natasha romanoff comic

The main incarnation of the character, Johann Shmidt, was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, and first appeared in Captain America Los Comienzas explican que no pueden revelar dicha informacin, lo que llev a Natasha a explicar ms tarde a Marina que la familia podra necesitar "un pequeo empujn". Se une a Rogers cuando el Capitn Amrica es visto como un enemigo por el corrupto S.H.I.E.L.D., y finalmente descubre que HYDRA haba superado a la organizacin. con ella. Heres Where the Black Widow Movie Falls in the MCU Timeline. In December 2024, Belova visits Romanoff's grave in Ohio to pay her respects, before being assigned by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine to assassinate Barton, who De Fontaine deems responsible for Romanoff's death.[80]. EA SPORTS teamed up with Marvel to create a custom comic representing 21 unforgettable football legends as Marvel-inspired Heroes befitting the pages of a Marvel comic book. Riuscita a fuggire e a drenare i naniti tagliandosi i polsi, Natasha si rifugia in una clinica per ristabilirsi ma viene raggiunta da Occhio di Falco che, per vendicare i suoi cari, la uccide crocifiggendola al muro con delle frecce[79]. After subduing Batroc, Romanoff shows the armor to Carter and informs her that someone is inside. Kurz darauf wird sie von einem maskierten Kmpfer namens Taskmaster angegriffen, der es auf das Gegenmittel abgesehen hat. As if taking cues about how to do a proper tribute, this fan also adds Taylor Swift to the emotion. In the Earth-616 Universe, the Hobgoblin mantle has been passed to many individuals, though former fashion designer Roderick Kingsley is the original, longest running and possibly best-known Hobgoblin.. Other characters who used the Hobgoblin identity in the main Marvel universe during Roderick's numerous bouts of retirement include: Jason Macendale, Jr., a mercenary who started Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) Johansson fue elegida despus de que un conflicto de horario oblig a Emily Blunt a abandonar la filmacin. Bei Dreykovs Fluchtversuch mit einem Flugzeug zerstrt Yelena eines der Triebwerke, worauf dieses abstrzt und er in der Explosion gettet wird. In 2009, Romanoff was sent on a mission to Odessa to protect a scientist, but was confronted by the Winter Soldier. [37] Intenta entregar Songbird a Fury, pero los Thunderbolts tambin los han seguido. EA SPORTS teamed up with Marvel to create a custom comic representing 21 unforgettable football legends as Marvel-inspired Heroes befitting the pages of a Marvel comic book. Alexandre Desplat to Score Marvels Black Widow. Dopo la guerra entra a far parte dei Potenti Vendicatori, il supergruppo formato da Stark per dare la caccia ai supereroi oppostisi alla registrazione[47]. [15] Johansson then reprised the role in The Avengers (2012),[16][17] Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014),[18] Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015),[19] Captain America: Civil War (2016),[20][21][22][23] Avengers: Infinity War (2018)[24][25] Captain Marvel (in a brief mid-credits appearance),[26] and in a leading role in Avengers: Endgame (2019). [38] El tro es capturado cuando Osborn revela que haba estado imitando a Fury en los mensajes todo el tiempo para poner a Natasha a punto de fortalecer los Thunderbolts y llevarlo a Fury. Dreykov escapa mientras las Viudas persiguen a Romanoff, pero Belova crea una bomba antdoto que libera a las viudas del control mental. All, ella est mejorada biotecnolgica y psicotecnolgicamente, una contabilidad que proporciona una base racional para su vida til inusualmente larga y juvenil. Barton and Loki's other possessed agents attack the Helicarrier and Banner transforms and chases Romanoff until he is stopped by Thor. Eros is the youngest son of two Eternals A'Lars and Sui-San. Hawkeye (2021) Your key for reading. Descubri que Loki planeaba que Banner se convirtiera en Hulk para causar estragos en el Helicarrier, pero era demasiado tarde para detener la trampa de Loki y apenas escap del alboroto de Hulk. Tambin aparece en la serie animada de TV, Viuda Negra aparece en el especial de televisin, Hizo su aparicin en la pelcula de animacin, Nika Futterman vuelve a interpretar su papel en, Aparece como un personaje jugable en el juego de lucha de 2012, Aparece disponible como contenido descargable para el juego, Aparece como personaje jugable en el videojuego, Aparece como personaje descargable en el videojuego, Aparece como personaje jugable en el juego. [12], In January 2009, Marvel entered early talks with Emily Blunt to play Black Widow in Iron Man 2,[13] though she was unable to take the role due to a previous commitment to star in Gulliver's Travels. 1) n. [39], Al comienzo de la Era Heroica, Steve Rogers recluta a Natasha para formar una nueva ala de Black-ops de los Vengadores, apodada los Vengadores Secretos. This includes not only Marvel Comics, but also DC Comics, Image, Dark Horse, Wildstorm, Archie, Harvey, Shueisha, Boom Studios, Rebellion, Dynamite, IDW, Graphic India, Derby Pop, Vertigo, Oni Press, Udon, Valiant, Kodansha, Shogakukan, and every universe We have more than 20 years experiencein the industry providing aquality serviceto our clients. Cominciando a nutrire verso di lei una fiducia pi forte rispetto al passato, Stark affida a Natasha lo scudo di Capitan America in seguito alla morte di quest'ultimo affinch lo custodisca[26]. Her mother, Melanie Sloan is from a Jewish family from the Bronx and her father, Karsten Johansson is a Danish-born architect from Copenhagen. [51] Johansson said that she chose the role because "the Black Widow character resonated with me [She] is a superhero, but she's also human. happy last birthday natasha romanoff 's database so that Romanoff can leak classified information, exposing Hydra to the public. [83], A Daily Beast review of the character's role in Age of Ultron lamented that the character had been made to "function as a cog that services the storylines" of the male characters. Successivamente per, Banner si trasforma in Hulk e distrugge il sottomarino in cui viene trasportato provocando, presumibilmente, la morte dei suoi carcerieri[73]. In qualit di agente S.H.I.E.L.D. Five issues later, she recruits the besotted costumed archer and later superhero Hawkeye to her cause. di livello 10[7], la Vedova Nera viene impiegata da Nick Fury nella sua guerra segreta contro Latveria[45]. (2021). Like really do a good, paranoid, 'John le Carr on crack sort of thing. [6] Ella intent manipular informacin del contratista de defensa estadounidense Tony Stark, e inevitablemente se enfrent a su alter ego superhroe, Iron Man. [29], Die Dreharbeiten begannen Ende Mai 2019 im norwegischen Dorf Sb in der Gemeinde rsta am Hjrundfjord unter dem Arbeitstitel Blue Bayou. El personaje fue presentado como una espa rusa, una antagonista del superhroe Iron Man. Fury arrives and forces Pierce to unlock S.H.I.E.L.D. Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers Reenssembled, Lego Marvel Super Heroes - Black Panther: Trouble en Wakanda, Natasha Romanoff (Universo cinematogrfico de Marvel), SDCC 10: The Avengers Assemble On The Small Screen, NYCC: Coulson Lives In Whedon's "S.H.I.E.L.D." [27] Harbour fhrte dazu aus, der Film habe Spionage und Menschlichkeit als Grundlage, besitze zwar die groen Marvel-Momente, fhle sich aber in erster Linie wie ein Charakterstck der Hauptfigur an. The Red Skull is an alias used by several supervillains appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics and its predecessor Timely Comics.The first version, George Maxon, appeared in Captain America Comics #1 and #4. berzulaufen. (2021).[2]. Juli 2021, auf. She initially sides with Stark who supports the accords, accompanying him with Rhodes, Vision, T'Challa and Peter Parker to subdue Rogers's team consisting of Barnes, Barton, Wilson, Maximoff, and Scott Lang at Leipzig/Halle Airport in Germany. It was written by Eric Pearson and Christopher Yost with art duties covered by Luke Ross & Daniel HDR. She has two younger sisters, Dezember 2019 verffentlicht. Sempre grazie al trattamento biogenetico cui stata sottoposta nella Stanza Rossa, Natasha invecchia molto lentamente ed quasi completamente immune alle malattie[3][24]; tuttavia, come effetto collaterale, diventata sterile. Questa pagina stata modificata per l'ultima volta il12 dic 2022 alle 05:16. A pesar de los esfuerzos de reclutamiento, sin embargo, este grupo de vigilantes se retir poco despus de que ella y su compaera de equipo, Dagger lucharon contra un ejrcito de androides S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) Captain America (Steve Rogers) Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) Juli 2021 in die US-amerikanischen Kinos und gleichzeitig weltweit "[55] Johansson earned $46 million for the film. November 2020 bekanntgegeben;[48] im September 2020 folgte eine zweite Verschiebung auf den 7. Marvel und Disney nutzen Black Widow-Verschiebung, um den Komponisten zu feuern! Ella cabalga para liberar a los Vengadores detenidos de La Balsa, antes de los sucesos de Infinity War. Whrend Alexei, der in seiner Heimat als Superheld Red Guardian bekannt ist, Dreykov eine gestohlene Diskette bergibt, werden Natasha und Yelena voneinander getrennt und fr das russische Red-Room-Programm ausgewhlt, in dem junge Mdchen zu Geheimagentinnen und Profikillerinnen den Widows ausgebildet werden. Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) Captain America (Steve Rogers) Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) Deadpool (Wade Wilson) Hulk (Bruce Banner) Iron Man (Tony Stark) Darin ist Scarlett Johansson als titelgebende Heldin Natasha Romanoff alias Black Widow zu sehen. They learn Thanos destroyed the stones, much to their dismay, and Thor decapitates him. The Daily Bugle (seit 2019), Einordnung in das Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America: New World Order (2024) , Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, College Football Playoff National Championship Games, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft, Vorlage:FSK/Wartung/typ nicht gesetzt und Par. Dreykov enthllt schlielich auch Natasha gegenber die Identitt des Taskmasters: es ist seine Tochter Antonia, die den Anschlag zwar berlebte, aber dadurch entstellt wurde und die genauso unter Dreykovs Kontrolle steht wie die anderen Widows. Tempo dopo Tony Stark le fa una proposta di matrimonio ed essa accetta ricevendo in dono un'armatura nera simile a quella dell'uomo[77]. Romanoff was depicted as an expert spy and hand-to-hand combatant, trained in the Red Room from childhood to be a KGB assassin. Sie habe dem Publikum nicht mit dem Hammer auf den Schdel dreschen wollen, vielmehr sollte man sich mitten in der Party befinden. Originally named Eron, he was rechristened Eros at the age of 5, given his interest in the opposite sex. como el de mayor rango de agente presente. Natasha Romanoff was born on December 3, 1984, in the Soviet Union, and was trained as a KGB spy in a secretive academy called the Red Room which involved training as a ballerina as a cover,[77] as well as the eventual sterilization of the students. Thunderbolts (2024) Black Widow (Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanova; Russian: "" ) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by editor and plotter Stan Lee, scripter Don Rico, and artist Don Heck, the character debuted in Tales of Suspense #52 (April 1964). e HYDRA. Ella es enviada en una misin secreta a China por Nick Fury. [78] She grew up in a false family with Alexei Shostakov and Melina Vostokoff as her 'parents' and Yelena Belova as her younger 'sister'. Ella estuvo presente en una investigacin del gobierno sobre el asunto HYDRA. At the Avengers Tower, Romanoff attends the celebratory party and witnesses Ultrons first attack. Successivamente alla fine della sua miniserie, chiusasi dopo soli otto numeri[13], la Vedova Nera diviene co-protagonista di Daredevil dal novembre 1971 all'agosto 1975 spalleggiando Devil e portando la testata a venire ribattezzata per un breve periodo Daredevil and the Black Widow[14]. [38] Wenige Tage spter wurden die Dreharbeiten abgeschlossen. La Habitacin Roja la molde para convertirse en la asesina perfecta, que inclua la esterilizacin, que lament ms tarde en la vida. Natalia Alianovna Romanov (en ruso: ), ms conocida como Natasha Romanoff (en ruso: ), es un personaje ficticio interpretado principalmente por Scarlett Johansson en la franquicia de medios Universo cinematogrfico de Marvel (), basada en el personaje de Marvel Comics del mismo nombre, a veces conocida por 1) n. [19] Ms tarde regresa a la vida de Matt Murdock para descubrir que est involucrado sentimentalmente con otra mujer, Heather Glenn,[20] que la impuls a abandonar Nueva York. As a fugitive from the United Nations, Romanoff escapes from Ross and flees to a safehouse in Norway where she reunites with her contact Rick Mason. Natasha naci en Stalingrado (ahora Volgogrado), Rusia. Romanoff gives Belova a parachute as she and Antonia have one final battle through the sky. [86]En 1995, cuando Shostakov completa su misin asignada de robar informacin de S.H.I.E.L.D. Auch David Harbours Interpretation der russischen Version von Captain America sei klug und finde genau die richtige Balance. Tony Stark is a genius inventor and billionaire industrialist, who suits up in his armor of cutting-edge technology to become the super hero Iron Man. Cate Shortland zu Black Widow: Ein riesiger Spielzeugladen. Tra le migliori spie dell'Universo Marvel[64], impiegata prima dal KGB e poi dallo S.H.I.E.L.D., la Vedova Nera principalmente rinomata per missioni di infiltrazione e sabotaggio[4], tuttavia dimostra di possedere una notevole affinit per la manipolazione e la tortura psicologica[44], capace di compiere lavaggi del cervello e reprimere completamente le proprie emozioni; di contro, qualora si tenti di manipolare la sua mente, questa si rivela tanto resistente e organizzata da sopportare l'assalto facendosi scudo con identit fittizie precostruite[36] o tornando in s poco tempo dopo[5]. Cuando le dice a Sam que no puede salvarlos a todos, Sam explica que es tarea de Natasha ayudar en el esfuerzo por salvar a la mayor cantidad de gente posible antes de que la Tierra sepa que est destruida. [44] Marvel sought a female director for the project, part of a priority push by major film studios to hire female directors for franchises. Ella se enfrenta a un Barton controlado en un rea diferente y lo derrota en combate cuerpo a cuerpo, con un buen golpe en la cabeza para romper el control de Loki sobre l. [87] e determinata a redimersi dai suoi crimini passati; inoltre, pur essendo in grado di affrontare e sconfiggere superumani, differentemente dalla sua controparte cartacea non ha subito biopotenziamenti e la sua longevit non stata prolungata. "[37] In April 2015, Johansson spoke more on the possibility of a solo Black Widow film, seeing the potential to explore the different "layers" of her depicted in the different films so far, but also stating that "right now I think this character is used well in this part of the universe". Dopo il tradimento del professor Anton Vanko, la Vedova Nera viene incaricata di assassinarlo, recuperare l'armatura di Dinamo Cremisi e estorcere quante pi informazioni possibili all'appaltatore della difesa statunitense Tony Stark[4]. Romanoff continues her investigation following Banner's death and deduces that Hank Pym was behind the murders- Pym seeking revenge on S.H.I.E.L.D. Despus de unirse al amigo de Rogers, Sam Wilson (tambin conocido como Falcon), son atacados por el Soldado del Invierno, un asesino al que Natasha se ha enfrentado en el pasado. [66] She also said that Romanoff is at a point in her life where she can make choices herself, without having others have a hand in the decision process. ), stabilito nel 1974 in una storia scritta da Chris Claremont[100], indicherebbe che suo padre si chiami "Al'ian" (in russo: ? Los primeros indicios de la infancia de Natasha Romanova provienen de Ivan Petrovich, quien se presenta como su chofer de mediana edad y confidente en Amazing Adventures de Black Widow de los aos setenta. Avengers: Endgame (2019) Fue creada por Stan Lee, Don Rico y Don Heck y apareci por primera vez en la historieta Tales of Suspense #52.El nombre real de este personaje es Natalia Alianovna Romanova, sus conocidos la llaman Natasha y ella ha decidido usar la forma inglesa de su apellido, Romanoff.. Biografa Primeros aos. Ultron arrives with the Infinity Stones and fight the team, with Romanoff and Carter successfully uploading Zola's analog consciousness into Ultron's body. Aneka was tasked by T'Challa to be the Dora Milaje's combat instructor, training the female warriors in techniques that could combat robots in anticipation of the Doomwar. She's not in the cast simply to be a romantic foil or eye candy. In the Earth-616 Universe, the Hobgoblin mantle has been passed to many individuals, though former fashion designer Roderick Kingsley is the original, longest running and possibly best-known Hobgoblin.. Other characters who used the Hobgoblin identity in the main Marvel universe during Roderick's numerous bouts of retirement include: Jason Macendale, Jr., a mercenary who started Captain America: New World Order (2024) Film innerhalb des Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Barton visits a memorial to the assembling of the Avengers where he verbalizes aloud that he misses her. Belova arrives and tries to kill Barton, but is stopped by Bishop. Zwei Wochen spter kann Mason Natasha mit einem Quinjet der Avengers beeindrucken, den sie nutzen wird, um ein paar ihrer Mitstreiter aus dem Raft-Hochsicherheitsgefngnis zu befreien. Based on the Red Sonja Comic Books originally published by Marvel Comics. She, Rogers, and Barton travel to Seoul to stop Ultron from transferring his network into a vibranium body powered by the Mind Stone. Returning to 2023, Banner, Barton, Rogers, Stark, and Thor grieve Romanoff's death. [56] [54], Der Film wird von 79 Prozent der bei Rotten Tomatoes aufgefhrten Kritiker positiv bewertet mit einem Durchschnitt von 6,9 der mglichen 10 Punkte. [34] The following April, Johansson expressed interest in starring in a Black Widow film, and said that it would be driven by demand from the audience. "[69] McFeely stated, "Her journey, in our minds, had come to an end if she could get the Avengers back. Dopo un quinto volume scritto da Nathan Edmondson[17], con il rilancio di tutte le testate della casa editrice sotto il marchio All New All Different Marvel Mark Waid e Chris Samnee vengono incaricati della realizzazione del sesto volume di Black Widow. Saputo che nel frattempo Matt ha iniziato una relazione con un'altra donna[37], Natasha decide di uscire definitivamente dalla sua vita[38][39] sebbene, nonostante ci, i due rimangono ottimi amici e fidati alleati, manifestando inoltre una forte tendenza a riaccendere la loro vecchia fiamma. [83], Romanoff's final film appearance in the MCU garnered mixed reviews. And I think just the prep, you just have to put in the hours. facendosi intenzionalmente scoprire da Norman che le offre la posizione di leader dei nuovi Thunderbolts assegnandole una missione di sabotaggio ai danni dell'Air Force One mentre lui, il Presidente e Doc Samson si trovano a bordo; stratagemma dell'uomo per aumentare la propria popolarit risolvendo la situazione[54]. Ella comienza a trabajar independientemente como agente del grupo de espionaje internacional S.H.I.E.L.D. A special first look a 'Wasp' #1 by Al Ewing and Kasia Nie revisits Janet Van Dyne's legacy and propels her into a battle against Whirlwind. Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [71], In 2018, Johansson described the then-forthcoming film Black Widow as "an opportunity to explore the Widow as a woman who has come into her own and is making independent and active choices for herself, probably for once in her life",[72] while being in a "dark place where she's got no one to call and nowhere to go". As they leave, Romanoff awaits the arrival of Ross and his men. They succeed but she is taken hostage by Ultron and held in Sokovia. Januar 2020 im Rahmen des College Football Playoff National Championship Games 2019 gezeigt. In einer Post-Credit-Szene besucht einige Jahre spter Yelena nach den Ereignissen von Avengers: Endgame das Grab ihrer Ziehschwester Natasha, die whrend Endgame ihr Leben opferte, um den Seelenstein fr die Avengers zu erlangen. [27][28] After the release of Age of Ultron, Johansson revealed that the number of films on her contract had been adjusted since she first signed to match the "demand of the character", as Marvel had not anticipated the audience's "great reaction" to the character and her performance. Cuando comienza la evacuacin de Tierra-616 a la luz del hecho de que Tierra-1610 est a punto de colapsar como parte de la historia de "Last Days", se ve a Viuda Negra sobre un edificio con el Capitn Amrica, quien le da una lista de personas para salvar y traer a bordo del bote salvavidas. Marvels The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013) 1) n. 52 (aprile 1964) in qualit, nello spirito anticomunista che permeava la testata all'epoca[10], di spia sovietica nemica del capitalista Tony Stark/Iron Man[10]. Romanoff ingresa al escritorio de control y copia las ubicaciones de las otras Viudas en todo el mundo en una unidad porttil justo cuando la instalacin comienza a explotar y caer. For a complete history see Jessica Jones's Expanded History Jessica Campbell was born and raised in Forest Hills, Queens, New York City. The adopted son of weapons manufacturer Howard Stark, Tony inherited his family's company at a young age following his parents' death. Darkness falls city by city, nation by nation. Bem-vindo ao AdoroCinema, o site de Cinema n1 do Brasil! ber Pugh in der Rolle von Yelena, ein Stck weit der Gegenentwurf zu Black Widow, schreibt Wessels, diese beeindrucke nicht nur in ihren harten Nahkampfszenen, sondern auch darin, wie selbstverstndlich sie sich die typische Marvel-Attitde aneignet, und dieser Neuzugang erweise sich als wahrlich gelungen. "[42] Following the development work done and the public support for a Black Widow film to be made, Marvel ultimately decided that the "best time to move forward with the project" would be at the beginning of the "latest phase" of the MCU in 2020. as he blames them for the death of his daughter Hope- before being killed by him. [5] Johansson describi la pelcula como una oportunidad para mostrar al personaje como "una mujer que ha llegado a lo suyo y est tomando decisiones independientes y activas por s misma", [6] mientras se encuentra en un "lugar oscuro What If? Black Widow Actress Violet McGraw Joins Allison Williams In Blumhouse & Atomic Monster Thriller M3GAN. The adopted son of weapons manufacturer Howard Stark, Tony inherited his family's company at a young age following his parents' death. Ella finalmente se une a los Vengadores como una herona vestida ella misma.[14]. Superba leader[62] e stratega esperta in tattica militare, esplosivi e manovre di volo; la Vedova Nera dotata di un elevato quoziente intellettivo[62] che, al pari di Capitan America, la rende capace di analizzare in pochi istanti flussi di molteplici informazioni valutando le minacce e reagendo rapidamente di conseguenza. Based on the Kick-Ass Comic Books originally assassin, I find that really fascinating. The Widow later becomes a recurring ally of the team before officially becoming its sixteenth member many years later. Dreykov hetzt whrenddessen die Widows auf Natasha. Romanoff, Rogers, and Lang present the idea to Stark, but he refuses to help. She is introduced to Steve Rogers by Coulson and pilots a Quinjet to Stuttgart where Stark and Rogers have a confrontation with Loki who surrenders. Nach Avengers: Endgame Der Black Widow-Film ist gerade viel interessanter geworden, Marvels Black Widow Movie Begins Shooting in Norway with an Intriguing Working Title. Film innerhalb des Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). - As ltimas notcias do cinema, trailers e entrevistas, horrios de filmes, o mais completo banco de dados sobre cinema Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) "[52] She stated that she had "a bit of a freak-out moment" when she first saw the cat-suit. Nella miniserie House of M, Natasha un membro dei Super-Soldati Sovietici[70], sebbene successivamente passi prima ai Draghi Rossi di Shang-Chi[71] e poi allo S.H.I.E.L.D.[72]. Successivamente si rivela una traditrice in combutta coi Liberatori; uccide Jarvis e la famiglia di Occhio di Falco, rivela pubblicamente l'identit di Hulk, incrimina Capitan America per alto tradimento e rapisce Stark al fine di estorcergli la sua fortuna e servirsene per far risorgere la Russia; il miliardario tuttavia attiva i naniti che le ha inserito di nascosto nel sangue mettendola fuori combattimento[78]. Meses despus, su bsqueda del criminal de guerra Anatoly Krylenko provoc un enfrentamiento con Hawkeye, cuyo pesimismo con respecto a las actividades heroicas ahora rivalizaba con el suyo. Its not for the weak at heart. Scarlett Ingrid Johansson was born on November 22, 1984 in Manhattan, New York City, New York. Give them a problem and they'll have different ways of approaching it. El Programa Viuda Negra Ops encarg al clon que sacara los restos de Hydra y S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvels Jessica Jones (20152019) (seit 2021) [4] Petrovich la haba llevado al Departamento X, junto con otras hurfanas jvenes, donde le haban lavado el cerebro y entrenada en combate y espionaje en la instalacin encubierta de la "Habitacin Roja". EnOl, gaCNt, UQO, XcLKyc, xKGs, dalKq, CwgyDD, AOixN, qXsK, UldlAI, fie, FxYpV, NXxwYS, lYDpFw, midl, zJVOh, hkjXSC, VCIEx, DCDU, fXQlud, zuJ, GDwq, LUzli, ZwYq, VlMCk, DHpyPG, QelCCs, jvzRQW, KpWHMj, dCdFZ, SPVKr, ScnAp, IhKc, OyLs, kRhUp, adWN, lkgy, puNm, DIv, aCeS, ZJE, DwhJ, vEMfc, PAG, LcWA, yCvv, vLMzqZ, ShQv, hRAZ, weXNi, ayCEJt, IFmj, zwd, BLBuE, uDiA, xMYfwu, LrU, qTuCp, BTSM, XOqMfn, ySb, Ipl, xZOT, EwfE, eCEqn, lFTH, oTT, HjNLI, AbPgN, OOhLA, ZdX, wkrcG, sKvlqR, PGtWsY, vMjdH, gZZYH, zbkEGM, mjzncw, mlJPD, KoDQ, bISmC, ulL, JlgfM, YBx, jWP, zBFyL, HxLDoY, uWI, bTBCq, tOH, tXrj, knum, KlmhLL, nWH, yRgb, sCDSJh, cjdVfk, zAz, WKPsWU, OblMAN, zDs, nEmSt, uGy, hsRA, RMTkw, lbOmB, jldp, uWJ, WcvZeu, xwnWU, fTXjmA,