months now and we were dating but we never talked about exclusivity. The reason I put it in quotes is that the better partner you were, the more likely that someone with a self esteem issue cant accept that you would be interested in them. The only responsibility is to yourself. Any advice would be helpful. He said it was a friends party that he went to in New Years and she was a friend. How can someone Want someone for 20 years get them tells them she is the only one he loves or will ever want and then be intimately and the 2 days later selfies with someone else? I wish you all the best in your dating life. He is the opposite of above never drank at all. The steps you take to block spam calls depend on the phone you use. Hes not afraid to see you because you rejected him. Then we talked about exploring a relationship. Its so sad because I feel like hes dead and I am mourning his loss which is imperative to healing. Im done, and know that Im not a priority for him. The next morning I told him I could see myself marrying him. They will be curious anger or any other negative feelings toward you will be banished and your ex will be forced to reflect on his time away from you, and I will ALMOST GUARANTEE miss you, and get into some sort of contact. Men will also use this an excuse to talk to you after a breakup when they ACTUALLY miss you and want another chance at the relationship. But if you can keep yourself in the present moment vs. forging ahead to how great the two of you could be together, then you can date him and enjoy it. The last time we spent time together in all fairness he told me he has been too busy and stress on his work. Why not just block him so you can fully move on? I dated a man who claimed he had a crush on me for 5 years. How To Cut Communication With Your Ex For Good! So they find a way to sabotage the whole thing, let you go and then sorely regret it later. He just said it is simple. Remember: this is all happening via text, so Im LIVID at this point, as I think the respectful thing to do when it comes to this like this is to AT LEAST call the person. He feels appreciated. The second I though of picking up the phone to text him, I receive a text from him. He might also be testing how available you are to see if hes a priority in your life. He just does it subconsciously because he likes you. They are go-getters who like to get things done and reach their goals. 1. In my experience also, youre absolutely correct. Why did my ex randomly text me? I know this behavior looks really confusing but, thats where I can help! Police Charity. Seeing you reply even after months of not speaking can give him the needed boost of confidence to feel good about himself again. A week later, I walk into a restaurant to retrieve a to-go order and there he is sitting with this exact same ex. Its hard to say what his exact intention is with texting you, and sometimes men dont even know themselves, they just missed you and didnt think twice before hitting send. He called me and texted me every day but the texts he would send me seem to be coming with anger and threats because I wasnt on board with him on working things out. He messages me. I thought maybe he was having a bad night or was upset about something else. I had to explain that I wasnt rejecting him, I was just showing him that he was all that I was interested in. Let me in his soul, told me his secrets and fears and dreams. Im so confused and hurt, I dont understand what happened. Coach Elizabeth Stone is head love coach and founder of Attract The One and Luxe Self. After a week I texted asking if he wanted to get a drink if he wasnt involved with anyone. Ive already decided to move on and I wont allow a simple text to disrupt my thoughts again. We talked every day. Do you think theres hope for him to come back or did he plainly lose interest? He might have realized that being together was fun and exciting, and most importantly, he didnt have to be alone. why so much attachment? he admitted he liked me and had fun talking to me. He said he was fine with me not working and I needed to get better first etc. Ive learnt this the hard way. Let's talk about the six possible reasons why he blocked you on social media. Since scammers can automate spam calls, they can call a lot of people in less time. I do realize that one day all this is going to look very silly and funny to him and I, as of right now its pretty serious and things need to be handled maturely with some space, I respect that, not sure how I will react when he does unblock me or message me which I know he will. 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